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howling alone

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:37 am
by versipellis
Hi, everybody! Sorry for my terrible english (i'm italian), i hope you'll understand at least my thoughts.
From the childood I was frightened ad attrcted by everithing concerned werewolves, specially 'couse my grandpa used to tell me a story about a shoe-maker of his little city in the centre part of Italy, who was thought to be a werewolf. The italian tradition about these monsters is always related to the full moon, to the silver (which can cure the "infection", not necessarely killing the... victim) and to water, which can extinct the "fever" burning inside their body during the wolf condition. And they always howl alone: they could not cooperate with others of their own species. May be for these reasons I don't like at all movies and stories showing packs of werewolves, which could also be "good guys", preserving their human minds or the ability to act in a rational way after the transformation.
I love tradition: wolf man MUST BE a killer, thirsted of human blood, guided by simple animal instinct.
I'm sure "Freeborn" will be great, but how much I've to wait to see a genuine werewolf movie (as only John Landis was able to realize until now, in my modest opinion, and as Cursed was expected to be), scaring enough for several heart jumps, plentiful of amazing special effects?

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:22 am
by Anubis
hey welcome to the pack :D

yeah some of us likes the tridional werewolf (the kind you just discribed) but i like the modernized version (the werewolf has full conterol over him self and the transformations) but thats me.

and free born won't be one of those slaser WW movies its about the modernized WW.

i think ww howl alone for emotional reason like over welming fear and anger and sadness (like when one lost a loved one)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:38 am
by Morkulv
I don't like movie-werewolves. Every time when I watch another werewolf-movie it ends up being a drama. Like these ones:

Van Helsing: Looks good, but... ripping out of the skin? WTF?!!

Underworld: Poor design, walks on ceilings, doesn't have many fur.

Ginger Snaps: Is this a joke? Those oversized puppets couldn't even
scare my dog.

American Werewolf in London: Very nice transformation, but overall less spectacular.

American Werewolf in Paris: Hey, a rat-monkey!

I do like stories, especially stories that are claimed to have actually happened. When you listen to a story, you can make up your own werewolf, in your mind. :) And you save your money on renting movies. :P

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:43 am
by Vilkacis
Anubis wrote:and free born won't be one of those slaser WW movies its about the modernized WW.
That's not to say there won't be aspects of that in Freeborn. ABrownrigg feels very strongly about keeping the traditional influences of silver and the full moon, for example. Also, although werewolves in Freeborn have their own choices to make about good and evil, I think there is good hope for the appearance of werewolves that choose the latter -- those who would likely revel in killing, thirst for blood, and act the perfect beast.

Even if you don't agree with everything about the werewolves in Freeborn (I sure don't!), there ought be aspects of it that you like all the same (if not: help us -- we value your opinion). The last thing we want to do is isolate any portion of our fanbase.
So, without further ado: Welcome to the Pack, versipellis! :howl:  :oo

I hope you enjoy your stay here, and, perhaps, find something you can love about Freeborn.

-- Vilkacis

Re: howling alone

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:15 pm
by Figarou
versipellis wrote:Hi, everybody! Sorry for my terrible english (i'm italian), i hope you'll understand at least my thoughts.
From the childood I was frightened ad attrcted by everithing concerned werewolves, specially 'couse my grandpa used to tell me a story about a shoe-maker of his little city in the centre part of Italy, who was thought to be a werewolf. The italian tradition about these monsters is always related to the full moon, to the silver (which can cure the "infection", not necessarely killing the... victim) and to water, which can extinct the "fever" burning inside their body during the wolf condition. And they always howl alone: they could not cooperate with others of their own species. May be for these reasons I don't like at all movies and stories showing packs of werewolves, which could also be "good guys", preserving their human minds or the ability to act in a rational way after the transformation.
I love tradition: wolf man MUST BE a killer, thirsted of human blood, guided by simple animal instinct.
I'm sure "Freeborn" will be great, but how much I've to wait to see a genuine werewolf movie (as only John Landis was able to realize until now, in my modest opinion, and as Cursed was expected to be), scaring enough for several heart jumps, plentiful of amazing special effects?

