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You so Crazy...

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:40 pm
by Silverclaw
Perhaps after freeborn, I should get with Silver and talk about some kind of werewolf ailment that makes them go bezerk. Kind of a sub genre throwback explaining why stories of werewolves killing babies existed, etc.
Inspired by ABrownrigg :)

So, do any of you guys have ideas on this? Besides just being an evil, sick n' twisted individual; why esle would a WW go bezerk? Maybe their more suspectable to rabis(sorry about my spelling) or maybe we could bring the plant wolfsbane into play. Or is it something else? Discuss, now! :D

Re: You so Crazy...

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:46 pm
by Figarou
Silverclaw wrote:
Perhaps after freeborn, I should get with Silver and talk about some kind of werewolf ailment that makes them go bezerk. Kind of a sub genre throwback explaining why stories of werewolves killing babies existed, etc.
Inspired by ABrownrigg :)

So, do any of you guys have ideas on this? Besides just being an evil, sick n' twisted individual; why esle would a WW go bezerk? Maybe their more suspectable to rabis(sorry about my spelling) or maybe we could bring the plant wolfsbane into play. Or is it something else? Discuss, now! :D
How about a :wacko: werewolf tossing :duckie at everyone?


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:49 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Now that's an idea Figarou :lol:

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:51 pm
by Anubis
this has been another figarou monent broaght to you by joe's funny farm and prozac :P

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:55 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Anubis wrote:this has been another figarou monent broaght to you by joe's funny farm and prozac :P

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:58 pm
by Anubis

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:05 pm
by Figarou
Anubis wrote:this has been another figarou monent broaght to you by joe's funny farm and prozac :P
no, Joe's duckie farm. The makers of duckie shaped candy.

:tongue: :duckieinmouth:

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:12 pm
by Lupin
Figarou wrote: no, Joe's duckie farm. The makers of duckie shaped candy.


Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:20 pm
by Scott Gardener
There's the experience itself, of shifting. If you don't realize that they exist, and then see one, get bitten, and turn into one, that's quite a strain on one's sense of reality.

Add to that the expectation from popular culture and horror movies that werewolves are monsters, and you could get a self-fulfilling prophesy. If you expect to become a monster when you shift, you'll be hard-pressed to stop yourself.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:33 pm
by Figarou
Lupin wrote:
Figarou wrote: no, Joe's duckie farm. The makers of duckie shaped candy.

Peeps are baby chickens, not ducks. :D

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:35 pm
by outwarddoodles
Well I'd imagine suddenly having behavoirs and dreams like a wolf, which I beleived was discussed about with what happens before the first shift, would make something think they're crazy. So someone that may be 'weaker' may give out during that time. The painful shifting process, not knowing whats heppening, and becoming some beast may in turn may that person go crazy too, it seems to matter on how they behave to such situations, yet I think even the calmest and most serious person would be screaming (and soon howling.) during and after a shift.

If the person had figured out what they are, then they could expect themselves to be blood thristy monsters and their mind could get the best of them, causing to become and beleive what they've only heard of through stories.

Though the above is is if the person had not really beleived they exsist, though even a beleiver may very well freak out. Though mainly because they don't know what the hell is happening to them. So if the werewolf who had bit them, or was preparing to do so, would probally tell him what was going to happen, what it is, what it isn't, and then prepare them for their The First Shift. (We all love The First Shift now don't we? That is not talking about work shifts.)

So a knowledged werewolf could still go crazy. If they did not want to be bitten and then learned everything from another werewolf, they could be very upset from the stress of it. A person who had agreed to but was just bitten may have second thoughts. Then they have to go through the trouble that may lay ahead of them, how ever the extent it may be.

A werewolf tired of keeping his secret may be stressed too. Or if say someone saw the werewolf shifting or in gestalt and runs around claiming werewolves are true, though most people would scoff at the person who had seen the werewolf, that could still be stressful.

Other than that I think alot of werewolves could get stressed or pissed from alot of other things a regular human would really dislike.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:35 pm
by Lupin
Figarou wrote:Peeps are baby chickens, not ducks. :D

I could never tell what they were.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:51 pm
by Silverclaw
Chicks are baby chickens; ducklings are baby ducks :duckie :D
I think Peeps can refer to anything that company makes(Though I could be wrong) Most well known for their tasty chicks, they also make bunnies, and for Halloween, cats, pumpkins, and bats :D

I'm hungry now lck

On-Topic- Does anybody know anything about wolfsbane? Just wondering...

