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Werewolves. Do they use tools?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 5:14 pm
by Kaebora
I often wondered. Do werewolves use special tools of any kind? Perhaps for grooming? Tools to help along the phases of transformation? Tools to further help in keeping their secret "second life" private? Or maybe even tools used for pleasure (but don't get nasty on me). I would like to hear the thoughts yall might have about this.

After all, werewolves are a shadow of their former selves right? Humans are tool users. Why wouldn't werewolves also be?

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 6:17 pm
by Aki
Werewolves would very likely use everything they did in their human life, though i can't see much that would need to be...specialized for a Werewolf. The fact that the Gestalt can draw on all the wolf benefits while retaining the human ones is part of why it's the strongest form. You have the senses, speed, strength, and endurance of the Wolf, coupled with the intellect and tool-using ability of the Human.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 7:18 pm
by outwarddoodles
Werewolves may not have any special tools, they may just deal with fumbling with their usual human tools.

I werewolf may need a nice brush, probaly they would just deal with a nice big dog brush for say they get something really bad in their fur for that moment, otherwise they're probaly going to romp around all they can on full moon nights and won't need to be brushed. While that fact is they;re going to I guess absorb their fur right back in so if it's caked in mud that may not be posible, etheir their skin will be all messy or that particular fur will fall out.

Tools for tranformation, I don't know what they could use except maybe give themselves a certian drug to calm themselves before the transformation, I don't know how much pain the body can block out on it's own. I'd say something to clench with their teeth when shifting, yet when the mouth changing and all that may not be the best idea, but still may be nice. So maybe just an object to squeeze would be nice for the stress.

To keep private a wolf may just add some more stuff on them to hide, though a werewolf may be able to hide in the darkness when say someone comes by, they may try to just use something to hide a bit more.

Those wolves that may not want to use their own claws and teeth when say the pack deciedes to actually go hunting, may use a good knife to tear there prey apart, or may even if they want to shoot with a gun or bow, they may or may not be able to use such tools but they'll be able to more safely hunt that way if it's a deer, or easeir to catch for smaller prey, yet the thing is is that they'll have their added hearing and smell.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 8:51 pm
by Kaebora
I always assumed that while transformed, they have no desire to use tools. But then I do assume that there's always the need. What's the use of being a biped if you don't use tools that a biped can? Why else do they have apposable thumbs? Knifes and other hunting impliments may be redundent provided that their claws are long and sharp enough.

Now I do find it to be more likely that there might be various tools for the transformation. I bet there could be enough possible items to cover a sergeon's tool plate next to an operating table.

Grooming is out of the question I suppose, since they loose all the fur eventually anyways.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:07 am
by Aki
Why else do they have apposable thumbs? Knifes and other hunting impliments may be redundent provided that their claws are long and sharp enough.
Something with range like a spear or a bow, or even a gun would make sense. Or if in a city enviroment, a crowbar or just about anything in the vacinity may make a good weapon or distraction.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:06 pm
by 23Jarden
A gun... what if they got their finger stuck in the trigger?

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:38 pm
by Hamster
23Jarden wrote:A gun... what if they got their finger stuck in the trigger?
They could use their claw. :lol:

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 1:03 pm
by Lupin
23Jarden wrote:A gun... what if they got their finger stuck in the trigger?
Then they need a bigger gun.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:03 pm
by Jamie
I assume the question is meant to be "Can werewolves use tools in gestalt form?", since werewolves can obviously use tools in human form, and just as obviously would use tools at the same level as, say, a specially trained dog when in wolf form.
As far as asthetics, I usually don't like art where I see werewolves using tools (usually swords) because it makes them seem more like generic anthropomorphic animals and less like shapeshifters.
I think I would have less of a problem seeing them use tools in a movie, because the context would make better sense. I think that werewolves would be smart enough in gestalt form to use tools, if a situation came up where that was called for. The main question is whether their paw/hands would be changed far enough to make tool use less efficient than simply using your own teeth and claws. And how changed those hands would be in gestalt form is entirely up to the creator of whatever piece of fiction the werewolves are appearing in.
I would think that werewolves would have difficulty with tasks that required using a tool in a delicate way. I would not expect a werewolf to be able to use a vegetable peeler to peel carrots, I would not expect a werewolf to be able to draw or paint very well, and I would expect a werewolf to have trouble aiming and firing a gun as well as a human (it would be possible, just harder).
I imagine that less delicate tasks, such as driving a car, could be done even in full wolf form (but with a bit of weaving). There was a scene in "The Wild" by Whitley Streiber where a wolf steals a snowmobile in order to escape from humans. I would expect werewolves in wolf form to be able to open and close doors (knobs might add some extra time to opening a door), turn on the faucet to get a drink, or unlatch a chicken coop to get at the chickens.

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 10:01 pm
by Kaebora
I suppose that you've given good answers to part of my question. When I asked, "Do werewolves use tools" I also mean to ask if they have any tools in their human or wolf forms to suit their special needs. Of course, I do expcet that there are some tools to assist in their transformation.

Now, are there any other things they might use to satisfy their more primal nature in human form? I certainly would imagine that they eat alot of meat, so wouldn't they have a large freezer for storing it, and a grill to cook it (if they feel like it). Suppose this were a movie on werewolves... these things could provide suttle hints at the person's second life. Perhaps a friend might find a sirenge of pain-killers, or a strangely shaped leather strap with teethmarks (as mentioned before). It certainly makes things more interesting.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:19 am
by Figarou
Lupin wrote:
23Jarden wrote:A gun... what if they got their finger stuck in the trigger?
Then they need a bigger gun.

