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Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:35 am
by Merrypaws
There's a thing that's been slowly mulling about my head since, oh... 8th grade or so, which makes it about six years. Getting a tattoo. I haven't really decided one way or the other yet, but I'm seriously considering it.
I've always admired all types of body art, but the ink is only part of it. I've had this phobia of needles all my life, and a tat would be the ultimate "f u" to my own cowardliness.

So how 'bout you? How many people on this board have tats? Got stories to share? Like why did you choose some particular picture? Any advice for a first-timer?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:46 am
by vrikasatma
Tattoo needles are <i>nothing</i> like hypodermic needles. They only go 1/8" into the skin. Depending on where you get the tattoo, the sensation can vary from a mild but very persistent cat scratch to actually tickling. I got a tattoo on the outside of my thigh, near the knee, that's the one that tickled. My artist got a little impatient with me because I kept giggling and jerking my foot. And I don't have a high tolerance for pain because I got a tattoo on my scapula and that <i>HURT</i>. That was a real rite of passage.

Anyway, afterwards, it feels like a hot bruise. It's not comfortable but it's tolerable. Generally, the more bones, veins and ligaments the tattoo crosses, the more it hurts. The artist's skill comes into play, too: if they're unsure or inexperienced, the needles grind into your skin and that hurts. If they're experienced, they have a light touch and it hurts less.

I'd avoid any place on your skin where you can't easily see it for your first tattoo. Altruistic tattoos are fine but they're also hard to lotion afterwards and it's more fun if you can look at your inkwork. A wrist- or armband would be a good choice. Anklebands are painful, and lumbar (lower back) are hard to heal and take care of.

From an illustrated Wolf who has eleven tattoos and counting :monalisawolf:

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:40 am
by Trinity
vrikasatma wrote:Tattoo needles are <i>nothing</i> like hypodermic needles. They only go 1/8" into the skin. Depending on where you get the tattoo, the sensation can vary from a mild but very persistent cat scratch to actually tickling. I got a tattoo on the outside of my thigh, near the knee, that's the one that tickled. My artist got a little impatient with me because I kept giggling and jerking my foot. And I don't have a high tolerance for pain because I got a tattoo on my scapula and that <i>HURT</i>. That was a real rite of passage.

Anyway, afterwards, it feels like a hot bruise. It's not comfortable but it's tolerable. Generally, the more bones, veins and ligaments the tattoo crosses, the more it hurts. The artist's skill comes into play, too: if they're unsure or inexperienced, the needles grind into your skin and that hurts. If they're experienced, they have a light touch and it hurts less.

I'd avoid any place on your skin where you can't easily see it for your first tattoo. Altruistic tattoos are fine but they're also hard to lotion afterwards and it's more fun if you can look at your inkwork. A wrist- or armband would be a good choice. Anklebands are painful, and lumbar (lower back) are hard to heal and take care of.

From an illustrated Wolf who has eleven tattoos and counting :monalisawolf:

I suppoert every single bit of this with a major emphasis.., except placement.

I for one know that often tattoos can be seen in very bad light when it comes to finding a job. Plces like the back of th eneck, if you have longish hair, or places easily hidden are often a good place to start.

I have one on my shoulder blade. I put it there because though I'd like looking at it myself, seeing it rarely, except when in the mirror, keeps it fresh and new for me. Some people have issues and complain about their old tattoos. Rather then become jadded about my tatto I decided to "trick" myself. ;)

First and foremost don't just get someting that "looks cool". For the love of all that is holy, you'll end up getting it laser'd off eventually. Don't get what ever "seems okay". get something that has menaing to YOU. Get something that calls out to you. If you see a flash piece that isn't quite right, talk with the tattooist. Some of them are -excellent- artist in their own right. Work something out, and let them know that you are "fesh blood" so to speak. heh. :) Most should work with you to find teh one that is 'right' for you.

Mine isn't the one I had wanted before, but the tattoist I final choose worked with me to tweek things jsut so. We took two different pices of BLack and grey work from the artist i liked and fit them together. He added blue to the eyes at no extra charge. ;)

Second I shopped around for an excellent Flash Artist. not just ok, not just good.., but excellent. I can't rememebr he name, but her gray-scale stuf most Tattooist won't touch. Too much detail.

Then I shopped around for a -skilled- tattooist. I found three shops, one in my home town, one in Philly and one in DE/Maryland area. If the tattoo artist didn't have examples of their work, photogrpahs or the like.., I passed them by. The one I finally choose was not only listed in several Flash and Tattoo magazine, but he had a number of awards for his black and grey work. I was thrilled!

Fourth and most important ( next to the content of the tatto itself ) was pricing. Some places are INSANE with pricings. I don't care HOW good an artist is, if their pricings are intolerable.., then likely their attitudes will be too. feh! Some place charge a flat fee, then they charge a percentage based on body part. So a simple 50 dollar tattoo can turn into a 300 dollar tattoo in a heartbeat. double FEH!

