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High school pranks, embarassing moments, and contervirses

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:44 pm
by Anubis
do you have any thing funny or outrageous stories when you where in high
school? post them here!!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:50 pm
by Black Shuck
A few years ago (when I was a freshman) we had this huge Hippie vs Redneck fight. All the Hippies (or anyone on the hippie side) wore pieces of paper that said "I'd rather be a Hippie than a Redneck". All the Rednecks would torment the Hippie side. After a while, the principal got involved and told everyone to knock it off and be respectful. Like the rednecks at my school can be respectful :roll: Not really funny, but yeah...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 2:52 pm
by Anubis
no funny but wierd ??

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 4:44 pm
by Hamster
Boy oh boy where do I start?

(Fourth grade)

We always have a bathroom break twice a day right? Well, I came in really late one day and missed the first bathroom break and I left having to go really REALLY bad. Well, the rule is to wait 30 mins before you can leave the class of anything if you came in late. I waited and asked to go and was let out.I ran to the bathrrom and the door was locked! I remebered that there was a bathroom downstairs. So I ran down the stairs...and didn't make it. I peed my pants! :oops:

I ran to the bathroom tried to clean up the best I can and was able to clean some and get is semi-wet. I went to the nurse and asked for pants (You can only see that my pants was wet through the back so a front view I was dry) she said no and I had an idea. I asked if she had a spare coat (it was winter) and she said always and that you kids always leave them behind without returning to get them and gave me one. I tied it behind myself so it would cover the spot and went to class. Luckly, it was a half-a-day and class would be over in 30 mins so I had to wait it out there. I was able to wait in class without anyone seeing and smeeling anything. As soon as the bell ran, I ran home, took a bath, and changed. No-one even knew. :oops:

(Fifth grade)

One day, I was sitting in class where one of class bad girl dared me to do something. I was the good, quiet kid (and have been for evey class) so I was was hested but after a while of non-stop egging on, I did it. The teacher was writing on the chalk board and everytime he turned his back to write, I had to flare my arms in the air, making fun of him. He caught me and I had to do extra homework. That was the only time I EVER done anything the kids tolded me. :x

(Six grade)

I was in my locker one day when this tall boy came up and said hi. I said hi but was really shy about it. I'm always the shy runt of the class but I did notice this guy to be cute. He told me his name was Tony and and I told him my name and we talked. We ended talking by the locker for a while when this girl voice screamed , "TONY!!!" and he ran. I looked and saw one of the most scarest girl I ever seen come to me and said, "You B****, stay away from my boyfriend!!!" I said he said he was single and she said what and ran after him. I think I peed a little that day. :(


I befriended this boy named Jeremy. He was the wimpy boy of the class and one of the dumbest. He is 14 in the 6th grade! :o Well, I thought he was nice. He was nice to talk to, he drew really good (it was him that got me into drawing gore), and was funny. We hung out alot and of course, kids started saying we was boyfriend and girlfriend. I didn't care because it wasn't true but he would blush everytime it was said.

One day, Jeremy and I was siting together at lunch when the class bully (really he was the school bully) started picking on Jeremy. He picked on me too and I would have said nothing but I looked and saw he was really down when I told him to leave and go kiss your boyfriend (He had a best friend named Storm that people would always say the are together as a comeback) and he looked at me and said, "What do you say you winy little.." As he was saying that he moved to hit me and was stoped by Jeremy. Then they started fighting my the table (on my lunch) and guess what, Jeremy was kicking his @$$! :o

They was spoted by a lunch aid and the bully left with a bloody nose and a black eye while Jeremy only had his shirt torn. They was both suspended for a couple days and because Jeremy was the "Winner" (the winner is the one with the least injuries) the kids started respecting him. What was funny he came back acting like the hero with me (Only now I knew he was doing that to show off that he won a fight in front of a girl he liked) :roll: I remeber him saying ," I did look cool with a torn shirt, didn't I?" :lol:

(Seventh grade)

I was sitting in the bus when I saw the window on the boys' bathroom open. I looked and saw this boy pull down his pants and stick his butt out. I thought, "Hmmm, mooning" but then, he started craping! :o He hit some kids down on the ground and as soon as a teacher saw them, the boy and his friends ran! They was the the most grossest things I ever seen! :sickpup:


Our science teacher was an ex-wrestler but because of an bad back he had to leave it. Though he had muscles and had a deep wresling voice, most kids, even myself, didn't belive him until he brought us some pictures of him wrestling in TNA and in the WWE (well it was called WWF the time he was wresling). He showed us a picture of him with the Hardy Boyz and The young (unfamous) Rock! :o

Well, he was rough on us right? Something I picture a wrestler would be like and even hit us. He said their parents have given him permission to hit them. On this day, he was quielty reading the paper when the kids decided to be really bad that day. It started as a normal talking in class and just a shh from the teacher quiet them down but then that started playing around in class. It went to the point of him walking up to the boys and making them sit down. Then, the teacher warned them and I quote, "Boy if you don't sit youyr @$$ down now, I am going to take you in a headlock and drag you to the office!" Then, we still didn't belive that he was a wrestler because he haven't shown his pictures yet and the boy laughed and continued on what he was doing. The teacher got up, grabed him in a head lock (with the boy fighting) and took him to the office. The boy was one of the biggest in the class and Powerhouse Mitcheal (that is what we called the teacher) didn't flinched. I tell ya, ever since then, when he threated to use force on us, we listened. :lol:

(Eight grade)

I was sitting in the bus, getting ready to go home when the bus driver said to make room for new kids visting from another school. We groanded but we did. I mainly sat alone but I didn't mind sharing a seat. after some kids come on and sit down this very tall dude wearing black cloths came on. I looked at him and noticed that he looked familiar. He looked at me like he knew who I was too. He pointed his finger and said, "Kiley?" Then I knew it was Jeremy. My oh MY did he ever grew! He was the shortest boy in class in the 6th grade now he was 6'2, 6'3 or something!

Of course, he sat next to me and we talked for a long time. When it was time for me to be droped off, he said, "So what school I was going to when I go to High school?" I told him and he was going to the same school and wanted to keep in touch. I was cool with that and left. On the walk home, my brother asked, "Why was his arm around you?". I thought back and remembered him puting his arm around me like I was his girlfriend during the ride. I guess I knew what he met by "lets keep in touch" :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:27 pm
by DarkWolf
Wow Hamster,U have allot of (High)School Story's :D And How Did it go with u and Jeremy :D

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 7:38 pm
by Searif
wow kiley, even if you were the quite one I would have talked to you anyway since im like so talkative and what not, I have no stories myself since I never get pisses or anything, plus im quite shy myself and I only talk to the quite people, thats why the group im in is called the silent but deadly ground... I have no idea what the deadly was for :roll:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:04 pm
by Vilkacis
Searif Bogard wrote: im quite shy myself and I only talk to the quite people, thats why the group im in is called the silent but deadly ground... I have no idea what the deadly was for :roll:

I know...

[spoiler]A silent but deadly is when someone farts quietly, but it smells really, really bad.

Silent. But deadly.[/spoiler]

If I were you, I would try to get a more flattering name for your group.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:17 pm
by Black Shuck
My friends and I got in an argument with this one redneck once (last year actually). We were hanging out in the hall during lunch and Lydia's boyfriend, Jordon, was flailing about on the floor. This redneck walked by and called him something, and someone else in our group told the redneck to **ck off. A few minutes later, he comes walking back through our hall (yes, it's "ours" :lol: ) and starts teasing us (we're like, the metalhead/goth outcast group). Lydia tells him to go **ck his sister. He kept coming around and muttering things about us like we weren't there and Lydia would keep telling him to sleep with his sister. Then it all starts again the next day. He walked past us and said he'd need zantec if he was going to keep walking down the hall. When he came by again, Lydia asked if she could ask him something. He said what? and she said In a southern drawl) "Son, you were born and raised in Moab. Why do you talk like you from da South?" He told us he didn't and we told him he did. He muttered something about us as he was walking away, so quite loudly, I said "If he keeps walking through this hall, I'm gonna need more brain cells." He stopped and started walking towards us, then turned around and left. He never bothered us after that.

