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Parent Rant

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:06 pm
by Anubis
Okay, i mean i love my mom and dad. but there are some things that really piss me off. i get the curfew and do your chores thing but some things are plain obnoxious and plain STUPID!!!

like when they play "I'm the parent" or "this is my house" cards. they use this as an excuse to take over the TV and the computer when I'm currently using it. put s*** that i don't want in my room! take my TV for my dad to watch the game and listen to the radio at the SAME TIME!! while he is working on the car!

I f*** HATE IT!!!! i can't confront them about it. when i do they say that I'm acting spoiled!!!! if they want to use those things they just could have asked i would get off or let them barrow it.

i can't wait when i move out. because when they try to pull some thing like that i'll get thier asses arrested!

i wont do that to my kids. BTW if you are doing this to your kids KNOCK IT OFF!!!! ITS PISSING THEM OFF!!!

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:22 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
heh..I agree Anubis..yeesh :P It was like that before I got 21 and I'm glad it's over, cause now I get more respect and am paid more attetion to cause I'm an adult!! It's about time too!!! Yeesh :roll: :P

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:33 pm
by Hamster
Same here but I mainly want to leave to have more outside freedom. Do you know my mom don't want me 100 feet from a furcon until I'm 18? :x

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:40 pm
by Anubis
that sucks

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:46 pm
by Timber-WoIf
The fact of the matter is, we're all spoiled. Every youth in this nation (myself included) is spoiled to hell. It will eventually lead to the downfall of our nation as a superpower.

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:48 pm
by Hamster
Timber-WoIf wrote:The fact of the matter is, we're all spoiled. Every youth in this nation (myself included) is spoiled to hell. It will eventually lead to the downfall of our nation as a superpower.
Sad but true. It would seem I found someone with the same track of mind I have.......

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:49 pm
by Terastas
You know what Anubis? You're not alone.

My mother's especially brutal when it comes to personal posessions because she doesn't seem to care how miserable anyone is just as long as we don't look it. My brother and I are both over 21 and she still thinks it's up to her if we can watch R-rated movies or not. My brother and I both ordered Bad Religion merchandise -- she didn't say a thing, but it disappeared for a month until I found it rolled up into a ball at the bottom of a Good Will box. And the internet? Oh, trust me on this: She does not know about the Pack. She'd freak if she knew I was communicating with anyone online, nevermind a forum full of werewolf enthusiasts.

She also apparently doesn't want me to have a driver's license, or a college education, or a career. She's told me a hundred times she wants me to have those things, but I'm not convinced.

I got fifteen hours of driving experience and passed the written exam at driving school -- all I needed left to do before my learner's permit expired was for her to let me use her car for the test and, as the registered owner, sit in the back seat and not do anything, which she refused to do.

I had to suffer two months of "I'll disown you!" and "you're trying to ruin me!" rants when I decided to go to Bridgewater State instead of U-Mass Amherst, but it took her ten months to lift a finger when my brother started using my college savings to pay his half of the rent so he could spend his own money on drugs.

And just today, I told her about my plan (and the many people, including college professors that told me to do this in the first place) to start at open mike comedy clubs instead of trying to sell all my writing, and that phone conversation lasted an hour because "she worries for my safety" (so my brother can stay out until 3 a.m. and drive home drunk, but I can't get a job and be back by 10). . . Who the hell is going to try and take advantage of me? I'M 21 AND SCARY AS HELL!!!

So yeah, I know exactly what you're going through. And if they feel they can manage your life without even talking to you like that now, it's going to get worse. But you know what? That just makes college life all the sweeter. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:49 pm
by Anubis
The fact of the matter is, we're all spoiled. Every youth in this nation (myself included) is spoiled to hell. It will eventually lead to the downfall of our nation as a superpower.
i'm not about to comment due to rage

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 8:54 pm
by Akela
Ehh... Parents can be very annoying, fortunately for me my father is too encentric to be much of a problem, spends too much time looking over his 32 sets of golf clubs and going to court since he's a laywer.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 1:15 am
by Renorei
My parents are definitely rant-worthy, but not necessarily for the reasons already listed. But, that's why I have thrown myself into school. The semester started August 18th, college is four hours from home, and I haven't been home all semester. Also, I plan on staying up here to take classes during the winter and summer breaks.

Hey, I'm not exactly a big fan of school. But, it gives me an excuse not to go home. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:51 am
by white
I'm not even going to start about how infuriatingly irrational my parents can be. Suffice to say, I can't wait until college. Only three years to go...

Re: Parent Rant

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:35 am
by Darum
Anubis wrote:Okay, i mean i love my mom and dad. but there are some things that really piss me off. i get the curfew and do your chores thing but its plain obnoxious and plain STUPID!!!

like when they play "I'm the parent" or "this is my house" cards. they use this as an excuse to take over the TV and the computer when I'm currently using it. put S#@^ that i don't want in my room! take my TV for my dad to watch the game and listen to the radio at the SAME TIME!! while he is working on the car!

