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Anyone going to NASFIC?

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:55 pm
by vrikasatma
It's in Seattle this year. There's a little gathering of stayed-behind Burners convening and I've been invited to their shindig, might as well get the most bang for my transportation buck and make a weekend of it.

My friend Kevin is a guest and he's trying to see if he can get me in as his GOG. There's a few people here on the board that are up that way, maybe we can hook up at the con and do a howl? :howl:  :oo

By the way, that guy who modded his body into a tiger that I talked about on the Tail discussion is going to be there. Here's the link:

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:34 am
by Koshaw
Oh kewl Stalking Cat will be there ^_^

I know him as he moved to WA recently from So Calif =)

I hope you have a blast!