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[Silo 17] Aki, Lupin and Ralith's backstory.

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2005 3:13 pm
by Lupin
Summarized here: - Ralith and Lupin's meeting - In which Aki hears soemthing he shouldn't - Aki has a very large problem - And how we get from the last entry to where we are now.

This part happens between 8 and 12. Aki decides to wander around in the forest across from my house. Bad move on his part.

[04:16:52] * Aki gets out of the car, and heads for the forest.
[04:17:28] * camera follows
[04:17:35] <@Lupin> Heh
[04:17:53] <@Ralith> (I <3 small networks)
[04:17:56] <@Aki> (lol)
[04:18:23] <@Ralith> (Anyway. Keep going, Aki. We'll break in when appropriate.)
[04:19:57] * Aki heads into the forest, and walkers deeper into it, looking around for anything out of the ordinary.
[04:20:58] * Ralith pounces on Lupin, knocking him into some undergrowth.
[04:21:25] * Lupin gets up and chases after Ralith
[04:22:00] * Aki hears rustling in the underground and stops briefly, before continuing.
[04:22:00] * Ralith dashes off at high speed, paying caution no mind.
[04:22:31] * Ralith pulls an abrupt turn, suddenly facing Lupin again
[04:22:52] * Lupin stops quickly almost running into Ralith
[04:23:30] * Ralith stands perfectly still, clearly very tense
[04:23:44] * camera pans about in slow motion
[04:24:04] * Lupin 's ears perk up, listening.
[04:24:06] * Ralith executes a standing leap over Lupin and starts running again
[04:24:17] <@Ralith> (no, I haven't heard anything ;) )
[04:24:33] * Lupin spins around, and dashes after Ralith
[04:25:07] * Aki hears movement ahead and speeds up..
[04:25:31] * Ralith comes to a sudden halt, this time looking alert and worried.
[04:26:37] * Lupin hears the sound as well, but decideds, to go toward it.
[04:26:46] * Lupin hears the sound as well, but decideds to go toward it.
[04:27:22] * Ralith gives Lupin a curious look, then, mentally shrugging, follows, albeit more cautiously.
[04:27:53] * Aki stops, hearing the movement ahead change directions.
[04:28:47] * Ralith pauses, sniffing, then gets a mischeivious look.
[04:29:03] * Ralith rushes to catch up with Lupin
[04:29:43] * Lupin recognizes the scent from earlier.
[04:29:59] <@Lupin> Yep
[04:30:01] <@Aki> (heyza)
[04:30:02] <Baphnedia> hiay
[04:30:04] <Baphnedia> hiya
[04:30:11] <@Ralith> (do you react to it at all, or just recognize it and keep heading towards it?)
[04:30:17] * Baphnedia is now known as Lights
[04:30:33] * camera focuses on Aki
[04:30:37] <@Lupin> (Not really, no.)
[04:30:50] <@Lupin> (I'm just going to head torward it.)
[04:30:51] <@Ralith> (er. That wasn't a yes or no question.)
[04:30:53] <@Ralith> (ah)
[04:31:09] <@Lupin> (Two part answer. :PO)
[04:31:38] * Lights is now known as light
[04:31:42] * Aki cautiously heads forward, kereping a eye out for anyone or anything.
[04:32:02] * Ralith glances over to Lupin, lupine grin on his face, then faces towards the noise and starts growling lowly.
[04:32:19] <@Ralith> (needs a better word, but oh well.)
[04:32:42] * Lupin grins back at Ralith and circles around behind Aki.
[04:32:56] <light> (tactics?)
[04:32:57] <@Ralith> (I do so love my human-scaring.)
[04:33:03] * Aki stops dead in his tracks, turning to look for where he heard the growl...
[04:33:06] <@Lupin> (A nice fun game of "Scare the Human.")
[04:33:11] * Ralith falls silent.
[04:33:14] <light> (ahh)
[04:33:40] * Lupin waits until Aki is looking in the opposite direction, and starts growling.
[04:34:00] * Ralith moves silently to a new position as Aki is distracted
[04:34:16] * Aki spins around to face the new growl, and slowly backs away.
[04:34:28] * camera is positioned above Aki's shoulder, panning with him.
[04:34:32] * light is now known as great_imp
[04:34:44] * Ralith starts growling more loudly from directly behind Aki
[04:35:01] * Lupin takes that opprtunity to move again
[04:35:25] * camera is now known as music
[04:35:29] * great_imp is now known as Baph-Zzzz
[04:35:35] * music is dramatic, with lots of drums
[04:35:42] * Aki turns around again, muttering a curse under his breath.
[04:35:53] * Ralith falls silent again
[04:36:26] <@Lupin> (Hehehe.)
