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To those who belive in WWs: Why?

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:22 pm
by white
Thought of this while reading through the replies to a belief poll, and being surprised at the number of 'yes's, but decided that it might be best to initiate a new thread.

Why do you believe in them? What logic have you followed? Have you not followed any logic, and just believe?

Please note that I'm not looking to disprove any beliefs, ruin any dreams, etc; I'm just curious. Well, that and I don't believe in their existance, but would love to be proved wrong.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:30 pm
by outwarddoodles
I doubt alot of the people really believe in werewolves, they just want to believe werewolves are real.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:32 pm
by Miguel
Well I think there are alot of things out there that science and the studies of our world can't explain. So I believe,hey it may just be me but I do. So if I sound wierd please forgive me. :oops:

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:52 pm
by Black Shuck
I like to think that they weren't just silly stories that were made up. There's a lot that says it isn't possible, but I really want all that to be proved wrong. I'd love photographs of someone shifting just as much as the next guy, but how would you obtain that? You'd have to go Spiderman on yourself and mount the camera somewhere and put it on a timer and all that other stuff.

I think werewolves could be out there. Maybe not, science knows a lot about humans and I guess something like this wouldn't have stayed hidden for this long. I guess I'm a dreamer and want to see a grain of truth in stories like the Bray Road beast and want the beast to be something out of the ordinary and fantastical. Hey, it makes life more interesting :wink:

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 9:06 pm
by Terastas
Miguel wrote:Well I think there are alot of things out there that science and the studies of our world can't explain. So I believe,hey it may just be me but I do. So if I sound wierd please forgive me. :oops:
This sums it up for me too. If there's one thing I know, it's that there are a lot of things in the world that can be explained verbally but not scientifically. Shapechangers are prominent in folklore throughout the world, and it just doesn't make sense that hundreds of cultures around the planet would all dream up the same nonsense at random.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 10:28 pm
by Black Shuck
Terastas wrote:it just doesn't make sense that hundreds of cultures around the planet would all dream up the same nonsense at random.
I agree! It's amazing how many similarities there are between cultures that had no contact with each other (American Indians and Eastern Europeans for example) back before 1492 and all that. We may know "a lot" but that doesn't mean we know everything

Re: To those who belive in WWs: Why?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 1:12 am
by Figarou
Ralith Lupus wrote: Please note that I'm not looking to disprove any beliefs, ruin any dreams, etc; I'm just curious. Well, that and I don't believe in their existance, but would love to be proved wrong.
The only way to be proved wrong is for one to stand right in front of you. Pictures and video is worthless because of CGI technology.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:46 am
by white
Black Shuck wrote:It's amazing how many similarities there are between cultures that had no contact with each other (American Indians and Eastern Europeans for example) back before 1492 and all that. We may know "a lot" but that doesn't mean we know everything
Hmm. That's actually a very good p oint you've got there, which can't be just explained away easily, by me nor, I suspect, anyone else. It's not proof of anything, but it IS something, and I doubt that anyone could prove that they don't exist. Any other rationales?

One question comes to mind, though; if werewolves did a bad enough job hiding back then that they ended up in legends and such, why're they doing so well now? Can it be explaint just by that these days noone'll believe some guy who's ranting about something that most people would immidiatley deem physically imposble?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:06 am
by Morkulv
I don't know what to believe, really. But I say 'yes' anyway because I'm a optimist. :D And like I said before; not everything that can't be proven by science isn't real.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:32 pm
by Searif
well seeing as ive had my own sighting, ive believed these things since I was young and I love things like that, I believe, if I ever find what I wrote down for the sighting then ill post it, to lazy to write it again

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 4:46 pm
by Akela
"Hope is the first step on the road to dissapointment"

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:00 pm
by Shadow Wulf
My reason pretty much goes the same with Miguel. Theres plenty of new species we havent discovered yet, so many things is still a mystery.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 7:06 pm
by Black Shuck
Ralith Lupus wrote: One question comes to mind, though; if werewolves did a bad enough job hiding back then that they ended up in legends and such, why're they doing so well now? Can it be explaint just by that these days noone'll believe some guy who's ranting about something that most people would immidiatley deem physically imposble?
I'd say either no one will believe someone who says he saw a werewolf or werewolves have learned from the past. It is something to wonder though

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 8:41 pm
by [arpegiuswolf]
I believe in Werewolves....And I also believe in the mental disorder called Lycanthropy....that is easier to explain than real Werewolves...XD

But I keep hoping there is such thing as Werewolves...or just shapeshifters...'cuz I wanna be one!! :shift:

