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What Grinds my gears (sort of speak)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 12:27 pm
by Werewolf Warrior
Wolf Mavendorf: oh the sl mentors is now
Wolf Mavendorf: called metaverse mentors
Alexie Borgin: lol that really explains it but still the money requirement is a lie
Alexie Borgin: even Captjosh agrees with mee
Wolf Mavendorf: well ive noticed alot of ppl go for groups that have the most monety in it
Wolf Mavendorf: like land sales
Alexie Borgin: Yeah, well, not relevant.
Alexie Borgin: Basically, that is as may be, nevertheless, what that supposed mentor said was a lie.
Wolf Mavendorf: no most ppl do go for the groups with the most money
Alexie Borgin: It's not relevant to the notice.
Alexie Borgin: like i said on the notice who told you about the money thing to get members is a complete there is no group in Second Life (not caring about land sales right now) that requires money
Alexie Borgin: plus your friend is being a doush bag
Wolf Mavendorf: no they mean that the more spend on a group the more ppl take intressed the biger you make it
Wolf Mavendorf: the more take notice
Wolf Mavendorf: like if I made a sime with werewolfs walking arounf the sim script operated
Wolf Mavendorf: that attack
Wolf Mavendorf: combat arenas
Wolf Mavendorf: hes not my friend hes just a guy who nos group
Alexie Borgin: My notice has nothing to do with how people are attracted to groups, but rather with the lies told by the supposed mentor.
Alexie Borgin: forgot to add that b4 there lol XD
Alexie Borgin: so basic he told you a lie
Wolf Mavendorf: most ppl told me the same thing the more effort you put in agroup including money
Wolf Mavendorf: the more popular it becomes like ads and stuff
Alexie Borgin: dude we have a ****en ad on myspace, youtube and the website
Alexie Borgin: heck the whole **** has nothing to do with the notice and they are making no sense, and lying at the same time
Alexie Borgin: sry to burst your bubble
Wolf Mavendorf: ivce reseacrhed and seen alot of ppl go into roups with the collest expensive stuff
Wolf Mavendorf: coolest
Alexie Borgin: well the research is bull****, and again they make no sense and they are lying to you

Doesnt what grind your gears? cuz its grinding mine.. heck there is no money require for SL....why dont these SL mentors get it? honestly UGH! heck it pisses me off when people say how groups need money requirements to get more members. ugh they are worse than the Blackwood Company in Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion

Re: What Grinds my gears (sort of speak)

Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 4:20 pm
by RedEye
Uhh...and your point?

Actually, some groups do require money to upgrade their sim level, if the operators don't want to pay for everything themselves. Lower level sims have a limit of 20 avatars max. Top tier sims allow an almost unlimited number of av's as long as the ops are okay with the amount of lag that is caused.

Hint: Highlight what it is that is grinding your gears so the rest of us aren't confounded by recorded dialog. Tell us what we are looking for.
As-is; this post is just confusing to a non-SL person.

Re: What Grinds my gears (sort of speak)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 6:31 am
by Berserker
Why isn't this in the rant topic, anyway?

Re: What Grinds my gears (sort of speak)

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:22 pm
by Werewolf Warrior
Redeye I doubt that, cuz northstar even says there is no money requirement for group so many group dont have them. heck if you dont believe me, than talk to CaptJosh Au in Second Life he will say the same thing.

Re: What Grinds my gears (sort of speak)

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 5:38 am
by Morkulv
Berserker wrote:Why isn't this in the rant topic, anyway?
Because nobody bothers to read that topic anyway.

Re: What Grinds my gears (sort of speak)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 5:18 pm
by RedEye
Okay, take a look at Lost Furest for one: they charge simply to reduce spam.
Others charge because of what they do.
I've seen a number of "charge-for-membership" groups in SL.

Hey, if you don't like it; don't DO it...

And a P.S. SL used to charge to sign on to the game. It wasn't much, but it kept a lot of trouble makers and copyists out. The only reason it has a free side now is because its internal economy allows it.