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Prison break!!!!!

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:02 am
by Anubis
Humans have been aware of the Lycan's existence for fifty years now. they live in a fragile but a stable truths. Human have been working, playing and learning together. recently they desegregated public schools. but however. their are both sides people think that one race should rule the other.

Two Lycan brothers different as night and day. Thaigan thinks that humans should to bow to the lycan race's feet. and has been incarcerated in a triple max prison by leading a hate group (apedie) on a slaughter he been sentenced to life with out parole.

The other Aideck. he works in a lycan division of law enforcement to deal with lycan conflicts and highly dangerous missions that their human partners can't handle such as riots. he believes that humans and lycans are on their way to put aside their differences and believes that humans and lycans are equals despite the lycans' obvious advantages. he helped take his brother down.

"check mate." Aideck said looking at his brother thaigan threw a inch of bullet proof glass. his brother wore heavy restraints in human form Gestalt is prohibited in prisons.

"You bet me again." he said with a dark smile

Aideck put away the chess game his brother a 8' 6" in gestalt with dark Gery and brown fur. wearing a police officer's uniform

"Why do you defend them? those apes." Thaigan said gesturing to the human guards.

"like i always say we are their equals despite, our natural powers. they are like us even though you don't admit it."

"fine Aideck, but do they think the same about us."

"good bye, Thaigan" he walked out of the room with his board game he played with his brother since they were pups.

On the high way he got a dispatch on his short wave radio. "All units massive riots cause by Apedie at the mill creek triple max prison."

"Thaigan" he breathed and turned around his cruser a full 180 head back to the prison.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:30 am
by Darkmoon
"All units massive riots cause by Apedie at the mill creek triple max prison."

The radio crackled and sputtered, jolting Shawna awake. She growled under her breath, irritated. She had just finished her night shift, and was ready to go home and get some rest, but her palns had been interrupted.

She listened as the message was repeated, and came fully awake, losing her grumpiness in a state of ungency. If this riot involves Thaigan... She shook her head. Glancing quickly into the rearview mirrior she ajusted her police cap and badge. Tucking her white hair back over her pointed ears she quickly started the engine and raced for the prison.

"This is unit 274 reporting, I'm on my way to the prison, and request the status of the current situation." She called over the radio, hoping to contact Aideck.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 5:19 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Sabre stood atop a building above Shawna. She prefer the old fashion way of the hunt and hearing the transmisson she jolted off in search of any who had already made it to the streets or were trying to....

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:16 am
by Miguel
Zave recieved the loud radio transmission and drove towards the prison on his police motorcycle. He armed himself and moved through the large metal door. He picked up a jacket that someone was owned and said, "Where is everyone?" He made his way towards the prison cells.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 12:07 pm
by Prowler
Noticing the unusual disterbance around her Emma's deep blue eyes opened, her cell door was also open. Yawning and stretching her white/blue furred body she stepped into the emptying prison hallway.
Everyone else was running and shouting but she silently, calmly walked amonst the chaos. Non of the 'lower' wolves dared to look at her while she was unrestrained and out of the cage.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 1:40 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Seeing the streets were still empty, Sabre ran to the prison and could see shadow running past the windows, big ones and small ones, obiviously some had shifted. "Damn!!" she ran over to the large barbed wire fence that was at least 15ft tall and easeily jumped over it running over the courtyard toward prison. Suddenly the wall burst open and Lycans started pouring out, Sabre pulled out her bow and aimmed. The arrows would not kill if shot in the right spot and that's what she aimmed for....

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:26 pm
by Miguel
Zave made his way down the metal corridor seeing dead guards on the ground. He pulled his gun out as he moved towards the main cell hallway. He noticed it was empty except for one white and blue furred wolf. He swallowed and said, "I....I am here to arrest you." He pulled safety off of his gun and said, "Get on your belly now, dog."

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 4:52 pm
by Prowler
Turning slowly around Emma smiled sweetly. Her pearl white fangs showed as she softly spoke. "You don't work here, your sent is new..." Spending most of her time in gesalt form regardless of rules she had developed her vocal skills. "It's ok, we all make mistakes. It's how we learn." Emma calmly started walking towards this guard.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:11 pm
by Miguel
Zave pulled his nightstick out and said, "I-I'm warning you,stay back." He shook in fear and dropped the weapon. He backed into a corner and closed his eyes.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:14 pm
by Anubis
i got back towards the prison Apedie was breaking my brother out. i put on my riot gear and went inside headed over to Thaigain's cell

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:42 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Sabre shot several of the Lycans down with ease, but got surrounded by a pack of males the were huge compared to her even though she was big for a female. She began shooting right and left taking some down, but was struck hard in the back of the head and fell hard to the ground."Damn it!!"she spat rubbing her head, then turned around to see one of the biggest males she had ever seen standing over her cracking his knuckles,"Well look what we've got here?,"he said laughing and the others laughing with him. She got grabbed from behind by two of the other males and they held her arms behind her back while the large one punched her in the stomache repeatedly laughing like he'd lost it.......

