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YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced"

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:44 pm
by Vuldari
To get straight to the point...

I feel that if a werewolfs only concern about being a Werewolf is concerning their "Secret Identity" (Keeping thier Secret a Secret), then something is terribly wrong with that picture.

Contrary to how I sometimes make it appear, I prefer Werewolves to be scary, and at least in some ways, "unpleasant" both those lucky enough to encounter them, and to the werwolves themselves.

I think that, for a werewolf to truely fit within my mental perception of what a "Werewolf" is, then a Werewolf should have significant reasons to regret being such, and even reasons to be Afraid of thier other selves, to some extent.

...otherwise, it just feels too much like a Superpower.
"If something seems too good to be true, it usually is."

Allthough I also prefer that these problems, whatever they may be, should be "Tollerable" to someone patient enough and of a strong enough personality to learn to deal with them... so that it is entirely possible for one to become a Happy, Well Adjusted werewolf... their presence still is essential to me.

Some of which Could* be: (*Though not neccesarily all or any of these.)

*Some loss of controll, Civilized sense, Cognative capacity and/or Emotional self restraint when in transformed state.

( Even if the person remembered who they were, who their friends are, etc. etc. they would not allways think things through very well when "the wolf" and risk doing something very stupid or very dangerous if they transform. do serious physical harm to that person who has been pissing them off...even if that person is also thier best friend.)

*Transformations can NEVER be fully controlled.

( Once one is a Werewolf, born or bitten, they WILL change into thier other form on a consistant that every full moon, or never durring the full moon, but anytime they get very angry or feel endangered...or maybe every night...or every sunrise...or at nearly impossible to predict times whenever their body, and/or the instincts of thier "inner wolf" decides it's time to come out. That means that Any time they choose to go out in public for extended periods of time, they run the risk of revealing themselves, and perhaps acting irrationally when it happens [due to the other problem suggested above]. Likewise, that would also mean that, no matter how experienced they are, there would be times that they could not get the change to happen when they DO want it to...because it's just not "time" yet, or it's too soon since the last shift.)

*Their transformed body carries with it an entirely different personality.

(This would be the traditional movie werewolf curse, where once the person changes, they have little or no controll over their actions untill they change back, and may or may not remember what they do when they change into the "Beast." I am not terribly fond of this scenario, as it has allready been done before and only has a limited amount of outcomes, but I recognise and respect the intense emotions of fear and either self loathing or terrible morbid satisfaction in knowing you are such a heartless, brutal and fearsome creature AGAINST your will. ...or whatever the wolves "alternate" personality is, as colorfully demenstrated by the comic series "Buster Wilde")

*Lycanthropy is physically dangerous or degenerative.

( There is much talk about how a Werewolves shapeshifting abilities would also give one incredible healing and regenerative abilities...but what if it didn't? What if every time a werewolf shifted between forms, it put a painful and dangerous strain on their bodies that they never really recover from? ...meaning a werwolf that shifted too much, or too often would become very sick, and perhaps even permanently crippled from their bodies being forcefully contorted in unnatural ways. Or perhaps just being a werewolf, with bodies that are constantly rearanging themselves, would cause ones body to wear out much faster than a normal human, leading to accelerated aging and/or increased chances of contracting degenerative diseases, at earlier ages, ultimately leading to Shorter lifespans rather than Longer ones.)

*Lycanthropy is Mentally Degenerative/ Manipulative.

(If such an extreme condition could wreak havoc on ones body, it seems logical to me that it would/could also do quite a number on ones brain. Aside from just the intense psycological, emotional strain it would put on a person, it also could possibly change the chemical balances in ones brain, or even do physical damage to the "grey matter" from all the changes in blood pressure, cranial cavity pressure and shape changing, etc. etc. ultimately causing, or mimicing the effects of various mentally degenerative diseases. In other words...werewolves all eventually go shift at a time.