Yup!! Like this!! ----> :gangster:

MUWA HA HA!!! Its a gangster werewolf!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:35 am
by Trinity
OMG Dirty Hairy! XD

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 12:00 pm
by 23Jarden
I don't know what you are talking 'bout! :hides a Tommy Gun behind my back:

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 1:22 pm
by Jamie
Kaebora wrote: Now, are there any other things they might use to satisfy their more primal nature in human form? I certainly would imagine that they eat alot of meat, so wouldn't they have a large freezer for storing it, and a grill to cook it (if they feel like it). Suppose this were a movie on werewolves... these things could provide suttle hints at the person's second life. Perhaps a friend might find a sirenge of pain-killers, or a strangely shaped leather strap with teethmarks (as mentioned before). It certainly makes things more interesting.
Yes, I agree. I would expect things such as an extra-large freezer in the basement, a state-of-the-art grill, and (if the transformation was painful) various tools for dealing with the pain. Maybe a werewolf would also have chew toys, for relieving the soreness of new, sharp teeth and helping them settle in place better.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:00 pm
by Figarou
Jamie wrote:
Kaebora wrote: Now, are there any other things they might use to satisfy their more primal nature in human form? I certainly would imagine that they eat alot of meat, so wouldn't they have a large freezer for storing it, and a grill to cook it (if they feel like it). Suppose this were a movie on werewolves... these things could provide suttle hints at the person's second life. Perhaps a friend might find a sirenge of pain-killers, or a strangely shaped leather strap with teethmarks (as mentioned before). It certainly makes things more interesting.
Yes, I agree. I would expect things such as an extra-large freezer in the basement, a state-of-the-art grill, and (if the transformation was painful) various tools for dealing with the pain. Maybe a werewolf would also have chew toys, for relieving the soreness of new, sharp teeth and helping them settle in place better.


Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 4:27 pm
by Kaebora
I can see that Fig is quite fond of making smilies to fit any occation. LoL! :lol:

Chew toys may not be required. I mean, every time you transform it's like growing a new set of teeth right? I beleive that they are always sharp and full grown. So maybe chew toys aren't needed. Maybe. So far I'd say the best idea we've come up with is the extra large freezer. I can picture one using one of those 6'x2' flip-top freezers. You can pack a LOT of meat in one of those suckers.

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:21 pm
by Figarou
Kaebora wrote:I can see that Fig is quite fond of making smilies to fit any occation. LoL! :lol:
:lol: You better believe it!!


Vilkacis added the heartbeat after I made the wolf with a bone.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 7:53 am
by Morkulv
Maybe they use a stick or something, to bite in, when the transformation starts. Just like soldiers do. :)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 3:31 pm
by Silverclaw
Yeah, I think about the only things a WW would use is the big freezer and grill/fire pit with spit. But claws and fangs would be their best tools. Using human tools in gestalt form would be more limited. Maybe they could have some deer bones laying around to gnaw on :bone:

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 4:56 pm
by Renorei
When I think of tools, I think of screwdrivers, wrenches, etc. However, I guess a tool could be just about anything that has some sort of benefit for the user.

Perhaps a 'tool' could be a specific article of clothing to help them keep their secret...well, secret. Obviously, most clothing would rip when they TF, so when they TFed back to human, they would be naked, or would at least be wearing clothes that are indecently ripped, I would think. This, IMO, is not conducive to keeping their condition private. If, for example, a werewolf was seen naked in human form, how on earth would they explain that?

Perhaps they could have a spandex unitard (awful word, I know) or maybe one of those stretchy things that rowers or wrestlers wear. Or maybe a spandex wifebeater and bike shorts. Something that would stretch with their changing body and not rip. It would look kinda weird on a gestalt, but it would be handy to not be naked, in the event they had to go back human. If I was a werewolf, I would probably find a 'tool' such as this pretty handy.

Obviously, this wouldn't help much with full wolf. But if I had to guess, I would say they would use gestalt more often and would use wolf mainly when they need speed, or to not, monsterish (although human would be fine for that).

(If anybody ever read animorphs, this can be compared to the morphing outfits that the kids wore, except they wouldn't disappear when the TF occurred, but would still be on their gestalt form.)

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 8:53 pm
by Silverclaw
I think I'd take my chances being seen naked in a forest than be seen as a spandex wearing gestalt or wolf :lol:

WWs would (I think) have stashes of clothing/shoes hiden around their territory/town they live in. Maybe hidden in dens or waterproof bags or something.

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 9:03 pm
by Renorei
True, it would look silly. However, there's a good chance that the WW wouldn't care. For example, if you're a dragon, you can wear a floral old lady hat and a tutu all day long if you want. Most people will be to busy running to laugh at you.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 12:16 pm
by 23Jarden
What's IMO stand for?

I can picture that... "Eat your cookies, dearest" meanwhile Dearest has already wet his pants.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:04 pm
by Renorei
in my opinion

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 2:44 pm
by Aki
I don't see why the Werewolf would shift back to human nakedness when he/she's not near their clothing. Wolf form's close enough to pass for a big dog if you're moving fast enough and don't get too close. Oh, and its fast.

Just stay in that till you find some clothes. :)