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Lesser of two evils

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:46 pm
by Set
I know this may sound a bit odd, but I was curious. If you had to pick the lesser of the following two evils which would you pick? Keep in mind there is no third option of "I wouldn't pick either" because I think we already know that. Just picture yourself hypothetically being forced to choose. (There are two different ones. Answer just one, or both if you prefer.)

Would you rather...

Have your brain molested, or your body defiled?
Be lied to all the time, or be told the truth no matter what?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:37 pm
by Figarou
you go 1st.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:56 pm
by Darum
WTF? have my brain molested?!?!?! :?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:10 pm
by NarnianWolfen
Body defiled, told the truth no matter what. One can heal from rape, but the mind is the heart. And truth is truth. Even when it hurts.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:24 pm
by wolfbound
would you rather drive through the state of AZ in a car with no A/C?
drive cross country in a car with broken radio?

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:29 pm
by Set
Darum wrote:WTF? have my brain molested?!?!?! :?
Yes. Meaning with words, mentally scarring scenes/emotions/experiences, ect. I didn't mean someone would slice out your brain and then do things to it...

By the way, I'd rather...

Have my brain molested.
Be told the truth.

My reasons:

My body is something I don't want other people to mess with. It's mine, not theirs, and they have absolutely no right to it whatsoever. Granted...mental scarring can mess you up immensely and even cause you to physically harm yourself, but it would take something of great magnitude to do that to someone like me (who, admittedly, is probably somewhat messed up already). I've seen so much that there's almost nothing that can affect me anymore. On the other hand, having your body defiled can lead to immense mental trauma anyway. I don't mind scars, but I don't like pain either.

Truth is always better than lies. Even if it hurts, and hurts deeply. I'd rather someone tell me they hate my guts and list the reasons why than lie to my face and tell me they love me when they don't. I'd always know where I stood with people. On the flip side, if they always lied to me, I'd be quite a bit more popular. If I'm sick they can tell me I look better even if I don't. However...there would be absolutely no trust there. I couldn't rely on anyone, because they'd always lie.

Either way you're gonna get hurt. It's just a matter of how.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:11 pm
by Renorei
I'd rather have my brain molested, and the truth all the time.

Brain Molestation

This was a difficult choice. But, ultimately, there are two things about me that forced me to pick this. I am profoundly and deeply inclined to secrecy, and a certain amount of vanity. If someone hurts me with words...they have no possible way of knowing how deeply I may be hurt. I'm an expert at concealing my own inner pain. But if someone is raping me or physically harming me in some other way, they will see in perfect clarity how much damage they are doing. But, in my mind, I open and close the gates. I control how much of it someone sees or doesn't see. I cannot stress how deeply secretive I am. It's kind of strange, really. And, as far as the vanity goes, it's not vanity in the traditional sense. As in, I'm not snotty about my appearance. I hardly ever wear make-up, and I typically don't wear stylish clothes. Mainly t-shirts and jeans. However, many forms of physical abuse result in scars. Significant scarring, disfiguring, maiming, etc. etc., is one of my biggest fears. I can't stand the thought of having my body...damaged. The thought of people staring at me as I walk down the street because my face is disfigured is horrendous. Having other parts of my body disfigured (parts that are covered by clothing) would be bad as well. Sure, no one would ever see it in public, but once I fell in love with someone, they would inevitably see my imperfection. That bothers me a lot. Which is why I'd rather be mentally molested, because I can hide it away forever.


This, compared to the other, was an easier choice. I don't have a thorough analysis for this one. Basically I would simply rather hear the truth all the time than lies all the time. It's quite simple. I know the truth can be incredibly painful. I'd rather hear a painful truth, than a pleasant lie. This reminds of the red pill/blue pill thing from The Matrix.

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:35 pm
by Grayheart
NarnianWolfen wrote:Body defiled, told the truth no matter what. One can heal from rape, but the mind is the heart. And truth is truth. Even when it hurts.
I have to agree with that. It's exactly what I would think of it!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:23 pm
by Scott Gardener
The mind and body problem: I'd go with body defiled, because I consider consciousness closer to my core identity. This is a personal philosophical preference that cannot be justified scientifically, but neither can it be refuted definitively, either.

The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: I'd rather always hear the truth than always be told a lie. If I'm always given the truth, I may be subjected to uncomfortable knowledge, but on a practical basis, I can still get through the day. If no information is reliable, then I cannot interact meaningfully with anyone.

Hypothetical scenarios killed the radio star: I'd rather do the cross country without a radio, even if I extrapolate and make it a defective CD player. (I don't listen to the radio when travelling; I bring my own music.) Again, it's a functional, logical decision. I can recover from boredom more readily than I can heat stroke.

OK, I'll add to the stack of options:

Dead broke and free or millionaire in prison?

If I choose to be broke, do I have to stay broke?
No. You can get a job. But, if you choose this option, you'll get a high school diploma and lose all other degrees. If you went to college, you'll have to do it all over again. If you choose prison, you'll keep your existing degrees, but you'll have enough in the bank that you won't have to work ever again, though you might enjoy hammering license plates to pass the time.

If I go to prison, what will I have done, and what will be the sentence?
Murder, and you'll be up for parole in twenty five years And, that's if you serve out your sentence 3 to 1 by working kitchen duty.

