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I need a second opinion....

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:44 pm
by Evil One

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:49 pm
by Figarou
On Animal planet...they have "Animal cops." Is there any in your area? Maybe they can do something about it.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 6:25 pm
by Silverclaw
Like Figarou said, try to find people who have the power to do something about it. Like people at your local humane socitey; or a vet may know people to contact. Maybe even police if you cant find anyone else.
Poor doggie :(

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 9:38 pm
by Evil One
I've already contacted the local humane society, they're going to send someone out on Monday. The thing is I don't think that the owners are doing anything the city or even the county would consider illegal. The mentality around here is "if they aren't beating it or starving it, we won't do anything about it". In other words nobody will do anything except in the worst cases (which is probably the reason why Stockton has the highest heinous crime rate in the state)

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:07 am
by Razo wolf
i am from cali also except in a small city called suisun try calling 4 Paws pet rescue or some other pet rescue organization and i knw there are alot in the sacramento area maybe theyll do something about it

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:09 am
by Scott Gardener
If there are laws against animal cruelty in places like Texas, where Dominionism is rampant, then a more progressive place like California, where "pets" are "animal companions" should have pretty good protections in place. Try asking the authorities.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:20 am
by Renorei
If they don't seem to care about it, maybe they'd be willing to part with it. I wonder how much a German Shepherd costs?

If they're not doing anything illegal, there's not much you can do. Hopefully they are, then you can have the dog taken away.

Do some research and see if there's anything you can do about the situation from a legal perspective. If not, you might can try to improve his life in small ways. Maybe offer to take the dog for a run daily? Or offer to fix up his dog house? The owners might agree to something like this. Hopefully you can find a way to have the dog taken away, but if not, things like this may be your only solutions.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:28 pm
by Black Shuck
Poor dog. There's a husky next to my grandma's house in a situation like that. I'm pretty sure the owners don't pay much attention to him because he needs to be brushed badly- he has dead hair sticking out all over that he can't get rid of.

I'd definiatly call the humane society or an animal rescue place. Animals shouldn't be chained up like that. They need to exercise and play.

A German Shepard wouldn't be cheap unless they got it from a pound or a friend. They're pure bred and cost a few hundred dollars (my rottie had puppies and we sold them for $400 for females and $500 for the males). I wouldn't that much for something I didn't take good care of.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:05 pm
by Anubis
dude thats awful!! that is animal cruelity and thats is against the law!!! call the police, ASAP!!!! longer you wait more likely that the poor guy would die!!!!

who ever does that sould be lynched!!! :x

for people that hit, abused, or neglected an animal this is for you! (caution bad words)

[spoiler]f*** YOU!!!!! *flips the birdy*[/spoiler]

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 10:51 pm
by Evil One
well animal control went out... 2 days late and just as i thought they aren't going to do anything but give em a small $50 fine because of the condition of the yard and doghouse. "No evidence could be found to indicate serious animal neglect". well i guess it's back to 1:00 am visits with treats. Thanks anyway

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:54 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
If the weather is hot and I know it is, I don't see why they wouldn't help the poor animal :( Animal abuse comes in many forms, not just starvation, neglect,or abuse....Which in this case is clearly both abuse and neglect :x I just can't understand humans and their thinking.....If you can't give your pet proper care give it to someone who can......The poor dog will cook to death or from dehydration :cry: F***KING HUMANS SOMETIMES.....MOST OF THE TIME :x There are other things you can do......I will assume you have the internet because your on here so search the web from site that talk about abuse towards animals....there are sure to be plenty out there......Don't give up what your doing out there because it is very commendable of you and I give you a howl for your efforts :howl:  :oo

KEEP IT UP!!!!!!! :howl:  :oo

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:15 am
by Evil One

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:44 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
:o SH** around to these places and see if you can find out about the dog.....Don't let this go until you find uot something, but be careful :(

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 12:01 pm
by Figarou
Whatever you do, don't let the people find out it was you who contacted the authorities. They will put 2 and 2 together if they see how concerned you are since the dog missing. No telling what those people will do with you or your property.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:53 pm
by Evil One
Well it turns out that the reason the dog was gone was because AC confiscates the dog while they conduct an investigation, and just as I said before they aren't going to do anything. sigh... I should've used a fake name and address when I called.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:45 pm
by NarnianWolfen
I've consulted with my mom and this is our take on the matter. I would like first to ask how thin or fat the dog is. And furthermore, I'd like to add based on our experience...

