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Werewolfed out?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 6:58 pm
by Vuldari
It has been a full year.

Over a year ago I joined this little group to discuss our preferences on the creature known as the Werewolf. In that time, we have discussed everything from the nature of the beast to the color of it's teeth and right down to how it's reproductive organs work and beyond.

I've enjoyed it all quite well, despite a few bumps and bruises along the way. (Brused prides, that is).

However, it is reaching a point for me that I am forced to admit that I have never really been as much of a Werewolf fan as my fanatacism has indicated here on the forums. Werewolves are, and have allways been a mere fraction of my interest in fantasy, fiction, liturature and film, and never (before comming here) had I ever imagined I would have spent this much time discussing werewolves exclusively.

Over the months I've spent here, I came to enjoy the colorful group of fans and friends here as the higlight of my day, and discussing things that no-one I know off line would ever want to ponder with me, here with others as curious as me, has been a true delight.

After joining the pack, I found myself becoming more and more of a werewolf fanatic, and came to start daydreaming about Werewolves more than any other fancy of mine for a great while.

However, in more recent months, I've found that pondering the workings of, and daydreaming about werewolves has been growing less and less appealing to me. the point which I actually began to recoil in near-disgust whenever I found my thoughts dwelling upon that subject for too long outside of this forum.

I think I have been focusing on werewolves too hard for so long, that I almost can't stand it anymore.

The final sign that told me for certain that I had crossed a personal proverbial line was when I turned on my PC a few days back and felt almost sick at the sight of my Little wolf emoticon Image in the box for my user profile.

I just couldn't stand to see a werewolf related image representing me anymore. ...So I removed that and replaced it with a photograph of a fox instead. (the same one I'm using as my avatar image at the moment)

Just to clarify, I am NOT announcing my departure from "THE PACK" or anything so dramatic as that. I am far too fond of this place to just get up and leave like that. I just felt I had to get this off of my chest.

Werewolves are not #1 with me. ...they never really have been. So, I am expecting to be seen around here somewhat less than I have been, or at least less involved in the Werewolf related discussions from here on, and likely untill ABrownrigg shares some significant progress on the film, such as official stills, cast names or even an honest to goodness trailer (all likely months to another year from now).

I would also like to open up this thread to allow anyone else here to share any similar feelings they may have (which should be easier now that I've "broken the ice").

Does anyone else here feel that the werewolf theme is beginning to wear them down? Does anyone else feel (if only temporarily) "Werewolfed out"?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:30 pm
by outwarddoodles
Actually, yes, I can relate.

When I first joined here I wasn't much of a werewolf fan myself. It was some interest on the side to my greater love in fantasy. Werewolves were always my favorite Halloween creature, and I always did enjoy the thought of the,. but I never expected to get so much into werewolves as I have here.

I joined in the beggining of April. It sounded very exciting, and just new. I enjoyed talking about werewolves, and even seeming to have debates about what a werewolf should be. The more I stayed around, the more I couldn't resist.

Originally all I drew were horses, now that has changed to drawing werewolves. When I join forums I place as my interests 'werewolves'. I loved everything werewolfy, I ran over here everyday to talk about werewolves. I'd wear a big smirk when someone would mention anything in relation to werewolves. appears there's a point where you get a little tired. Though I still enjoy werewolves as much as ever, I've noticed that I haven't been discussing, or atleast looking through the topics in the 'What Should a Werewolf Be?' forum. When I noticed I stopped checking out that place, when being that it's my favorte forum, I realized that maybe I too may be a bit 'werewolfed out'.

Yet hopefully I'll pick up my pace and post all over again. Like I'd ever stop loving werewolves or hanging out around here.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:53 pm
by Nishah
I perfectly relate...

Honestly, I mostly joined to awnser to the post concerning Black spiral dancers in the Game forum... :wink: Garou in the WW:tA setting (and honestly they alone) are my intrest. After 10 years of ST'ing and playing them, they kinda stick... with a rich universe and culture, i'm satisfied with just them... and i don't really "explore" them anymore like it's done here sometimes... did all that years ago....they're a second skin... present in a quiet way in the back of my head, but never ever dominant or even noticable untill the game or game-talk starts.

While I can understand a certain form of - excuse the word please - fanatisism in any topic-loving crowd, I am not one of them, as my absence in the "what should a were be" indicates...

