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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:28 pm
by outwarddoodles
Just as I suspected...

Actually, first I thought it was Lycanthrope, but seeing how far Vilkacis was going to play his part and deny being a werewolf, I decided he had to be it.

Fun fun, are we going to get to play this again?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 5:29 pm
by Moon Daughter
I'd be in for another round. Who wants to stsrt it?

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:38 pm
by Vilkacis
Moon Daughter wrote:I'd be in for another round. Who wants to stsrt it?
I went ahead and started a new round.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:34 am
by Ronkonkoma
I be dead! and Vilkacis!'re still chewing on my leg?

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:17 pm
by Vilkacis
Ronkonkoma wrote:I be dead! and Vilkacis!'re still chewing on my leg?
Yes, tastes like pork!
<_< >_>

Since I didn't get an answer, I'm going to assume Lycanthrope chose to join me in the interest of wrapping up the story:


The werewolf priest smoothly falls upon Lycanthrope, seizing him effortlessly. In a blindingly painful moment the deed is done, and within seconds the priest is gone, leaving the new Lycanthrope to tend his own bleeding wounds.

The priest is out tending his flock.

He returns the next night with a fresh kill: an old woman with few years remaining anyway.

"Eat, son," -- the word takes on new meaning -- "you must if you wish to survive this."

He leans in closer, the smell of blood on his words.

"And I know you do.

"You would do anything to survive -- that's why I chose you, why I protected you... and the only reason you are still alive today.

"Now eat. Perhaps not today, but you will. You will..." And with that he is gone again.

He brings in a new kill every day or two.

A week later, Lycanthrope prepares for his first shift, healthy and fattened on the human flesh needed to fuel the transformation.

A proud night for both of them.

Sadly the remaining village population -- the old, the young, and the disabled -- is dwindling rapidly under the hungry rule of two werewolves. They won't last much longer.

By the time Lycanthrope has learned the necessary control, the two werewolves have been on the road for days, heading for the next unsuspecting village, where they will patiently wait with their new identities until they are a trusted part of the community.

... and then they will feast once again.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:59 pm
by Hearth
That priest is giving me the creeps....


Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:35 pm
by Lycanthrope
I can't imagine why. Just share your feelings with him and I believe you won't worry anymore.

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:03 pm
by Vilkacis
By being a priest I gained many advantages that helped me out:

1) A priest is a loaded character.

Love me or hate me. Respect me or loathe me. You're either against me or with me -- very few take a neutral stance. Extreme reactions work to my advantage. I can't manipulate other people for or against you unless you say something.

2) I was a rally point, which gave me power.

Like it or not, I was probably acting the most influential character in the village. This is in part because players would choose of their own free will through role-playing to either align themselves with me, or act against me. Those who chose to align themselves with me, conciously or subconciously, were forced to heed my rhetoric, by the very nature of that rhetoric, or risk casting doubt on themselves. This gave me influence I normally wouldn't have had.

This power, deserved or not, allowed me to make allies like Lycanthrope. I protect them; they protect me (or don't vote for me -- that's good enough).

3) Protection.

This was the very reason I chose the priest. Even if you hate my guts, accusing a Holy man is pretty taboo in any culture. There was no greater shield I could hide behind, because most people would avoid accusing me just to keep themselves from losing face.

A smaller point, than the last, but a lot of people were probably less likely to even consider me because of the reputation I associated myself with, as well. This is more of a subconcious thing.

4) Religion.

So long as I was careful about it, I had a few tools at my disposal:

a) Religion gave me a way to vote for whoever the heck I wanted so long as my excuse sounded in-character. It was very hard to say I was doing something wrong.

b) I could cast doubt on people without even voting.

c) I could disregard the clues entirely and no one would care.

All because it was in-character.

5) It was fun, and it gave me a lot to play around with.


Honestly, I had a lot going for me with that choice.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:03 pm
by Vilkacis
From the eyes of the werewolf:

Ooh, Heart of the Pack chose me to be the werewolf. That was unexpected, but cool.

I've got to start with a kill and a clue.

I decided that the best way to avoid detection would be to choose my kills randomly. That way, no one would be able to tell anything by my choice of victim. My goal was to be stealthy.

So I rolled the dice, and Fenrir's number came up. I tried to make it as clear as I could that it was random so that he wouldn't feel bad for being the first one killed, "Fenrir was just in wrong place at the wrong time." Honestly, if I had chosen manually rather than by dice, I would not have picked him because it was a bit cruel given the outcome of the previous game. Sorry, Fenrir, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. Someone had to die and the dice chose you.

