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f*** the damn TV...

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:42 am
by Mix Bouda-Lycaon
Ahh, Wolf Lake...

Damn. Who do I have to kill to get this show back on?

look at it this way:

X-Files, Buffy, Sliders (which went to hell in the end, they should've killed the black guy when they had the chance), and everybody else had a slow start in the late 80/early 90's. Why? Cuz TV sucked back then as it does now. Everyone was watching "Roseann" ...and is still watching it *shudders* and "Saved by the Bell", Family Feud, Hillbillies, Cops, 911, AMW, Pyramid, and etc...

So... all the cool people, us, wouldn't bother watching TV, only to tune to Sightings and Unsolved Mysteries... and Star Trek (which also had a slow and criticized start.)

Sorry UPN, you guys lost a really f*** great show there. *Que 'Martin Lawrence' theme song again*

The reason this series fell off the charts was a few factors: Bad timeslot, not a reconized station (CBS) for this genre of programming, bad timeslot. Try Fox or UPN or WGN around 8 or 9pm on a Friday/Saturday and really push it.

See, when you compete with 'Friends' re-runs, you'll ALWAYS lose.

Let's look at the death toll:
John Doe (which sucked in the end... -.-)
Wolf Lake
Batman Beyond
Special Unit 2

Seriously, create a non-cable/satillite/digital-cable station that ONLY plays Sci-Fi cartoons, commercials, and shows.

Not repeating reruns of Snake-head Terror Marathons like Sci-Fi channel does.

You NEVER see a werewolf Marathion.

"Oh, but there's no demand for it..."

That's because YOU NEVER SHOW IT!!!

Anyone willing to donate to the 'WCOB' (Were-Creature Only Broadcast) TV Station?

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:02 am
by Apokryltaros
Didn't they switch Wolf Lake to UPN later?
Anyhow, in my opinion, the reason why Wolf Lake went belly up was because the plot was made too tedious, in that Lou Phillip Diamond's character kept getting all these clues that everyone in town, except for himself, was a werewolf, and that when they felt like showing that someone was a werewolf, they devoted so little actual time in showing it.
That, and they never actually bothered to show people turning into werewolves.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 11:08 am
by Timber-WoIf
- could you really find enough decent programs to fill time in such a network?
-TV sucks, has sucked, and will forever. Try gaming and books, like me :D
-seriously though, we are a vocal minority at best. There would be no demand for such a network. (though things may be changing...)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 12:05 pm
by Lupin
Mix Bouda-Lycaon wrote: See, when you compete with 'Friends' re-runs, you'll ALWAYS lose.

Let's look at the death toll:
That ended because it ran for seven seasons, and seven seasons is long enough to be put into syndication, but not so long that it's horribly expensive for stations to buy

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 6:22 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
gee, I never saw Wolf Lake, but heard it was awesome, so yeah I would, just because.. :roll:


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 8:55 pm
by Apokryltaros
SabreWereWolfQueen_84 wrote:gee, I never saw Wolf Lake, but heard it was awesome, so yeah I would, just because.. :roll:

It was highly overrated.

To network marketing departments everywhere: Bite me

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 10:53 pm
by Scott Gardener
Wolf Lake was one of those shows that starts out awkward and polishes itself up over time. It's also one of those shows that gets axed before it has the chance to get good. I put it along side Kindred: the Embraced, The Phoenix, Manimal (another obscure shapeshifter show, by the way), and a long list of others. (The latter two were run in the early eighties, and each lasted less than a season. The Sci Fi channel a few years ago re-aired both as part of a collection of short-lived series that should have made it but didn't.)

I'm sure we'd see Lou Diamond Philips' character figuring it out in a season or two. And, given how obvious a choice he would be for the part of a werewolf, he'd surely sooner or later have ended up becoming one--maybe discovering his own roots, or the wolves figuring out a way to convert humans. (Perhaps by way of saliva lining the upper and lower cuspids, when applied to the skin with sufficient pressure to puncture the recipient's protective epidermal layers.... Hmm...)

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 2:39 am
by Mix Bouda-Lycaon
Manimal was an awsome-dark show about killing humans... lmao

But I wasn't into scalies...

Batman Beyond died out in the middle of the Splicer plots...

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 3:08 am
by Ink
Wolf Lake was cumbersome, in my opinion, at best. The idea was okay but the sketchiness of the plot didn't draw in people. It was alienating and needed, desperately, refining. And the open seen with a few random set of breasts and bad TV publiced sex doesn't really turn people on.

What's the first thing people think about when you say Werewolf?
Large, man-eating and wolf-like creature.

Instantly Mom flicks the TV over to something else going, "Uhh... I don't want to see that."

And even if Mom, or anyone else, stays on the channel for more than two seconds you get Mr. Philips having sexual relations with a young woman we all know in reality wouldn't be in the position she was filmed in. Even I had to sort of go, "Okay - GROSS!"

As a college studnet saying 'Gross' to something that resembles something out of the Adult Entertainment Industry ... is sad. It was poorly done and had people everywhere flipping channels.

And while it's true the plot started moving halfway through the sad fact was that TV doesn't work that way. You catch people from the beginning episode and either hook them or kill the show.

Plus, the idea of this vast community of Werewolves was sad, overwhelmingly badly plotted out, and the acting was very rough to start with. It was overacted, underacted and the idea of all this was prepped on such shaky foundation.

I still harbor emotionally scared remains of that evening that it first aired, through it all. For me if I had known better I would have shut off the TV and said, "Forget it."

Wolf Lake just had so many problems it was doomed to fail, I think. It brought it's own downfall and while I applaud them for trying... the 'cough it up so we can sell it' plots don't leave me much room for sympathy over it's cancelation.

I think the best of ideas for any TV series is not introduction of a full pack of werewolves, but, rather, introduction of powerful supernatural characters and one of them being a Werewolf. A GOOD werewolf, in nature and visuals. To sneak in that appeal and awesomeness is kind of the idea to let people slowly begin to accept it.

An all out, "Werewolf' idea still, to this day, culls the masses into the not-so-far off theme of fangs, claws, and blood.

Even now Werewolves as cute and fluffy can't escape the fact they are preditors in nature and harbor all of the above ill things. Even the 'they're still concious thought and actions and won't eat you if you're nice or turn too!' theme doesn't come to mind as fast as said 'tools probably used to rip your guts out' seem to.

People need to be blindfolded before they jump off the band-wagon for a new idea. Especially stuff involving odd things, like Werewolves and the whole modern themes surrounding them.

We need cunning and witty directors (and people who can freakin' write scripts, damn it), but those are few and far between.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 12:32 pm
by Mix Bouda-Lycaon
That's your opinion, but damn... don't you have any heart for that show?

Anyways, the Frenh, once again, seemed to love it. Anyone else think that they are all werewolves themselves?