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 2:58 pm
by Lupin
Silverclaw wrote:On-Topic- Does anybody know anything about wolfsbane? Just wondering...
There's a bunch of info on it on wikipedia

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:01 pm
by Silverclaw
Thanks :D

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:15 pm
by PariahPoet
If I may bring my backgound in psychology into the discussion...
A traumatic first shift may be enough to cause emotional problems, but it wouldn't change a person's personality. Just because someone may be "insane" (not a real psychological term, I might add), doesn't mean they are aggressive. People with cognitive or emotional disorders are no more likely to display violence as the next person.
I would think the best explanation would be physical- such as rabies as Silverclaw suggested, elevated testosterone levels, some strange problem with seratonin turnover, failure to process tryptophan(precursor to seratonin) in food, or temporal lobe siezures.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:21 pm
by Terastas
The most common causes of werewolf evilness, in all seriousness, should be the same things that cause evilness in humans. Stress, selfishness, mental disorders, fanaticism, the "everybody sucks but me" theory, and all the other great moments in the Intelligent Design.

And no offense, but attributing werewolf psychoticism to wolfsbane and rabies... In all seriousness, that sounds like a poor attempt at making werewolves appear to be natural forces of good. The fact is that it doesn't matter how a werewolf got the urge to kill someone (don't we all get those from time to time?) What matters is why he acted upon it.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:19 am
by Lycanthrope
I think that Werewolf's behaviour would be the effect of enviorment.
After becoming half animal, the Werewolf would most likely be considered as a servant of devil and be rejected from the society, or leave it on his own to prevent that happening. Now, without possibility to cope with normal humans and without experience with how to hunt in the wild, in order to live, he has to prey on livestock or dig out corpses from the graves. Just a step further: If he lived through any traumatic events like attempts to burn him on the stake, he might as well hold a grudge against humans and feed on them. Women and children are an obvious choice because of them being easier to kill.
That and the impact that lycanthropy has on mind make a good explanation.
What do you think?

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 11:44 am
by Doruk Golcu
It might also happen that the change causes brain damage, similar to rabies, with similar results... Too tired to analyze this point in detail, I will get back to it (if I don't forget :P)

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:19 pm
by outwarddoodles
Doruk Golcu wrote:It might also happen that the change causes brain damage, similar to rabies, with similar results... Too tired to analyze this point in detail, I will get back to it (if I don't forget :P)
I've always been curious as to changes of the brain. I don't think it should change at all, thats it. Yet unless the brain is capable of controlling a tail, which from what I know of it can't, the werewolf would have no part in his brain for the nerves in his tail, the brain shouldn't change at all. Thats also why I call our werewolf race 'uber wolves', because there would be changes from a real wolf to a werewolf in the most wolven form. I think the skull would be bigger in the back to acomidate the brain.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 2:59 pm
by 23Jarden
Just because someone may be "insane" (not a real psychological term, I might add),
I never knew that...hmm.

I would have to say either they were evil before, or that they're, for lack of a better word, "Self-damning" themselves. There probably is a better word but I dont feel like looking it up.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:32 pm
by Lupin
outwarddoodles wrote:I've always been curious as to changes of the brain. I don't think it should change at all, thats it. Yet unless the brain is capable of controlling a tail, which from what I know of it can't, the werewolf would have no part in his brain for the nerves in his tail, the brain shouldn't change at all. Thats also why I call our werewolf race 'uber wolves', because there would be changes from a real wolf to a werewolf in the most wolven form. I think the skull would be bigger in the back to acomidate the brain.
The brain is pretty plastic; it adapts well. The brain doesn't have an area for controling computer perhiperals either, but hook electrodes up in the right place and it can do that too. As long as the nerves are there and hooked into the right area, it'll be able to figure it out.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 3:43 pm
by Terastas
outwarddoodles wrote:I've always been curious as to changes of the brain. I don't think it should change at all, thats it. Yet unless the brain is capable of controlling a tail, which from what I know of it can't, the werewolf would have no part in his brain for the nerves in his tail, the brain shouldn't change at all. Thats also why I call our werewolf race 'uber wolves', because there would be changes from a real wolf to a werewolf in the most wolven form. I think the skull would be bigger in the back to acomidate the brain.
What I think would be the case is that the werewolf's brain itself undergoes little change in terms of structure and function. What would change, however, are the receptors and what is transmitted to the brain (IE: the senses). His sense of smell, for example, would be much more receptive than while in human form.

Since his mindset would be predominantly human at that point, his brain wouldn't have any definition for the many variable signals now flooding through his sense of smell, and he might likewise become irritated by loud noises or the lack of color definition he is accustomed to, but this is hardly something that should result in bloodlust. Eventually the brain should conform to these new senses, he will learn to recognize the new senses with his ears and nose and adapt to the lack thereof of his eyes. It could be argued that his canine taste buds will favor meat over fruits and vegetables, but this should hardly provoke an urge to kill. Ultimately, the werewolf's urge to kill should be identical to that of their human mindset.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 4:14 pm
by Ghostwolf
For something new, maybe the werewolf just got a power trip. :cafinated: :gangster:

The power to shapeshift goes to is head and try to put all the people around him under is domination. In other word become the alpha. :king:

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:02 pm
by mielikkishunt
my were looses her sanity when her lifemate is murdered. .she hunts down the SOB who did it, not caring who she used, killed, and hurt(including their child) on the way. . .and then kileld him and ate most of him