I F@&^$ HATE IT!!!! i can't confront them about it. when i do they say that I'm acting spoiled!!!! if they want to use those things they just could have asked i would get off or let them barrow it.

i can't wait when i move out. because when they try to pull some thing like that i'll get thier asses arrested!

i wont do that to my kids. BTW if you are doing this to your kids KNOCK IT OFF!!!! ITS PISSING THEM OFF!!!
this is why i have a lock on my bedroom door. before i had the lock they'd come in and give me all sorts of crap i don't want and tell me i'm going to keep it or i'm grounded, after a while all the stuff piled up and there was no more room to put the stuff in so i left it on the floor. they got pissed and told me to clean it up! i told them why my room was a mess but no, they turned it around and blamed it on me!

they told me could put the junk where my games where and just find a new place for my games! so i left them on the floor. they dissapeared after a while, i asked my parents if they had seen my games, they both said "no". a year later i look in their room for my cat, i see an open drwer i look in only to find the missing games! it's evil...!

...why do i get da-ja-vu from typing this?

Re: Parent Rant

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 10:50 am
by Terastas
Darum wrote:this is why i have a lock on my bedroom door. before i had the lock they'd come in and give me all sorts of crap i don't want and tell me i'm going to keep it or i'm grounded, after a while all the stuff piled up and there was no more room to put the stuff in so i left it on the floor. they got pissed and told me to clean it up! i told them why my room was a mess but no, they turned it around and blamed it on me!

they told me could put the junk where my games where and just find a new place for my games! so i left them on the floor. they dissapeared after a while, i asked my parents if they had seen my games, they both said "no". a year later i look in their room for my cat, i see an open drwer i look in only to find the missing games! it's evil...!

...why do i get da-ja-vu from typing this?
Because you read my post first?

And you know what just occurred to me when you mentioned the lock on your door? Though I've lived in seven different houses in my lifetime, I haven't had a room with a door in twelve years! :cry: How did I lose track?!

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:18 pm
by outwarddoodles
I'll have to agree with the fact that America's children do seem to be becoming spoiled, so I really don't get angry over stuff I can't have. Yet I still do dislike what my parents will do, it's disresepctful.

Mom was certainly able to be a big bee-acth. she could yell and scream and didn't pay much attanetion. Now thats she's in California and away from us, she's improved on attitude, and is being the mom I like, not the mean one. She would also take my stuff, and leave crap in my room such as dirty laundry, and would never remove the stuff. She would get mad at me because I wouldn't cry for her. Yes, Mom sure is in a horrible situation especially pretaining to health and I guess moving away from us, yet she seems to think I must moan for her. So I don't show emotians very well? Infact, I laugh when I'm being yelled at. She yells at me for being heartless, and she yeled at me for only caring about my cat and not her. (lol.) Anyway, talking sense into her was always useless, she'd change the story the beleive that she was correct all the time.

Otherwise my dad throws tantrums, just like a little kid he stomps his feet around at stupid things. I really don't get whats wrong with him, he's 43 and I can sya he acts childish, not just because he acts silly, but by how he gets worked up on stupid things. I really need to yell some sense into him next time. Ofcource I can't do much anything with my Stepmom Kat around, she is scary when she gets mad! And she's just as bad. Infact, Dad is yelling about something now. Geesh!

Dad seems to beleive he is always correct, and that somehow we are freaks. He yells at Dale for drawing in his planner, and seems to beleive Dale is wrong in the head. I painted a really quick sloppy picture on my pumpkin this year, it was of our cat Opie. Just I gave opie big red colored fangs, had an arrow going through his head, and tried to make him look like a zombie. So I dementfied our cat? That doesn't make me wrong in the head, it just means I had some halloween spirit. You know what's really strange though? Dad resembles in a way kids that have bullied me. Makes fun of me, and also makes fun of Melanie thinking it is al right because she is 6. Dad is childish, thats wrong.

Also, it's not like I hate company or anything. Yet I don't like to interact with people all that much. Most the time I don't want to be with Dad or my stepmom, they are great, but I really enjoy them when they are not at home.

Anyway I have to cut this short, I have to do laundry really. And let me tell you, they seem to beleive it all must be perfectly done.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 6:26 pm
by Hamster
outwarddoodles wrote:I have to do laundry really.
I don't doubt you. I have to wash cloths everyday.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:24 pm
by Terastas
I'm noticing a trend here, and while I do agree with a lot of you that most of America's kids are spoiled, I think it's also safe to say that a lot of parents are spoiled. Selfish parents have selfish children, and from the looks of things, parents that never grow up have children that refuse to stay young.