[04:36:36] <@Ralith> (I love this. :D)
[04:36:41] * Aki stays focused on where he heard Ralith
[04:36:52] * music is now known as silence
[04:36:56] * Lupin grows again, louder this time.
[04:36:58] * silence reins
[04:37:03] * silence ceases to rein
[04:38:13] * Aki doesn't turn this time.
[04:38:37] * Ralith joins in with the growling and begins to circle Aki, remaining out of sight
[04:39:27] * Lupin circles with Ralith, growling.
[04:39:44] * Aki stands still for a moment, then slowly begins walking forward.
[04:40:16] * Ralith begins to accelerate
[04:40:35] * Lupin starts closing in on Aki
[04:40:52] * Ralith does the same, remaining exactly opposite from Lupin and at the same distance from Aki
[04:43:15] * Aki keeps walking, muscles tensed to run at the first sign of something jumping at him.
[04:43:28] * Lupin jumps.
[04:43:31] * Ralith jumps.
[04:43:48] <@Ralith> (say I'm behind you, Lupin's in front.)
[04:44:45] * Aki curses loudly and covers his face with his forearms, rushing ahead.
[04:45:15] * Ralith slams into Aki's back.
[04:45:50] * Aki stubmles and falls to the ground.
[04:45:54] <@Aki> stumbles*
[04:46:10] * Ralith leaps off into the forest
[04:46:18] * Lupin runs off as well.
[04:46:33] * Ralith distances himself a good ways, then quietly approaches, again, careful to remain hidden.
[04:47:08] * Lupin waits for Aki to regain his footing, then starts starts stalking him again.
[04:47:10] * Aki growls under his breath, getting up.
[04:47:33] * Aki begins searching the forest floor for a nice big stick...
[04:48:09] * Ralith 's growling cuts in again, very suddenly and very loud.
[04:48:34] * Ralith resumes earlier circling pattern
[04:48:39] * Lupin 's growling joins in as well
[04:50:13] * Aki pauses for a moment, before snatching a rock off the ground and hurling it at one of the growls
[04:50:28] * Ralith ducks, dodging to the side.
[04:50:37] <@Ralith> (not ceasing to growl)
[04:50:52] <@Ralith> The rock crashes into the bushes harmlessly.
[04:51:02] * Ralith begins to close in again
[04:51:26] * Aki sighs.
[04:51:32] * Lupin growls a little louder and closes in as well.
[04:51:43] * Ralith leaps at Aki's front
[04:52:01] * Lupin leaps at Aki from behind
[04:52:10] * Aki shouts inchorently and ducks.
[04:52:21] <@Aki> incoherently*
[04:52:26] <@Lupin> (I would have run off by now.)
[04:52:30] * Ralith looks surprised and attempts to twist around in midair.
[04:52:51] * Lupin twists out of Ralith's path.
[04:53:05] * Ralith manages to land safely on the other side, and leaps again, aiming lower.
[04:54:04] * Aki kicks at the leaping wolf
[04:54:20] <@Ralith> (how mentally together are you?)
[04:54:29] * Lupin leaps at Aki from the opposite direction as he kicks Ralith
[04:54:43] <@Aki> (hehe, not very at this point)
[04:55:10] * Ralith easily avoids the flailing blow and slams into Aki, teeth bared, growling full force.
[04:55:26] <@Lupin> (I'm trying to prevoke some sort of reaction that would ge you to run.)
[04:56:08] * Ralith allows his own momentum to continue, and leaps again, off of Aki and into the forest.
[04:56:48] <@Ralith> (Now if only I could pull off these acrobatics in the central game. Mebbe I'm just a lot more skilled in my lupine form :) )
[04:56:54] <@Lupin> (Hehe)
[04:57:14] * Aki slowly gets to his feet.
[04:57:55] * Ralith has ceased growling, by the way
[04:58:08] <@Ralith> (Lupin, good time for you to come in? :) )
[04:58:24] * Lupin waits for Aki to get up and leaps at him.
[04:58:50] <@Lupin> (ignore the earlier leap)
[04:59:24] * Aki runs
[04:59:34] <@Ralith> (theeere we go.)
[04:59:37] <@Lupin> (Finally)
[04:59:50] <@Ralith> (Just a note, good use of adverbs add a lot.)
[05:00:03] <@Ralith> (e.g. * Aki runs frantically)
[05:00:22] * Lupin starts chasing after Aki, growling and nipping at his heels. (Grinning madly)
[05:00:24] * Ralith gives chase, careful to make a lot of noise and remain just behind
[05:00:43] <@Ralith> (of course :D )
[05:01:28] <@Lupin> (Not that he can see, it or he'd think something is amiss.)
[05:01:49] <@Ralith> (He wouldn't know the difference from a vicious snarl.)