Now for the clue. I decided early on that I wouldn't give any clues that targeted just one person. It's easy to figure out that these clues are false, which means the others are more likely true... leading to me. Instead, I decided to give clues that divided up the remaining population into parts. If I kept it roughly equal, then any person (including myself) would have near-equal probability of being the werewolf if one were to judge by the clues. That, of course, works to my advantage whether I'm a werewolf or not, because it puts all the focus on behavior instead of clues.

I chose to start with a broad, true clue in order to give myself more flexibility later on. This ended up being a good choice, since I really needed that flexibility later on.

After looking at the information I had available, I decided that specifying male or female was a good place to start. We were looking at 7 male and 4 female. So the clue was true, but didn't say much. It's real value was if someone took it to be false. If that happened later in the game, it could really save me.

In retrospect, it's a pity that nearly everyone seemed to work on the assumption that all the clues were true, rather than trying to figure out which were which. It worked in my advantage in this case, but it would have been nice to see people discussing the clues, rather than making up their minds independently. You don't have to make your vote immediately with your first post.

So having thought it through and being satisfied with what I had come up with, I send off my clue to Heart of the Pack.

I was kind of shocked when I saw that she had copied it exactly, including the damning 'Execution.' I was sure everyone who knew me was going to start voting against me first thing. Fortunately for me, everyone seemed fixated on the intended clues rather than the metaclues.

The other werewolf's clue was obviously false. After what had happened to Fenrir last game, any werewolf would have been foolish to directly implicate themselves with the first clue. With a different group, that kind of tactic could be very strong, since the werewolf could then claim that they are being framed and gain some immediate I-am-not-the-werewolf credibility, but this group just took the clue at face value.

Part of that, no doubt, was the fact that you can vote for a clue without casting suspicion on yourself or standing out. You don't want to stand out in a mob, unless you're leading it.

Lone_Wolf voted for me... it was a mistake. TimberWoIf had taken my previous identity (blacksmith), and I hadn't solidified a new one yet. Whoops.

It was because of that vote that I chose to be a priest. All I wanted to do was turn the situation back on him. The way things ended up, though, I don't think I could have possibly chosen anything better! Remember, I had already begun my plans for leading the game into something more role- and behavior-oriented.

Being a priest gained me several critical advantages (see my other post).

My first post began the emphasis on role-playing. I had to start out strong or it would appear strange in the end. I tried to turn Lone_Wolf's accusation against him.

Nishah's role changed from female (last game) to male (this game). I wonder if anyone else noticed, given that one of the first clues was about gender.

Nishah also became my first in-game ally.

It's funny, for that very reason, that that very night we both chose to kill each other off. I chose by dice again, whereas Nishah told me she was 'gunning for my deductive mind.'

Apparently my kill request went through first, because I was the one that survived.

On one hand, I was dismayed that I had killed the other werewolf so soon. It would have been to my advantage if she had stayed alive for a while longer. The other clues would have led people away from me, and we would be killing two people a night, ending the game faster.

On the other hand, if I hadn't gotten her first by luck, I wouldn't have been able to continue at all, so it was better than nothing, and it saved me the trouble of figuring her out later. It probably made things easier to manipulate in the long run, even though it decreased my chances of surviving to the very end.

As for my clue, it took me a while to come up with something that satisfied me. I decided to go with false this time. I noticed that of the remaining villagers, 7 had color avatars, and 3 had black and white avatars. Once again, I was in the larger group. It was kind of unexpected that the clue was applied to outwarddoodles, as well -- I didn't even think of that, though it makes sense.

I waited for people to start voting before making my own post. It's usually a good idea to see what other people will do before acting.

Lycanthrope's plea for sanctuary was something I couldn't pass up. If he survived it, he would be, at least, someone I could probably count on not to vote for me. I don't know what was going through his mind at the very end, but I suspect this might have saved me. In return, my character's suspicion of him died away, since it allowed me to resolve my earlier accusation (in other words, he willingly did exactly what I had asked the villagers to do). Allies are valuable.

That night, the dice chose outwarddoodles. That was sad, because I didn't want to kill her off. Oh well. But then again, perhaps it was a good thing as far as my own survival went.

I decided that I needed a true clue this time. I didn't want to be stuck next round in a critical spot with no choices. Again, I tried to choose something that split us apart.
A painted barn with words on it: "I KNOW YOU ARE THE WEREWOLF,". The name is violently scratched out. There may have been the letter A in it. If only the message had been shorter, she might have finished it.
Myself, Moon Daughter, and Lycanthrope fit in one group.