I also know what you mean about emotions O.D. I get complained at a lot for always frowning, but I actually have a monster overbite (my upper teeth almost touch my lower gumline) which makes my face naturally settle in that kind of position. I'm aspiring to do stand-up for a living and yet both of my parents always accuse me of being so negative.

I wish I could relate with the "only caring for my cat" part though. I have the complete opposite for a problem -- she has an absolute little brat of a dog and she raises her voice whenever I don't pretend I love the little demon -- even when the dog drew blood from me she told me not to raise my voice at it. . . And to add insult to injury, she borrowed six hundred dollars from me (and by "borrowed," I mean "took without intention of returning") so she wouldn't lose her deposit on the dog at the pet store. . . So I think I'm entitled to at least be more of a cat person.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 8:56 pm
by Scott Gardener
One thing I've learned growing up is that I was right about a great many things I thought I was right about as a kid. And, I've discovered that a lot of adults are not as smart or authoritative as they'd have their kids believe. Indeed, I've seen kids pressuring their parents to quit smoking out of self defense.

I'm not saying that parents should be ignored, or that they shouldn't have some authority. But, I can say that if parents are going to exercise authority, they should be ready to back it up with something more substantial than "because I said so." That kind of reasoning works with two-year-olds, who can't understand more advanced concepts than that. But, when dealing with someone in their adulescence, it's insult to injury, that someone who already is having to deal with social pressures and lack of being allowed self sufficiency, to use an authoritative stance in lieu of sensible reasoning.

And, if you're going to have a kid, you should realize that they're going to have to live with you. They can't just be a second class citizen.

Print this out and copy it, and show it to your wayward parents.. I'm a 32 year old physician. They'll still likely engage in their totalitarian ways, and they might even ground you for showing them this. But, they'll still have to live with the fact that someone out there called them idiots.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:11 pm
by outwarddoodles
And to add insult to injury, she borrowed six hundred dollars from me (and by "borrowed," I mean "took without intention of returning")
My mom has barrowed around $250 of mine since last year, I continue to pester her but she always responds that she can't just pull that much money out of her butt and that I'm ungrateful. Yet that was my money pulled out of my butt from baby-sitting a bunch of brats (Little kids are so cute and sweet, but evil!). Plus, when you're younger like me, that is alot of money! I don't know where most that money went, I think it actually started going to pay for food for our family. Mom would go to me say 'We need $20 for Pizza', I'd give her the money, and I guess that repeated over and over untill I was out of money. I still want that money back though.
I also know what you mean about emotions O.D. I get complained at a lot for always frowning, but I actually have a monster overbite (my upper teeth almost touch my lower gumline) which makes my face naturally settle in that kind of position. I'm aspiring to do stand-up for a living and yet both of my parents always accuse me of being so negative.
I don't naturally frown, I just don't naturally smile or show worry. I thinkt the fact mom would moan that I didn't act all sorry for her reflects someone trying to get attention by their life problems. I hate to get attention by life problems, yeah, if I wanted to I could go on, but I dislike moaning about junk. Then I see some poeple exaggerate their problems for the attention. I guess when Mom didn't get the attenetion or response she expected, she got really mad. Then when she yells at me I smile and laugh, which somehow is like insult to injury I guess there, I still can't really pinpoint why I giggle when frightned, I guess people react in different ways I sappose.
But, I can say that if parents are going to exercise authority, they should be ready to back it up with something more substantial than "because I said so."
I think I've always told others to give me reasons. Sometimes I'm just curious as to why, and my parents think I'm being asinine. Yet other times I really want a reason.

I don't know, I find it scary. Parents are resembling kids.

Posted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 9:38 pm
by Terastas
outwarddoodles wrote:I hate to get attention by life problems, yeah, if I wanted to I could go on, but I dislike moaning about junk.
Another thing I can relate to. The only time I ever share my life problems is when it's either something that will effect whomever I'm talking to, or if I feel I can somehow get a laugh out of it. And yeah, my reasons are pretty much the same; I got really tired really soon of hearing people, parents and otherwise, bemoan about how miserable they were and how it would take a miracle for them to make it to their next birthday.

Am I the only one that feels mad enough to rip a brick in half whenever someone asks that I pray for them to win the lottery?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 5:53 pm
by Ink
I think I relate to just about everything here. My parents are authoritarians without right of intellect and they are horrific embodiments responsible for my social disconnection.

Proof being that I went crazy at college with freedom and became an 'of-the-world' child.

And yet the more I look back I kick myself. They're plan has worked oh-so-well and even me, the bookworm and scientisty type. The analyzer. The nerd. The networker. I never saw it coming. Not in a million years under that roof would I have seen it coming.