Some dogs are just escape artists. I know that people don't like to /see/ it, but for the dog's own protection sometimes a chain is the only answer. This dog might not be a very good house pet, and could be very destructive. Also, just because you don't see food or water in front of the dog, it's not a promise that it's not fed very often. Dogs will tip water bowls over, or eat all of the food in the bowl and then a passer by'd never know. If the animal is friendly and with no signs of actual abuse on her body, if she's not skeleton thin, then odds are you might just be assuming the dog is abused.
Take our german shepherd, Gracie. We keep her in our yard, and it's Texas, and it's hot. She's not the best house dog (we are working on it), but she likes to be outside. During the summer, she routinely loses weight. She's a very picky eater, and tends to look very thin during the summer and fall, and then she picks up again come winter-time. Anyone that doesn't know us might assume she's underfed and unloved, but this is not the case. We love Grace, very much, and she's fed regularly every day. We also keep water in front of her, but she drinks it. So at times when we check her, the water's empty and has to be filled again. Unless you can observe the animal 24/7 you may not grasp the full situation.
You also just have to be careful in general fooling with other peoples' dogs. You never know what kind of personality it may have. This is a dog that has responded well to you, but not every dog in a yard is an abused animal just begging to be saved.

Again, what is the full condition of the dog? If she's extra scruffy, it may just be her blowing her coat. As a shepherd owner, I can say that these dogs shed an AMAZING amount of fur. We can brush Grace for two hours and not get it all, and the next day she'll be just as raggedy looking as the day before. Sometimes looks can be deceiving. I know not always, but let's not just jump on the IHATEHUMANSAUGH train just because.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 9:08 pm
by Anubis
Evil One wrote:Well it turns out that the reason the dog was gone was because AC confiscates the dog while they conduct an investigation, and just as I said before they aren't going to do anything. sigh... I should've used a fake name and address when I called.
if the dog is avable for adoption are you going to adopt it? just asken :)

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:03 pm
by Evil One
Sorry i haven't updated this at all for those of you who care i've been pre-occupied with trying to find the dog that i haven't posted anything. Well everything has been fixed with a few improvements to his lifestyle. He was finally returned to the owners today with some new improvements: a longer/lighter chain, the choke collar was replaced with a harness thing so he won't choke himself anymore, he has a new house, and they cut the weeds in the yard. It turns out the food/water dishes were hiding behind all that overgrowth.

And yes if he would've been put up for adoption i would've gotten him on the spot.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:10 pm
by Black Shuck
That's good the owners cleaned up the weeds. If there were foxtails or cheetgrass in there they could've gotten in his feet or ears (or even worse- his eyes :( ). Good to hear that his lifestyle's improving :D Good to hear an update!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:36 pm
by Anubis
good to hear that dog is going to have some what of a better life, and this wouldn't be possible if you haven't done the right thing. good for you :D

one more victory for our K9 friends :howl:  :oo

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:29 am
by Figarou
Evil One wrote:Sorry i haven't updated this at all for those of you who care i've been pre-occupied with trying to find the dog that i haven't posted anything. Well everything has been fixed with a few improvements to his lifestyle. He was finally returned to the owners today with some new improvements: a longer/lighter chain, the choke collar was replaced with a harness thing so he won't choke himself anymore, he has a new house, and they cut the weeds in the yard. It turns out the food/water dishes were hiding behind all that overgrowth.

And yes if he would've been put up for adoption i would've gotten him on the spot.

well, I'm glad they made improvements for the dog. :woof:

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 1:47 pm
by Renorei
Me too. Good for you and the dog!

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 8:40 pm
by NarnianWolfen
Yay4puppy. :wagtail:

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 10:23 pm
by Shadow Wulf
well atleast the dog will be a little happier.......I think.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 11:01 pm
by Black Shuck
I kinda hate to make this topic resurface, but seems how a lot of people on here are animals lovers and like dogs, I thought I'd give you an update. Remember this dog I posted about?
Black Shuck wrote:Poor dog. There's a husky next to my grandma's house in a situation like that. I'm pretty sure the owners don't pay much attention to him because he needs to be brushed badly- he has dead hair sticking out all over that he can't get rid of.
Well, I saw him a a couple of weeks ago and he didn't look any better. This time I could even see his ribs! A few days ago, my grandma called the sheriff to look at him, but she hasn't heard anything from them. She called some of our relatives and they went and looked at the dog and agreed with me that it was in a sorry shape and needed better care. They're going to see if the dog's licensed and if he's not, then he can be taken away (if the dog's removed from his home or the owner says he doesn't want him or something, I'm going over there to pick him up and take him home with me). So, that's pretty much it from here. I'll let you know anything new when I know :woof: