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Messing with mexicans can be fun

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:06 pm
by Morkulv

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:39 pm
by Darkmoon
*growl* I find this to be the opposite of what I would call funny. No human should treat another that way and think it amusing. This is a perfect example of why humanity sucks.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:39 pm
by Hamster

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:41 pm
by Miguel
hrm... :|

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:47 pm
by Stone Wolf
While I agree that may not be in good taste.. I do live in an area that is almost constantly "invaded" by illegal immigrants from Mexico... The guy in the video may not be doing the best of things, but it is bringing to light a problem that has been growing...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:07 am
by Terastas
That's just wrong. The funniest part for me, personally, was when the guy charged his truck.

And to think Monty Python coined the correct way to make fun of foreigners thirty+ years before that. All you need is a big foam hat with the local flag on it, a funny accent and a phony phrasebook: start off with something simple like asking for directions, then work your way up to the real weirdos.

"My hovercraft is full of eels."

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:19 am
by Stone Wolf
Terastas wrote:That's just wrong. The funniest part for me, personally, was when the guy charged his truck.

And to think Monty Python coined the correct way to make fun of foreigners thirty+ years before that. All you need is a big foam hat with the local flag on it, a funny accent and a phony phrasebook: start off with something simple like asking for directions, then work your way up to the real weirdos.

"My hovercraft is full of eels."
"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" :lol:

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:36 am
by Morkulv
Damn, what a bunch of whiners. :roll:

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:59 am
by Hearth
I really didn't like that tape...

And even less your actions towards other peoples comments, Morkulv.


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 9:11 am
by Terastas
Noa wrote:"If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?" :lol:
"Don't touch my potato."

Dom Jolly's Swiss tourist is so much more convincing than the MP Hungarian though. I couldn't get either of the google images of the outfit he wars that I'd found to work, but if you do a Google image search for "Trigger Happy TV" tourist, you can see for yourself. :D

And I agree with HotP, your comments were seriously uncalled for. And hey, while you're at it, why not change your location too.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:53 pm
by Hamster
Morkulv wrote:Damn, what a bunch of whiners. :roll:
It would seem that you don't have any sence of real humor at all. Or is it because you like racist jokes? No, not at all funny and never will be funny.

I hate people.....

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:00 pm
by Nishah
*wonders how this could even be considered funny*

I hope he gets to go through as much problems/poverty/whatever as some of those immigrants have to, for about just as long....
Let's see who would be laughing then ?

I deal with that kind of underpriviledged people every day.
every day.
That man should get shot as far as I'm concerned...

...but enough... not the time nor the place for that discussion...

sorry 'bout that... had to get it off my chest.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:17 pm
by Terastas
Nishah wrote:That man should get shot as far as I'm concerned...
I don't want to be overly hostile or narrow-minded (like he is) and say that he should be killed or severely injured, but if he really does that once "every couple of weeks" like he claims to, he will be killed. It's only a matter of time before he tries that with a group of Mexicans containing one of the umteen dozen he's done that to before. I know he won't recognize the Mexican, seeing how he does that so frequently and thinks so little of them, but I seriously doubt said Mexican will forget that goofy-looking truck, the Elvis Costello glasses or the Ghallagher Jr. haircut. And he doesn't speek Spanish, so how would he know if one of them is telling all the others about what he did last time and what their going to do to him this time?

And yeesh, all that against him and he was dumb enough to make a video?! They know from the video he's in L.A. -- it won't take los Vargos long to find his skinny arse and tag it. I'm sorry, but now that I think about it, watching that video is kind of like watching Richard Pryor or Chris Farley. You know, it's just not as funny because you know their dead now. :P

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:01 pm
by Morkulv

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:23 pm
by Nishah
Hey Morkulv....

I live about 100-200 km from the dead center of your country...
And I know how things are "over in the Netherlands"...

I know the difference between racism and human indifference...
But that guy had both aplenty !
How many times did he adress them with anything other than derogative names ? not once ! :x

Do you think people enjoy being illegal inhabitants in a country ? That they - as a whole, individual cases aside - not prefer to contribute and build instead of steal/leech ?
Ever talked to one ? Got to know one ? Got to know THEIR vieuws ?

Surprise me...

On average, how many chances you think are given to any one of those people to get regularised ? To get a job and the privilige of the status that brings... providing in a full manner for their families ?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:07 pm
by Darkmoon