[05:02:00] * Aki veers towards the more overgrown parts of the forest, attempting to loose the faster animals in the tangle.
[05:02:56] * Lupin knowing the forest better than the paniced human, dashes through the holes in the underbrush.
[05:02:57] <@Ralith> (Ooo, biiig mistake)
[05:03:13] * Ralith does the same, taking a slightly different route
[05:03:51] <@Lupin> (Not that I'd give you time to realize your mistake.)
[05:04:11] <@Ralith> (It's a common plot device in werewolf stories. Humans don't realize that thicker brush==more trouble for /them/, not the wolves)
[05:04:45] * Aki realizes he doesn't stand a chance of outrunning the two and stops, grabbing a fallen branch and brandishing it menacingly.
[05:05:11] * Lupin advances on Aki
[05:05:25] * Ralith crouches and leaps, barely clearing Aki's head.
[05:05:35] <@Ralith> (I could have just circled around, but this is more fun :) )
[05:05:50] * Aki brings the branch down on Ralith as the wolf lands
[05:06:04] <@Ralith> (You can turn around 180 degrees that fast?)
[05:06:27] <@Ralith> (not to mention drag a really heavy branch with you?)
[05:06:34] <@Aki> (Hey, I didn't question you jumping more than 6 feet in the air. :P )
[05:06:42] <@Aki> %*
[05:06:44] <@Ralith> (I did have to prepare ^_^ )
[05:06:45] <@Aki> 5*
[05:06:55] <@Aki> (eh?)
[05:07:14] * Ralith dashes forward, barely evading the blow.
[05:07:29] <@Ralith> (What you lack in steady hands is made up for by momentum :P)
[05:07:44] <@Lupin> (He took the high road, and I took the low road)
[05:07:59] <@Lupin> (So I got there first :P)
[05:08:26] <@Ralith> (:P)
[05:08:41] <@Lupin> /10/1
[05:08:51] <@Ralith> (...?)
[05:09:00] <@Lupin> (Switching windows)
[05:09:07] <@Lupin> (In irssi)
[05:09:45] <@Ralith> (Ah.)
[05:10:38] * Lupin approaches Aki again, growling
[05:11:12] * Ralith is notablye absent for the moment
[05:11:20] <@Ralith> (notably*)
[05:12:31] * Aki backs up towards a tree
[05:13:31] * Lupin is giggling inernally at this, and continues to conrner Aki
[05:14:16] <@Lupin> >:/
[05:14:48] <@Aki> wb
[05:14:54] <@Ralith> (what'd I miss?)
[05:15:07] <@Lupin> 05:13:31 * Lupin is giggling inernally at this, and continues to conrner Aki
[05:15:07] <@Lupin> 05:14:09 -!- Ralith [Ralith@*] has quit [Connection reset by peer]
[05:15:07] <@Lupin> 05:14:16 <@Lupin> >:/
[05:15:07] <@Ralith> * Aki backs up towards a tree
[05:15:08] <@Ralith> Ralith You hear a muted scrabbling noise.
[05:15:08] <@Ralith> Ralith From behind you.
[05:15:33] <@Ralith> (modem crapped out, sorry.)
[05:15:42] <@Lupin> (Ah)
[05:15:43] <@Ralith> (should be good for another few hours)
[05:16:08] <@Lupin> (Speaking of modems...)
[05:16:13] <@Lupin> (Mine is steady!)
[05:16:34] <@Ralith> (congrats!)
[05:16:41] <@Ralith> (Now where were we...)
[05:17:00] <@Lupin> (I'm waiting for Aki to do something)
[05:17:01] * Ralith causes scrabbling noises somehow somewhere behind Aki
[05:17:05] * Aki waits until his back is against the tree before tossing the branch at Lupin's general direction and scrambling into the tree branches frantically.
[05:17:55] * Ralith stops trying to climb the thing and begins circling the bottom, growling yet again
[05:18:09] <@Lupin> brb
[05:18:11] <@Ralith> (:D your broadband?)
[05:18:27] <@Lupin> (Yes!)
[05:18:44] <@Ralith> (repeating in case this was lost in the paste:)
[05:18:48] * Ralith stops trying to climb the thing and begins circling the bottom, growling yet again
[05:18:55] <@Ralith> (congrats!)
[05:19:02] <@Aki> (grats!)
[05:19:30] <@Lupin> (I'll wait until we finish this.)
[05:19:46] <@Lupin> (Then move the IRC connections)
[05:20:02] <@Ralith> (alrighty)
[05:20:12] * Aki gets comfortable in the branches of the tree, taking the rest to regain his wits.
[05:20:18] * Ralith jumps up and snaps at Aki
[05:20:51] <@Ralith> (very few people realise that wolves /can/ actually climb, given time, reason, and a good tree)
[05:20:56] <@Lupin> (Yeah.)
