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President Bush = Senator Palpatine?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 5:27 pm
by Set

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 6:28 pm
by Renorei
That's pretty interesting. Although, I think it's a bit of a stretch for him to suggest that Bush is evil. Misguided, perhaps, but not evil. If he was evil, I doubt he'd be so vehemently pro-life. That just doesn't fit together. (Now, to those of you pro-choicers, don't automatically assume that I'm calling you evil.)

As far as a secret society controlling the world, sign me up....

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:00 pm
by Fenrir
Eveybody is intittled to their oppinion, so why should we care about this, my god it's just a freaking movie there is no mystical mumbo jumbo it's a movie that some people have come to take into more evangelical terms. The illuminati don't exsist they are just a rumor. And I hate people who think they are going to sway people by writting this. I mean people are firm in thier beliefs, so Democrats cant change Republicans and vice versa. Oh crap i forgot the liberals. Why did you have to bring politics into this forum? Oh well it's in here que sera sera

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:05 pm
by Terastas
Excelsia wrote:If he was evil, I doubt he'd be so vehemently pro-life.
Actually, it fits perfectly. Abortion and gay marriage are far from nation-threatening issues, but he's made them out to be to ham it up to the religious population.

In other words, it's not his political platform, rather it's his propaganda.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:41 pm
by Fenrir
And Clinton's was........[spoiler]getting his winkie waked?[/spoiler](asking if he was agood pres)

ya I see were your coming from in fact i can't remember the last good president we had. Was Regan good?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:32 am
by white
While I'm not supportive of any conspiracy theories, it is a disturbingly accurate comparison.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:23 am
by vrikasatma
I'm not a fan of conspiracy theory. I view it as coming under the "bread and circuses" heading...something to keep people occupied, illusioned, scattered so they can't see what's REALLY going on.

I'm gonna hold myself back ten ways from Sunday here so I don't go off on a rant and alienate the hell out of y'all...

However way you stand on's some REAL things happening in this country. The pro-life/pro-choice debate is also part of the bread and circuses...

Congress is voting to TAKE BACK the money given to NYC to care for people who were exposed to toxins in the wreckage of the WTC towers after 9/11. Read that carefully.

The former head of the CIA has gone on record as saying that Dick Cheney — #1 in line for the Oval Office should anything happen to Bush — advocates torture. Not just approves of, he wants it to happen. He believes torture is a legitimate and effective means of gathering sensitive intelligence. History has proven, hundreds of years ago, that this is everything but the case. In light of this, Bush's statement that the United States doesn't implement torture is a bald-faced lie.

Bush isn't running the country, he's pandering to his constituency. This is not good leadership: he fails to recognize that this country is comprised of more than his fan base. A leader *leads* — everyone, not just those who think like him.

Michael Brown, the former director of FEMA, used to be a director for — get this — Arabian horse breed shows! On the day New Orleans flooded, he was passing e-mails back and forth with someone else in his department, asking her for advice on which colour jacket he should wear in front of the news cameras. The director of FEMA is a presidential appointee. To say he wasn't up to the job is an understatement that borders on the ludicrous.

There is a bill, passed by Congress, that specifically bans torture as an intelligence-gathering device. It was passed 90-4. President Bush has vowed to veto it.

I'll stop there. If you want to read what I really think about the Bush Administration, look up my profile on MySpace and sub to my blog. I weigh in on that on a regular basis and I really let fly.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 8:00 pm
by Set
Fenrir wrote:The illuminati don't exsist they are just a rumor.
Did you ever see Tomb Raider? So says Powell, member of the Illuminati, to Lara: "There's no such thing. It's just a bedtime story."
Fenrir wrote:Why did you have to bring politics into this forum?
I didn't post it because it was about politics. I thought it was weird, so I was curious what everyone else would think of it. Besides, if you're worried that we're not mature enough to keep this from degenerating into a flame war then why are you even here?
vrikasatma wrote:Michael Brown, the former director of FEMA, used to be a director for — get this — Arabian horse breed shows!
Everyone brings that up. You, news people, Jay Leno... And to all of you I ask...what's wrong with horses? I know the point was -supposed- to be that he wasn't qualified for the job, but I don't see how the horse thing is relevant. I happen to like Arabians myself. They're beautiful animals.
vrikasatma wrote:On the day New Orleans flooded, he was passing e-mails back and forth with someone else in his department, asking her for advice on which colour jacket he should wear in front of the news cameras. The director of FEMA is a presidential appointee.
Now that there's definately something wrong with.

To those of you unhappy with the way things are being run...why the hell did you vote for Bush? Really. Don't complain about your leaders if you helped them get into office. If you didn't, well, the world isn't fair. That's life.

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 10:16 pm
by Fenrir
Did you ever see Tomb Raider? So says Powell, member of the Illuminati, to Lara: "There's no such thing. It's just a bedtime story."
Are you basing a movie as true fact? :lol:
I didn't post it because it was about politics. I thought it was weird, so I was curious what everyone else would think of it. Besides, if you're worried that we're not mature enough to keep this from degenerating into a flame war then why are you even here?
I appologize i overreacted


Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 11:28 pm
by Set
Fenrir wrote:
Did you ever see Tomb Raider? So says Powell, member of the Illuminati, to Lara: "There's no such thing. It's just a bedtime story."
Are you basing a movie as true fact? :lol:
No. But I did have a point. If something like the Illuminati did exist, it would be in their best interest to convince people that they didn't.
Fenrir wrote:I appologize i overreacted happens. Don't worry about it.

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 12:16 am
by vrikasatma
Reilune — I never said there was anything wrong with horses. Come on, I have one! I learnt to ride on an Arabian. I was holding it up as an example of Bush's tendency to appoint cronies irregardless of their qualifications for getting the job done.

The point I was trying to make was that Bush is a weak leader — not a jab at Arabian horses (even though I hate the way they're getting inbred as hell and I'm not a big fan of the horse show circuits, either).

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 1:29 am
by Renorei
Terastas wrote:
Excelsia wrote:If he was evil, I doubt he'd be so vehemently pro-life.
Actually, it fits perfectly. Abortion and gay marriage are far from nation-threatening issues, but he's made them out to be to ham it up to the religious population.

In other words, it's not his political platform, rather it's his propaganda.
Having the wrong priorities doesn't make you evil. He's not 'hamming' up to the religious population, he is the religious population. I, for one, sincerely believe that he believes in what he believes. True, he may be letting minor issues take precedence over more important ones, but nonetheless, that doesn't make you evil. He's just not a terribly good leader.

Democracy ends... with thunderous applause

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:55 pm
by Scott Gardener
He's reaching quite a bit, going into some rather kooky conspiracy theories. Reptile aliens? Come on. The Draconians are a popular conspiracy theory element, but a rather weak one given the utter lack of real evidence for it. And, no, Freemasons aren't servants of Satan, unless Satan's plan for world dominion involves building communities in small town America and building hospitals for pediatric burn victims. I was under the impression that the forces of evil weren't into charity work.

That said...

I'm glad someone besides me sees spooky parallels between the Bush Administration and the Sith lord takeover of the Galactic Republic. I saw it back when Episode II came out.

Now, if someone who hasn't gone off the deep end could see the parallels, then maybe we can restore balance to the Force.

What would Master Yoda do...

Re: Democracy ends... with thunderous applause

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 9:53 am
by Darum
Scott Gardener wrote:What would Master Yoda do...
umm... kick a**...?

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:01 pm
by vrikasatma
And backwards talk? :wink: