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i have problems

Posted: Wed May 09, 2012 3:22 pm
by LupusDream
OMG i have way to many problems, no not with testing this time thank goodnes. this time it involves my heart. i have a crush on one of my best friend's and i finally admitted it to him and my other friends because we were saying that we should not have secrets because we are friends. so one my friend's asked me who i liked and i told them the truth. then all of them said that they all knew it because of the way i was acting around him. i had a crush on him sense 9th grade and now i am in 10th grade and the year is almost up. now my problem is another one of my friend's also has a crush on him too however she likes all these other guys. she also says that she had like him for about 3 months. so now she is constantly bothering me on asking him out because if i do not she will. the guy that i like also says that he would go out with just about any one that asked him out on a date. i would ask him to go out with me but the only problem is i do not want to end what we have already, the least thing that i want to do is mess up our friendship.

ahhhh why does love have to be complicating?? ?? :mourn:

Re: i have problems

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 12:07 am
by Kaebora
Werewolf internet forums are probably not the best place to ask for relationship advice. So, whatever advice you get, try your best to draw your own conclusions and make your own decisions.

My two cents...
All I can tell you is, a crush is not love. It is infatuation. At this point, going out is to be considered fun. If love develops later, the gradual process will lessen most complicated situations.

Re: i have problems

Posted: Thu May 10, 2012 2:58 pm
by LupusDream
sorry just is my friends just are not making things better and my parents are to over protective. and thank you.

Re: i have problems

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 7:54 am
by Morkulv
As said before, some forum on the internet is probably not the best way to share these personal subjects.

But apart from that, I wish you good luck with looking for love.

Re: i have problems

Posted: Fri May 11, 2012 3:43 pm
by LupusDream
well thank you and the guy that i like chose my friend.