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:53 pm
by white
Heh. I can hope, and I do quite powerfully, but I find myself stuck in a sort of 'agnostic' position. I don't vehemently believe either way. As much as I'd love for their existance to be proven, I don't expect to see such proof. Howver, as I may have indicated previously, I do believe that becoming a werewolf through means of science will become possible, and likely within our lifetimes. That, I can confidently place hope that I expect to be fulfilled in.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:44 am
by Merrypaws
Black Shuck wrote:I agree! It's amazing how many similarities there are between cultures that had no contact with each other (American Indians and Eastern Europeans for example) back before 1492 and all that. We may know "a lot" but that doesn't mean we know everything
True, true. But then again, just about every culture has their version of dragon myth, but very few people will admit believing that dragons are real.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:09 pm
by Set
I believe because I've come across alot of things that can't be explained by science. I live with a kitsune and a griffin, but that would also be considered "impossible" to most people. However I know those people are wrong because I'm staring right at ol' featherhead right now. Just because other people can't see what I see doesn't make me wrong. It just means their eyesight sucks.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:33 pm
by white
Reilune wrote:I live with a kitsune and a griffin ... However I know those people are wrong because I'm staring right at ol' featherhead right now.
Erm. Did you mean that literally? Care to provide photographs?

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:47 pm
by Set
They literally live here, yes. But photographing them is not gonna work. They're not like ghosts, a ghost will actually show up on film to a certain extent. I didn't mean that they're physical. Such creatures normally are only found on the astral plane. Occasionally a "mythical" critter will show up, but only those they want to see them and people who are psychically sensitive to such things can actually see them. It's more of an "in the mind's eye" type thing. They can interact with physical things but most of the time they choose not to.

Werewolves, however, are a little more "solid".

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 9:29 pm
by white
Ah, I see. They must be rather uncommon; I'm sure the majority of us would love to see something of the sort.

*quietly envies Reilune*

Set infinite improbability drive for the Cozalien homeworld!

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:16 pm
by Scott Gardener
First, I'm ignoring the therianthropy movement from this point on on this post. Otherwise, I'd have to say I know they exist, being one myself.

Next, I'll bring up an article in Scientific American on alternate universes. One suggestion it put forward was that if the universe's topography was infinite (hyper-hyperbolic, as opposed to hyperspherical, and the current evidence favors this, since we've only found about a tenth of the mass the universe would have to have in order to be a finite hypersphere), then you could only have a finite amount of ways of arranging atoms before you'd run out of all different possibilities. Along the way, anything conceivable would exist somewhere, and we've all certainly conceived of werewolves.

To push the case, we've even conceived of worlds with werewolves, where everyone thought there weren't any.

But, for the record, I don't believe they're real. (So, I hope you don't feel I'm barging into this topic, since it's targetted at believers.) I'm posting here to suggest ways I could be wrong.

I agree that the scientific model does a poor job dealing with the paranormal, resorting to dismissing most of it. (Still, the power of suggestion when you want to believe can be strong. I could have sworn when I was a kid that I saw footprints in the chimney around Christmas, and heard jingling in the wind on Christmas Eve. Some things CAN be attributed to the mind's confabulation. But, not ALL of it.)

The Beast of Bray Road is just one of many unexplained sightings that mainstream science ignores today, but could some day revel when a new species is discovered. (I'm convinced the Yeti is an undiscovered primate, much like the "ape men" that was once identified as the gorilla.)

A shapeshifting werewolf could happen simply by beating the odds against it--things improbable DO happen.

Or, there's my old propositions: alien genetic engineering experiments, transdimensional astral viruses, or hacks in The Matrix.

So, while I don't believe they're literally real, I'm open to being proven wrong. To quote Carl Sagan, however, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. (By complete coincidence, I've got a recording of Cosmos I'll be watching in an hour or so. What are the odds?)

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:23 pm
by white
When referring to werewolves, I'm talking about the kind that has a habit of changing their physical makeup. The mental thing is pretty much a given; I'm likely to start calling myself therian one of these days.

:edit: Typo fixed.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:31 pm
by Short Tail
Akela wrote:"Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment"
No quoting the librarian for he shall smite ye. :lol: fun game
As for their existence, I am an undecided. I hope that mythical creatures and such exist in the astral and to that end, I have been doing a lot of studying on astral projection lately.

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:35 pm
by Short Tail
@ Ralith I am also reading a good book about one persons view of therianthropy. I am not done with it yet so it could still suck, but it is good so far. it's in pdf format ... f-link.pdf as I said I havent finnished it though.

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 8:15 am
by Merrypaws
Reilune wrote:They literally live here, yes. But photographing them is not gonna work. They're not like ghosts, a ghost will actually show up on film to a certain extent. I didn't mean that they're physical. Such creatures normally are only found on the astral plane. Occasionally a "mythical" critter will show up, but only those they want to see them and people who are psychically sensitive to such things can actually see them. It's more of an "in the mind's eye" type thing. They can interact with physical things but most of the time they choose not to.
I've heard people telling about hings like that before. It always amazes me, even if I can't completely shush the small, skeptic voice within. But, anyhow, you're one more person for me to envy.