My Very personal WereWolf Sighting......

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My Very personal WereWolf Sighting......

Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

I have told people about my little encounter I had so many years ago, but the response I got from them was that I was thrown into a Pysch Hospital with some people who real weren't all there, so anyways I have not talked about this to anyone for many years now and I almost feel like I shouldn't bring it up, but I must because it bothers me so......Ok so many, many years ago when I was only five year of age, I found out that WereWolves were Real and here is my short, but true story.......

I was in Detroit vistit my Grandparents and other family members because all my family live there, Anyways I was sitting on my grandpa's old Diplomat and in the drive-way was my grandparents big mobile home and I was in the backyard. All of a sudden this thick white fog came over their house and around the mobile home and surrounded me. Even then I wasn't scared jsut because nothing really scared me back then. So I see this large silohette appears in the middle of the fog and starts to come towards me and I still can't tell what it is. This large wolflike creature comes out of the fog and stops right in front of me and looks into my eyes then gets on one knee and bows his head and says to me in a deeply haunting voice"YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!" the he stands up backs up a little and turns around and jumps over my grandparents house in one leap.. As soon as he's gone the fog clears as quickly as it came in and he was gone.....

Now I know this sounds really strange, but it happened to me and no one believed me and I hope maybe you all will give me some input on this because maybe you could tell me what he meant by "CHOSEN ONE.." I just want to know if it means something and I know you guys can help me with this.....

Thank You all.....
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Post by Trinity »

Now don't get me wrong here, and assume that I'm putting any kind of negative emotional emphasis in any of this. I'm just stating what comes to mind first.

End Disclamier.

Two things come to mind.

Childern at that age have extremely active imaginations. Things they have encountered in life often are repeated in a form of a dejavu, or "vision" in such a way as to be extroindiarily vivid. I've watched and listened to my niece and nephew. I've babay sat for kids as old as 8 who still believe in the boogey man. ( Well i do to, but its on a different level. ;) *chuckles* )

Their faith outweights things far and above most rational logic.

Now that said, I'd also like to point out that though this is my understanding of THIS idea, I an NOT a Psychoanalyst. ;) So there may yet be some small falacies in there where my lack of education on the subject lays.

Second thought.

I'm a sceptic. Pretty hard core, but yet opne minded. Kind of a oxymoron in a way. ;) I have had personal experiences that I don't pretened to ignore. Nor do I refuse thart they ever happened.

I've been hunted by a "shadow demon" ( For a -Severe- lack of a better term ), and I don't expect people to believe me either. Some say it was a form of "Night Terrors".., I doubt that greatly. The experience itself is not something I doubt.., but what I saw, even now, I do doubt.

I've had wild visions, some of which have come true. Some of which have developed in other ways. I have a gift for understanding patterns in Life ( I read Tarot, and understand it as a tool of seeing past the snags in some patterns ).

Symbology to me has been a serious "obsession" of mine. I've read and studied and learned and dug and shared info on various forms of symbology. I feel that it is a basic ground work for all things human. Its was through symbols that we first developed language ( imo - still researching that ).

The mind is wired for language, and thus, imo, wirde for symbols. We see symbols in everything from clouds to forms in the grass, or the way teas leaves lay in a cup.

So my second thought has branched apparently. ;)

To better clarify, I believe that you may have had your first "shock" of abstract ideaology. You're first "not physical" realization that there are things in the worl dbigger then you. This came to you in a form of symbolic representation.

The only hole with this second thought, is that I don't know how much you were introduced to werewolves that early.

Another thought is that your brain had a shock-tweek. It manifested as an "experience". I've had them myself to some different extents, and is the only reason why I offer the idea. Again.., its something that seems very doubtful in my mind.

As a heavy Sceptic there are a few questions that come to mind.

Why doesn't anyone else know of these things?
Why hasn't anyone had some kind of smialr experience?

If werewolves are REAL, as in IRL for real.., why haven't they shown themselves to others?

This one is attached to the whole p-shifting BS argument. If its real, why don't we have footage? Why don't we have proof?


I too have been 'claimed' by the wildside.., the wolf. But I was much older, and it was via a dream-state.

As to what "Choosen" means for a 5 year old? I couldn't begin to guess.

Maybe some instinct deep in teh recesses of your brian realizes that you are potentially different from others.

Maybe this is symbolic of something "bigger" claiming you. Maybe the world at large, or some abstract way of living versus an actual person?

Its so hard to really say what it is.., but so easy to claim.. OMFG you're a nut job!

Most people won't try to expand their brains, and try to see around and beyound things. To see ouside of their own box. *pins ears back* I know the feeling of being shuttled to one counselr to the next, thinking they know just what is good for you.., it smore like how you can fit better into society as a whole..... grrrrrr.

anywho.., tangent.

Just know that most folks are going to look down on this as if you are nuckingfutz. I would take a heavy sceptical look at it, adn try to remember more of what you can, Like what you were doing just before, or if you rememebr watching wolf-cartoons, or some kind of nature show.., or something..

It really does help to try and remember as much as you can. Because what you DON'T pay attanetion too often is the key to what is going on inside the subconsious.

Lots of ramblings I know....,

But I hope I've giving you some insight. :/ Some..., tiny bit of help.

Just remember, I may be more open minded.., but something like IRL werewolves.., makes me wonder...., wether or not its factual..., and I typically lean more towards the not.
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

Well first off thanx for the input and Second I remeber exactly what I was doing before then and I was inside the house playing with my grandpa's old guitar. Back then I knew nothing of WereWolves let alone think they were real!! But as things would have it I saw that same werewolf again when I was older and I saw something else different later on in life...Let me explain....When I started going to middle school I saw him there, but no one else saw him just me and I saw something when I was in high school as well. When I was in the bathroom and I know this is weird, but I had just washed my hands and when I turned towards the mirror there was a wolflike creature staring back at me and whenever I moved my arm or leg or whatever it moved with me and as I approached the mirror it backed up and when I blinked my eyes it was gone. The thing is the one I saw in middle school reached it's hand out to me and then disappeared in a flash of light, so now I'm still left with a confused and somewhat lost mind and now as of late I've been seeing him in my dreams more and more than ever and I think that means something, but what?
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Post by Trinity »

*whistles* wow.

*thinks long and hard about this.......*

hrmn. Strangely famiilar. I've hear dof simialr incidences happening in different places and cultures. Each has its own perspective and view on this particular set of incidents.

From a symboloic standpoint:


Mirrors often were said to be able to gaze into the soul ( much liek photographs were though to do the same things in some instances, when they were first 'discovered' ).

They show us a reversed view of ourselves. What we see in teh mirror changes upon our perspective of ourselves. A Handsome person may see nothing but ugliness.., all because of how we view ourselves.

The only true relfection of ourselves comes from within. We cannot know who and what we are, until we understand ourselves, not from a visual point of view, but an internal point of view.

Often ( but not always ) in such instances when people see things -other then- a human face, its a symbol of the feeling deep within that we are not what others see us as. That we are truely more different then what society or a given culture's laws and rules have placed upon us. That we don't fit in.

Often what appears is something we relate better to, on some more abstract or insticntual level. This is teh reflection of who we are.


Wolves are highly complex and social creatures. humanity has always had some sort of connection to wollf. in many Tribal cultures, Wolf is first amoung the "Teacher" types. By watching wolves we lean to hunt, to care for our social units, and to work with extended family. They are, in an abstract sense, the paragon of what Family should be.

They are symbols of Stregnth. Strength of will, strength of purpose, strength in numbers, strength is survival.


Often, but not always, are symbols of our IDEAL. A Combination of two things that we value greatly ( or fear greatly ). Hybrids are things of both beauty and horror. They can be glorious and divine ( like the artistic representation of Angels ), or terrible ( demons ).

More often then not they symbolize polar opposites:
Vampires - Life and Death - Undead.
Werewolves - Instinct and logic - Feral ( like feral cats kinda feral )
Egyptian God types - anthromorphic animal hybrids - religious - Divine and Mundane

Reaching / becaoning:

This is one I'm not entirely familar with. But from my personal experience this sort symbolizes a need. A deep seated need. A "Soul Call". A heart-breaking "have to have", "have to be", " have to see", "gotta go there" feeling.

This is one of those that would depend upon culture and society around the individual. IMO.., Requires more thought and research.

My Intrepretation:

Perhaps there was a need for more solidarity in your family. Perhaps there was a lacking of structure and support. Perhaps there wasn't a stable enviroment one came from. Often teh Wolf appears in people's lives that have a need for something more solid and stable. Its a representation of what we -want- to be like; Loyality, trust, pack, clannish-ness, "no-on messes with my bro but me", family bonds.

Often if one knows more about wolves, and undertsands that as a complex social group, they are very much like humans in many ways; they understand that they aren't any better or worse then humans as a social group. Sometimes this realization is enough to make one realize that we all have our faults and weaknesses. That we suffer just as any living creature does. That we learn our lessons and move on, just like anyone else.


on a more.., rational side;

If these things are very real to you, there may be a medical issue that needs to be looked into. Seriously.

I had a roomate in college who had random ( don't laugh ) 'visions' of floating Hilter Heads coming after her. They would chase her into the street, and even into traffic. No-one else saw them but her. We worked with her to help her learn to control these "visions", because the meds her docs put her on didn't work.., and we really didn't want a dead roomie. -.-

we got her to "trnasfom" them into flowers that dissapated into thin air. *shakes head* gawds what atrip that was. For her it was about mind over 'matter'. But there was still a tweek in her head that was mis-firing. *shrugs* Tis Life.
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

So you think I need medical attention do you? sound just like everybody else. Every other human I talke to about this. I really thought I could be helped by somebody on here, but the truth of the matter is I still am alone with this and I know now this was a bad idea to post this. It was just a matter of time too before this situation would arise again and I knew it, but it's ok because I know now just to keep my big trap shut.....
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Post by WereDog »

i believe in this kindof stuff, however i am handicapped at writing so i cant express what i want to say.

but i dont think your crazy. that much i can say.
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Post by Ghostwolf »

I dont really know what to say exept i belive you.

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Post by DarkWolf »

I Believe You I Think,Your Not Crazy Werewolfs Do Walk Among Us But I Dont Think He's After You For Some Reason You Might Have Encountered A Werewolf Numberous Times,But Like Trinity Said,Mirrors Can Be Tricky,You Might See Something In The Mirror Just Because You Want The Werewolf To Be With You So Bad,Or Maybe He Is Really With You All The Time Protecting You,And Maybe You Are Chosen For Something It Could All Be,You Just Have To Sit Back And Let Destiny Come Upon You
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Post by Kzinistzerg »

werewolves? i don't believe i nthem, but i've had some really weird visions as well as dreams, so i can understand it. i've had dreams where they continue for abbit after i'm awake and if it's a close-to-life dream ti may revel things in my subconscious or mesh with RL so much that i can't tell what was the dream and what i actually did. I don' think you're lying, but i don't believe your story, tbhough i don't theink you're crazy. it's possible you did see werewolves, but meh...
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Post by Set »

Symbolism is a load of bull. At least, it always has been for me. What means something to me would either have no meaning for you, or a completely different one from mine. It's useless to get other people to interpret these sorts of things in that way. And why the hell does everything have to mean something? Why can't it just be?

I believe in spirits. I've always seen them, and I've had a few guardians since I was a child. Children are born with the ability to see such beings. It's only because of our parents and society that this ability is beaten out of us. Your old imaginary friends could very well have been real. I had two kangaroos that followed me everywhere when I was little. They were real, everything they told me was true, but I was the only one who knew of their existance because I was the only one who could see them. As for your wolven friend there, I think he may have been one of these spirits. The way he appears to you would suggest an astral creature instead of a physical one.

I don't know what "Chosen One" means. You'll have to find that out on your own.
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Post by Anubis »

Saber, i believe you. i don't know why mabey its my fanaicizm or what ever but i knida had some simular experiances.

but i never really saw them. like when i was eight years old i felt somebody whatching me, but i was in my room alone and i heard some one say in a husky haunting voice "You" and i turn around and only saw a shadow it looked like a werewolf's. and ever sice i can rember i senced that some thing powerful and primal was whatching me very closely.

i might have a idea who it is, but i'm just guessing in naitive american mythology some one can become a werewolf if they were called by the wolf spirit. it could be him or some other paranormal being or we both are bunch of nut jobs.

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Post by Searif »

well sabre thats quite the intresting story, although I have not brought this up much but I have had my own werewolf experience about 3 mounths ago but I have had many sightings of things so I would not doubt that you have seen a werewolf, although by your discription the werewolf may have been communicating telepathicly although I have not confirmed that they can do that and I will have to get to more research on the subject, either by going out and searching for one or finding some old books at the local libary((the one here has great stuff for almost anything))
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Post by Veruth »

Obvoiusly I wasn't there. So I can't say anything for sure, but I'm leaning more toward the medical explanantion . But that dosen't mean it's not totally awesome. I would gladly have it happen to me.
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Post by Black Shuck »

I can see how this whole thing troubles you Saber, especially after being thrown in with people that really had something wrong with them. I don't think you're crazy and I don't think you need meds. Thus far, I'm more inclined to think that this was an astral werewolf or a spirit of some sort, mainly because it seems like he only appeared to you.

I've seen things that no one else around me saw and things that "weren't really there". I can't explain the things I see out of the corner of my eye so I don't know what to make of them. I don't know what "chosen one" means (maybe you really are a queen!) but whenever something vague's come across me in dreams, I know it's important. Obviously, you know that "chosen one" is important, but not what it means. I had this dream once (really long so I won't get into details) and this phrase was mentioned: It all started Monday, 2 am. I'm a Junior in high school and this was a dream I had in either 2nd or 4th grade! I've remembered all this time while other dreams have been lost because something tells me that something big will happen to me at 2 am on a Monday. Still hasn't happened and I'm not sure if it ever will, but my mind's held on to that.

Anyways, I don't know if anyone here would know what "chosen one" means, but you may find out later in life. Kinda random here, but maybe you can somehow contact your werewolf... Might sound corny and whatever, but maybe if you meditated and focused you could find him. Okay, I think I'll stop now because I'm beginning to sound like a crazy hippy (not to say I don't believe in stuff like that). I'll let it stop there...
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Post by Jamie »

People have seen weirder things. Whether to believe that what you saw was real in any physical sense is one thing, but to say that such an experience warrants nothing other than medical attention is another thing.
When people who are not crazy have experiences that seem to deviate wildly from concensus reality, these experiences are called "anomalous experiences" or "high strangeness". Writers such as Jerome Clark, John Keel and Charles Fort have written volumes on this subject.
Just because you have seen something that does not sound real, this alone does not make you crazy. Thousands of other people have seen weirder things, regardless of how weird your personal experience might seem to you.
As to what these experiences mean, there is great disagreement, but mainstream scientists are starting to pay more attention to them because of the vast amounts of data that have been piling up.
This doesn't mean that everything from mythology is real. It just means that there are more ways to interpret such an experience than by labeling it a symptom of a crazy mind. As to which way you want to interpret it, I'll leave that up to you.
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Post by Hamster »

I wasn't there so I don't know how this looked to you. It could have been clear scene or a foggy one but one thing for sure is that YOU belive what you saw and as long as YOU belive what you seen, then it was real.

I have some personal stories of my own but it isn't werewolf related, it's too personal to post here and most people (except my mom) belives me.
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Post by Anubis »

i have a few ideas what "chosen one" meens bare with me some of this is going to sound corny or something that you'll find in fantasy werewolf novel.

mabey choosen means that the werewolf spirit guy who ever he is well..(very corny part--->) mabey he has chosen you to be his mate :oops:

or he called you to be a werewolf to do something.

I KNOW THEY ARE CORNY!!!! and out there buts thats all i got!!!!

leave me alone!!!

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Post by Trinity »

I had a extremely long and in depth post. I realized how it sounded and tried to edit it. Then realized that I was wasting com[ant time trying to explain myself in something that.., realy..,

Its not worth it.

Call me jadded and bitter. I try to help and get told that I'm full of it, adn that I'm "just like eveyone else".

I'm done. I'm sticking to the fannish section. There's no point.
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Post by Set »

Trinity: when did we ever say that? We're just giving our opinions on the subject like you did yours - and that's all they are, opinions. Honestly, people are so touchy... That's no reason to think we're attacking you or your beliefs on the matter. All I said was symbolism has never worked for me. It may for Sabre. Only she can know whether or not it was a symbol, an astral being, or something else. I think you're overreacting.
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Post by Trinity »

*wanders back after a long pm*

I did not -type- anywhere that I said anyone was attacking me. Text is a BAD form in which people can read into text.., ANY emotional quality they chose to.

I was told by Sabre herself, that I was 'just like everybody else'.

No-one even suggested that some of my ideas might hold weight. Typically I'm up for such a debate. I'm fairly cerebral, and like streching my brain and my horizions. I like challeneging my ideas against others.


I work thrid shift. I surf the forums as a means of distraction to keep me awake. Not a distraction that doesn't let me get my work done. My numbers ( the number of adverts processed - which our goal is 100 per night / 13 per hour ) was at 72.

Now I am newish, but my numbers typically are in the 80's and 90's.

This is proof positive that I took out too much of my -Company's- time to try and explain myself. To try and debate these issues.

Additonaly, the terse form and lack of emoti's or *action* text is because I was tired.

I didn't "overreact". Other's may feel that I did. I have no physical proof besides the flat form of the text above, adn teh challenege to read it in six different emotive situations. You can see then how it could be easily misconstrued and mistaken for something else.

besides that. *shrugs*

I just won't touch this topic for the reaosns I pm'd. Its.., honeslty.., not worth it. If someone else wants to offer advice and suggestions, they may do so all they want - if they choose to. I choose not to anymore. Simple.
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Post by Morkulv »

Scott Gardener wrote: I'd be afraid to shift if I were to lose control. If I just looked fuggly, I'd simply be annoyed every full moon.
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Post by Morkulv »

SabreWereWolfQueen_84 wrote:and when I blinked my eyes it was gone.
Same thing over here.
Scott Gardener wrote: I'd be afraid to shift if I were to lose control. If I just looked fuggly, I'd simply be annoyed every full moon.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

Absolutly no offence here, but me being me, to used to finding an attention w**** around every corner, I just don't know what the trust, I do hope thats very venial though. Because your a friend, I'll take note on that and trust that you truly beleive this is true. I hope I don't expatiate though, but heres my farrago (tee hee, word of the day.) of useless words.

You were a little kid, and kids can misinterpret and imagine things, just to grow foggeir and untrue when your older.

Not saying this could of been an imaginary friend, but I myself have had cases with my imaginary friends. I had a Moose in 3rd grade, and I was deeply in love with a stuffed leapord named Julie, to me all my stuffed animals could talk and were alive (too much Toy Story.) and am still to this day can not see a torn or thrown away doll, to me its heart breaking, I still love to sew back together my friends. I think it shows how much my own imagination has taken me over when I was younger.

You could have been dreaming posibly, and had changed it into real life. I have sworn to some of my dreams as real, only to finally figure out it wasn't. Also, dreams are effected in a variaty of things and then misinterpreted, I had a dream I was changed into a wolf to lead wolves just the other night, when I had just read a short story of something just like that. I've even had dreams of logging on to these forums a couple times, only to log on in real life and find posts missing and different conversations!

You could of been there, and saw something, yet that something has shaped into a whole 'nother thing throughout years, whether by you, suggestion, or dreams.

Heck, I truly just don't know. I'm sorry if I have at all offended you, as I said skepticism is quite venial. It could very well be a product of the mind, a lie, or truth for all I know or could decipher. Excuse me please.

(Edit: I used 'to' instead of 'too'. Though the spelling mistakes, if any, I just don't know how to spell if thats a problem.)
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Post by Teh_DarkJokerWolf »

Trinity wrote:*wanders back after a long pm*

I did not -type- anywhere that I said anyone was attacking me. Text is a BAD form in which people can read into text.., ANY emotional quality they chose to.

I was told by Sabre herself, that I was 'just like everybody else'.

No-one even suggested that some of my ideas might hold weight. Typically I'm up for such a debate. I'm fairly cerebral, and like streching my brain and my horizions. I like challeneging my ideas against others.


I work thrid shift. I surf the forums as a means of distraction to keep me awake. Not a distraction that doesn't let me get my work done. My numbers ( the number of adverts processed - which our goal is 100 per night / 13 per hour ) was at 72.

Now I am newish, but my numbers typically are in the 80's and 90's.

This is proof positive that I took out too much of my -Company's- time to try and explain myself. To try and debate these issues.

Additonaly, the terse form and lack of emoti's or *action* text is because I was tired.

I didn't "overreact". Other's may feel that I did. I have no physical proof besides the flat form of the text above, adn teh challenege to read it in six different emotive situations. You can see then how it could be easily misconstrued and mistaken for something else.

besides that. *shrugs*

I just won't touch this topic for the reaosns I pm'd. Its.., honeslty.., not worth it. If someone else wants to offer advice and suggestions, they may do so all they want - if they choose to. I choose not to anymore. Simple.
First off, I meant no harm to you it's just a touchy subject for me to talk about, very sensitvie one. I wa just looking for answers to this that I have yet to find and the fact that I was was actually hospitalizied for this doesn't help the facts. So do accept my deepest appologizes I didn't mean to snap :(
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Post by Scott Gardener »

The reality versus mental elements are only important if the experiences are either interfering with your ability to live in the world or motivating you to injure others. If so, then an internal or external cause does need to be found and eliminated. But, it sounds like it's not such a threat, and may even be offering something.

The answer may lie with a metaphysical advisor. A priest or minister would probably just want to exorcise the thing, but a Native American spiritualist or Wiccan priestess might be able to offer something more constructive, as far as communicating with the phenomenon.

If, however, it's a threat, then find a trusted friend, because either way, mental or paranormal, such a thing should not be handled alone.
Taking a Gestalt approach, since it's the "in" thing...
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