In Another Universe

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Re: In Another Universe

Post by FoxKnight »

"Alright," he acknowledged, "see ya later." "Bye guys!" calling to the remaining group they were leaving. The fox looked up towards the sun to find east before starting off in the direction, not worrying if the cat was still following him. Four hundred feet wasn't very far away and the wolf's scent was more prevalent as they neared the den. It would be a little more than ten minutes before they would reach the mass of vines and moss that seemed out of place somewhat.
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

"Human facility eh? Makes me curious..." Vatn mused to himself, he'd yet to meet a human he couldn't kill, even in large groups. "Alone they are like mice, together they become cattle... Quick tae lie, and even easier tae fool." He looked out north and could just barely make out some sort of structure, but it was still a long ways away. "Ach, guess the wolf was no lying then... Let's see what they're up tae." He shifted back to his human form and continued his walk but he extended his senses out around himself. "No need tae have anything sneak- What's this? Oh that wolf..." He stopped and leaned back against a tree, waited a moment and then called out. "Would yeh hurry it up already?! I'll be the last one tae make camp wating for yeh!"
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Enir »

*coming out of the shade of a large pine I replied* I did not ask for any such special treatment, I can handle myself. *Pausing a moment and then realizing I may have seamed a bit confrontational I continued* I just came to gather more information on the human's project and to see once again if I needed to change location. I have had to move 4 times because they keep expanding, two times they almost caught me but I got away. *I wasn't going to mention the one time they did actually catch me, it was embarrassing, to be chained up and messed with, and not be able to do anything about it.*
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by SnowwolfTalian »

I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, watching the others leave. I shifted my basket on my arm and turned back towards my home. That moody lizard was a tad bit too observive. I would have to keep my eyes on him. Also, I would have to observe the wolf. He seemed a powerful ally. I hummed a quiet tune under my breath, throwing my power out to every living thing. That was when I felt a presence behind me. I spun quickly around, summoning lightning to my hands. "On edge, dear?" A voice taunted. I felt my spine stiffen. It was Ralo come a-calling, and I had a feeling my rent was due.
"If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I've held it in, but now it seems you've set it running free
The Saints can't help me now
The ropes have been unbound
I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground."

~Florence and the Machine
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

Vatn scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Don't yeh come tae me with your sob stories lad. I've got work tae do." He turned his head in the direction of the facility, sensing a small group approaching. "Ahh... Humans, how perfect." He looked back at you and sneered. "Well lad, what'll it be? You planning on staying here?" He pulled his dagger from his belt and after a moment, pressed the blade to his upper arm and drew a long cut. He winced slightly but smiled afterwards as he made a mess of his hair and clothes. The cut didn't seem to bother him much at all and perhaps it was just that he was accustomed to pain.

Vatn sighed and closed his eyes, the wolf he'd just been speaking to forgotten as he called on his shadow magic. "Let's see now... These humans don't like werewolves it seems... Hmm.." He raised his hand and your shadow rippled a little before seperating itself from you. It travelled between you and Vatn and then came up form the ground, taking the shape of a werewolf. If it weren't for its lack of color, the thing could've been mistaken as your twin. Vatn smiled as he appraised his work. "Not bad, not bad for my first wolf if I do say so myself... Alright shadow, simple things such as yerself are nay the smartest bunch but what I want yeh tae do is real simple aye. Just chase me, act crazy and any other foolishness yeh may find appealing but back off when we're near the humans. Afterwards yeh can do as yeh please. Got it? Good."
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Enir »

I watched as my shadow was removed from me and looked in a mixture of disgust and interest. I shook my head and found a spot I could fire from and still be hidden. "Ill fire from here if I need to." As the humans started to get within hearing distance I also picked up a pinging sound, slowly going faster as they got closer. I shook my head and cursed silently under my breath. "Damn it, they must have tagged me, those bastards." I took a quick scan of the area, looking for the slightest movement, my senses sharpening and focusing.
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by SnowwolfTalian »

I crossed my arms over my chest, glaring at him. Ralo laughed, rolling his shoulders.

"What do you want, Ralo? I have no time for this today." I growled. Ralo gave me a patronizing smile, and I felt my blood boil.

"You might want to check on your new friends. It seems that they're in a bit of a dilema." Ralo taunted. I frowned, throwing my energy out. I winced when I came into contact with other human minds. Sighing heavily, I pulled my basket as high onto my arm as it could go.