1st of all... :welcome: and :tongue:


Each country has developed thier own stories, folklore, and tradition about the werewolf. Its good this forum here so everyone can get together and talk about them.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:25 pm
by Silverclaw
I personally like the in-control kindof werewolves the most :)

But I do like to hear about your good ol' fashoned killer werewolves of old :D

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:14 pm
by versipellis
Thanks to everybody for welcome.
Obviously I' ve just expressed my personal point of view and I respect all of your opinions. My position could appear very "old fashioned", I know: but I'm just a bit afraid that the "modern werevolves look" is too similar to a super hero-like interpretation of this myth, which has nothing to do with the original. I would like to be really scared by some new fantastic movie (like "an american..." did in the past) and I really hope "freeborn" will be the one.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:24 pm
by outwarddoodles
I've fallen in love with all types of werewolves. I do very well love the traditional werewolf of myth and legend that we as humans fear. I was given that as an example of what a werewolf was and liked it, also because I love folk lore and legends. Though I also really love the 'new age' werewolves, mainly just nice 'anthro animals'. I think people are into werewolves are more of the nicer kind as an animal with human charateristics because they come from our favorite animals, but are even more intellegent and made much more like us. Yet anyway I'm into all kinds of werewolves.

Oh, and your English. Its certainly not bad, for I've seen alot of people who have english as their first language and they have horrible typing on the computer!

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:42 pm
by Black Shuck
:welcome: versipellis! I like the traditional werewolves too. There's something about them that's appealing to me (not to mention all the stories that are supposed to be true dealing with them). I'm interested to see a new take on the werewolf though :D If you remember any of the stories your grandfather told, I'd be interested to them (I bet other pack members would be to hwlwnk )

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 5:09 pm
by Anubis
yea i love the modern werewolf but you can't go wrong on the WW's slaher killing spree heratige :) (i said it once and i say it again I CAN'T SPELL!!)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:21 pm
by NarnianWolfen
I'm just a wuss. I like my werewolves fuzzy and more wolfish, but not psycho crazy kill. I just worry about people thinking real wolves are like that, and getting a bad idea about them as a species. If it can be understood that wolves aren't dangerous slobbering evil psychotics, then I don't mind the killer werewolf image. It does get tiresome, though. Freeborn is like a breath of sweet fresh air to me.

Oh yeah, and welcome! Your English looks fine to me. :)

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:08 pm
by Black Shuck
I definiatly don't want people thinking that real wolves are evil and kill just for the pleasure of it. A change of personality in the werewolf movies is pretty cool though. It's a side that really hasn't been seen, but should be there :D

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:17 pm
by NightStorm
real wolves are not evil

Anyway. I'm all for trad weres. But I'm exceited to see FB showing a new light on them. which is quite unquie

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:32 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Anubis wrote:yea i love the modern werewolf but you can't go wrong on the WW's slaher killing spree heratige :) (i said it once and i say it again I CAN'T SPELL!!)
Dont worry about your other spelling. Its the sodger and snipper riffle that keeps bugging me. 1 F and 1 P.

As for the evil wolf idea. Hollywood has portrayed werewolfs as mindless killing beast that takes pleasure in killing humans and raping other dogs. This also makes people portray wolves as aggressors even if they dont think of them as that.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:45 pm
by Akela
Hollywood always makes stuff up and overblemishes the facts. Many Europeans I know refer to inferior quality films as "Americanized"

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:52 pm
by Shadow Wulf
thats so true.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:06 pm
by Figarou
Akela wrote:Hollywood always makes stuff up and overblemishes the facts. Many Europeans I know refer to inferior quality films as "Americanized"
That goes with food items as well.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:13 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Figarou wrote:
Akela wrote:Hollywood always makes stuff up and overblemishes the facts. Many Europeans I know refer to inferior quality films as "Americanized"
That goes with food items as well.
yeah, alot of people think that american chocalyte like hershies is the best, but hands down german chocalyte is the best there is.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:22 pm
by Lupin
Shadow Wulf wrote:That goes with food items as well.
yeah, alot of people think that american chocalyte like hershies is the best, but hands down german chocalyte is the best there is.[/quote]

That really depends on the chocolate.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:24 pm
by Black Shuck
I actually like the Fanta in Europe more than I like the Fanta here :lol:

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:35 pm
by Figarou
Black Shuck wrote:I actually like the Fanta in Europe more than I like the Fanta here :lol:
Wanta Fanta?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:38 pm
by Lupin
Figarou wrote: Wanta Fanta?
*deadpan* uh-huh

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 7:38 pm
by Shadow Wulf
you lok hot in all that plaster drink it up. Faster! Faster!

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:15 pm
by Aki
I'm not a fan of the 'traditional' Werewolf, I like the 'Modern' one.

I hate the bloodthristy mindless beast with absolute passion. I however, don't mind a Werewolf that has full control, but still has to kill, like GoldenWolf's Kierrn.

In that case, the Were isn't so bloodthristy, but they're still a killer, getting to pick and choose your targets is a definate plus. Keep you from waking up with your friend's(or whatever..) corpse on the floor, half-eaten 'n all.


But I still prefer the 'Modern' fully controlled Werewolf above all others. :D

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:24 pm
by Shadow Wulf
true, but for a scary flick, having a werewolf thats unable to control itself is pretty intensive.