Or...if it does not technically "damage" ones brain, it could gradually change ones personality, habits, instincts and even which species they associate themselves with primarily, slowly making them think and feel more and more like a WOLF or a "Werewolf" which could be a completely different type of personality and instinct/impulse set from either a Human OR a Wolf. By becoming a Werewolf, one eventually looses much of who they once were and becomes someone/something else.)

...or None of the above but something completely different.

Just as long as there is is SOME negative to balance out the Positive...otherwise it just feels too dreamlike to take serioulsly. (Aka. "Too good to be true")

...something to give one reason to think twice about becomming a werewolf, or to just provide a little extra darkness in their life to make them appreciate the Silver Linings of being a werewolf that much more.

That is what I think. ...being a werewolf should not be a bed of roses in a "secret garden"... A Werewolf should not only be fundamentally fearsome to others, but also unpredictable enough that they have reason to be afraid of THEMSELVES.

How about the rest of you?

Do you think a Werewolf needs to be "Balanced"? ...or is that completely beside the point?


Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 11:56 pm
by Short Tail
Some lore says that one must give up their soul to become a were. That sounds like a pretty big disadvantage to me. And yes, I do feel that there should be something to counterbalance the positive but as to what, I have no opinions.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:22 am
by Lupin
I always thought that like most things in the world, it was inherently neutral, and became good or bad depending the person that got it. Some would live in fear of the coming of the full moon, never learn to control it if they could, and live out the rest of their lives in misery, feeling that they were cursed. Others would revel in it, sell all their mortal posessions, and move out into the wilderness to be closer to their lupine bretheren, free from all the constrants the world of Man. And still others would keep their life and just remember pick up some extra meat at the butcher's every 28 days. The mind is a lot stronger than any external force.

In other words, like most things in life, lycantropy is what you make of it.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:31 am
by Figarou
Lupin wrote:And still others would keep their life and just remember pick up some extra meat at the butcher's every 28 days.
Mmmmm.... Lil' smokies!!! lck
Lupin wrote:In other words, like most things in life, lycantropy is what you make of it.
Couldn't have said it better myself.

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 12:50 am
by Renorei
Vuldari wrote:To get straight to the point...

I feel that if a werewolfs only concern about being a Werewolf is concerning their "Secret Identity" (Keeping thier Secret a Secret), then something is terribly wrong with that picture.
Having to keep the secret from the entire world is not something that should be taken lightly. I see this as being the kind of thing that causes severe emotional strain and suffering, knowing that in all the world, only a handful of people are capable of truly understanding you. Also, if werewolf hunters exist, the keeping of the secret could give rise to extreme paranoia. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, even if there aren't any other disadvantages to being a werewolf, this one is enough for me.


Vuldari wrote:*Some loss of controll, Civilized sense, Cognative capacity and/or Emotional self restraint when in transformed state.

( Even if the person remembered who they were, who their friends are, etc. etc. they would not allways think things through very well when "the wolf" and risk doing something very stupid or very dangerous if they transform. do serious physical harm to that person who has been pissing them off...even if that person is also thier best friend.)
Honestly, this is really the only suggestion that you provided that I feel compelled to agree with. Shifting should have some effect on their actions. By no means should the whole 'mindless beast' scenario occur, but they should certainly feel the need to be cautious with their shifting.

Vuldari wrote:Just as long as there is is SOME negative to balance out the Positive...otherwise it just feels too dreamlike to take serioulsly. (Aka. "Too good to be true")

...something to give one reason to think twice about becomming a werewolf, or to just provide a little extra darkness in their life to make them appreciate the Silver Linings of being a werewolf that much more.

That is what I think. ...being a werewolf should not be a bed of roses in a "secret garden"... A Werewolf should not only be fundamentally fearsome to others, but also unpredictable enough that they have reason to be afraid of THEMSELVES.

How about the rest of you?