"You still owe me, darling. I just haven't decided when I'm going to collect." Ralo called. I turned around, whether to call him a heartless bastard or something worse, but when I turned around he was gone. I snarled into the air, flexing my fingers. I felt claws spring from my fingers, another great side effect of being a witch. I was able to do things no normal human could do. That included altering my body. I turned and sprinted back towards the clearing. Whether they would need my help or not, I didni't know. However, I had felt the mind of someone I'd been meaning to pick a bone with. Sylvie Merchant was in that throng of humans, and I wanted a piece of my own from her.
"If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I've held it in, but now it seems you've set it running free
The Saints can't help me now
The ropes have been unbound
I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground."

~Florence and the Machine
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by wolfward »

OCC: Hey guys, I don't know if this ones dead or not, but if anyone is left here, do you mind If I join in? I won't bite, I promise :P (I've never really done a bio before, but here I go...)

Name: Sabian (No Last name)
Fur color: White
Eye Color: Brown with a bit of blue on the left eye
Forms: human, feral, anthro
Size(According to form)5'11, 4'3, 6'3
Background: Born in a laboratory, prodded by scientists for his whole life. Only ever knew isolation. Broke out a day before now.
Current mental state: Out of control(Predatory)

I scanned the scene. More and more prey kept arriving in front of my sense. I could taste their scent, hear their heartbeat. I would have to take down all of them before I could feed. The flesh they would provide was reasuring. I've only ever known to act like an animal and destroy everything when I got the chance. I knew none of them and that only made it easier. They were all conversing, unsuspecting of me. This would be slaughter.
I make sure to run up from the direction of the sun, so they don't spot me too soon or if they do, fail to recognise what monster they had in store for them. Yes, I was a predator. That's what I had to do to survive. Destroy all opposition. I brace my geneticly empowered muscles, take a stance and start sprinting towards them. The first one to die would have to be the young wolf I spotted. He looked weak. I knew he had no chance once my jaws clamped around his neck. I knew that he was going to die, as sure as I knew that I was hated by them and everyone.

(OCC Sorry for the violent, disturbed character :evil: , but hey. If the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off. :wink: )
Last edited by wolfward on Mon Jun 13, 2011 8:57 am, edited 1 time in total.
Therian(The Animal Inside)
Why do people say they care?
And never ask of your despair?
Why do people say they know?
Then off the cliff and down they go.
Why do people think they're glad?
When deep down inside they're truely sad?
Why am I the only one who sees?
I guess that no one else believes. :(

by Me
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

(OOC: So wolfward, we're you attacking Vatn's pack? Or Enir, Vatn and the group of humans? And I don't mind at all if you join. The more the merrier in my opinion.)


"Right." Vatn looked ahead to where he sensed the group of humans and began to make a raucus, shaking bushes and even snapping a branch or two. Soon it was apparent that the humans had taken notice by the hushed silence which was followed by whispered orders. Once he was sure he had their attention, Vatn rushed out of the small clearing and made a beeline start for their group. The conjured 'werewolf' was hot on his heels and living up to its task, snarling, making grabs and swipes, and doing everything it could to get a hold of Vatn.

Vatn played his role brilliantly, running wildly, wide eyed with terror. He even went so far as to 'trip' over a protuding root. "Help! Someone please help me! Monster!!" He rushed pass the humans and one of them, a male, grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the bushes. The human placed a hand over Vatn's mouth to muffle his screaming and Vatn acted surprised though he also fought the urge to gag at the human's taste. "Ahhhhh! No no! Please don't-mmmmm MMMMmmmmm! Mmm?" He looked up, wide eyed and fearful but questioning at the sametime to find himself surrounded by humans. He played relieved and closed his eyes and was finally released.

The conjured wolf ran past them, snarling for all he was worth and vanished into the shadows of the forest. Once out of site, the magic binding him faded and the shadow returned back to Enir and resumed its natural state.