[05:21:18] <@Ralith> (So which one of us shall teach Aki this wonderful fact?)
[05:22:19] * Lupin uses the underbrush to get himself positioned, and starts climbing up into the tree.
[05:23:06] * Ralith keeps Aki distracted with snarls, growls, leaps, and general snapping
[05:23:26] * Aki looks exhausted, but makes a rude hand gesture at Ralith.
[05:23:46] * Ralith leaps just that much higher and snaps just that much closer to Aki's feet
05:24 * Ralith suddenly stops, sits, and howls, long and drawn out.
05:25 * Lupin is now in the tree, and decided to make his presnece known by growling at Aki some more.
05:28 * Aki pulls himself into a crouch, gripping the branches beneath him.
05:28 <@Ralith> (Someone's going to have a hard time living this down when they eventually get bitten (which might not actually be now :) ) )
05:28 <@Lupin> (Heh)
05:30 <@Ralith> (methinks it's your turn, Lupin)
05:30 * Lupin advances at Aki, and snaps at him.
05:32 * Aki lunges at Lupin, trying to force him off the tree.
05:33 * Lupin clamps down on Aki's arm.
05:33 * Ralith chooses this moment to leap up and snap, growling suddenly, at Aki.
05:33 <@Ralith> (Er. You just bit him.)
05:33 <@Lupin> (I'm aware of that.)
05:33 <@Ralith> (Wasn't that supposed to not happen except as a last resort?)
05:33 <@Ralith> (I thought we were just screwing with him. :/)
05:34 * Aki screams in pain, and pummels Lupin with his other hand.
05:34 <@Lupin> (It's not hard enough to draw blood, but hard enough to hurt.)
05:34 <@Ralith> (Oh, ok then.)
05:34 * Ralith catches ahold of Aki's ankle.
05:35 <@Lupin> (Of course hitting me on the head might change that...)
05:35 * Ralith lets gravity do its work
05:35 <@Ralith> (What kind of shoes are you wearing?)
05:35 <@Aki> (Sneakers *shrug* )
05:36 <@Ralith> (Perhaps I should just ask-- do I hit sock or shoe?)
05:36 <@Ralith> (And how thick are your socks?)
05:36 <@Aki> ( You'd hit sock..and they're normal socks. Not very thick.)
05:37 <@Ralith> (Alright.)
05:38 <@Lupin> (In fact my cat just bit me like that :/)
05:38 * Ralith hooks his canines around Aki's ankle, quickly yanking it off the branch, and releases his hold, falling to the ground again.
05:40 <@Ralith> (perhaps the more correct descriptive is 'loses his grip')
05:40 <@Lupin> (Heh)
[05:40:51] * Lupin lets go of Aki's arm.
[05:40:57] <@Ralith> (being that careful not to break through==not much friction)
[05:41:18] <@Ralith> (er, wrong word. You know what I mean)
[05:41:50] <@Lupin> (Yeah)
[05:42:34] <@Ralith> (And Aki hangs there, floating in space?)
[05:43:00] <@Lupin> (Well, it's his character :/)
[05:43:33] <@Lupin> (DNS should be corrected soon)
[05:44:18] * Aki manages to keep from falling, barely, and slowly readjusts his footing, glaring at Lupin.
[05:44:44] * Lupin grins, showing lots of pointy teeth
[05:46:15] * Ralith circles, being of no particular use
[05:46:18] <@Lupin> (Not that you'd be able to tell a grin from me bearing fangs)
[05:46:46] * Aki grins and starts climbing higher into the tree. "I love thumbs.."
[05:47:18] * Lupin grabs on to Aki's pant leg and tugs
[05:47:50] * Aki kicks Lupin in the nose
[05:48:33] <@Lupin> (Has it gotten dark yet?)
[05:48:57] <@Ralith> (Sure.)
[05:51:39] * Lupin jumps out of the tree, and back on to the ground
[05:52:56] * Lupin disappears into the bush
[05:53:04] * Ralith does the same
[05:53:27] <@Ralith> (Shall we leave him up there? >:) )
[05:53:58] <@Lupin> (I was thinking of that, yes.)
[05:54:52] <@Ralith> (Wonderful. Aki, what say we skip all your indecision and scared wanderings and assume you make it home in time to get to work.)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:32 pm
by dnl
what are these four. (sorry if I jumped in the middle of something)

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:48 pm
by Aki
These are for the Unnamed Chat Game thread. Of course, the name named Silo 17. Thus the [Silo 17] in the title. The other threads are marked with [Silo 17] to be easily found, excepting the 'unnamed chat game' thread.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 8:21 pm
by Baphnedia
Considering that I haven't done this yet, I'll go ahead and put it up...