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searching for redemtion.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:43 pm
by Furya
no mate/pups.
pure black. no scars.

i sneak out of my house. my father is asleep, either that or just passed out drunk again. i hate him. all he does is scream at me and beat me. but he has no idea what i am. if he knew... i run into the woods trying to escape the nightmare that is my life. my mother has been dead for years, and i have no friends to turn to. all i have is myself, and the wolf that lives within my soiul. i am a werewolf. i have been ever scince that night i was bitten. i knew my "attacker" was a werewolf at first glance. ireach out to my inner wolf and switch to my furry form. i look to the sky and for the umteenth time wonder if my mother can hear my cries. i scent another werewolf in the woods. i slip away and hide. i have never been much of a social person. i'm just fine on my own. i'm used to being on my own, just as i have been for years.

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2006 5:57 pm
by Anubis
white fur with a little balck on the muzzle and a streek of silver running down the back.
32 winters

Tannen was a tall white furred werewolf his tall sleek yet muscular body made him a hit with the females in his pack. he was in his prime of his life. he wasn't bitten he was born. he's a wild werewolf, he lives in the wilderness all his life and he doesn't bother over human affairs. he left his pack over a dispute he had with is father. he was a wondering lone wolf.

he stopped and smelled an other werewolf near bye, "Reaviel your self. or i'll search for you, and i will find you i suggest that you don't waist my time and show yourself."

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 4:52 pm
by Furya
i hear the other werewolf demand that i show my self. i also hear my father's enraged scream from a distance. oops! turns out he was sleeping. i shudder. i don't want to go back home to his drunken fury, nor do i want to reveal myself to the stranger. he sounds like a powerful werewolf. i stay away from home as long as posible. i know he's getting madder, but i refuse to go back. at least for now. he'll eventually start drinking again and just drop it. it's always been that way. ever since i lost my mother, he started drinking. the more he drank, the worse things got. i don't know why i just tear his throat out and live the rest of my life as an animal, i guess i'm still too scared of him. i've been hoping for years he dies of alchohol poisoning. but nosuch luck yet. i change forms again and slink back home unaware the other werewolf is following me, and can see my blackened bruises as im only wereing my tank top and shorts. i sneak up to my room and quickly change into my baggy black pants and Disturbed sweater. then i sneak back out after grabbing my bookbag. i begin my three mile walk to school.

Posted: Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:11 pm
by Anubis
she didn't reveil her self, and left. i follow her sent to back yard of a human dewling. she came back out once she was back into the woods i confronted her.

"I told you i would find you." i waited for a responce.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 8:55 am
by Furya
the white werewolf catches me. i tell him to go away. the last thing i need is someone else kicking me around. i try to act fearless, but werewolves, just like dogs, can smell fear. i reeked of fear. to make matters worse, my father drives up, and he's got a hangover.

"RAKSHA YOU B****! WHERE THE F*** WERE YOU?!" he screams. he kicks the werewolf and tells it to go away, stupid bastard i hope the werewolf kills him.

"i've got school, i have to-"

WHAM! his fist connects to my face.

"I DON'T GIVE A F***! YOU ARE GONNA KEEP YOUR SORRY a** HOME FOR A WEEK!" he screams at me. "NOW GET THE F*** IN THAT HOUSE NOW! IT'S A F***ING MESS! i'm going to sleep and when i wake u8p, IT HAD BETTER BE SPOTLESS!"

he hits me again. my nose is bleeding now, but i don't have a chacne to wipe up the blood. he passes out on the couch and i'm left to do all the work. it never ends.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 9:02 pm
by Anubis
i grab the older human by the throat. i sniffed him he reecked of Katora(werewolf booze) i threw him down on the ground. "i don't know what i find more disgusting the heavy sent of booze or how you treat your own child. i aughta tear your throat out."

a loud audtible growl excaped from his mouth. "disrespect me again, or lay another hand on that child i will be back and you will die! you hear me human! before i realese you here some thing to remember me by."

he puched him in the face and with his long sharp claws, made fore long deep cuts on his fat punget face. he let him go. "sober up! i like my prey detoxicated!"