Vatn breathed a sigh of relief and sat up, a sheepish smile on his face as he looked up at all the humans looking back at him. "Heheheh... Oh thank god, I thought I was a goner back there when I ran intae that thing! But luckily you all were around..." One of the humans, apparently their leader, grabbed his arm, yanked him close til there faces were almost touching and began yelling at him. "What in the world are you doing out here boy?! This place is crawling with monsters! Ain't no place to take a stroll! You're got-dang right you were lucky! Else that thing'd be picking its filthy teeth with your bones!" Vatn pulled back, or rather tried to, and was surprised at the human's strength. He calmed himself and played along, even though the last thing he liked was having some human in his face. "I-I... I'm sorry... Its not like I wanted this tae happen.. A few of my friends and I, we decided tae take a trip down 'ere from the States. Just graduated college yeh know? We just...we just wanted tae have some fun... And then those things came outta nowhere! And my friends.. Joseph, Steve..." Vatn paused a moment and ran his fingers through his hair, doing his best to hold back his tears. "Prana... I couldn't even save..her..."

The man that had a hold of his arm was about to give him another good talking to when one of the other humans jumped in and saved Vatn an earful. "Come on Sarge... Can't you see the poor guy's pretty beaten up right now? You can fuss at him later." She pulled out a first aid kit and bandaged up Vatn's arm before helping him to his feet. "We ought to get him back to base don't you think Sarge?" She smiled and gave the guy her 'Pwease?' face that she knew he couldn't resist.

"..... Oh alright!" He got to his feet and began heading back in the direction of the human facilty. "Let's head out team! We've got a civilian as well so keep an extra eye out of any trouble! Quick like!"

Vatn smiled inwardly, but didn't let it show on his face. 'Looks like everything's working out perfectly... If'n things go according to plan, I'll find out what I need tae about this facility then I'll take out everyone and everything in mah sight... But for now, I'll be a good little human.'
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by FoxKnight »

(( Sorry, but I really have just been unsure as to what I should write next for the rp. This rp isn't technically dead but it is not very lively right now, which is partially my fault too ))

The entrance to the den was not more difficult to find than to keep hidden from humans. Mario pushed aside some vines and tall grasses until he was sure this was the place and entered it, leaving whatever had not been put back for the cat to follow. He had to crawl a little get initially get inside but, once in, there was plenty of space to move around in. "Hmm...I can even see me livin' here," he remarked to his lonesome, setting his sling bag somewhere on the ground.
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Cain »

I crawled through the opening, having to revert back to human form since it was cramped. Snow leopards are built to withstand the fiercest and coldest weather in mountains, so in snow leopard form I tend to be a large white cat with very strong hind legs.

"So...this is the place? It's not bad, but a little cramped for me. I think I can manage sleeping outside in the trees near here without being seen."
To live the life I live, as a polymorphic old soul trapped within a teenage body, is very hectic. I am not normal, nor will I ever be. Don't try to control me, seeing as I will be defiant and do things my own way. I am passionate about roller skating and wakeboarding, those are my outlets. I try to stay out of trouble, most of the time it works.(;
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by wolfward »

OOC: I was attacking a separate group of humans. I'm sorry, I couldn't decide, so I made it vague.
The group of humans were dead; their flesh just as bitter as I remember it, but it still tasted like liquid gold to a raving beast like myself. How I was watching the destruction and death from behind my own mind was astounding. It was as if I wasn't controlling myself. That can't be right... my hunger quelled I started think for a moment, before I scented a new smell. Another group of humans, but, among them, a familiar scent. One of another were creature. This time the fight might be a little bit harder than before. Perfect. I let loose a toothy smile before running off to plan my next attack. I wasn't hungry, but prey is prey. No matter how many guns they think protected them.

I waited in the shadows until they came past. If I went for the creature first, they would stand no chance. But I was surprised as they entered my vision. No were-creatures, just more humans and one dressed differently than all of them. He must be the creature... I braced my legs again and started my attack as soon as they came close. I jumped for the were creature first and before anyone else had noticed I was on top of it. I went to rip out it's throat, but something stopped me. Something that told me she wasn't prey. She was a predator like me. But my thoughts were cut quickly short by the humans around her...
Therian(The Animal Inside)
Why do people say they care?
And never ask of your despair?
Why do people say they know?
Then off the cliff and down they go.
Why do people think they're glad?
When deep down inside they're truely sad?
Why am I the only one who sees?
I guess that no one else believes. :(

by Me
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by SnowwolfTalian »

OOC: He, wolfward, don't know who you're attacking here, so I'm just gonna sub myself in.