The guy I went to only charged for teh 1 ) complexity of a piece, 2 ) size of a piece, 3 ) how much ink would be used. Mine came out to be about $150 all said. The other places I went too wanted to charge me 500 or more all because it was on my shoulder blade.

HOLY HELLS did it hurt. I for one am terrified of bee stings. The guy had me sitting in a folding chair, and had to turn it around so I could leane into it.., cause I kept 'running away from him'. heh :wink:

Once the outlines were done, the fill in needle(s) were used. That burned, but that sort of pain doesn't bother me half as bad as stinging pain does. After a while the skin went a bit numb.

I can't wait to get more! ^.^

but I will emphasize.., get something that has menaing to you, something that is important to you.

Mine.., is a wolf. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:46 am
by Figarou
No tattoos on my body. Nope none nada zilch no way.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:54 am
by Celestialwolf
I'd rather leave my skin the way it is. No tattoos for me ever.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:57 am
by Kzinistzerg
same- what has meaning will change and right now i'd ather nto have seomeone jabbing needles into my skin, regardless of how 'cool' it looks.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 10:40 am
by Hamster
I always wanted a snake on my arm 'cause I'm born on the year of the snake. I will have to wait until I'm 18 because as long as I'm a kid, my mom won't allow it. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:09 am
by Wynd
That's actually probably a good idea...because I had a tattoo design sketched up beofre I was 18, and had to wait. By the time I had it done, I tweaked it, improved it, and it was truely what I wanted. ( Tho my artist was a poof and the color faded fast... :x ) So yes, make SURE it's what you want, and has personal meaning for you. Also, get a REALLY GOOD artist, and if you can speak w/ their past clients, or check out old work they've done to see how it holds up.

Mine are a tribal dragon on my left shoulderblade ( which yes, hurt like hell...I'm right there with ya' Trinity :P ) and a small black wolf pawprint on my right ( drawing ) hand, in the spot between the base of my thumb and pointer finger. ( which strangely enough didn't hurt as much as the shoulder one ) I'm planning on having touch-up work done to both a much better artist this time. :wink:

And before anyone gasps at the audacity of getting a tattoo somewhere so visible, ( my mom was horrified ) you'd be suprised how many people have known me for years before they say " Oh, I didn't know you had a tattoo...when did you get that?" Keep in mind, I make no attempts to hide my hands, and being half Italian I "Speak with my hands" a lot. I think it's just a matter of people seeing what they want to see, or what they expect to see.

That said, I wouldn't advise getting a huge black tribal on your entire face for a first-timer...or anyone who plans to work in an office environment.

Maybe a duckie on your forehead, tho... hwlwnk

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:12 am
by Anubis
i want a tattoo a wolf paw or something like that, but i have to wait untill i'm 18 order to get one. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:26 am
by Hamster
I also once whated a tat of barbed wire around my arm but now, I'm thinking more snake. Or even a lion (I'm also a leo). Don't know but I have two years to figure it out. :P

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:46 am
by Black Shuck
I'd like to get a tattoo someday. I'm thinking of a Celtic cross because I'm Celtic and I love crosses. If I didn't get that, I'd get a Celtic dog. There's one dog drawing that I love. I'm thinking of having it on my back so it doesn't cause too many issues and I don't tired of looking at it :D Guess it might hurt there tho'.... Ah well.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:44 pm
by Silverclaw
None....yet. I'd like to get one, or two, or three :wink: Maybe a wolfy or a tribal looking band, or something. I would like to get one someday soon, though I'll freak out when the needle gets near me most likely. I'm such a wuss :)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:48 pm
by Hamster
These days, it's not too bad. Because of medical reasons, latley I had to give away some blood. I remember being a kid and crying my eyes out so I was nervous but then the put that thing in me, it didn't hurt! Well, it just felt like a pinch. You know, like if you pitch someone with your nails or something. I kinda disappointed becase it didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. :o

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 3:58 am
by Trinity
Again I will stress a few VERY important factors.

1 ) Do NOT get it because it's cool.
2 ) Do NOT get it because you 'think you would like one'.
3 ) Do NOT get it for any other reason except:

That is has meaning to you..,
That you will still like it 30-40 years down the line when you are saggy and old and wrnkily...,
That you will feel happy with it no matter if the sun bleaches it out because you were dumb enough not to cover it up..,
That it is more then you bf/gf/wife's name..., ( kids names are cool, imo )
That you are 300% sure that this is what you want. Cause its gonna be ther ethe rest of your life.

If yuo think I am just tossing "old foggy words" at you, go watch teh Discovery channel, do some research about tatto removal. Read some of the patients testimonials. You'll really come to apprciate why I'm saying all of this.

In some cultures tattoos are signs of their Traditions, they all have menaing beyound just being some 'body art'.

