What is "FREEBORN" to you?

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What is "FREEBORN" to you?

Post by Vuldari »

Though it seems to be an obvious fact, it has recently become a point of perticular interest and curiosity to me that the "Freeborn" film project holds different expectations and meaning for each of us here in The Pack.

Which leads me to ask the Question: What is "Freeborn" to you? Why are you here?

As for me...

Way back in December of 2004, I was lurking at the forum of an Anthropomorphic Art Website when someone posted a link to this site. I was intrigued. I have been a fan of shapeshifting characters for...ever...but I've been dissapointed to find that every Werewolf movie I knew the existance of was unapealing to me. The idea that someone was actually willing to ask fans what they think and listen sounded very promising, so I decided to check it out.

In the beginning, I was a little dissapointed to see that it was being modeled to be yet another slasher Horror flick...and a Low-Budget one at that...but I decided to toss out my honest opinion anyway.

We started with the basics. Ugly Werewolves are NOT cool. - Mindless Werewolves are NOT cool. - Fur and Tails make Werewolves more Aesthetically appealing, and...well...Cooler.

However, it was when I began to realise that I was not the only one who did NOT want another slasher film, but something "Different" that I really bit the hook and realized that I just might stick around for a while to see where this goes.

This is what I saw. I saw an Independant film studio that was expressing, not only willingness, but tremedous enthusiasm to make a film about my favorite Mythilogical creature that was not like all of the other Werewolf films out there. When ABrownrigg announced that he and Silver were doing a complete re-write of the script to reflect the new vision, it seemed too good to be true. They were actually listening!

There is a good reason why I am far more interested and exited about this low-budget (though considerably larger than it began as) film than the higher budget projects like "Blood and Chocolate" or "Underworld: Evolution".
Because they ARE a relatively unknown, low-profile Indipendant film studio.

ReQuest/Cashell, as an independant studio, are in a position to make a film that NO big name studio would ever try to get away with.

THAT is what I am restlessly looking forward to. THAT is what I'm hoping for. I want to see the kind of unconventional, unique, and stale tradition breaking film that Only an independant film studio can make.

FOX or UNIVERSAL would Never make a film about a Werewolf that does NOT go on mad killing sprees every full moon.
"What...no bloodspray? ...no Hot Babe with a shotgun? ...no massive body count? How are we going to promote This?"

Honestly...what I have imagined that "Freeborn" (formerly "Devoured") could become from the very beginning up to today is something dangeruosly unique. Something that some fans of traditional Werewolf films may not like at all...but somthing that other moviegoers who normally avoid the genre, and Werewolf fans like myself unsatisfied with the gory steriotype may come to Love. A film that people will remember...whether it breaks any box office records or not.

That is what Freeborn is to me.

How about you?
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Post by Leighlia »

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Post by Searif »

freeborn is not just a movie to me, but more of a thing that somewhat changed my life, with out it this pack would not exist and I would not have as many friends online as I do now.

thank you pack, for changing my life in a small way :P
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Post by Baphnedia »

I've seen the Pack and Freeborn both mold and change moreso than almost any other group out there. The rest, was kindly outlined by Vuldari in great detail.

Thanks for forcing my memory. I haven't been in 'what should a werewolf be' in quite some time, thanks to me not having the time to keep up on it.
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Post by outwarddoodles »

I originally found the link here from looking around the 'Moon Song' forums. I thought it was really cool, but originally ignored the link to the forums. I sappose a couple days later I was drawn to it, and I got myself an account so I could post a couple things here and there to some topics I have read. After that I really wasn't planning on staying.

Of cource, I didn't get too far before deciding to come back and post some more....and some more...and some more. Untill typing the url for the forums was the first thing I did everytime I got on the computer.

I think that The Pack is more important to me. It's a great community of nice people, all who love werewolves, and we atually talk and share good things. No one is throwing around spam or anything hurtful, and if we do find some, it's taken care of. I actually seem to know the people who post here too.

If it wern't for the idea of a werewolf movie, I would have never had The Pack to go to everyday.