I stopped dead in my tracks. What in the hell had happened here? There were dead humans everywhere, including Sylvie Merchant. I swallowed thickly, stepping over the dead corpses of the other humans. That was when something tackled me from behind. I twisted in the air, landing on my back with a dull thud. The predator above me growled low in his throat, aiming his teeth for my neck. However, he paused, settling back. Well, if he wasn't going to attack me, I was going to attack him. I put my hand against his chest and shoved my power, causing him to fly off me. I scrambled to my feet.

"All right, who are you?" I growled.
"If you could only see the beast you've made of me
I've held it in, but now it seems you've set it running free
The Saints can't help me now
The ropes have been unbound
I hunt for you with bloodied feet across the hallowed ground."

~Florence and the Machine
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Thunderclaw »

OOC: @Snowwolftalian - I believe the target was meant to be Vatn, since he was with a group of soldiers (who would be in uniform, making him appear different to the others there) and since
wolfward wrote: a familiar scent. One of another were creature.
and your character's a witch, I believe. However, I guess we'll just keep playing like that, to keep the RP moving. I would have responded sooner, but the stupid library computer turned off before I could. :/ (Yes, I've got MORE computer troubles.)

I'd wandered again, still with the gear I'd packed from the camp. These sort of wanderings were peaceful, calming, and so long as I made it back to the pack before the supplies I had were missed, I'd be fine. The route I'd taken had led to me trekking uphill, and I'd soon found myself looking down on some of the others, through gaps between trees. Still, their scents were more alerting to their whereabouts. Although I hadn't gotten to know all the others we encountered, I had managed to get all of their scents. Our pack was still making a move forward, whilst most of the strangers seemed focused in one point, whilst one was close to Vatn. He'd probably gone to cut him off, I suppose, help him scout or something.

My path levelled out, and I found myself making good time. I ran for a while, to get the relaxing bluster of the wind billowing through my hair, and also gaining on the others. Vatn's scent began to, however, become more difficult to distinguish. Not because of distance, but because of a stronger scent surrounding it; the scent of humans. I began moving faster. Vatn and one of the others...Enir, was it? were furthest away. The witch of the forest, one of the easier ones to distinguish, was also ahead. I had to say, she'd gained ground quickly. Then again, she was a witch, and likely to have the highest amount of magical power between all those with it here. Should it really be surprising for her to be capable of doing that? Still, if Vatn was among humans, it could be dangerous.

I emerged at a cliffside; just one steep, vertical drop down. The cover of trees was minimal, but I didn't think that was a worry. I could see Vatn, surrounded by a group of humans in uniform. Soldiers, here? I recalled that one of the other 'wolves had mentioned a compound in the area, so I guessed patrols would be an occurrence. Still, they didn't seem that interested in Vatn, if not annoyed by his presence. I had a feeling he'd infiltrated the group deliberately. I smiled. Cunning as ever.

I backtracked slightly, finding a route down. I wanted to be close in case anything happened. The other scent, Enir's, was close too. I figured that he was at the ready also.

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
True power, no emotion

Dusten Aquos:
Impatient, unlucky, or is he?
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Lest the Twelve might humble them
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

OOC: Well SnowwolfTalian, I certainly wouldn't mind if you wanted to confront him. It'll certainly save Vatn from having to reveal himself so soon. But I'm ready to change my post if need be. And yes, Vatn is a guy. :P Now only if we could hear from ledrif and DWDruid.

Vatn looked up suddenly and around himself, sensing something dangerous even though it was no where near himself currently. The female human, whose name he had learned was Rosa, pulled him along. "Hey Vatn, we shouldn't stop here.. The facility isn't too much farther, you can rest all you want there."

"Hm? Oh right, I'm coming." He set aside the feeling he had but kept his defenses up, just in case, and picked up his pace. Rosa stepped a bit closer and looked up at him as they walked. "So, I noticed your accent.. Scottish?" Vatn sighed inwardly but answered her politely nonetheless. "That'd be right, I was in one of those programs where you trade families for a while back when I was a kid. Liked it so much I decided tae stay and go tae school in the US. Then I came down here..."

Rosa nodded and smiled, she'd found herself an exotic one. "How interesting Vatn! I was born in Illinois, joined the army and was transfered down here. You know, I never believed monsters existed til I started this job. Whoo! Its an insane job you know? Spending everyday on the edge of danger and blah blah blah blah... Blah blah blah balh blah blah blah......." Vatn nodded and feigned interest, letting her talk while he turned his thoughts to other things. He sensed Cael nearby for a brief moment, probably wandering around again. He liked the kid but sometimes the boy's aloofness was more that he could take.