Do you think a Werewolf needs to be "Balanced"? ...or is that completely beside the point?
For the most part, it is pretty beside the point in my view of werewolves. Though I am willing to abide a small amount of disadvantages, preferrably emotional or mental, that is by no means a requirement of werewolves for me. "Too good to be true" is a phrase you'll never hear me utter. If it's that good, I won't be complaining.

Another idea:

You mentioned that shifting might be something they could never fully control. I would agree with this, but not merely at random times. For me, it would have to be in one of the following moments:

-full moon
-moment of intense emotion
-during sex
-whilst dreaming

Though I still think they would be able to control their shifting during these moments (except in dreams), I think that the desire to shift might become so strong that their judgement could become clouded and they might 'release the beast' without really thinking about it. I envision the above times as being very difficult and frustrating for a werewolf. They would have to will themselves not to shift. This, I think, would be quite a substantial disadvantage from a werewolf's point of view.

So, in summary, I don't think that lycanthropy necessarily needs to have disadvantages. But, if it does, these are the ones that I am in favor of:

-poor decision making skills and clouded judgement while transformed
-having to keep the secret from an entire world full of people
-the desire to shift being so strong sometimes that they must consciously will themselves not to...and sometimes they might just give in

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 1:45 am
by vrikasatma

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 4:33 pm
by Aki
I'll have to agree with Vrikasatma and Lupin. Though Lycanthropy can seem like a powerup, it also can cause you to feel segregated from the rest of humanity.

Its a secret thats always eating away at you, that no matter who someone is, they can't be trusted with that secret that "Hey I'ma werewolf!" unless they are one (which means they'd be very opposed to exposing themselves when they learn what they are). They're Wolves in a massive herd of sheep.

And I kinda agree with emotional states prompting shifting. If a Werewolf is incredibly pissed off, or stressed to no end, they might involuntarily shift. Kinda as a extension of the fight-or-flight response (shortened to FoF from now on for my conviences). The FoF response preps the body to either run, or fight. This is by releasing adrenaline, increasing the clotting ability of blood, amping up the heart rate, etc.

For the Werewolf, this might include shifting (but more for extremer cases, not a ordinary activator of a FoF response like someone jumping out and yelling "BOO!" or something) as the Gestalt form would more or less, be the best form for a Werewolf to go to town on someone in, and the full wolf is the best form for running like hell, with Gestalt a second place.


Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:52 pm
by MuDD
Lupin wrote:I always thought that like most things in the world, it was inherently neutral, and became good or bad depending the person that got it. Some would live in fear of the coming of the full moon, never learn to control it if they could, and live out the rest of their lives in misery, feeling that they were cursed. Others would revel in it, sell all their mortal posessions, and move out into the wilderness to be closer to their lupine bretheren, free from all the constrants the world of Man. And still others would keep their life and just remember pick up some extra meat at the butcher's every 28 days. The mind is a lot stronger than any external force.

In other words, like most things in life, lycantropy is what you make of it.
I absolutely agree, Lupin. The degree to which a person who has contracted lycanthropy-or maybe even had they been born with it- feels about their condition is heavily based on their own internal and external views of things. For instance if a person were a good man/woman, never tried to harm another human being(regardless of what said person may have done to the "afflicted") then they would not be a ravening monstrosity when they shifted. However, if the person had been on the bottom rung of the moral ladder so to speak-they were a serial killer, maybe a little psychotic, etc, etc, then they would have a great tendancy to simply not care enough to control their more animal instincts. So they would be more like the typical hollywood movie monster werewolf. So to end this rambling, yes I also think that what kind of werewolf a person would be, would depend almost wholly on what they were like as a human being.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:06 pm
by Darth Canis
:D Very nice post Vuldari! I agree that sometimes it does seem like we are making werewolves out to be not tortured souls but instead people with a super awesome gift. But like everything there must be as you said a yin and a yang. i think even though werewolves have their chosen pack they still have the tortured yearning to have a traditional human family and traditional human values when they know they just can't. Of course some will embrace their were side more making themselves prone to more out bursts and such but not having that mental anguish inside.... whether it not being able to tell your true love what you are or never being able to have children because your alpha doesn't think you should. I would say sure it might not matter to every were out that but to some it could be a great emotional pain.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:08 pm
by MuDD
Aki wrote:I'll have to agree with Vrikasatma and Lupin. Though Lycanthropy can seem like a powerup, it also can cause you to feel segregated from the rest of humanity.

