The Final War

Here you can role-play as your favorite character in a structured and planned environment that requires commitment from players and storytellers alike.

Moderators: Silvermoon, Silver Predator Wolf, Wingman, Thunderclaw, Grayheart

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The Final War

Post by Miguel »

This RP takes place in the near future, ten years after the third World War. World population has been cut in half, from six billion to four billion since most of the casualities occured from limited nuclear war. Only a total of seven nuclear bombs exploded, but nontheless had negative effects on the world's climate and ecosystems. Many metropolitan centers have become abandoned by humans from fears of being obliterated, and have since become hubs of crime and civil unrest. War is still waged between the remaining nations, and most populated cities have reemerged as technologically advanced hubs beneath the ground. The world above, while still habitable, has become a much more hostile place filled with raiders and totalitarian nations that have only one goal: to wipe out all non-believers. Nonetheless, the chaos has created a chance for werewolves and other creatures to emerge without being feared since most political and military attention is focused on the war.



Western Coalition:

Consisting of what remains of the western hemisphere, the Western Coalition runs off of democratic views, ultimately desiring a peaceful resolution to the war. Military enlistment isn't required, but is praised by the government. However, due to the state of the world, the Western Coalition's military tends to abuse its power and sets up rediculous laws.

Capital: Nova Washington
Population: 1.5 billion
Government: Democratic
Likelyhood of nuclear use: Low


Eastern Union:

Idealizied by a man named Fredrich Gorchotsky, the Eastern Union functions much like the former Soviet Union. Its cities thrive both above ground and below ground, but function under risky forms of government that often lead to bloody uprisings. There is little tolerence throughout the borders of this empire, and military service is required. Even though there are few cities left in its empire, the military defends them vigorously.

Capital: Andorstok
Population: 1.3 billion
Government: Totalitarian rule
Likelyhood of nuclear use: Moderately high


European Initiative:

Being the smallest of all the major alliances, the European Initiative is also the most technologically advanced. It defends its borders with the help of space-based defenses. Most of its people thrive in sub-terranian cities, like the Western Coalition, but since most of the nuclear weapons fell on its cities they are restricted travel-wise. Instead, the people use an advanced form of undergound tram to travel between the urban hubs.

Capital: New London
Population: 100 million
Government: Democracy
Likelyhood of nuclear use: Low


Werewolf Alliance:

Limited information is available at the time, but rumors are that a group of werewolves have created their own city somewhere on the globe.

Capital: Unknown
Population: Unknown
Government: Unknown
Likelyhood of nuclear use: Unknown



Character creation isn't limited to any certain species. The only major rule of this RP is that there isn't to be any godmodding of other characters. Otherwise, this RP is solely made to have fun.

Character Creation Requirements:


Other information can be included, but isn't required.

Any ideas are welcomed to the RP, so feel free to add things as you feel fit.

-Have fun!
-Miguel :)
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Re: The Final War

Post by Miguel »

Name: Michael Young
Nickname: Mike
Age: 24
Species: Human
Abilities: Marksman, good with computers, familiar with city layout, speaks multiple languages

Appearance: Michael Young stands about 6'3", and is relatively well built. A large scar runs across the side of his face from an accident in the lab he worked in when he was younger. He has dark brown eyes that always seem to be fearing something. His hair is brownish-black and is short cut. His work for a private security corporation has generally worn him down over the years, causing him to appear older than he actually is.

Usually, he's dressed in his security uniform consisting of a black shirt with a blue triangle on the arm, and a pair of fatigue-cargos. Depending on his location, he will wear a baseball-cap or a pair of sunglasses. A pistol is always in the holster attached to his leg. Other equipment includes a walkie-talkie, combat knife, and spare ammo cartridges.



Born on the streets of Old Chicago, Michael had a difficult childhood. He never knew his parents or relatives, but was taken in by a group of mercenaries around his fifteenth birthday. It was there that he learned how to fire a gun and learned how to fight. The Third World War broke out around his sixteenth birthday. At the time, government paranoia was at its peak and the mercenaires were shot by government soldiers to "ensure public safety".

By his twenty-first birthday, he found his way to Nova Washington, the largest of all the underground Western cities. The nukes had destroyed a large percentage of major European and Western surface cities, and made the sorrounding lands uninhabitable. A group of private security contractors saw him fighting a group of thugs and agreed to hire him. The group: Uni-Corp Security. He was assigned to guard a private research company in the outskirts of Nova Washington called Ribo-Corp. Apparently, they had eyes on the entire Eastern Union.