Yet, to the original question, Freeborn to me is a movie, not something abstract or romantic. It is a very unique movie though. It was a werewolf movie, but not just that, it asked what we werewolf fans want. Now it's a movie with pretty werewolves, but hopefully an even better story. It's something that hasn't made it's way to the big screen yet, untill now. I'm very interested in seeing a movie that may protray that 'werewolves are people too'.
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Post by Renorei »

-A movie that shows werewolves as something else besides mindless, killing beasts
-A movie were lycanthropy is not a curse (unless, perhaps, you make it one.)
-A movie where werewolves can choose to be evil or good, and a movie in which there will be both
-A drama with a little bit of everything, from horror to comedy to action, etc. etc.
-A movie with (hopefully) good looking werewolves, not hairless uglies.
-An adult movie, not because of GRATUITOUS violence, gore, or nudity, but because these things will naturally be present in the plot.


-a movie that, for once, shows werewolves in a positive light and deviates from many of those ridiculous hollywood cliches about werewolves.
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Post by Scott Gardener »

I started developing my image of werewolves in 1987, and had essentially the image I have now by about 1990. I was impressed with the role-playing game Werewolf: the Apocalypse when it came out in 1993, though it still only partially seemed to fit what I had envisioned. Still, I had hopes, that since a gaming company came near my idea, cinema would soon follow. But, it did not happen. By the mid-90s, I found myself saying, "I would pay good money to see it done right."

I would also meet other werewolf fans at A-Kon (bear in mind that A-Kon then was much smaller, and this was long before the now legendary A-Kon XVI, where Turner, the Brownriggs, and company primiered the Freeborn teaser) and LARP the game. (As a side note, I could swear one of the LARP referees was our own screenplay writer, Silver.) I also got to interact with the people on alt.horror.werewolves and later at the turn of the millennium various therianthropy BBS boards, and I discovered that my vision was surprisingly similar to a lot of people--the non-evil werewolf, who finds comfort in nature; the hybrid form that actually looks like a mix of wolf and human, tail and all; we had a lot in common.

This only amplified the question, why wasn't there a movie doing it right? So, again, I found myself begging the cosmos to answer the question.

Then, last year around this time, I learned about "Devoured" and "Building the Ultimate Werewolf" from Goldenwolf's werewolf fandom site, "Moonsong." I came as fast as I could and unloaded as much as I could. It was too good to be true, so I told myself not to expect too much.

But, it kept going, and getting better. And, by astonishing fortune that is too good to be coincidental, I discovered that not only was it going forward and getting into the studios, but that the makers of the thing were good friends of Meri Clark, the organizer of A-Kon. I know her. My sister's husband is part of her convention security force. I had a good chance of meeting the makers in person! (And not by dying.)

Indeed, it happened. But, I never got the chance to buy anyone--the Brownriggs, Cory Turner, or any of the ReQuest group, who started the project and then graciously handed it to Cachel and the Brownriggs--the round of drinks I promised. Next A-Kon, I still owe you.

In fact, seeing how this is going, I need to check and make sure I still have my immortal soul, or if it went where a lot of Red Sox fans' souls went last year.

Seeing Freeborn go from concept to a major studio head-turner, and possibly a blitz smack in the face of marketing departments around the world (which will eventually be pushed as "the new paradigm") also inspired me to consider taking my own ideas and doing something with them. Accordingly, I am revising my novel manuscript and sending it to a publisher next year.
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Post by Leighlia »

I've downloaded and begun reading your manuscripts Scott and give you heartily earned congratulations. From the scan-over that I've done of it thus far I have to say that it looks great. My own manuscript suddenly looks rather shabby and I'm considering just forgetting the whole idea. Good luck on getting it published.
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

I found this site by the really nice looking werewolf paw that was in the main domain while I was looking for werewolf pics. When I started reading some the stuff that you guys were up to, about making a werewolf movie that we want to see, one that didnt portray werewolves as the bad guys, mindless killing machines, a devils servant. I thought this would be a bit of an action flick untill I read about the script and saw the trailor, thats when I realize that it was a drama, and that got me even more interest in it because its something that has never been done before, this could actually be a movie that can change the oppinions of people about werewolves by adding characters that ARE werewolves and proud of it and they arent bad. So I was persistant to get myself envolve in the project anyway possible. Thanks to this move.....AB has became my favorite director just for caring about our oppinions and listening to us. Freeborn to me is the first step for making a werewolf movie right , and respectful, one that would be taken serously. This is no bandwagon, this is not a ripoff of the original Howling and AWIL, this is freeborn, this is a revolution for werewolf fans. :howl:  :oo
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Don't fear the writer

Post by Scott Gardener »

I've downloaded and begun reading your manuscripts Scott and give you heartily earned congratulations....
Thanks. I appreciate it.
...My own manuscript suddenly looks rather shabby and I'm considering just forgetting the whole idea....
No, don't do that! Don't let my work be a reason for you to give up on yours!