Its a secret thats always eating away at you, that no matter who someone is, they can't be trusted with that secret that "Hey I'ma werewolf!" unless they are one (which means they'd be very opposed to exposing themselves when they learn what they are). They're Wolves in a massive herd of sheep.

And I kinda agree with emotional states prompting shifting. If a Werewolf is incredibly pissed off, or stressed to no end, they might involuntarily shift. Kinda as a extension of the fight-or-flight response (shortened to FoF from now on for my conviences). The FoF response preps the body to either run, or fight. This is by releasing adrenaline, increasing the clotting ability of blood, amping up the heart rate, etc.

For the Werewolf, this might include shifting (but more for extremer cases, not a ordinary activator of a FoF response like someone jumping out and yelling "BOO!" or something) as the Gestalt form would more or less, be the best form for a Werewolf to go to town on someone in, and the full wolf is the best form for running like hell, with Gestalt a second place.


Thank you for reminding me Aki, I forgot to go into this bit too. I don't know if any of you know about the novels written by Laurell K. Hamilton but in her universe lycanthropes and vampires-blech-are legal citizens. Anyway getting back on topic, in her novels the lycanthropes are at first like the movie versions of werewolves, in that they have little to no control of the shifts and their instincts their first few full mons. Though as they age they gain more and more control until when they become "Alphas" they have enough control to not "lose it" at the sight or smell of blood-being that blood excites lycanthropes,like a rare spice- they also gain more control of their shifting abilities in that the most alpha of them can do certain partial shifts,like growing claws when still in human form. They can also keep themselves from shifting under certain circumstances. Should REALLY explain that for those of you who might not be in the know-lycanthropes in Mrs. Hamilton's albums shift with the full moon no matter how powerful they are, but also extreme emotions-lust, rage, terror and sexual intercourse can make them shift early. However "Alphas" can keep their beasts under control during the full moon until the absolutelast second, also the lycanthropes that find them-called Sponsors- teach them to keep their control under extreme emotional duress, but sex still proves a bit of a problem, and no matter their control they still tend not to have sex with "normals". The "better safe than sorry" sorta idea.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:33 pm
by 00airknight
Hmm interesting topic
The werewolf would not likely be battling another self because there is no other self. I would assume that a werewolf changing would be like being hungry eventually u have to eat. wws(were wolves) eventually have to change. but when they change they will likely be the same person only reacting on instict. like a animal (wolf). There arent 2 there is one mind, but the mind changes from human to animal. although they would likely be one and the same mind.... what im saying is there aren't two minds but the one that does changes into instinct. i suppose the werewolf might have another half but they likely don't fight.

srry for being confusing im not good at wording things if you have a question i'll retry when i come up with a better way to explain

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 7:23 pm
by CrewWolf
The whole deviancy/outsider issue could be a negative aspect of being a werewolf of course in that a werewolf couldn't feel the same about their old life as they once did, either by not fitting into the mundane black and white world like they once did before their life became exciting with a whole new way of looking at the world, or look back on it as the days of eden when they had had a good life ahead of them but now must suffer and hide their monstrous curse.

But a positive thing about being a werewolf as opposed to a weretiger or a werebear is that wolves are pack animals. While werewolves may find themselves excluded from society, some may be lucky enough to find themselves in a position to be welcomed into another. At least those may take comfort in not having to carry the burden with all it's secrecy, fears, and emotional tax alone which can make all the difference.

What that leaves then is the lone werewolves, some traumatized and potentially driven mad with being a werewolf. It's possible to confide in a trustworthy non-werewolf, perhaps a family member or friend, but what are they going to do when it all becomes just too much to bear and you just can't control the beast any longer? Call animal control?

Anyway, there should definitely be some drawbacks to being a werewolf. I've always preferred the threat of losing oneself to the wolf. That doesn't necessarily mean going all crazy and ripping the throat out of every person in sight, although that can be a possibility if the human was originally a serial killer. That would basically be the danger of the wolf losing control of the human. Wolves don't generally go after humans unless their usual food supply has diminished for some reason or another, and even then they probably won't go after a full grown healthy human, they'd generally pick off something weaker. Only creature known to habitually kill and butcher humans is probably something you can guess pretty easily (rhymes with crewman). Or you can just think of becoming a werewolf as imbibing liberal amounts of alcohol and end up doing something you generally wouldn't do, except with more claws and teeth and the screaming of countless innocents. Just a human with the short circuited control panel. I don't much like that view because it makes being a werewolf seem more like a hairy mental disorder than anything.

I also agree that a werewolf is one single mind, not two, although I toyed with the idea once in which I thought of a guy who was born a werewolf but never changed, but because the wolf had to manifest itself somehow, it eventually built itself up in the man's head over time to the point where the man began to hear a voice in his head that groaned over his human ways and tried to coerce him into changing, which would force the two entities together to form a whole once more. I thought that would've been pretty cool for a while.

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:09 pm
by Vuldari
Excelsia wrote:Having to keep the secret from the entire world is not something that should be taken lightly. I see this as being the kind of thing that causes severe emotional strain and suffering, knowing that in all the world, only a handful of people are capable of truly understanding you. Also, if werewolf hunters exist, the keeping of the secret could give rise to extreme paranoia. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, even if there aren't any other disadvantages to being a werewolf, this one is enough for me.
Oh I don't take it lightly at all. ...but I still don't think it is enough. Otherwise, being a werewolf just seems a bit too much like being Spiderman...or One of the X-men.

Actually...the X-MEN seem like the perfect example. "Lycanthropy = Mutant Powers" just does not feel right, no matter how I look at it.

In the Marvel universe, the life of a mutant is awful, because of the racism and hatred people have towards anyone with special powers. It is a fantastic scenario, and one is right to feel sorry for those who get an unfair share of that in the stories. However, I would not consider an X-Men mutant with the power to shapeshift into a wolf at will to be the same as a "True" Werewolf, but rather, a person with Werewolf-Like abilities.

I LOVE superheroes, and would enjoy reading stories and watching movies about Werewolf-Like characters which are significantly stronger, or more stable than werewolves almost as much (or sometimes even MORE) as the more pure, true to the legends types. ...but even if I came to believe that a character like "STAR GOD" (the ultimate form of "man-wolf" from the spiderman comics) was COOLER than regular werewolves, that would not make me want to change what a werewolf is to include such a being. I would not consider StarGod a Werewolf, but I would consider his hapless hosts weaker state ManWolf to be a werewolf. ...just one that exists by unconventional circumstances.

For's more about the state and condition of the character than the origin of thier shapeshifting ability, or the appearance of the final shape, when I am distinguishing between "Werewolves" and " Werewolf-Like" characters.

Werewolves are chaotic, unstable and imperfect. (IMHO)

Given options, I would honestly prefer to become a faux werewolf, with werewolf-like abilities than what I would consider a "real" werwolf.

...and If I did, I would not call myself a Werewolf. Because as far as I'm concerned, I wouldn't be.

To put that into fewer words...What I like the most and what I think a Werewolf is/should-be don't match up.

My intentions here are not to create and share a mold of a werewolf that is my ultimate fantasy. My motives are more dirrected towards suggesting and making werewolves that are more interesting characters ...and evil as it may be... troubled characters are much more interesting.

...again IMHO.

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:24 pm
by Kzinistzerg
with my personal version, the maindrawback to shiftign is that if you;re ever caught without it, you're so off guard, so shocked, and so in tune with it that being unable to chnage will often completely mess up someone's psychology- they take it for granted.

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 9:47 pm
by Renorei
Vuldari wrote: My intentions here are not to create and share a mold of a werewolf that is my ultimate fantasy. My motives are more dirrected towards suggesting and making werewolves that are more interesting characters ...and evil as it may be... troubled characters are much more interesting.

...again IMHO.
True...but the idea of werewolfism being physically or mentally degenerative just doesn't work for me...I can like a werewolf as long as it's one that I'd be willing to be. If shifting caused werewolves to degenerate physically, they would lose a lot of the appeal, for me, at least. And, the whole mindless beast thing is waaaay old.

That being said...I am totally cool with tormented werewolves. But I prefer the torment to be entirely or predominantly emotional.

And, of course, I'm also cool with the stuff I mentioned in my previous post.

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:36 pm
by Vuldari
Excelsia wrote:True...but the idea of werewolfism being physically or mentally degenerative just doesn't work for me...I can like a werewolf as long as it's one that I'd be willing to be. If shifting caused werewolves to degenerate physically, they would lose a lot of the appeal, for me, at least. And, the whole mindless beast thing is waaaay old.

That being said...I am totally cool with tormented werewolves. But I prefer the torment to be entirely or predominantly emotional.

And, of course, I'm also cool with the stuff I mentioned in my previous post.
The examples I listed are not necessarily ones that I think would be the best to use. They were just the first possibilities that came to mind...listed for the sake of example for perspective.

Also, as I mentioned before, I don't think I would actually like to be a "Werewolf" (As I have allways invisioned them) if there were other options available.

However, even if it was plagued with a plethora of "curse" like disadvantages, I still think I would seriously consider it. Image

[Edit:] ...and I did say this at the very beginning.
I wrote:Allthough I also prefer that these problems, whatever they may be, should be "Tollerable" to someone patient enough and of a strong enough personality to learn to deal with them... so that it is entirely possible for one to become a Happy, Well Adjusted werewolf...

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:28 pm
by Renorei
Vuldari wrote: The examples I listed are not necessarily ones that I think would be the best to use. They were just the first possibilities that came to mind...listed for the sake of example for perspective.
Yeah, I know. But, based on your examples, I can get a general feel for the kinds of disadvantages you would likely favor, I think.
Vuldari wrote:Also, as I mentioned before, I don't think I would actually like to be a "Werewolf" (As I have allways invisioned them) if there were other options available.

However, even if it was plagued with a plethora of "curse" like disadvantages, I still think I would seriously consider it. Image

[Edit:] ...and I did say this at the very beginning.
I wrote:Allthough I also prefer that these problems, whatever they may be, should be "Tollerable" to someone patient enough and of a strong enough personality to learn to deal with them... so that it is entirely possible for one to become a Happy, Well Adjusted werewolf...
Meh. We can just chalk it up to to a simple disagreement, then, over the degree to which a werewolf should have disadvantages. I favor small, minor, mainly emotional disadvantages (or the ones I listed previously) which would be overshadowed by the coolness of being a werewolf.

You favor (what appears to be) major disadvantages which result in the cons of being a werewolf being approximately equal to the pros.

I would gladly read a novel or watch a movie in which either type of werewolf were present. But, I prefer the former. I like for most of the problems that come from being a werewolf to come from outside forces, not from the innateness of being a werewolf (if that made sense). Ex: werewolf hunters, dealing with the drama of converting your true love into a werewolf, evil pack member, etc. You get the idea. In other words, a werewolf will encounter substantial problems due to the fact that they are a werewolf, but their werewolfism itself wouldn't be a big problem.

Anyway, even if the Freeborn werewolves do have all kinds of innate problems to deal with, that'll still be cool 8) . But, I'd prefer it if they didn't. :D Either way, I'll still undoubtedly like it.