The set I will eventually get when I have th cahs are:

Wolf ( I have now ) on my right shoulder's shoulder blade.
Dragon in a mirror-image pose on the opposite side.
Tribal style done by me on my right inner calf muscle.

3.., that's all.

Why? Because all three have a deep and very personla menaing for me. Because the number 3 is a powerful number. Because draons represent my inner "higher mind" and self.., and wolf my baser instincts.

it has deep meaning for me, and I will go to my grave with them. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 4:05 am
by Figarou
Trinity wrote:
it has deep meaning for me, and I will go to my grave with them. :) tattoos for me. I rather have the wolf in my soul then on my skin. When I die, I can take it with me. :D

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:30 am
by Lycanthrop55
i have a tattoo but i don't have a picture on my new computer .

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 10:34 am
by Koshaw
I prefer Bodypainting and FX ^_^ . I do it on others lol...tis nice and lasts a few days or more heh and you can always change it ^^'

Tatoos though are very kewl but not for some...I dont have any myself =)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:06 am
by Hamster
I am geting a tat because a snake has meaning to me. I was going to get the barbed wire because I thought was was cool but I rather get a snake instead.

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:12 pm
by Searif
I might get one tattoo myself, either a spider on my back or a snake along my right arm, maybe both

Spider: the way I have hanged into life, most people dont last long in life and im pretty sure I will live :D

Snake: my way of saying "hey im not all good inside"

Getting a tattoo of yourself getting a tatto of yourself...

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:35 pm
by Scott Gardener
From a medical standpoint (for the record, this is not formal medical advice--just an educated opinion from a friend)...

If you decide to get one, make sure you go to a reputable parlor. Ask people you know--and not just kids barely old enough to get them. Ask the people with lots of tattoos, who have experience. The parlor itself should be clean and professional, and not a dirty shack.

A parlor should be licensed, and should use sterile technique. They should use disposable needles, and you should be able to see them unpack them from wrappers and put them in a sharps bin afterwards.

Even so, bear in mind that you'll have to wait at least a year before you can donate blood again.

Other non-medical issues to consider:

A tattoo is permanent, so don't get anything you don't want to have five, ten, or fourty years later.

Tattoos are still regarded negatively by our culture. Unlike traditional human cultures, tattoos today are actually seen as a symbol of rejection of society rather than rite of passage, except within subcultures that themselves intentionally reject mainstream social concepts. Ordinarily, I wouldn't consider this a bad thing, given that mainstream society today has some serious issues to resolve. But, a tattoo that's too hard to hide can be a stigma against getting certain jobs, and could otherwise compromise your ability to build your future and in turn help to bring about changes in society.

On a related note, don't do it because of peer pressure. Doing so is not quite as stupid as taking up smoking, but close. Tattoos may not cause lung cancer, but they do raise your risk of hepatitis, a serious chronic liver disease. If you get a tattoo, it should be because it's for you, not for your group of friends.

Avoid "trendy" things. When I was in high school, someone in my art class got a figure of Bart Simpson tattooed on his ankle. I never expected the series "The Simpsons" to last as long as it did, but you get the idea. Try to picture going through life bearing the logos of, say, 80s rock bands?

Think also about how the design will affect your overall body. If you have on your skin an image of a skinny, large-chested woman in a suggestive pose, you can expect an uphill struggle justifying the thing to future mates. Similarly, don't get a wolf tattoo if you've only been a therian for a month--suppose you discover two months later that you're really a changeling or something? (If I were to consider a tattoo, I'd consider an abstract design. There's just something weird to me about the idea of a person with a picture of a person.)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 7:37 pm
by Trinity
Searif Bogard wrote:I might get one tattoo myself, either a spider on my back or a snake along my right arm, maybe both

Spider: the way I have hanged into life, most people dont last long in life and im pretty sure I will live :D

Snake: my way of saying "hey im not all good inside"
Ah but the snake has much more menaing, depending on culture, then that.

For me is is about primal-links. In some cultures it represents passion ( not sex, passion, yes there is a different ). Some it represents fertility. Others, evil. It all depend son what aspect you take from it.

I'm a herp enthusiast, so yeah no bad mojo bees for me when it cmoes to snakes. ;) I <3 them muchly. hehe :)

To scott: HERE HERE!! *grins*

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 8:12 pm
by Hamster
A snake is my Chinese new year. I am almost everything a snake represents:

or ... nality.htm

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:43 am
by Trinity
Fire Snake is my Chinese Sign. ^.^ Hmmn fire, snakes..., *drooles*

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:53 am
by Morkulv
I don't have any money right now, but I'm gonna get one for sure. :D

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 11:19 am
by Hamster
Trinity wrote:Fire Snake is my Chinese Sign. ^.^ Hmmn fire, snakes..., *drooles*
I'm a earth snake. :D