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Nintendo Revolution Controller.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:04 pm
by Vuldari
...for better or for worse, Nintendo is DEFINATELY going in a different direction with their Next Generation Console.

Only Time will tell if this wild, strange interface will work or not.

At this point...the future is anyones guess.


For anyone who is curious, I'm going to re-post the links to the articles and videos related to the Revolution here:

-Revolution Controller Teaser AD (Quicktime)

-Full Revolution Controller Demonstration Video (Quicktime) (Large download)

-Streaming KeyNote Video-Presentation/ w. Slide-show. (In it's entirety)

(Warning: This Video-Presentation is 50 Minutes long, and is mostly alot of Market Research talk and Nintendo talking about how cool they are. However, it does provide some insight into just "What they are thinking" with thier strategies for the DS and Revolution Sytems. ...if you have the patience to wait through all of it. Even if you have a fast internet connection, I reccomend watching the 56K version, as the audio and video remains smoother.)


Image Image Image
Image Image *Image* (Mock-Up.)

Here is a Pic I grabbed from the video presentation which shows ALL of the controller colors, including the Black one as well. (Something I have not seen anywhere else yet.)
All Colors


-IGN- Understanding the Controller / The Possiblilities / Hands-ON / At a Glance / IGN thinks... / Developers think... / Revolution FAQ

-NINTENDO- N' reveals Controller / Hands ON

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:30 pm
by Vilkacis
Wow. If ever I was thinking I might get the Revolution, that picture has put the thought right out of my mind.

I think you mentioned once Super Smash Bros. Online for the Revolution (which sounds awesome. I love SSB: Melee), but I can't even begin to comprehend how one might try to play with that... thing.

The only thing I can think of is that you must have the option to buy different controllers...

I hope.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:32 pm
by Renorei
Well, it could be brilliant. It's totally off the wall, and different from what I'm used to, but who knows? The inventor of forks was ridiculed during his lifetime, but look at how much we use them now. That thing may revolutionize gaming. Or it could be a disaster. Only time will tell.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:43 pm
by Lupin
Vilkacis wrote:The only thing I can think of is that you must have the option to buy different controllers...
Not to worry, the Gamecube controller works with the Revolution.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:46 pm
by Vilkacis
Lupin wrote:Not to worry, the Gamecube controller works with the Revolution.
Ah, excellent. That changes everything.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:08 pm
by Vuldari
Honestly...I don't know what to think about this device.

(click on the image to learn what it does)

The super-advanced, ultra-sensitive motion detenction technology built in to the controller will definately open up very unique potential gamelplay experiences, but you made a very good point Vilkacis....I don't know how one could play a game like SSB with a controller that is esentially a wand shaped like a TV remote and a controll stick attatched either.

Playing convetional games on this thing looks like it will be nearly impossible. ...but games made for this interface will be nearly impossible to re-create on the other consoles as well.

The main unit (the block/wand) though set up like a cross between an NES pad and a DVD remote on the outside, is actually the most versitile motion detection unit you have ever seen. Tilt it forward...backward...move it side to side...twist it...raise it up...down...move closer or farther from the registers it all.

Swing it like a sword or a baseball bat...hold it like a toy airplane and fly it around...use it like a fishing pole...a magic wand...a hammer...a gun...or just a laser pointer. It's like a PC mouse...but in fully 3D space.

The controll stick is a removable attatchment. (There will surely be other attatchments made that will connect there as well)

...note...the revolution system (*to be renamed something else in the near future), has four GameCube controller ports built in to it, so it will at least be possible for games to be made that use the old GC controller, or a different controller that plugs into those ports.

As a Nintendo fan, I am admitably a bit worried by how "extremely" unconventional this new controller is...and at the same time, I'm incredibly exited.

Clearly...most of the NORMAL next-gen games will be made for the other two consoles, seing as most Third party developers won't even know what to do with this thing. Therefore, I definately see the CORE market being divided between the PS3 and XB360.

...HOWEVER...if this new nintendo console turns out to be as fun and cleaver as Nintendo is betting on, it could just be everyones SECOND console...regardless if they are part of the Sony or Microsoft camp. Thus...if 45% of gamers buy the PS3, 35% buy 360 and only 15% buy the Revolution exclusively (with the last 5% going to "other")...BUT...half of the 360 owners and half of the PS3 owners also buy a Revolution, then ~ 64% of gamers would have nintendo's it a larger market share than anyone, and thus making the system a HUGE success.

...becoming the winner by being everyones "second best". Pretty cleaver, if you ask me.

Now...I'm not saying this is terribly likely. However...if this scenario even becomes partially true, then I definatley see Nintendo having a huge financial success with their new "unconventional" console.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:15 pm
by Figarou
WTF? That is an odd controller.

I don't think its a good controller for fighting games.

I know some games like Tekken requires you to hit 2 buttons at the same time. Some require 6 buttons.

Unless that controller pictured is for DVD control.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:22 pm
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:WTF? That is an odd controller.

I don't think its a good controller for fighting games.

I know some games like Tekken requires you to hit 2 buttons at the same time. Some require 6 buttons.

Unless that controller pictured is for DVD control.
No...that is the basic, main unit.

...I'm watching the videos of how it works right now, and I must say that it is quite facinating.

It will definately work better with some games styles, but not be very compatable with some others.

"WTF" indeed...

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:23 pm
by Figarou
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:WTF? That is an odd controller.

I don't think its a good controller for fighting games.

I know some games like Tekken requires you to hit 2 buttons at the same time. Some require 6 buttons.

Unless that controller pictured is for DVD control.
No...that is the basic, main unit.

...I'm watching the videos of how it works right now, and I must say that it is quite facinating.

It will definately work better with some games styles, but not be very compatable with some others.

"WTF" indeed...

post a link to the video. I'd like to see how it works myself.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 2:40 pm
by Vuldari
Figarou wrote:
Vuldari wrote:
Figarou wrote:WTF? That is an odd controller.

I don't think its a good controller for fighting games.

I know some games like Tekken requires you to hit 2 buttons at the same time. Some require 6 buttons.

Unless that controller pictured is for DVD control.
No...that is the basic, main unit.

...I'm watching the videos of how it works right now, and I must say that it is quite facinating.

It will definately work better with some games styles, but not be very compatable with some others.

"WTF" indeed...
post a link to the video. I'd like to see how it works myself.
The video file I downloaded seems to be partially corrupted, so it is difficult for me to see the whole thing.

However, right where it seems to become completely unviewable, MR. Iwata mentions that an "expansion" will be made avaliable for the revolution controller which will be in the shape of a "conventional" controller, which will allow it to be more compatable with older, or more classic style games. (He also said that he was not going to go into "overly complex" details about it...meaning, I don't think they are showing what this "expansion" is or looks like yet.)

Here are the videos:

Clip One QT

Clip 2 Full Keynote Speach QT

Edit: Heh heh...the file wasn't corrupted...I was just so impatient that I was trying to watch it while it was still downloading.

...silly me... Image

Indeed..."THE REMOTE" is just the core unit.

Any number and variety of "expansions" will be able to attatch to it and make it do whatever you want.

In the TGS keynote speach, it was stated that a specific attatchment called the "Classic Style Expansion Controller" will be available for playing traditional style games, classic games, and (and I quote) "MULTIPLATFORM GAMES".

...but this expansion has not been shown or explained yet.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:01 pm
by Figarou
I'll check out the videos later.

Speaking of videos. Did you see the one I uploaded for Burnout Revenge?

I love that game!!! :duckiemind: :wacko: :howl:  :oo

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 3:11 pm
by Vuldari
I'm curious to see what some of these other "EXPANSIONS" look like, but here are more of the released pictures:

Image Image Image
Image Image

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:24 pm
by Morkulv
The idea is good, but I don't think its gonna word out well.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:54 pm
by Renorei
Morkulv wrote:The idea is good, but I don't think its gonna word out well.
Part of the reason for that will probably be people are unwilling to try new things. If the idea is a good one, I hope people will appreciate it and buy it.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 4:57 pm
by Anubis
its just me but i don't think that conteroler would work

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:07 pm
by Lupin
I don't know about the controler. I'd acutally have to use it before I say anything about it.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:11 pm
by Searif
two words

looks stupid

honestly why take such a drastic change when the first style worked just fine? maybe have that as something for games that it might work better for but still, its good to hear that the GC controller works for it though

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:18 pm
by Anubis
i know the conteroler is way too much of a change. good thing i'm getting a xbox 360. :)

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:22 pm
by Lupin
Searif Bogard wrote:two words

looks stupid
Yeah, but who cares what it looks like? You're not supposed to be looking at the controller, you're supposed to be looking at the screen.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:24 pm
by Anubis
yeah but how are you going to conterol the little dude when your conteroler is disgned by a retarted chimp

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:56 pm
by Set
Uh huh. You know Searif, if more people thought like that then the world would still be flat because the thought of it being round was deemed "stupid" when first put out there.

Well it looks cool, but I'm wondering about how good it is to play with. It may just be weird enough for me to become an expert at using it.


Edit: Meep! How did I mix those two up? I guess my brain isn't working today.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:19 pm
by WolvenOne
Ahh yes, the miraculess "magic wand," controller that makes all bad things go away.

Okay sorry, I've been poking at various outlets full of Nintendo fanboys all day trying to convince them that this controller won't be able to do all things plus walk your dog. Seriously, it's a good controller, it's just far from perfect, and it seems to be hard to convince people of that.

Issue #1: EXPENSE!

Nintendo thought this through REALLY well. Essentially, they built an incomplete controller stating that it's incompletness makes it more flexible. To an extent this is true, and in thier defense there's a high likelyhood of them including the analog extension.


Imagine a Nintendo party game that's an utter blast to play. Throw in an extension that's neccesery to play it. Now, assuming that extension is 15 to 20 dollars each and Nintendo provides the first extension with the game, then you, the consumer, will be stuck playing an additional 45 to 60 dollars just so that 3 other people can join along.

This is pretty much my biggest fear. That there will be a dozen extensions and that you need two or three of them to play the majority of games. Hopefully it won't work out like that.

Issue #2: Buttons

Okay, um, technically there are four buttons but 2 of them are located too far from the action for active use, if you're using the D-pad the other remaining button will be of little use as well.

Now this is fine for simple games, party games and the like. However even withfirst person shooters, a genre Nintendo claims the controller was partially designed around, the lack of buttons could become frustrating.

For one, I don't see how people are supposed to, smoothly choose weaponry. The A button will only be the one button available for it and if you miss the weapon you want you'll need to scroll through all of them all over again. This is of course only one example of how things could get tricky, for almost every existing game genre I can see one or two tricky areas.

And you know what the sad thing is? 2 extra buttons would have completly solved this problem. Heck, it's even pretty easy to see where Nintendo could have stuck them. I know that Nintendo's trying to simplify things, but this seems like a pretty drastic oversight to me.

Issue #3: Ergonomics

To be blunt, while the controller looks comfortable at a glance, it could get downright painful during extended use. This is because the controller isn't curved to naturally point at the screen, rather, players must extend thier wrists forward to do so.

During short period of gameplay, this won't be a problem. However, if you're an avid gamer, this could eventually strain your wrist and cause some serious problems.

I know Nintendo wants people to be able to flip em over and use em as an NES controller. However, I'd rather see them dump that feature and focus on making current gen titles more comfortable to play.

Other then these issues, it's a great controller with some marvelous potential. Hopefully developers will utilize it fully, and hopefully eventually these issues will be fixed next time around.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 6:59 pm
by outwarddoodles

I guess I've lost my loyalty to Nitendo, I still adore the older things and thus love Nitendo but I'm not at all wanting of this new thing. I'm still confuzzled, what in the world is that thing? How does that thing work? And does it come in any other colors? I'm not to fond of having a sleek new age white thing in a duller room, if we ever got it the thing would most likely be placed in the boy's room. Its just so weird looking, and with all the new stuff I'm as confused as it gets, I'm like a gradnparent now. (though my grandparents are SOO much worse, they don't know anything on how to game, can't even get them to understand Galaga well!)

So what ever that is, I'm uninterested. *hugs Super Nitendo.*

Sometime in the future maybe, if they don't make another new thing, theres alot of games out I want, and its cheaper. Otherwise I'm content with what we have, well, actually mom didn't send us our Super Nitendo or 64, she took it with her behind our backs (*grumble.* We'll need to force her to give it back soon.), yet atleast I still have our anniversary collection of Mega Man 1-8.

Also a reason why I like computers, computer games tend to work on most computers, and they stay that way, they don't make a whole new system just for a game.

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:58 pm
by Rainwolf
outwarddoodles wrote:Also a reason why I like computers, computer games tend to work on most computers, and they stay that way, they don't make a whole new system just for a game.
Windows makes new operating systems that makes things made further back obsolete, like my DOS games that I like very much. They wont even load, even with programs like VDM Sound. :cry: But most PC games made after 1998 work on current computers.

As for the odd controllers, I just don't see the benifits of it compared to a normal one. Why did they split it into two parts, and why does one of them look like a TV remote. :?

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 12:46 am
by Vuldari
Weirder still...but THERES your extra buttons and traditional GameControll for Ya... (*Mock-UP. NOT Official)


This*, apparently, is how you will play classic games, and Multi-platform games that the base controller is not capable of initially.
WolvenOne wrote:Imagine a Nintendo party game that's an utter blast to play. Throw in an extension that's neccesery to play it. Now, assuming that extension is 15 to 20 dollars each and Nintendo provides the first extension with the game, then you, the consumer, will be stuck playing an additional 45 to 60 dollars just so that 3 other people can join along.

This is pretty much my biggest fear. That there will be a dozen extensions and that you need two or three of them to play the majority of games. Hopefully it won't work out like that.
I think this may actually turn out to be the case. There is allredy talk of "Bongo Drum" attatchments, light gun attatchments and who knows what else.

[EDIT:] I just learned that the image I posted is NOT the actual add on, but in fact a MOCK-UP made by IGN, based on what they suspect it will be like. NO "Official" immages of this ADD ON have been released yet. ...but it HAS been officially announced that a similar device will be available.

Here is the article: LINK