But I stay on for the "feel" of the forum, talking to a wide variety of people - mostly from across the ocean - with intresting tales, vieuws or just for good fun ! You've all given me a good bundle of laughs already (in the good sense of that expession, never at anyone's expense !!)

So... i can see your point, Vuldari.... i've passed it some years ago and know what it feels like :| And as always.... too much of even a good thing is always bad... *there that was my lecturing wisdom for this millenium....*

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:44 pm
by Figarou
Well, as you may know, I spend a lot of time here. Why? So I can learn.

I didn't know much about werewolves before I joined. Reading through everyone's post has increased my fasination. I'm also interested of this place because Freeborn is going to be a different kind of werewolf film. That alone sparked a deep interest in this forum.

These wolf emotions can get tiresome after a while. But how else can I improve? I'm not at an expert level. But I'm learning as I go along.

Same goes for coloring art with Photoshop Elements. I'm still trying to learn how to do it. I have the general idea. But I still need practice.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:59 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yeah I am the sameway a bit, everyday I get less and less anxcouse to be on the forum(probably because Im too busy playing all the new video games on my pc), But I still get on when ever I get on the internet as a my loyalty and devotion to the pack, weather I am overwhelmed or not, it is most definatly true to have too much of something and that is never a good thing. But sense holiday is coming up I am most likely to be on here more. I guess one of the reason I keep coming back to this forum is because this is the nicest, most organized and most mature forum I have ever been to in my entire life. While I go to other forums thier are usually jack asses that do stupid things, or the moderator is too strict or he hardly ever comes and puts the worst people as moderators *cough*TSMUSICBOX*cough*. But Velkacis dont worry this is usually temporary, I have been in a drawing and werewolf menopause for a few months before and then I fell right back in love agien. Its just that time agien, for you. I have always loved werewolf, at first when I was a little kid I liked it for how cool it looks, but then when I went to some of these artist sites that contained werewolf drawings, I was overwhelmed on how beautiful they looked(Jaime Sidor, Goldenwolf), I felt like my drawings have been reborned all over agien, and it has. If I hadn't fell in love with werewolves in the first place I wouldnt be as good of an artist as I am now. And for that I must really thank all the artwork I saw. Velkacis, I know you must be tired of werewolf, werewolf, and more werewolf, just take a break from it for a while and soon you'll have your obssession back.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:41 pm
by outwarddoodles
Shadow Wulf wrote:I guess one of the reason I keep coming back to this forum is because this is the nicest, most organized and most mature forum I have ever been to in my entire life. While I go to other forums thier are usually jack asses that do stupid things, or the moderator is too strict or he hardly ever comes and puts the worst people as moderators
And Amen to that!

Actually, I have recently found a new addiction to Gaia Online. I really doubted I could ever get into that website, and I still think today that it's rather stupid. Yet I still find enertainment by looking around and reading the funny things people will post. Yet the place is too big, and wild, I can't stand ever posting in it much. It doesn't feel like a community as The Pack forums do.

(P.S. If you're wondering. My Gaia Online username is the same as here, incase you also have one.) :P

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 10:28 pm
by Darth Canis
i can say i was never really a fan of werewolf movies until i came here becuase their image in movies was never the vision i had imagined. i can say by coming here i have become more and more a fan. I enjoy everyone here and can't wait to see more of freeborn!!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:24 pm
by Figarou
Shadow Wulf wrote:I guess one of the reason I keep coming back to this forum is because this is the nicest, most organized and most mature forum I have ever been to in my entire life.
Where else can you go and get bonked by duckies. :dizzy:


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:59 pm
by Leighlia
Ya gotta love da duckies!!

:pingpong: :bounce:

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:00 am
by Miguel
Yes, Yes, I agree :missed:

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:29 am
by Terastas
I know what you mean. Werewolves are somewhat important to me, especially seeing as they're a key aspect of the book I'm working on (which this forum has greatly influenced as well), but their certainly not "the world" to me. I loved the topics of discussion and the debate that followed, but it is reaching a point where I feel like we're now just hammering away at the details.

Still, I think I owe it to myself and to the forum to at least stick around until Freeborn is complete and in theatres and to see what it is that we've inspired. I won't be posting as compulsively as I am now forever, but I'm not going to stop completely any time soon either.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:37 am
by vrikasatma
I took a break a last week. I was going to costume as a Winter Wolf for the Yeti SnowBall but decided to go as a Snow Leopard instead.

Boy, am I glad I made that choice!