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:59 pm
by Vuldari
Excelsia wrote: Meh. We can just chalk it up to to a simple disagreement, then, over the degree to which a werewolf should have disadvantages. I favor small, minor, mainly emotional disadvantages (or the ones I listed previously) which would be overshadowed by the coolness of being a werewolf.

You favor (what appears to be) major disadvantages which result in the cons of being a werewolf being approximately equal to the pros.
But of course...

I allready know how I feel about the subject. That, of course, was my motivation behind ending the first post with a question. learn just how the rest of your opinions differ from my own.

(Well...that and to bring a point to mind that I felt was being overlooked.)

Image ...By all means...disagree to your hearts content...

Re: YIN and YANG Does a Werewolf need to be "Balanced&

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 3:04 pm
by Renorei
Vuldari wrote: I allready know how I feel about the subject.
I mentioned your stance in my post to point out the contrast between your view and mine, and to benefit those who might be skimming the thread.

Sorry if I sounded condescending... :D

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 4:42 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Vuldari I think I know what you mean of Star God, hes that werewolf that all you see stars and space with a two big glowing eyes, am I right?

Anyway I agree with both Lupin and Vuldari on this subject.

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 5:02 pm
by Vuldari
Shadow Wulf wrote:Vuldari I think I know what you mean of Star God, hes that werewolf that all you see stars and space with a two big glowing eyes, am I right?

Anyway I agree with both Lupin and Vuldari on this subject.
Actually...I barely know what I'm talking about.

I looked up the character "ManWolf" a while back, and learned in my research that his alternate form came from a gem that became bonded with him which contained the essence of a god-like being from outer space which happened to have a physical form resembling what we would call a Werwolf. When the gem was exposed to radiation from earths moon, it awakened the gems power, causing the wearer to become "possesed" by Star-Gods spirit, and likewise take on his form. However, not enough lunar radiation could reach the surface of earth, so the man who carried the gem only was half-possesed...taking on the physical appearance of star god, and his most basic primal impulses, but not his personality, memories or incredible energy powers.

However, when he actually set foot on the surface of the moon with the gem, he gained all of stargods powers, and remained inteligent as well...eventually awakening StarGod completely for a short time.

...or something like that.
Excelsia wrote:
Vuldari wrote: I allready know how I feel about the subject.
I mentioned your stance in my post to point out the contrast between your view and mine, and to benefit those who might be skimming the thread.

Sorry if I sounded condescending... :D
I wasn't suggesting...that's not what I...

...oh nevermind...

I was just stating the obvious, that I did not start this thread just to "hear myself talk".

That was not intended to be a comment about your response.
No hard feelings. Image

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:21 pm
by Anubis
I agree about there has to be a balance of good and bad things about being a werewolf and such.

like there has to be some control issues with the transformations and other stuff. its more realistic if there stuff like that

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:41 pm
by Renorei
Vuldari wrote:
Excelsia wrote:
Vuldari wrote: I allready know how I feel about the subject.
I mentioned your stance in my post to point out the contrast between your view and mine, and to benefit those who might be skimming the thread.

Sorry if I sounded condescending... :D
I wasn't suggesting...that's not what I...

...oh nevermind...

I was just stating the obvious, that I did not start this thread just to "hear myself talk".

That was not intended to be a comment about your response.
No hard feelings. Image

Ah, now I see. Pffftttt...I wouldn't have had hard feelings anyway. :D

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:41 pm
by Figarou
The balance between the good and bad things about being a werewolf is just like balancing a checkbook. Without accuracy, and control, you won't know the outcome.

Put that in a sig box!!! :grinp:

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 7:47 pm
by MuDD
The biggest drawback I could see to being a werewolf, disadvantage wise might be the instincts. Having this potential desire to chase something that runs because of a part of your brain telling you that's what prey does. So if it's running, it must be prey.

Also, the whole being alone in the world, maybe you have a pack of like minded individuals and those individuals are going through exactly what you are going through, but sometimes you just get sick of being around people like you and want to get away for a while, well obviously, this is going to be a lot more difficult for werewolves to do than it would be for humans.