What kind of prison?
State, not federal. If you're a guy, you'll be along side some pretty aggressive inmates. If you're a lady, don't expect Martha Stewart to be your cell mate either.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:22 am
by Terastas
I'm used to people lying to me and, as a result, messing with my head. I'd therefore rather someone try to screw with my mind, which will heal, than my body, which might not.

I would almost kill for someone to tell the truth at all though, so truth forever would be a dream. After all, the truth may hurt, but ignorance can get you killed.

I'd rather drive across Arizona than the whole country simply because it would take less time. The issue of which is broken doesn't matter to me since I seldom use either (substitute open windows at high speeds for AC and portable CD player for radio), so I'd prefer whichever one keeps me in the car for less.

And I'd rather be dead broke and free. I imagine a millionaire would have a short life span in a state prison, therefore there'd be no point in having millions of dollars if I'm not going to live long enough to see it.

Hmm. . . Ah, what the heck, have another one:

Would you rather live in a one-bedroom apartment with eleven other people, or live in a mansion isolated from all humanity (no phone, no internet, no imaginary friends).

The way I feel right now (1:22 a.m. and at the mercy of two relatives who are apparently locked in a tense competition to see who can be the bigger bee up my a**), I'd go with the mansion, but I'm going to reserve my final answer for when I'm not in such a bitter state of mind.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 2:23 am
by Renorei
Scott Gardener wrote: Dead broke and free or millionaire in prison?

I'm gonna go with dead broke and free. Simply because...I want marriage, and I want kids. Assuming I go to prison at my current age (it's actually 19, but only for like a week so I'm rounding up to 20) I'd be 45 when I got out. Technically, it might not be too late for either of these things. But, I want them both very badly and the odds would be against me. Furthermore, even if I did find a guy, he might be loving me for my money. And, if we did have children, they might be defective due to my age.

However, with the dead broke option...well, that's not terribly different from the situation that the average college student is in right now anyway. Granted, I am different from most college students in that I get so many scholarships that I'm actually getting a refund check every semester (aka I literally am paid to go to school) so finances aren't nearly as big a problem for me as for other students...but if they can handle it without scholarships, so could I! Also, I only have 65 credit hours, so losing them wouldn't be devastating. Also, 20 isn't really that late to start college anyway. I'd be only two years behind other people my age. I guess I'd have to get a job during school and take out student loans, but if I get a good job after college, paying off the loans shouldn't be a problem. I'd hopefully end up getting married before my early thirties are over, and maybe have a kid or two. Sure, the money would be nice, but it can't fulfill my need for family. And besides, I have very ambitious career plans. Who's to say that I couldn't eventually become a millionaire anyway? And, even if I'm not a millionaire, I certainly plan to be 'comfortable'.
Terastas wrote: Would you rather live in a one-bedroom apartment with eleven other people, or live in a mansion isolated from all humanity (no phone, no internet, no imaginary friends).
Either of these would be absolutely miserable. The one-bedroom apartment with eleven people would be the most miserable in the short-run. The mansion wouldn't be miserable at first. Hell, for the first few months, I'd probably downright like it. But, I think that eventually I would come to despise it, even moreso than I would have initially hated the one-bedroom option. So, I'd go with the one-bedroom option. I am hardly a loner in life, although I can certainly enjoy the heck out of a bit of solitude. But not forever.

Re: Lesser of two evils

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:43 am
by Shadow Wulf
Set wrote:Have your brain molested, or your body defiled?
Be lied to all the time, or be told the truth no matter what?
Have Brain Molested, I see my body and mostly my hands as part of my pride to be me, I am fortuante that I can draw pretty well. I always told everyone that if both of my hands were cut off I dont think Ill have much will to live, cause thier will be no reason to live for I want even get a job. I'll be a handicap, my life would be at waste and to make it worst Ill know it too, atleast if my mine is molested I probably want even come to realize it. Or if someone hurt me emotionaly then I know I will recover cause I'll simply forget about it in a matter of months, I try to find other stuff that can easily ocupy my mind such as video games, talking to you guys, and doing chores.

I would rather be told the truth no matter what, I care about other peoples feelings if thier good people. I would feel terrible if someone was playing the role of my friend and they dont want to, or if I try to be someone elses friend when they never liked me. I go by whatever makes me and others happy.

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:07 am
by Searif
considering I already had my mind "molested" as to say, I would go with that, for the second part im not sure, but the truth would be alot nicer

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:56 pm
by Scott Gardener
A full house beats a flush:

I'll go with the hectic apartment. I would certainly like the idea of the isolated mansion for a little while, but the lack of Internet access alone would drive me nuts. (I assume that "no phone" would also preclude cheats like having a mobile phone but no land line.)

My own challenge:

I'd rather go with broke and free. I figure that I could build a life for myself that's pretty good a lot sooner than 25 years, even starting from scratch. It would take about eight years to get a professional degree, such as the one I have now, or as. say, an accountant or lawyer. Another five years would be needed to get going, with the other half of 25 years spent building up wealth. In 25 years time, I could hope to be just as rich as the other timeline, but without worrying about a cell mate with a knife.