My work starts out looking pretty crappy. I wouldn't dare subject you to what I just wrote this month. My manuscript looks the way it does because of repeated editing and revising. You have to allow yourself to be sloppy, so you can revise it.

And, there's always going to be something or someone better. After I look at Goldenwolf's art, I know my drawings still have a long way to go. There have been times when I looked at my novel manuscript and realized that, underneath the writing style, it's very much a formula story with a lot of familiar, even overused elements of werewolf fandom writing. The Freeborn teaser breaks more ground in under two minutes than my novel does in some 180 odd pages. That doesn't mean I'm giving up on my work; I'm just acknowledging that I've got a limitation that could get in the way of getting it published on the first submission. I'm expecting it to have to get mailed quite a bit next year.

Don't be afraid to create. Let your works start out badly. My first complete written draft of Lycanthrope had placeholder conversations quoting "All your base are belong to us," for bloody sake. The original first draft version had my character fleeing government agents by running on top of cars and hanging on the bottom of a helicopter. It was pretty cheesy.
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Post by Timber-WoIf »

lol, odd... Scotts work had an opposite effect on me... i was suddenly motivated to attempt to write lacluster stories after reading his, and others' fine works.

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Timber!!! (without the falling tree, of course)

Post by Scott Gardener »

Whoah! It's you! the same Timber Wolf from Moonsong! All this time, I didn't notice, until just a few minutes ago, when I happened upon a role-playing thread, when I noticed that you named your character Brentwood.

To those who have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm referring to Timber Wolf's untitled story on another board:

http://p207.ezboard.com/fforestoftheold ... D=27.topic

Other than some basic grammar and spelling stuff that's easily fixable, it's got to be one of the best ongoing stories I've seen online.

Before you get too hard on yourself, let me boost your ego a bit. Your story actually is more innovative and ground-breaking than mine. My first novel has a lot of rehash, whereas you're definitely innovating new concepts. I'm the one who's humbled.

But, enough about us. Wasn't this thread about Freeborn? Perhaps part of what Freeborn is, is the realization of our own pipe dreams, and a motivating force, a sort of "yes, you can do it" for the rest of us writers and artists. Meeting Brownrigg in person prompted me to consider getting my novel one last once-over, with plans to submit to publishers by next summer. It's a realization that our dreams can happen, and are indeed already in the process of happening. It's the movie we've wanted to see, even if we had to bloody well get a camera and make it ourselves.
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Post by Leighlia »

Thanks for the words of encouragement Scott G. After going back and looking it over I realized that I have far too much to just toss anyway. I'm considering posting a segment of it in the creative section for some feedback. By the way...what's the D.O. stand after your name in your manuscript?

Sorry...sorry...I've strayed from the listed topic. Last one I promise. :|
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Just D.O. it!

Post by Scott Gardener »

Doctor of Osteopathy; I'm a physician. I'm not technically an M.D.; I have the only other degree in the U.S. that does the same thing. D.O.s are also trained in manipulation and holistic medicine, but unlike chiropractors and massage therapists, we're full-blown physicians as well.
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Post by Ink »

I joined only recently yet I personally find Freeborn as the first moving chance to see something done not for the shock value an element carries but something with perception and a change for the group of people who love the ideology. Plus it's allowed a common group to organize in a 'community'. That alone is enough, the fact there'll be productivity from it is further gratification for participants and movie viewers.

Werewolves to me, as somebody striving to be an Anthropologist, are something of an idea that cultures have feared and clung to. In almost every culture there's an idea of them, a fear of them, and an power to them. There is sympathy, there is mentality, there is behavior and emotion.

The sheer idea fortifies resiliance and adaptation. In generations the classic myth of Werewolves is with us. Each idea of Werewolves has sent the stage and since the change has happened but again people need to set the stage.

