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*honks horn as he pulls in with a Reefer trailer*

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:46 pm
by cjkrythos
Figured since i was returning again, Id share a little something to keep the ravenous ones at bay. *pops open the back and starts pulling out pallets of chilled rare steaks and boxes of milkbones

Its been a while. I remember posting here when you guys finally came back online, but I didnt have much time to do more than that.

Still driving truck, and Ive tried out several parts of the industry, including tanker and flatbed, so Ive had a pretty interesting few years since the forums went silent. Since you guys are back hanging around, Im also necroing my old thread about keeping track of werewolf related books in hopes some of you have found a few you would like to share. viewtopic.php?f=39&t=7215

Oh, and I helped build up a small local group of nerds/geeks in the North Eastern Ohio area. Nothing to do specifically with werewolves or furry, but everyone is welcome. If there happens to be any NEO folks in the pack that want to come check us out, we are always looking for new faces... err... muzzles?

and also.... Yes, I have both ducky weaponry(raises his modified potato gun with semi-automatic cartridge fully loaded with ducks) and a modified "trophy" system tuned specifically to neutralize incoming duckies.

Trophy(in case anyone isnt familiar with the latest fun gadgets the world is churning out.) is a force field of sorts.

Re: *honks horn as he pulls in with a Reefer trailer*

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2013 8:59 pm
by Sevena
Welcome back to THE PACK. Your weapons are useless against the duckies here, they are new and improved :P

:duckbomb: :explode2: :bombzom:

Re: *honks horn as he pulls in with a Reefer trailer*

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:41 am
by cjkrythos
Sevena wrote:Welcome back to THE PACK. Your weapons are useless against the duckies here, they are new and improved :P

:duckbomb: :explode2: :bombzom:
ah, but that isnt the limit of my weapons. My strongest weapon is knowledge, and afterall, the pen is mightier than the ducky. and if by any chance that fails, I can always bind your duckies. ... B001AQK53U
