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Need advatar!!(and description of my charrie)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:27 pm
by BloodStar_Moon
My Charrie's name is Bloodstar.She is a large lichen,rich brown fur with red streaks,one red paw,black tipped tail.And golden eyes with a red pupil.She also has a crimson 'star' on her forehead.She usually wears a black cloak.In human form she's 15,rich brown hair with fake reddish brown highlights.A black tanktop,blue devi jeans,and black sneakers.Also wears a black bandanna,or a blue baseball cap.Amber-liquid colored eyes.If you wish to make her a wolf,no lichen,then the same description of her lichen form,except she is the size,and looks like,a timber wolf.And no red pupil for wolf form,only lichen form.That's all!Thanks!If you have any questions,message me!and...if i'm not supposed to do this...please tell me.Oh,one more thing,in human form,Bloodstar wears black gloves,usually a long,black,overcoat,and the same 'star' in her other two forms(which she hides with her bandanna or cap).She also has fair skin.That's it!Bye! :D

Re: Need advatar!!(and description of my charrie)

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:43 pm
by Vilkacis
BloodStar_Moon wrote:She is a large lichen
Okay, this is the second time, so I feel obligated:

'Lichen' is a type of fungus that grows on rocks and trees. A war between vampires and lichens would be rather boring.

I think, perhaps, you are thinking 'lycan'?

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 6:47 pm
by BloodStar_Moon
I didn't know that was how you spell it!!K..replace all words with lycan! :P Thanks for pointing that about a story between...uhhh...vampires and lycans can be allies....physics...demons..and angels can be the enmies!Dragons on the lycans side.A war between immortals...sounds crappy...but cool!Any ideas in that range? :?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2005 11:06 pm
by hydrocarbon
Just so you don't get chewed out by a spelling nazi later, it's "Psychics" not "Physics". Somehow I don't think Physics teachers would be very dangerous, unless of course they tossed their textbooks (they're darn big 'uns) or pointed lasers at you :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:31 am
by BloodStar_Moon
Sorry...again. :( But....I don't know how to spell things sometimes...and get many words mixed up.So...thanks for pointing that out! :D I'll try harder next time to profread(sp?) and check the ditionary. :)