Before that, I got into an agrument with this kid over a pin I had on my backpack. My pin read "Pick one: When Hell Freezes Over, When Monkeys Fly Out My a**." Everyone thought it was funny except Kyle. He saw my pin and read it and gasped loudly when he got to a**. He demanded to know who's it was. He asked me if it was mine and I asked him why. He asked me again and I said "why does it matter?" He informed me it had a bad word (this guy's a year older than me too) and it offended him. I told him he didn't need to look at it. He then proceded to pick it off my shoulder strap and try to show it to the teacher. I grabbed it back and showed it to a few people, asking if it offended them. They all told me no and asked why. I told them it offended Kyle and they started giving him crap about it. Class got out and he cornered me in the hall and gave me a speech about how he's Morman and it offends him and I'm a curser. I told him that was nice and perhaps he shouldn't look at it if it offends him. He then announced that it had "offensive language that offended him" and everyone started giving him crap about that. Offensive language that offends? Exactly. Anyways, he wouldn't leave it along so, quite loudly, I exclaimed "You know what? **ck you!!" His eyes about bugged out of his head and he ran to Mr. Becker, whose room is behind my locker. I looked at Becker and he just looked at me and didn't do anything, so I opened my locker to get my math book. Kyle asked Becker if he heard my language. Becker just nodded and said "Yeah. I heard it." Becker obviously didn't care (and never said anything to me then or the next day when I was in his class) and Kyle informed me that "God punish you."

Now I have a jacket decorated with all sorts of pins for him to look at :evil: :lol: Including that one

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:24 pm
by Hamster
DarkWolf wrote:Wow Hamster,U have allot of (High)School Story's :D And How Did it go with u and Jeremy :D
You know, that was the last time I ever seen him. I went to a different school then the one I told him. I should have went to the school he was going because it was just down the street where i live! :|

I have heard from him. And old friend from the 6th grade moved to my school and said that Jeremy is waiting for me and joked and said maybe to marry me. I just punched her arm. He is a good friend and I don't really see him as anymore then that.

I also forgot another story from the ninth grade. I remebered it while watching T.V.

I remember going to the nurses' office for a shot (every kid in my school had to get this shot. I remember this guy comin' out crying one day :lol: ) Well, I was walking up the stairs when I saw three guys runnin' down the hall. They was being chased by the principal. I come to find that this school have alot of trespassers and security usually chase them out. I guess the principal saw them and decided to chase them out himself. Well anyway, each guy ran past me and the last guy had baggy pants, right? Well, when he was in front of me, his pants fell down and I had to see this guy's jiggling @$$ as he ran out the door. After the principal ran after them, I just shook my head and went to class. :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 8:27 pm
by Aki

I once remeber talking with a (very very short) friend near some lockers, and bet that even he couldn't fit into the lockers (the lockers are tall, but extremely skinny). Well he managed to get in, so naturally, i joked around and play 'closed' the locker. I had intended to not close it but bring it close to scare him....


Oops. Accidentally locked him in. Had to get a teacher to free him. :lol:

More later, when i can remeber them...

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 9:52 pm
by Dyviath
Aki wrote:Hrmm...

I once remeber talking with a (very very short) friend near some lockers, and bet that even he couldn't fit into the lockers (the lockers are tall, but extremely skinny). Well he managed to get in, so naturally, i joked around and play 'closed' the locker. I had intended to not close it but bring it close to scare him....


Oops. Accidentally locked him in. Had to get a teacher to free him. :lol:

More later, when i can remeber them...
Hahaha! Are you serious? I knew someone who got trapped in a locker once.
I could see her eyes through the holes in it.

Anyway, there was this one time in grade eight when I walked into someone, we were both going around the corner a little too fast and *SMACK!!!* We hit and kind of staggered, but didn't fall down, 'Twas funny though. :D

Then there was that time in grade six, where the class went somewhere (I went too) and when we got back to the door, it was locked. So the teacher had to unlock it, so while he was fumbling around with the keys, I leaned on the door. Baaad move. I didn't notice him unlock & open it. I dropped like a stone. At least everybody (including me) had a good laugh. :lol:


Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:47 pm
by Black Shuck
Hamster wrote: Well anyway, each guy ran past me and the last guy had baggy pants, right? Well, when he was in front of me, his pants fell down and I had to see this guy's jiggling @$$ as he ran out the door. After the principal ran after them, I just shook my head and went to class. :lol:
Me and my friends were hanging out upstairs one time (this was before Herr Hall Nazi kicked us out) and Francisco was sliding down the stair rails. Of course, he wears baggy pants and his belt's just an accessory. He slid down and his pants ending up falling off! :roflmao: My one Mormon friend happened to be walking up the stairs as he was trying to pull his pants up :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:48 pm
by Hamster
Black Shuck wrote:
Hamster wrote: Well anyway, each guy ran past me and the last guy had baggy pants, right? Well, when he was in front of me, his pants fell down and I had to see this guy's jiggling @$$ as he ran out the door. After the principal ran after them, I just shook my head and went to class. :lol:
Me and my friends were hanging out upstairs one time (this was before Herr Hall Nazi kicked us out) and Francisco was sliding down the stair rails. Of course, he wears baggy pants and his belt's just an accessory. He slid down and his pants ending up falling off! :roflmao: My one Mormon happened to be walking up the stairs as he was trying to pull his pants up :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 10:57 pm
by Aki
Ribb wrote:
Aki wrote:Hrmm...

I once remeber talking with a (very very short) friend near some lockers, and bet that even he couldn't fit into the lockers (the lockers are tall, but extremely skinny). Well he managed to get in, so naturally, i joked around and play 'closed' the locker. I had intended to not close it but bring it close to scare him....


Oops. Accidentally locked him in. Had to get a teacher to free him. :lol:

More later, when i can remeber them...
Hahaha! Are you serious? I knew someone who got trapped in a locker once.
I could see her eyes through the holes in it.
Yep. Was funny as hell. I was inwardly snickering the whole time. :D

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2005 11:09 pm
by Black Shuck
I always close this one girl's locker before she can get something out of it. We know each other, but I've lost respect for her through the years because of how she treats others. I've always found it amusing to do it several times in a row and make a point of doing it (other people do it once and claim it was accident). Yes, I'm a wicked person :evillaugh:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:16 am
by Renorei
Well, I used to bring dogs to school occasionally for 4H achievement day. (There's nothing like bringing a puppy to class to make you the most popular person in school). Anyway, our demonstration was on the proper grooming techniques for a dog, including bathing, nail clipping, dental care, and fur brushing, and parasite prevention. This one time we had this dog that was...awful. She fought our every move. She even tried to run away, and got all muddy. It was atrocious. All throughout the demonstration, however, we kept our cool and acted as if it was perfectly normal. It was kinda weird looking, this pissed dog fighting tooth and nail, while these two girls smile calmly and explain proper grooming techniques. Needless to say, all subjects we used henceforth were puppies, cause they're weaker, and they were generally chihuahuas, becuase I usually have several chihuahua puppies on hand.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:04 am
by Figarou
Vilkacis wrote:
Searif Bogard wrote: im quite shy myself and I only talk to the quite people, thats why the group im in is called the silent but deadly ground... I have no idea what the deadly was for :roll:

I know...

[spoiler]A silent but deadly is when someone farts quietly, but it smells really, really bad.

Silent. But deadly.[/spoiler]

If I were you, I would try to get a more flattering name for your group.

-- Vilkacis
OMG!! I have got to tell you guys what happened when I was in the Army. (Yes, Anubis. I served this great country of ours.)

Its kinda gross so I'm going to put it in the spoiler tags.

[spoiler]We all know that there are some people out there with weak stomachs. Weak meaning they will puke at the sign of blood.

Ok, I was in an engineer company driving a dump truck. We just had breakfast and we was going out to our location in R.E.F.O.R.G.E.R. (REturn of FORces to GERmany)

We was climbing into the back of a pickup truck. It had a large canvas covering the bed of the truck. My SGT was sitting next to me. Across from him was a specialist E-4. There was still people climing into the truck when the specialist farted. Man, it smelled so bad, I actually stopped breathing!! The SGT next to me starting coughing. The guy with the weak stomach bolted out of the bed of the truck and started puking all over the place!! He stepped on someones hand on his way out!!

We was laughing and gasping for air at the same time!!! After the guy finished puking, he walked up and shook the specialists hand. He said, "Thats the 1st time I got sick from someones fart."

