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Acting experience?

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:12 am
by Chhayawolf
I guess this is the best place to put this. I wanted to ask you guys, have any of you had acting experience? Even if it was just going to acting classes or competitions?

I personally have had my paws wetted in that department. No i haven't done any commercials or movies. But i've taken acting classes for at least a year, trained for and went to an acting and modeling competition called W.M.T.C, not sure if any of you are familiar with it. Geez, i thought i knew that it would be hard definitely plunged me into what cattle calls are like! What i mean by cattle calls is that you stand or sit in a line from a half hour to two hours at least for some.
Your given a script tidbit, monologue or commercial to go over. "Slate" your name, age, acting school you came from and your contestant number, wait for them to tell you to continue, do your acting thing, stand for a few seconds in eerie silence as you hear directors scribble away on their paper about your performance, then be dissmissed, rinse and repeat! Picture doing that all day for two and a half to three days straight with almost no food/bathroom breaks, having to change wardrobe and makeup, getting up at 5 a.m. then staying up till 11 because of manditory workshops.
I could go on but i'd rather someone ask me questions for more accurate information so i can give a better answer instead of getting lost in what i've been saying, blabbering on about what i had to do for the past 10 minutes. :eyebrow: Shoot i really need to sleep right now.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 8:21 am
by Morkulv
I had drama-lessons for about 3 years or so. It really helped.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 10:27 am
by Searif
im currently gone into drama club, I do more stage stuff though, if we are doing a comedy sketch/improv then im all over it :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 11:54 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
I was in drama class in school many times :D I would love to make a career out of it :D

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 1:36 pm
by Chhayawolf
Gosh i've never been in drama club or whatnot, i was in art club though. Iv'e had such horrid stage fright, always used to get nervous and shake like a freaking chihuahua. After a while i just got sick of it and decided to try out something that opposited my plersonality. Acting. I'm much more relaxed around people now at least. Year of acting lessons. Four months of extensive training for W.M.T.C. recently just finished taking a grueling speech class with a top notch teacher that took a few years of theater and...other stuff i can't remember under her belt so it was like 18 weeks of acting/speech boot camp! I don't EVER want to have to go through all that again! It would put me into shock. :crazy: :wacko:

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:20 pm
by Terastas
Some acting classes, yes. My last was in Oral Interpretation, and I imagine I could have gone on to compete were the instructor and I not on hostile terms (she was apparently lying when she said she wanted originality). Other than that, the only big thing acting-related in my life is standup, although that's more of a technicality since I'm just practicing it and writing it (I must have written enough to put together my own album by now), but haven't actually had a chance to perform yet due to (big surprise here) family issues.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 2:29 pm
by Chhayawolf
Ah, you and me both, got our own little family dramas going on. Its like trying to remove a tick from a hard to reach place in your fur. Just can't leave it there and go on about your business you have to find some tweezers and get it done.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:00 pm
by Anubis
i had a drama 1 class but i slacked off and either drew and slept most of the time :P

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:27 pm
by Set
Um, well I did take this one class in...6th grade. 8)

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:39 pm
by Hamster
I was drama class before. I hated it but it taught me (so did choir class) how to put emoticon in my voice and change it. I have some character voices I want to use but won't be able to until I learn flash and animate my characters myself. Darn. :(

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:45 pm
by Chhayawolf
:grinwiggle: Ah, i remember drawing in all but a couple of highschool classes,my biology teacher would be so anal she would grab what i was drawing, rip it out of my binder and throw in the trashcan. I had to wait till after class or when she went out of the room to get something. Then i'd do a 007 theme song rescue retrieval from the garbage....i really wanted to bite her in the butt :pissedoff: Except that would be considered wrong in normal society so i kept to myself. I actually i still draw in college. But not nearly as much since the grades that you get will never change and none of the teachers offer any extra credit. Because when you get that bad college grade gum all over your face, its nearly impossible to get it off :bubblepop:

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:29 pm
by navalagVLK
I used to act in plays all around the place, great fun! I'd usually end up with something near a main part, but never the main part :wink: The last thing I was in was a musical, about 5 years ago :lol:

See, we moved. There's not much acting, or fun in general, around the town we're in now :blink:

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 5:37 pm
by Chhayawolf
Awwwwww, we have a bi-annual Rennaissance faire in Ojai, Southern California. Actually one is a Ren faire the other is a pirate faire, but they're labeled both as Ren faires. During the pirate faire my guild from San Francisco comes down and we have us a nice little pirate party bash. :lol:

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:05 pm
by Terastas
Chhayawolf wrote:Ah, you and me both, got our own little family dramas going on. Its like trying to remove a tick from a hard to reach place in your fur. Just can't leave it there and go on about your business you have to find some tweezers and get it done.
*nods* I think that comes with the territory. It's like nobody ever wants anyone to go into comedy except the comedian himself.

"My sister is a lawyer, my brother is a doctor, and I hate thanksgiving." ~Ron White

"No, no, no, you become doctor! Doctor, you wanna make laugh? "Ha-ha" see I laugh for you see I can do it, one man, one woman show Dat Phan." ~Dat Phan

The list is endless, I assure you.

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:50 pm
by Chhayawolf
:cafinated: I love Ron White and Dat Phan! I'd like to have a jump at comedy sometime myself but i'm not really one to travel far from home. I'd love to hear some of your skits...sketches....however you call it, i'm interested. :o

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 9:59 pm
by Scott Gardener
Acting per se: I was in a Middle School play, about twenty years ago.

Akin to acting: I have plenty of experience as a role-playing gamer and GM, organizing and participating in fairly large gaming sessions. I've played a number of LARPs. (Weirdly enough, I have strange recallections of Silver and Anthony refereeing some of those LARPs ten years ago at A-Kon. Did I dream this?) I've also lead Wiccan rituals, which are theatrical in nature. I've also studied public speaking.