I'm a sophomore in college at Adelphi University double majoring in Anthropolgy and something else. By my own right I can say that I have had more to stand on than most people at university level here. I come from a stable home, amidst the yelling and screaming, cat fights and early mornings. I come from a place that showed me more than I cared to see or understand. I never found awe and wonder, nor the inspiration until I was able to find that very important context into things and understand, holisticly, what I appreciate in my world...

I damned my parents up and down for early bed times and early rising. Up and ready to roll by 3:30 or 4am for barn chores. Mucking stalls, feeding grain, hay, bedding stalls. Clamping on that sense of responsibility, choking to death the life from us as children and making us feel work in our lazy, lazy bones.

I'd work at the Meat Market, traveling down halls pondering if I'll ever actually get paid. I was a taunted and tiny little girl hustling through workloads built for men, or so I thought so in my mind. Waking up on those horrible 3am mornings with my dad to pick up meat for the market. It was almost a two hour ride over Hell's Half Acre, as it's called, across the Snakes Back to another meat plant, an industrial fast-paced slaughter house with every make and model of strange man working there. All to spend five hours loading 80 pound boxes of meat into a trailer with some biker built guy who looks like he could bend steel WITH HIS EYES.

And STILL wondering when, and if, I'd get paid. :x

Fights of righteousness and emotion and all of it -- All of it for what?!

An education and a way out. A one way ticket for tomorrow? How ironic.

They gave me more than I can ever repay. Part of growing up is the stem of independance, and even in their imperfect mannerisms we find that parents, sometimes, have done something for us. And it wasn't necessarily all right in the end.

They did something though, not everything, but something to gear us as to what we are today. And if you really look at it you can understand that they didn't have children to mar or ruin our lives -- though we will have our fill of irritation, that's granted, with each other -- but people have children because they, you and I, are the seedlings of what little humanity can grasp for as immortality. In all it's stomped on, horrible, beaten-to-death processes parenting is a self-sacrificing element for something much bigger.

I would be lying if I said I take their side. We still fight. And I still do barn chores when I go home, as well as do delivery runs and pick ups with my dad. But I guess I can give them a few kudos because I think I've turned out okay.

I'm just not going to let them know that yet. Heh...


Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:27 pm
by Terastas
Ink wrote:And yet the more I look back I kick myself. They're plan has worked oh-so-well and even me, the bookworm and scientisty type. The analyzer. The nerd. The networker. I never saw it coming. Not in a million years under that roof would I have seen it coming.
Don't beat yourself up too much over that. Most of us get used to putting up with our parents' bizarre quirks and do so until we either learn to recognize their actions as being motivated by love instead of maliciousness, or until they finally do something completely unforgivable.

My mother, for example, has been getting on my nerves for twenty years, but it was only last September that I finally gave up on her. That was when I found out that my mother not only knew my brother was using all the money he was making to buy drugs, but told me he was saving up for college so I would keep dipping into my college savings to pay his half of the rent.

I know it wasn't her intention to screw me financially, but that's what happened. And it really doesn't matter if her actions were the result of maliciousness or stupidity -- neither one can be excused forever.

But you know what?
They gave me more than I can ever repay.
There's a part of me that feels the same. Sure, there's one part of me that thinks I could have made it all the way through college with a doctorate if she'd told me more often to get good grades instead of a part-time job, but there's another part of me that has nightmares where I'm at the mall wearing a sideways baseball cap, an Abercrombie hooded sweatshirt and Guess jeans with my underwear showing.
So yeah, even a guy like me that resents his parents wouldn't have had it any other way. :grinp:

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:43 pm
by Renorei
Terastas wrote:Selfish parents have selfish children, and from the looks of things, parents that never grow up have children that refuse to stay young.
Terastas wrote:And it really doesn't matter if her actions were the result of maliciousness or stupidity -- neither one can be excused forever.
Heh. Those are both really nice quotes. You have a way with words, when it comes to parents.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 8:49 pm
by Shadow Wulf
My parents are cool about most of the things I do and let me do quite a few things, its just that when I ask to for them to do something it takes 3 to 4 weeks to get done when its something all you need to spare is an hour top.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 9:04 pm
by Veruth
Wow, I feel really lucky now. I can't really think of anything rant worthy. I don't think I'd be allowed anywhere near a furcon either though so I'm not even going to bother untill I'm in college. Those quotes are pretty deep too.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2005 10:28 pm
by Ink
Terastas wrote:
Ink wrote:And yet the more I look back I kick myself. They're plan has worked oh-so-well and even me, the bookworm and scientisty type. The analyzer. The nerd. The networker. I never saw it coming. Not in a million years under that roof would I have seen it coming.
Don't beat yourself up too much over that. Most of us get used to putting up with our parents' bizarre quirks and do so until we either learn to recognize their actions as being motivated by love instead of maliciousness, or until they finally do something completely unforgivable.
Heh. I'm being comical. I just find the irony and humor in it all.