We laughed some more after he said that!!

Know this!!! Eating MREs can really sour up your gut!![/spoiler]

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:53 am
by Rogue_A
The greatest thing in my high school career= the day two years ago , after senior graduation, some of the seniors came back on campus and padlocked the entrances to the F Building (mostly math, social studies, english classes in there but a few various other things. the 'Humanities" building officially). Sure, I wasn't one of the ones locked in there.....>_>.....and I do realize it was a fire hazard, but it was still as funny as hell. Better than recent senior pranks. Last year the seniors put vasaline all over the F building floor. About as Lame-O as the stink bombs that go over every month or so.

My graduating class's senior prank shall be brilliant! BLOODY BRILLIANT! MUAHAHAHAHA!!!! Or at least I will make my own great trick, because for all I know, the stupid preppy kids that are the majority of my class won't even bother with a prank this year.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:05 am
by Searif
Vilkacis wrote:
Searif Bogard wrote: im quite shy myself and I only talk to the quite people, thats why the group im in is called the silent but deadly ground... I have no idea what the deadly was for :roll:

I know...

[spoiler]A silent but deadly is when someone farts quietly, but it smells really, really bad.

Silent. But deadly.[/spoiler]

If I were you, I would try to get a more flattering name for your group.

-- Vilkacis
yeah, we are trying :D

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:39 pm
by Anubis
in my school we have a toilet paper bandit what he does he thorws wet toilet paper on the seling. dosen't sound like much but when he is done with it the boys bathroom looks like the bat cave.

[spoiler]I'M THE TOILET PAPER BANDIT!!!!!!! MUW HA HA H A HA HA [/spoiler] :evil:

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 1:47 pm
by Morkulv
At my last school, there was a other school next to it, and they always play baseball on wednesday, so I made up a prank. :P I ran to the guy who stands up the fill (most of the time the pitcher) and I pretended that he tripped me. Then I rolled down the hill, like it really hurt, screaming: "AAAAAAAAH!! You f****** bastard!!! Look what you did, you lame-a**!!" :lol:

You should have seen the look on his face. :lol: It looked a lot like a lame Jackass-joke, but the entire grade (who were watching all the time :D ) were laughing there asses of.

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:03 pm
by Anubis
oh i rember a good one. a friend of mine he put one of those farting noise maker press the botton one the remote and the thing farts.

well any way he taped one on the teacher's stool every time he bends over or sits down. the whole class couldn't stop luaghing :x it took the teacher a good half an hour to figure out where it was coming from. its too bad that the he got it confaskated. :(

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:15 pm
by Vilkacis
Anubis wrote:oh i rember a good one. a friend of mine he put one of those farting noise maker press the botton one the remote and the thing farts.

well any way he taped one on the teacher's stool every time he bends over or sits down. the whole class couldn't stop luaghing :x it took the teacher a good half an hour to figure out where it was coming from. its too bad that the he got it confaskated. :(
That reminds me of my High School Spanish teacher.

You see, he had one of those remote things, and he put it under a student's chair...

He pressed it half-way through class...

You should have seen how high that girl jumped!

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 2:43 pm
by Black Shuck
My Spanish hates it when people fall asleep "No siesta in clase! No me gusta!!" Now she has this peacock feather and starts poking people with it when they're sleeping :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:10 am
by Rogue_A
Anubis wrote:in my school we have a toilet paper bandit what he does he thorws wet toilet paper on the seling. dosen't sound like much but when he is done with it the boys bathroom looks like the bat cave.

[spoiler]I'M THE TOILET PAPER BANDIT!!!!!!! MUW HA HA H A HA HA [/spoiler] :evil:
Once the entire courtyard, and again, the F Building got TPed at my school. So outside it looked like Halloween come to respawn in like May...and the building looked like the Bat Cave.

TPing=as common here as stink bombs. :P

Luckily for us, our Japanese teacher really can't do much when we fall asleep this year. This is because 4th years are probably going to have a zero hour class this year (thanks to all the icky preps who play sports with afterschool practices nearly every semester in my class, BAH.), aka a class that starts at 7:00 am instead of everybody else starting at 8:00 am. :(