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:46 pm
by Miguel
Zave laughed and said, "Look I know that you decided not to hurt me so i'm outta here." He made his way towards the exit when he saw the wolf being punched. He said, "Oh you little $%^@ you're pushing it." He pulled his pistol out and shot the large male in the head.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:47 pm
by Anubis
on the way there i found a co worker, sabre is being ganged up by a prison gang. i fired and shot one in the head. "return to your cellls or i'll will use deadly force!!!" i growled.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 6:53 pm
by Darkmoon
Shawna reached the forest on the outskirts of the prison and took a moment to gape at the prisoners and rioters pouring out of the building. Cursing she jumped out of the car and headed into the woods. Taking a deep breath she started to shift into her gestalt form.

When she was finished she rested, leaning against a tree and staring out at the prison. Her black silver tipped fur ruffled in the breeze, and her keen ice blue eyes calmly surveyed the scene. She was not especially large for her kind, but what she lacked in size she made up for in strength and brutality. Shawna had been one of the first Lycans to join Apedie, but had quit when the group started to take on a more radical edge. Apedie and its leaders, however, did not let her go so easily. She rubbed the scars that criss-crossed her back and growled softly. Time for some payback

Shawna slid into the prison, ignoring all the other chaos around her and making a b-line for Thaigan's cell. A commotion and a familiar sent down the hall caught her attention, and she loped toward the white lycan. "Emmmmmmaaaa..." She growled, pinning her ears back and smiling strangely.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:26 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Sabre fell to the ground coughing up blood dripping from her mouth and nose trying to catch her breath," Damn!! I let my guard down!!,"she snarled and got up and losing her balance, but caught herself." Zave, Aideck..thank you..."she said rubbing the blood away from her nose and spitting some on the ground then walking off to help stable everything out...

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:29 pm
by Anubis
"sabre get behind me" i turned to the convics"return to your human forms and return to your cells! now!!!"

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:39 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Sabre pulled out her bow and fired repeatedly hitting some in their shoulders and some in the thigh which still hurt like hell, but didn't kill them,"[spoiler]Bastards!!!"[/spoiler],she snarled and looked at other Lycan who fled the other way seeing their commrads being taken down one by one,"Come back and fight!!,"she ran after them having already healed from her internal wounds...

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:42 pm
by Anubis
"ouch!" i cringed i turned to sabre. "I got to go and check on my brother are you by rour self."

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:05 pm
by Miguel
Zave shot sleep needles at each one of them to slow them down. He laughed and said, "Get em Sabre."

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:07 pm
by Aki
Some of the guards trying to control the Lycans attempt to break out suddenly dropped, twitching smoke rishing from deep cauterzised gashes in their body, their attack was hardly visible in the darkness. He had dark black fur, which shone lightly in the moonlight, and the black fur was shot through with stripes of white, in a unusual tiger-stripe fashion, and it was easy to see he was heavily armed and had on a black kevlar vest. This marked him as obviously not civillian, but defiantlly not with the law or the prison, despite his slaying of the guards. The longsword held in his paws crackled with electricity, and his paws themselves with gloved in thick rubber.

The Lycan, Kris, was known to the seedy underworld of crime, and to the law as Tiger-Wolf, for his unusual fur pattern, and for his impressive record as a mercenary. He held to know side, and it was obvious he was somehow linked with the break out as more guards fell to his eletricfied sword.

"Hurry up ya mutts, this is a jail break, not a friggin' battle, get yer asses in gear!" he shouted to the prisoners. To accentuate his point, he smacked a fleeing prison on the rear with the flat side of the sword, sending them yelping ahead faster.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:33 pm
by Miguel
Zave saw the wolf trying to help the prisoners and screamed. He said, "HEY,who do you think you are." He began to rapidly move towards the wolf with anger in his eyes.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 10:54 pm
by Aki
Kris grinned, he raised his longsword threateningly, the electrical energy crackling over the blade threateningly. "Who do I think I am? I'm your executioner," he said cooly.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:03 pm
by Miguel
Zave screamed and pulled his pistol out. He fired two sleep darts at the wolf but realized it didn't do much. He screamed for Sabre or someone to help. He said, "I'm not supposed to change to Gestalt,it is prohibited." He fell to the ground and screamed as he transformed. He hadn't changed for a long time. He stood up and said, "You have provoked me."

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:05 pm
by Aki
Kris pulled the darts from his vest, grinning. "Provoked or not, all you've done is choosen which form you want to die in," he said, bringing back up the sword in a defensive stance.

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 11:07 pm
by Miguel
Zave pulled his katana out and said, "why are you doing this wolf?" He charged at the wolf with his katana raised.