Ronkonkoma, Timber-WoIf, and Misfit Werewolf fit in the other.

Note that the clue says she had not finished writing the message. Ronkonkoma, therefore, was in the second group, rather than the first, being as the 'a' in his name is at the very end. I don't know if anyone realized this. It worked out OK anyway.

outwarddoodles' post was unfortunate. Even if she didn't intend it, a post like that can change the outcome of the game. It makes people look harder for things they've missed.

Timber-WoIf committed social suicide. Whoops.

Moon Daughter accused me! Oh no! She had a decent point, unfortunately.

I tried to turn it aside, but the discussion didn't come to resolution since night came in the middle of it.

The dice told me to kill Lycanthrope. But at that point it would have been a terrible mistake. I had no idea what Ronkonkoma might vote, and I was counting on Lycanthrope to vote for someone-not-me. I decided the situation was critical enough that I needed to take control myself.

If I killed Moon Daughter or Ronkonkoma, I would have the advantage of there being only three votes (since Misfit Werewolf was nowhere to be seen). That is, I would definitely win so long as they didn't both vote for me. I decided this was too risky. If I killed Moon Daughter, I would almost certainly be mobbed, but if I killed Ronkonkoma instead, I relied entirely on Lycanthrope's vote. I wasn't that sure he'd vote for Moon Daughter rather than me, if it came to that. Also, there was nothing to say Misfit Werewolf wouldn't suddenly come back, and I had been the only one to vote against her.

Instead, I decided on Misfit Werewolf. By getting that extra vote in there, there was one more chance that someone would vote for one of the others instead of me.

I spent a fair while coming up with a good clue for this one. Again, I wanted to split up the group, but I had to be a bit more careful about it now.

There were four of us remaining: Myself, Moon Daughter, Ronkonkoma, and Lycanthrope. And the previous clues really weren't much help at all at this point, because of the way I had set it up.

I decided to put myself and Moon Daughter in the same group, and Lycanthrope and Ronkonkoma in the other group.

After finally choosing one, I considered it from everyone's point of view:

Even though it was unlikely that Moon Daughter would change her vote next round, I tried to make Lycanthrope and Ronkonkoma look more guilty.

For Ronkonkoma, I wanted to make either Lycanthrope or Moon Daughter look guilty. For the most part, though, my clue was probably useless for him, as he would have had to decide whether or not it was true.

For Lycanthrope, I was hedging my bets on the fact that he probably wouldn't vote for me, so I tried to make it look it might be one of the other two as much as myself.

This last round was the most dangerous one. All I had to do was survive and I would win, but otherwise I would lose everything. Even so, I could taste victory, and I already had plans should Lycanthrope survive, which I thought likely.

And then: disaster struck.

Moon Daughter happened to be on when Heart of the Pack posted my kill. All I needed was a single vote for someone other than myself in order to have at least a 50-50% chance of winning (since I could add my own vote to that), but her immediate vote against me made it much, much more likely that the others would follow suit.

This was terrible. At this point, I was sure I was going to lose. I had to act immediately. I did everything I could to discredit her. In fact, it seemed to me at one point that I may have even tried too hard.

She made a few mistakes, though. I think this saved me.

I was considerably relieved when I saw Ronkonkoma's vote. My only worry was that he might change it if I seemed too out-of-character with my echoing accusation. So I was careful.

I think Moon Daughter's last post made her look more guilty than any of the others.

I'm not sure why Lycanthrope didn't vote, but it meant I lived through that round.

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:23 pm
by Ronkonkoma
heh, i suspected it either was you or moon, and I didn't think the person who set the game up would have been the werewolf, so thats why i guessed Moon Daughter, but should have gone with my first instinct, which was you Vilacis

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 11:42 pm
by Vilkacis
Ronkonkoma wrote:heh, i suspected it either was you or moon, and I didn't think the person who set the game up would have been the werewolf, so thats why i guessed Moon Daughter, but should have gone with my first instinct, which was you Vilacis
Hmm. I wasn't the one that set up the game, though... That honor belongs to Heart of the Pack.

What a thing to win a game by. :/

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:17 pm
by Moon Daughter
This was terrible. At this point, I was sure I was going to lose. I had to act immediately. I did everything I could to discredit her. In fact, it seemed to me at one point that I may have even tried too hard.
Ha, I actually noticed this. I'd hoped some others would have noticed the sudden out-of-character remarks, but apparently they were blind. It hit me right on as soon as I read the post. You looked so guilty at that point, it wasn't even funny.