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A werewolf Valentine's Day

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 9:55 am
by Berserker
What romantic things would werewolves do for each other? Would it differ from normal people? Chocolates might not be on the menu. What are a werewolf's Valentine's Day traditions?

Re: A werewolf Valentine's Day

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:04 pm
by Terastas
I'm thinking very little, if not nothing at all. A lot of "normal" people write off Valentine's Day as just another stupid Hallmark holiday, so anyone with anything important weighing heavily on their brain (like lycanthropy) would probably be inclined to follow this mindset.

That, and if a werewolf actually needs a special holiday to be able to appreciate his/her significant other, that relationship is too unstable to avoid potentially being a liability to the pack.

So I figure most werewolves will just sit at home counting all the money they would have otherwise had to spend on fancy dinners, roses and chocolates had they been pressured into celebrating Valentine's Day along with everyone else.

Either that or they'd check out the latest crap horror movie. What is a holiday for couples to the mainstream might be single's night to those living well outside the norm.

Re: A werewolf Valentine's Day

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:29 pm
by Aki
Probably whatever is normal for their culture/region, assuming said culture/region celebrates it (a Chinese werewolf yesterday would have been far more concerned with New Years than some silly Western holiday, for instance).

Judging from what I saw yesterday, I imagine a trip to the local steakhouse might be in order, haha. Restaurants are packed on V-Day. :lol:

Failing that, there's always a moonlit stroll/run/hunt through the woods in fuzzier forms.

Re: A werewolf Valentine's Day

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2010 1:50 am
by JoshuaMadoc
A simple hug and a kiss. Rain or shine, day or night, eclipse or full moon.

If you're feeling creative, try making a crystal colored after your eyes. Or some deeply symbolic silver jewelry for the ones not suffering from silver corrosion syndrome.

Or go traditional and have a simple box of chocolates if you're not deathly allergic to chocolate. Choices, people, choices!

Re: A werewolf Valentine's Day

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:18 pm
by RedWolf
>What are a werewolf's Valentine's Day traditions?

Why not use the original Roman name for February 14th?
Lupercalia ("Wolf Festival")

The Ides of February were sacred to the wolf-god Lupercus.
During the Lupercalia, Roman ceremonies were held in the Lupercal,
the cave where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf (lupa).
These ceremonies were directed by the Luperci, priests known as the "brothers of the wolf (lupus)."

Also see

Re: A werewolf Valentine's Day

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 1:35 pm
by RedEye
RedWolf wrote:>What are a werewolf's Valentine's Day traditions?

Why not use the original Roman name for February 14th?
Lupercalia ("Wolf Festival")

The Ides of February were sacred to the wolf-god Lupercus.
During the Lupercalia, Roman ceremonies were held in the Lupercal,
the cave where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a she-wolf (lupa).
These ceremonies were directed by the Luperci, priests known as the "brothers of the wolf (lupus)."

Also see
They were(the priests) of the Patrician class and also believed to be Werewolves by the general populace, and held in high regard and great respect because of it (now that's a first!). :o
In later times, some people would chuckle over the fact that common prostitutes were also called "Lupa" (actually, "Lupae" -plural) which rather changed their viewpoint over the generation of their City.
On the sacred Lupercal, infertile women would bend over and expose themselves to the whips these priests carried as they proceeded through the City, and if they were scourged in their private parts they believed they would inherit the fertility of the wolf b**** and have many children.
Ahhh, to be a Werewolf back then... :D