Apparently the company also had its own security, though, a group that was always interested in what they called "werewolves". They claimed to be hunters, trying to build the "ultimate fighting machine" in order to win the war for the Western Coalition.
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Re: The Final War

Post by DWDruid »

Name: Duskrunner
Nickname: calls himself Leon Duske in human form
Age: 6, but looks about 23
Species: Werewolf
Abilities: Telekinesis, supreme understanding of human languages and cultures, possess ninja-like reflexes, no good with technology

Appearance: Being a werewolf Duskrunner (or Leon) has three forms, human, hybrid, and wolf. Human form stands at 6'5'' with very pale skin and a lean body. His hair is jet black, slightly longer than shoulder length and is tied back into a ponytail. His almost glowing green eyes are sharp and always searching for problems. His hybrid, or 'true werewolf' form is about 7 feet tall mix of human and wolf traits with a musclar frame and fur the same color as his hair. Wolf form is about three times the size of a regular wolf.

Dresses in unique black clothing that can be adjusted to fit both his human and werewolf form in an instant. Also has dark sunglasses that hide his eyes.

Background: Even among werewolves Duskrunner is known as a freak. His mother was still pregnant with him when the old werewolf city was hit by a stray bomb. Though she survived, the radiation fallout affected her unborn pup. His growth within her increased by 300% causing him to be born 4 months too early. Since her body couldn't handle the stress of such a fast growth, his mother died a short while later. Duskrunner continued to grow 4 times faster than usual because of the radiation sickness. The radiation also gave him his telekinesis powers and his strange glowing eyes. Seeing his potential, Bloodfang, the alpha of the Swifttalon pack, adopted him and molded him into the perfect warrior and spy. After about 5 1/2 years, Dusk's growth stopped and he hasn't grown anymore since. He remains blinding loyal to his alpha and has almost no will of his own. Was sent to Nova Washington for a secret spying mission.
"Wolves, when you get down to it, are a lot like us.
They are powerful, aggressive, territorial, and predatory.
They are smart, curious, cooperative, loyal, and adaptable.
They exert a profound influence on the ecosytems they inhabit."
"Wolf Wars"
-National Geographic March 2010
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Re: The Final War

Post by Thunderclaw »

Name: Cael Sharp
Age: 25
Species: Human
Abilities: Advanced level magic (trained by Surge Aquos) healing, Soul searching, adept polearm/swordarm training, basic ranged weapon training
Appearance: (thats the only picture I've got of him at the moment, but he's in a different costume to what he'd normally wear, since it was for a comp :3 - so until further notice, i'll just go with it, minus the sword)
Background: a quiet, anti-social person in his youth, with a flair for writing. Inadvertently stumbling across the hidden truths of the world, after a brief encounter with a werewolf at the age of 13, he fled his ordinary life to discover more about this new world that his eyes had been opened to. During this time, he stumbled across Surge Aquos, a high-levelled sorceror, who detected magical potential within him. Protected from the war by Surge, he was taken in to apprenticeship. After five years of training, Surge left, leaving Cael with the Ultiminicon, a book of spells that had limitless pages, Raysear, a crucifix which, when its name is called, could become a radiant spear, and and an honorary place within the clan of Aquos. Under the alias of Archangel, Cael wandered the world, aiding those he could in any way possible, making his base of operations in New London, yet still travelling as far as he can outwards.

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
True power, no emotion

Dusten Aquos:
Impatient, unlucky, or is he?
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Additional Details: I'm a polymorphic writer and model. I'm interested in Lycanthropy, Therianthropy, and any other mythology related to shapeshifting.
Mood: Disappointed
Location: Florida

Re: The Final War

Post by Cain »

Name: Raven Conall
Nickname: Rave, Cain
Species: mixed breed, only form that is known is human
Abilities: Silent and quick, strong enhanced senses, and a few she has no knowledge of that only awaken when her adrenal glands react to something life threatening.
Appearance: Image Image Image
Background: She has lived on her own since the war, explores through ghostly ruins of old cities, likes to train herself in agility and speed, doing stuff like parkour through the forest trees and old buildings. Hunts with weapons shes made or found, stays in a somewhat still standing apartment building in new york. Doesnt really remember how to react with humans anymore, used to the company of her wolf/german shepard hybrid Moriko Image.
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Additional Details: When it hurts to look back,and your scared to look ahead you can look beside you and your best friend will be there.
Mood: Happy
Location: Deep in the forest shrouded by shadows

Re: The Final War

Post by silver1 »

Name:Jensen Ledillia (led)
Abilities:Silent,swift,Has strong enhanced sences,good with swords and knives,healing
appearance: ... ntext=user
Background:Jensen was born a werewolf,his mother and father were both killed by two humans who claimed to be hunters. Since that time Jensen has lived in a cabin that he had built next to where the werewolf city ounce stood. He now lives in the forest near Nova Washington and hides when he feels the security guards get to close.
If you talk to the animals,they will talk to you and you will know each other.If you do not talk to them,you will not know them and what you do not know you fear,and what one fears one destroys.

Greater love hath no man than to lay down his life for a friend.

You say werewolf like its a bad thing.
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