Mr. Brownrigg has rallied the troops and literally begun setting the stage of production for this myths next form of adaptation. He answered the call and initiated the pull to help make it happen and I applaud that.

For me, this is a guilty pleasure I fruitfully enjoy for it's freedom, it's attachment, some meaning. Freeborn connects all those possibilities cinematicly -- something that hasn't been done before regarding such ficticious critters. I love the idea of the success of this -- this is something I'd say a great majority of modern werewolf lovers have been wanting for.

I can't wait to see the final product.

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Post by Figarou »

Excelsia wrote:-A movie that shows werewolves as something else besides mindless, killing beasts
-A movie were lycanthropy is not a curse (unless, perhaps, you make it one.)
-A movie where werewolves can choose to be evil or good, and a movie in which there will be both
-A drama with a little bit of everything, from horror to comedy to action, etc. etc.
-A movie with (hopefully) good looking werewolves, not hairless uglies.
-An adult movie, not because of GRATUITOUS violence, gore, or nudity, but because these things will naturally be present in the plot.


-a movie that, for once, shows werewolves in a positive light and deviates from many of those ridiculous hollywood cliches about werewolves.

There we go!! This I like!!!
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Post by Wolveblade »

the protrayal of werewolves not as mangy beast but something better and respectable :)
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Post by Lone_Wolf »

Figarou wrote:
Excelsia wrote:-A movie that shows werewolves as something else besides mindless, killing beasts
-A movie were lycanthropy is not a curse (unless, perhaps, you make it one.)
-A movie where werewolves can choose to be evil or good, and a movie in which there will be both
-A drama with a little bit of everything, from horror to comedy to action, etc. etc.
-A movie with (hopefully) good looking werewolves, not hairless uglies.
-An adult movie, not because of GRATUITOUS violence, gore, or nudity, but because these things will naturally be present in the plot.


-a movie that, for once, shows werewolves in a positive light and deviates from many of those ridiculous hollywood cliches about werewolves.

There we go!! This I like!!!
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Post by Renorei »

Lone_Wolf wrote:
Figarou wrote:
Excelsia wrote:-A movie that shows werewolves as something else besides mindless, killing beasts
-A movie were lycanthropy is not a curse (unless, perhaps, you make it one.)
-A movie where werewolves can choose to be evil or good, and a movie in which there will be both
-A drama with a little bit of everything, from horror to comedy to action, etc. etc.
-A movie with (hopefully) good looking werewolves, not hairless uglies.
-An adult movie, not because of GRATUITOUS violence, gore, or nudity, but because these things will naturally be present in the plot.


-a movie that, for once, shows werewolves in a positive light and deviates from many of those ridiculous hollywood cliches about werewolves.

There we go!! This I like!!!
Bulls eye!
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Post by Celestialwolf »

I support Freeborn Because:

This will be the first movie where werewolves are portayed virtually the way I want them to look.

I support independent filmakers, especially in topics I have a high interest.

I'm proud to be part of a groundbreaking effort where those seeking input from fans about making a movie have set up a forum to do just that.
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Post by Grayheart »

What is Freeborn to me? Yeah, well ...

It is important to me, because it's the first time I heard of a project that involves the fans of a special topic to make it really good.

It's important to me, because I always loved werewolf-movies and I'm pretty sure that Freeborn will be one of the most pleasuring ones - if not the very best one of all.

This site is important to me, because it's the first place I've found to talk about werewolves and all related stuff with people who have the same interest like me. This site became more and more important to me, because you all are cool and you all try to be constructive without loosing your humor. And it is important to me, because I met some really cool people that could probably become good friends of mine ...

I'm grateful for this place and the people in it. I love The Pack and the first idea behind it as well as the mood that obviously came up in the time since this place was created.

Yours, Grayheart
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Post by Ancient »

Wow, seems like everything I was going to say has already been meantioned maybe more than once. Even though I just recently joined The Pack I have watched the board for awhile a very long while and very much enjoyed the idea of Freeborn. I guess now that I am here I've found I wouldn't want to go anywhere else.
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Post by Shadow Wulf »

Soo, how long have you been spying on us? :reflect:
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Post by Ancient »

About 8 months to be exact. Long time yes?

I just did the math. Ah, it helps.
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