It brought out the sweetness in me. Wolves can be sweet but they have an edge to them that's undeniable. Last weekend, I let my cuddly-furry-purry side come out. I got to roll on my back, purr, got some GREAT hugs and had a wonderful time. I'd have never gotten half the affectionate attention I did if I'd costumed as a wolf.

It's good to back off and be something else for awhile. Maybe next year I'll go as a Winter Wolf, but the Priya the Snow Leopard has become a nice flipside to my wolf totem.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:35 am
by Merrypaws
I can pretty easily guess how that feels like.

When I was new to the whole 'being a therian-thing', I mostly drew anthro coyotes. I looked up pictures from the net, went to library and checked what all their books on animals had to say about coyotes, watched TV documentaries about coyotes... I could go on for a while.
But soon, I noticed myself getting tired of it. Instead of looking up the parts with coyotes, I skipped them. When coming across a picture of a coyote I would slightly cringe back. It was just so... old hat.
This of course wasn't very healthy, since being a therian means that the coyote is some part of myself. So I was in effect cringing away from myself.

The treatment was fortunately very simple: stay away from the canis latrans species for a while, and do whatever makes you feel good.

And now we're feeling so much better.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 4:39 am
by Morkulv
Nope. I've been talking about werewolves from age 12 or so, and I'm now 19 y.o. It never gets bored for me. I'm just a straight werewolf-addict.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:07 am
by Hearth
I first came here becouse of the Freeborn, but I've also spent some time trying to share my own opinions about werewolves in general. I'm not a real werewolf fanatic (more of a wolf fanatic, though).

I don't think that I'll get soon bored of werewolves (although I can imagine such emotions), mostly becouse I am not thinking and talking about them all the time.

Also, I think that soon my posting pace on these forums will slightly slow down...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:37 am
by Baphnedia
As for myself, it's been about a year since I joined. One of the things I've found is that, as Shadow Wulf said, a very mature and intelligent forum. There was one other forum such as this that I was on, but it hasn't been online in over two years.

This forum's members are resourceful - as it seems that every time I turn around, someone here is helping me out in some way or another. I've met a number of great artists and coders here, as well as a couple of musicians. It's always great to find other musicians, in my tune.

Speaking of, music is near and dear to my heart. It's what I do when I'm not working over 70 hours per week. Yet, at the same time I still endeavor to speak out on the things I have tme to read, and the things I care about. Trying to keep pace with this forum in all areas is difficult at best, and realistically impossible for me.

Werewolves are a part of the things I like to think about, but they honestly are not the most important thing out there for me. But, like any community, we each have our own likes and dislikes, and while many of us share some kind of commonality (after beating the nature of weres to death) on werewolves, I'm quite sure that many of us do have our own lives.

Lastly, it was here, that I was able to start an IRC roleplaying game that is thusfar successful. Yes, the holidays are really messing up my schedule in this, but it's a good thing overall. If I were to trim my forum membership all across the internet down to three forums, it would be my own forums, the Pack, and one other. Which is about what I've done, come to think of it.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:33 am
by Lone_Wolf
Like Heart, I first came here because of Freeborn (through mention by Tim Albee), and enjoyed my stay so much I decided to make it a home :)

I don't think I could get burned out about werewolves as far as THESE forums go, but maybe some other forums. This one has kept my interest, and like Baph said, it's one of the more intelligent forums I belong to. It's one of maybe 4 I visit daily (many times more than once a day).

I could see if you spent hours a day thinking about werewolves or anything else you could get "werewolfed out". I would recommend to do exactly what you plan to... maybe visit a bit less regularly, do other things. I've done that with other stuff and found my interest in those topics rekindled.

In any event, you of course have to do what makes you happy and what interests you. And letting one's opinions and feelings out is usually a good thing. I'm happy to listen.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 12:58 pm
by Timber-WoIf
well, considering this forum is a little over a year old, it wouldn't surprise me that many are starting to feel allit fatigued.
possible reasons. A main reason could be that many of the most interesting topics, especially in the what should [/i]what should a were be section, have been discussed, re-disscussed, and beat to an uninteresting goo.

probibly the most interesting section of the forum right now is the creativity section, though i do wish there was more people with original writings. Anyway, i'm feeling the fatigue a little to, but it being severly amplified by my lack of exposure to everything else. (my unsihemnt was recently increased to include TV, movies, and music. only media exposure i get is the morning paper). Either way, i am hoping to post something in that section sometime sooner or later.

But defininatly, the thing that keeps me here the most is the community, which is completely sans a-holes. (except me mabie...) So, er, yea...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:13 pm
by Set
You want the truth? I don't know why I'm here. I really don't. I can't even remember how I found this place to begin with. I'm not sure why I stayed either, considering pretty much the entire focus of this board is about a subject I hate. That's right. I hate wolves, both normal and were. I have my reasons. They need not concern all of you.

So yeah, I was pretty much sick of werewolves the moment I got here. :|

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:45 pm
by Nishah
Score one for Reilune

I don't mean anything with it really....
the blatant honesty just got me by surprise....

oh man *blinks away a tear from laughing*

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:49 pm
by Figarou
Reilune wrote:You want the truth? I don't know why I'm here. I really don't. I can't even remember how I found this place to begin with. I'm not sure why I stayed either, considering pretty much the entire focus of this board is about a subject I hate. That's right. I hate wolves, both normal and were. I have my reasons. They need not concern all of you.

So yeah, I was pretty much sick of werewolves the moment I got here. :|

You hate, yet you stick around.

That confuses me. :?

Since you like to stick around.... :splat:


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:05 pm
by Ronkonkoma
Reilune wrote:You want the truth? I don't know why I'm here. I really don't. I can't even remember how I found this place to begin with. I'm not sure why I stayed either, considering pretty much the entire focus of this board is about a subject I hate. That's right. I hate wolves, both normal and were. I have my reasons. They need not concern all of you.

So yeah, I was pretty much sick of werewolves the moment I got here. :|

hmmmm, doesn't make alot of sense, thats like, jumping into a puddle of mud when you hate to get dirty.

but then again.....I don't like to get dirty but jumping into mud can be so much fun :lol: :o :D

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 2:48 pm
by Hamster
Reilune wrote:You want the truth? I don't know why I'm here. I really don't. I can't even remember how I found this place to begin with. I'm not sure why I stayed either, considering pretty much the entire focus of this board is about a subject I hate. That's right. I hate wolves, both normal and were. I have my reasons. They need not concern all of you.

So yeah, I was pretty much sick of werewolves the moment I got here. :|
Then why the heck are you here? It kinda sounds like to me that you don't have any other net friends so you hang here. Or maybe no-one likes you at any other place. If I don't like a forum, I just don't post there. Why do you still come here?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:19 pm
by outwarddoodles
Hamster wrote:
Reilune wrote:You want the truth? I don't know why I'm here. I really don't. I can't even remember how I found this place to begin with. I'm not sure why I stayed either, considering pretty much the entire focus of this board is about a subject I hate. That's right. I hate wolves, both normal and were. I have my reasons. They need not concern all of you.

So yeah, I was pretty much sick of werewolves the moment I got here. :|
Then why the heck are you here? It kinda sounds like to me that you don't have any other net friends so you hang here. Or maybe no-one likes you at any other place. If I don't like a forum, I just don't post there. Why do you still come here?
I'm going to have to guess it's the same reason I go to Gaia Online everyday now?
I mean, I thought the place was horribly stupid ever since the start, I still think that and yet I still go there everyday.


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 3:37 pm
by Hamster
outwarddoodles wrote:
Hamster wrote:
Reilune wrote:You want the truth? I don't know why I'm here. I really don't. I can't even remember how I found this place to begin with. I'm not sure why I stayed either, considering pretty much the entire focus of this board is about a subject I hate. That's right. I hate wolves, both normal and were. I have my reasons. They need not concern all of you.

So yeah, I was pretty much sick of werewolves the moment I got here. :|
Then why the heck are you here? It kinda sounds like to me that you don't have any other net friends so you hang here. Or maybe no-one likes you at any other place. If I don't like a forum, I just don't post there. Why do you still come here?
I'm going to have to guess it's the same reason I go to Gaia Online everyday now?
I mean, I thought the place was horribly stupid ever since the start, I still think that and yet I still go there everyday.

Well, I use to be a member Of (a horror site) but after about a year, grew tired of the fact that that place is full of narrow-minded, goth, a-holes and left, never returned. At the time, it was the only forum I was a part of but I quit and didn't join a forum for 8 months. I belive I joined here the same week I joined another forum (which I don't post anymore either.) I happen to like it here so that is why I post. :D I currently am a regular poster of nine different forums (not counting the ones I haven't posted since I joined).