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Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:09 am
by Morkulv
I've been wondering how many people here actually check their post-history, because I think its really fun to look back at some of the funny posts/topics from a few years ago or to take a look at the people who were active back then.

Its surprising to me how many posts I've seen that I would probably not post right now. Funny how people change. :)

I know this is probably more aimed towards the regular posters of the Pack, but what do you still remember from the previous years on this forum?

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:22 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I only remember typing like a belligerent drunkard who got into mudslaps with Terastas, weasling sardonics to Vuldari, and being cynical to... okay, I still do.

All of them are posts I wish I forgot.

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:33 am
by Morkulv
Aw thats too bad.

I've also seen posts of myself that I wish I didn't post, but I don't regret them. My typing was also pretty bad back then. :P

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:47 pm
by Terastas
Only time I ever use it is when I need to reference something I wrote prior and/or could have sworn we'd talked about something like this already.

My memory tends to be good in the sense that, if I saw it happen when it happened, I'll remember it should someone else mentions it, but not good in the sense that I can't just pull any memory out of my head just for the sake of talking about it. As such, the only things I really remember vividly right now are what Kitetsu mentioned: some of the spats I've had with the people on my "foe" list (whom I'm proud to say can still be counted on one hand). Vuldari especially -- that whole "martyr to the classic werewolf" thing is definitely going to have some influence on my writing sooner or later. :P

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:40 pm
by Morkulv
I kinda miss Vuldari actually.

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2010 2:20 pm
by RedEye
So do I. Maybe we can get someone else to be the resident Fox-Kitsune here.

Any takers?

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 1:14 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I don't miss Vuldari at all. The guy's the type that lashes out at euphemisms and double entendres, aside from whatever it is Ter aforementioned.

And with the way I'm acting in the forum IRC channel, I'm very surely becoming the next reverse Vuldari/Glenn Beck combination, if much more verbally violent, and speaks in very strong condensed language. I mean goddamn, most times I enter the channel, my opening sentence would go like this:

"Why does it feel like I have to be part of the Golden Cult of Wolves and have to wear anatopistic/anachronistic tribal wear?"

"I wish these stupid wolves just eat their salad already."

"I don't give a rat's a** what the wolves say, if I'm a wolf and I'm getting ready for war, they can bet their a** I'll be lugging a Stinger with me."

"They can scratch, bite and maul as much as they want, but I'm much more comfortable doing kimura locks and rear-naked chokes in wolf form."

So yeah. Anyone got anger management pills?

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:20 am
by Morkulv
You should try Ritalin. :D

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 5:07 pm
by Set
RedEye wrote:Maybe we can get someone else to be the resident Fox-Kitsune here.

Any takers?
If all you need is someone with a few floofy tails, I could fit the bill. If you're looking for someone who's also verbose, then no.

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 2:34 am
by Morkulv
RedEye wrote:So do I. Maybe we can get someone else to be the resident Fox-Kitsune here.

Any takers?
Maybe we can hire the fox from the movie Antichrist:


Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 7:29 pm
by Howlitzer
I personally haven't gone through my post history much, buuuut a few times, online friends of mine have gone through my post history and enlightened me on things I'd completely forgotten about.

Definitely true how much things can change in 5 years, even more astonishing when you have such a perfect record of it as forum posts and chat logs. Most people, without this, would be left with the occasional video and photo album, with all the gaps and missing details to be filled in by the likely unknowingly creative memories of whoever was there. Sometimes it's a bit unnerving how inaccurate that is proven to be when you see written record of it.

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:18 am
by Wingman
Oh yeah, every time I look back farther than a few months my recollection of things is all sorts of messed up. Not in terms of what happened and was said, but in terms of who said what and in what order. I'm thinking of the wrong quote at the wrong time, for the wrong reason.

I'll see someone suggest something, and think "What an idiot.", and then recall that a similar conversation already took place. When I look back, I see that it was me that suggested it back then.

And then there's the time when my cherished, and pretty much only, childhood memory was proven to be complete fiction. A sobering thought, and then there are the times when I apparently conduct an entire fictitious conversation with someone in my mind, and then they start the same conversation later. Unnerving, and slightly worrying. I'll be thinking, "Didn't we cover this already?" and be looking at them like they're an idiot, and then realize that I'm remembering it from the week before and it didn't actually happen (yet).
Schizophrenia here I come.

Hopefully it's just a sign that I have too much time to think, rather than a sign that I'll soon be talking to houseplants and conspiring with my sense of self gratification.

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 11:11 pm
by Sebiale
Not on this site so much, but on other sites where my posts have exceeded 2K I sometimes browse, especially if I was given rep points for it,

Re: Does anyone ever check their post-history?

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:27 am
by Morkulv
Just a few posts to go and I'm a 3k spammer. :D