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Random Scenes You'd Like to See in Freeborn

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 9:34 am
by Renorei
So, over the time period that I've been a part of this forum, I've often played out imaginary scenes that I'd love to see in the movie. Are there any scenes YOU'D like to see? Though I know the script has already been written, I think this can be a fun discussion (and hey, who knows, maybe one of our ideas will be good enough to catalyze a script revision...though I kinda doubt it).

Also, these don't HAVE to apply to Freeborn. If you think of a cool scene you'd love to see in a werewolf movie that you don't think would be appropriate for Freeborn, you can post it anyway.

And don't forget this thread isn't for arguing over the werewolves in Freeborn or over the mood and tone of the movie as a whole. You may disagree with someone's idea, but remember that their idea is based on what they perceive the mood of Freeborn to be and what the Freeborn werewolves will be like, so it will probably at least be a little different than yours. This cannot be helped. Feel free to argue against them for other reasons, but not simply because you think their idea of the werewolves or Freeborn itself is WRONG...because frankly, unless you're AB, you don't know that.

Now, on to my ideas!

-First and foremost, lots of scenes that make sneaky, subtle allusions (preferably humorous) to past werewolf films. And maybe a few that make huge, over-the-top associations. Such as a really really emaciated guy TFs to gestalt, and someone says something about how he looks like the Harry Potter werewolf. That's not a terribly good example, but you get the idea.

-A scene were a female werewolf thoroughly kicks the a** of a male werewolf. That would absolutely make my day. Plus, most people seem to like scenes where girls kick boys' asses.

-Here is an idea I mentioned in another thread. On average, I'd say that most experienced werewolves would take about a minute or two to shift. I'd love to see one character who has worked on their shifting considerably, and has been able to get it down to an instant. This can be used in all sorts of fun ways.
For example, say this super-speedy-shifting werewolf encounters a werewolf hunter, while in human form. The werewolf hunter begins loading a silver bullet into his gun slowly, since he *knows* he has about a minute or two of relative safety. Then, said werewolf does the start-running-in-human-form-and-then-jump-to-the-ground-as-a-full-wolf kinda thing. Werewolf hunter nearly pisses himself in shock and drops the bullet.
Or, perhaps go with the Michigan J Frog ploy. A person spots a werewolf around a corner and yells to his friends to come look. They arrive, and they all look around the corner together to discover that there's nothing there but a person (albeit a naked or scantily clothed one).

Re: Random Scenes You'd Like to See in Freeborn

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:12 am
by Figarou
Excelsia wrote:
-A scene were a female werewolf thoroughly kicks the a** of a male werewolf. That would absolutely make my day. Plus, most people seem to like scenes where girls kick boys' asses.
Yup...I can see it now. A female werewolf with curlers in the hair/fur and a frying pan in the hand/paw. That type of female werewolf can kick any male werewolf's butt. That and scare off any other male werewolf. :jester2:

As for my random scene, all I want is something humorous when the werewolf is in gestalt form.

Re: Random Scenes You'd Like to See in Freeborn

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:40 am
by Renorei
Figarou wrote:
Excelsia wrote:
-A scene were a female werewolf thoroughly kicks the a** of a male werewolf. That would absolutely make my day. Plus, most people seem to like scenes where girls kick boys' asses.
Yup...I can see it now. A female werewolf with curlers in the hair/fur and a frying pan in the hand/paw. That type of female werewolf can kick any male werewolf's butt. That and scare off any other male werewolf. :jester2:

Bleh. Down with curlers and frying pans!! :lol:

To be more specific, however, I would like to mention that when she does kick the male werewolf's a**, I'd like it to be a difficult victory, that comes at substantial physical cost to said female werewolf. If she kicks his a** with total ease, that would be boring. Though I do want her to thoroughly kick his a**, I don't want her to be able to do it very easily.

You know what...forget kicking his a**...make her kill him (assuming he is evil).

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:47 pm
by Morkulv

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:58 pm
by Timber-WoIf
I would like to see a bunch af vicious werewolves (or aliens, or vampires...) get thier a** handed to them by a squad of marines. Doom almost did this, but they all still died. i'm fed up with the damn humans being helpless! Why can't we kick thier a** for once!!! (even in starcrafts story, the humans sucked.)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:51 pm
by Akela
I want to see a main character die, that can add up for some truly tragic scenes.
Figarou wrote:Yup...I can see it now. A female werewolf with curlers in the hair/fur and a frying pan in the hand/paw. That type of female werewolf can kick any male werewolf's butt. That and scare off any other male werewolf.

This is a werewolf flick, not Kung Fu Hustle :P
Timber-WoIf wrote:(even in starcrafts story, the humans sucked.)
That's because Starcraft is ripped off from Warhammer 40,000.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:55 pm
by WereDog
id like to see a werewolf rip someones throat out and use it as a straw when drinking soda.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 6:55 pm
by Terastas
Mostly stuff from the Showing the Werewolf's Softer Side thread. I'm no big fan of the 'savage killer' image, but I'd also hate to see a werewolf downgraded all the way down to 'snuggly fluffball,' so some of the "human and gestalt hanging out" examples might make a decent middle-ground.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:43 pm
by shey
I want a good werewolf fight scene I thought I was going to get one in cursed but I did not the best I have got was in Dog soldiers and other than that I think I would like in the teaser when you see the guy open the cellphone when he is watching the news and the guy talking about what he saw on the news that was good and some funny stuff :D

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:54 pm
by Renorei
WereDog wrote:id like to see a werewolf rip someones throat out and use it as a straw when drinking soda.


Terastas wrote:Mostly stuff from the Showing the Werewolf's Softer Side thread. I'm no big fan of the 'savage killer' image, but I'd also hate to see a werewolf downgraded all the way down to 'snuggly fluffball,' so some of the "human and gestalt hanging out" examples might make a decent middle-ground.

I'd like to see a lot of this stuff too. But, I still want some of the more savage stuff, though not necessarily too gory. For Freeborn, I want both extremes and everything in between.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:02 am
by Terastas
Excelsia wrote:I'd like to see a lot of this stuff too. But, I still want some of the more savage stuff, though not necessarily too gory. For Freeborn, I want both extremes and everything in between.
*nods* I can understand that. Nothing like a good action / chase scene, although I'd like something like that a whole lot more if the werewolf demonstrated at least an equal ammount of brains and brawn. You know, like maybe he could try to dodge the silver bullet for once, or instead of chasing down his target, maybe try to head it off?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:52 am
by Figarou
Akela wrote:
Figarou wrote:Yup...I can see it now. A female werewolf with curlers in the hair/fur and a frying pan in the hand/paw. That type of female werewolf can kick any male werewolf's butt. That and scare off any other male werewolf.

This is a werewolf flick, not Kung Fu Hustle :P

Heh...that was an odd and funny film. :jester:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:02 am
by Apharoh
id like to see a were bager, i can see it now "Half man, half bager, all killer... This summer on FOX. When were bagers attack"

or id just plain old like to see a wolfwere.(to those who don't know that a wolf that turns into a man)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:36 pm
by Silverclaw
I'd like to see REAL wolves used in the movie. No dogs. It was painfully obvious in The Company of Wolves; so, um, yeah. :D

Werewolf vs Werewolf fight! That would be so cool 8) Both in gestalt forms. Even two full wolves fighting would be awsome!

And I'd like to see some of the stuff listed in 'Showing the WWs Softer Side' Topic :) Werewolves are people too :wink:

And at least some blood and gore scene. It just would'nt be a WW movie without some :D Crazy WW eating a human corpse lck :wink:

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:24 pm
by Vuldari
Silverclaw wrote:Werewolf vs Werewolf fight!
Can I have a "HELL YEAH!"

...or at least a decent fight scene with a Werewolf period.

(Meaning more than just the werewolf looking scary while the "opponent" hides in the corner and soils themself, or a stale standoff between the angry werewolf and the man with the Loaded shotgun. I want to see multiple blows thrown, delt and recieved by all parties involved...preferably in rapid succession, for at least a few minutes)

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:21 pm
by Set
Maybe this would work better for a vampire flick, but...

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!
Werewolf: *looks at cross* ...You think that's gonna protect you?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:34 pm
by Vuldari
Reilune wrote:Maybe this would work better for a vampire flick, but...

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!
Werewolf: *looks at cross* ...You think that's gonna protect you?
I'm pretty sure it's been done.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:52 pm
by Lupin
Reilune wrote:Maybe this would work better for a vampire flick, but...

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!
Werewolf: *looks at cross* ...You think that's gonna protect you?
A slight variation:

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!
Werewolf: Dude, that only works against vampires.

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:13 pm
by Kzinistzerg
Lupin wrote:
Reilune wrote:Maybe this would work better for a vampire flick, but...

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!
Werewolf: *looks at cross* ...You think that's gonna protect you?
A slight variation:

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!
Werewolf: Dude, that only works against vampires.
A slight variation:

Random dude: *pulls out silver cross* Back, ye demon!

Werewolf: *eats the cross*

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:13 pm
by Renorei
Vuldari wrote:
Silverclaw wrote:Werewolf vs Werewolf fight!
Can I have a "HELL YEAH!"

...or at least a decent fight scene with a Werewolf period.

(Meaning more than just the werewolf looking scary while the "opponent" hides in the corner and soils themself, or a stale standoff between the angry werewolf and the man with the Loaded shotgun. I want to see multiple blows thrown, delt and recieved by all parties involved...preferably in rapid succession, for at least a few minutes)

Agreed. I really, really want to see a gestalt vs. gestalt battle. :D

I wouldn't be terribly excited about a werewolf vs. human battle, if the human was unarmed. That just wouldn't be fair to the human. Either way, it wouldn't really work for me. If the werewolf wins, I'd be like "Well, duh, of course the werewolf was gonna win." But if the human wins, I'd be like, "OMFG, that would SO never happen in real life!"

IF, however, the human had some sort of weapon (NOT A GUN...that woudn't be very exciting), such as, perhaps a sword or taser or baseball bat or soda can, that would be kinda cool. Though the odds are still in the werewolf's favor, IMO, it would make it a little more interesting. The werewolf would still probably win, but the human might could at least get a few good hits in. :D

Another scene idea (Don't know if this would work for Freeborn, but I'd love to see it in a werewolf movie one day):

A human female is walking towards her parked car. She is in relatively isolated area, with no one else around, for some damn good reason that I can't think of now. Suddenly, a werewolf bursts out of the woods or some other thing that one could burst out of and lunges for her. She, being the quick-thinking lady that she is, sprays it with pepper spray in the eyes. The werewolf begins howling and whining and whimpering and clutching at its eyes. The human gets in her car, backs up about twenty feet, then slams on the accelerator and runs over the werewolf! How cool would that be?

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 10:16 pm
by Terastas
Scene: A werewolf currently stuck in gestalt is in one room and the werewolf's best friend and safehouse manager are in another.

*Werewolf's best friend says something really mean and/or offensive*

Safehouse Owner:
(calls into the next room) "Hey, Fangface! Mayonnaise!"

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:13 pm
by Darth Canis
I would absolutely love to see some form of starwars reference lol. But hey u know me.

Some way of seeing a werewolf interacting with his/her dog or pet.

A very nice gestalt fight scene.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:47 am
by Renorei
Darth Canis wrote:I would absolutely love to see some form of starwars reference lol. But hey u know me.

I have a friend who has one of those really cool lightsabers. The ones that cost about a hundred bucks. I think it would be cool if there was a werewolf in the film who was a big star wars fan and had one of those, and for some reason ending up holding it while in gestalt form. That would be sweet. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:59 am
by ABrownrigg
There is a werewolf against werewolf battle in the film towards the end. Although its a little lopsided, being two werewolves against one werewolf.. but hey no everyone gets even odds.

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:26 am
by Figarou
ABrownrigg wrote:There is a werewolf against werewolf battle in the film towards the end. Although its a little lopsided, being two werewolves against one werewolf.. but hey no everyone gets even odds.

:o Whoa!! Spoiler alert!!!

Hmmm... it better be a werewolf vs werewolf in full gestalt form. Not no partial transformation or something like that fight scene at the end of "Cursed."