Vatn walked along with the group, half listening to Rosa's nagging and half scouting for any nearby trouble when it happened. There was a rustle in the bushes and before he could blink some crazed beast was on top of him. 'What the!? How'd I no sense... Damn that woman!' He brought an arm up to protect his throat, knowing there was little he could do without changing form and without ruining his plan. He could only hope these humans were as good at their job as they claimed to be. But then the beast stopped and Vatn could smell the acrid scent of human blood and see it all over the thing's mouth as it stared at him, as though realizing something.

'That's right yeh stupid creature...realize what yeh've done...' Vatn took advantage of this pause and slowly reached for one of his knives while he made eye contact with the wolf above him. He pulled out the blade and just when he was going to make use of it when the sharp sound of a gun being cocked rang out. He looked up to see the group had finally come to attention in the few seconds that he'd been attacked, surrouned the two and all took aim at the wolf, though they were unsure as to what was happening now and why it hadn't attacked yet.

Tannis took a step forward and set his sights on the wolf's head. "Get off the kid monster! ..Or should I say Sabian? That's right, I know who or rather what you are. You're the reason we're here afterall... I saw the files, the pictures, all that data they had on you and I'd have to say, after seeing all their work in the flesh... They did a fine job creating ya, a fine job indeed for a monster anyway. Now what say you and I make a little deal here? I'm a nice guy and I know you've only been out for a day... Marcus, Ryan make a hole!" The two men stepped aside, making a route of escape into the forest. "Now I'm giving ya a chance to get out of here and have some more fun a couple more days and all ya have to do is let the boy go. Sounds like a good deal to me. So what'll it be Sabian?" Tannis smiled.

Vatn was trying to figure out just what the heck was going on here and wanted this animal off as soon as possible though he figured he couldn't complain too much if he didn't have to reveal himself so soon. He hid his blade out of sight but remained on guard if he were to need it
Last edited by Akuhyou on Mon Jul 11, 2011 7:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by wolfward »

OOC: Ok, hold on a second. As nice as it would be to go on with whatever, I think we should take a second and try to explain what is going on. I thought I had it figured out, but now everyone is posting contradicting posts and it's getting really confusing. Let's just pace ourselves, before even more of us get lost.
Therian(The Animal Inside)
Why do people say they care?
And never ask of your despair?
Why do people say they know?
Then off the cliff and down they go.
Why do people think they're glad?
When deep down inside they're truely sad?
Why am I the only one who sees?
I guess that no one else believes. :(

by Me
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Lest the Twelve might humble them
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

OOC: Ah well, I'd have to say you have a point there wolfward, it is getting a tad bit confusing. And I figure its probably things like these that tend to send good RPs spiralling to their death. And I don't know if its just as annoying to you guys as it is to me to put effort into participating in an RP only to wind up with it falling through. It may not be in the formal section but still... And as I said earlier, I'm more than willing to change my post if need be.

So, it seems to me that wolfward, you were intending to attack Vatn and I believe the others would agree. And I'm not fussing nor attempting to take control of anything here as this is not my RP after all, but perhaps myself, SnowwolfTalian, and Thunderclaw would be willing to make changes to our posts. An easy enough solution I think, but to assume so would be to make an a** out of 'u' and 'me'. :P I love that saying..
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Thunderclaw »

I've changed my post to fit.

One wolf, One purpose, One life

Surge Aquos:
True power, no emotion

Dusten Aquos:
Impatient, unlucky, or is he?
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

I've edited my post as well.
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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Re: In Another Universe

Post by Enir »

(OOC: Sorry I havn't posted in a a job and it keeps me busy. And Iam in the woods, my shadow just got abused and now iam alone in the woods.)
Enir Shadowfang [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/All%20Users/Documents/Thersha.jpg[/img] [img]C://Documents%20and%20Settings/Enir%20the%20%20Werewolf/Documents/My%20Pictures/into_werewolf_returns.gif[/img]
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And forget wherein they've sinned
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Lest the Twelve might humble them
Mood: Disappointed
Location: Georgia

Re: In Another Universe

Post by Akuhyou »

OOC: Is this RP still going?
He who knows he who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, shun him; He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, teach him. He who knows, and knows not that he knows, is asleep, wake him. He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, follow him.

Man is his own worst enemy.
3-17-10 R.I.P. Anthony
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