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 9:07 am
by Furya
(raksha's father isn't fat. he's actually in shape and muscle-bound, despite the alcohol problem. he can give even a werewolf trouble. )

i laughed silenlty when i noticed the gashes on my father's face. but the contentment doesn't last long. he gets drunk again and takes his rage out on me. i can't stop his fists from hitting me, or the horse whip from lacarating my back several times. i hit him back. big mistake. he's really pissed now, and before i can react - a baseball bat slams into my ribs. i feel three of 'em crack. the pain is unbearable. i can't breathe. my fathers cackles. he throw the now empty wiskey bottle at my head, and it shatters causing me to bleed. he screams at me to clean it up. he pulls another bottle of wiskey out and lays down on the couch. an hour later his head hits the armrest on the couch. he's passed out drunk again. i take the oppurtunity to run. i change to my furry form and run like a madwolf. i'm way late for school, but with my wounds this fresh i can't go without bering asked questions i'm forced to answer with lies.

the agony in my sides slows me down and i can't run anymore. i slide into the woods, find a small boulder, and pass out next to it.

when i awake, the white male is standing over me, sniffing my wounds.

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:54 pm
by Anubis
"are you alright, young one?" he askes he reaches into his leather pouch and took out some herbs and a cloth bandage for her wounds

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 8:48 am
by Furya
i whimper, tuck my tail, and slick my ears to my head. i shut my eyes tight. i can't stop myself from shaking when he treats the wounds. i've been kicke d around by my father so much i'm afriad of just about every guy i see.

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:19 pm
by Anubis
"You have no need to fear me, but your abusive father has a reason to fear you. why do you let him do this to you?" i asked as i bandaged her wounds

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:37 pm
by Furya
i hesitate to answer. why did i let him beat me? fear i guess. he may be human, but he's stronger than me. he knows how to hurt me. it sickens me. i'm 17, almost an adault, but still terrified of him. 12 long years i've had to take the abuse.

i struggle to stand up. my side hurts badly. and the silver burns are almost as bad. my father nows i'm a werewolf now. he found out when he used that whip on me. the whip had a silver tip in it. i can't stand. my side hurts too much.

i answer the white wolf's question.

"i can't stop him. he- he's too strong! he scares me. he'll win, he always wins! noone can stop him, he lies to them. he tells them im the one who hurts myself! i tried to kill him, but he never dies!"

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:43 pm
by Anubis
"one problem he hasen't met me. You have a great heratage, and i'll show you what i mean." Tannen grabed the amulet hanging off his necklace. a bright light ingulfed him. when it disapaited we was wearing shinning armor on both his arms and had a dragcyrstal sword on his back (dragcrystal: a transaparent indistructable crystal that werewolves use instead of steel) also there were blue symbols painted on his pure white fur.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 8:59 am
by Furya
when i saw the bright light engulf him, i was terrified. it was like nothing i have ever seen before. i whimper and cover my head with my paws. i can't stop shaking. i'm too scared to make things even worse, my father comes crashing through the tree's.

"well, well, well Raksha! what the hell makes you think that just because you can do magic tricks and turn into some goddamn flea-bitten mangy dog, youi can do whatever the f*** you want! i don't think i can let you come home this time, i don't need you ripping my throat out while i'm sleeping." he sneers. he has a shotgun in his hand. he takes a gulp of wiskey before he cocks the gun and aims it at my head. then he sees the other werewolf. he obviously isn't drunk or he wouldn't have freaked out like he did. he shoots at the werewolf first then fires at me, but misses when the werewolf hits him.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 10:36 am
by Anubis
i doged the first barage of the hail of BB's from her deranged father's shot gun. i took out mt sword. and used it to cover my torso and head my arms were armored but dispite that i was hit in the leg.

three shots he was out ammo, as her father despreratly attemps to reload his weapon i came at him. ingnoring the wound in my leg. i cut upwards in such a way that it cut his gun in two and stopping at the soft delicate fleash of his neck though i didn't kill him. i now had the upper hand i could move the sword left or right to cut his jugulars. if the human had a brain in his skull he would surender.

"you lucky i'm feeling charatable human. Last chance give me five good reasons why i shouldn't remove your head from your shoulders."

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 11:19 am
by Furya
my father swore loudly. he knew he was beat. but he had his silver knife in his hand, and the werewolf didn't see it. but he also had that sword at his throat. he managed to push the werewolf away and leap to my side. he deeliberatly hit my broken ribs. then he held the silver knife above my hear.

"i know she's a werewolf, and if you want her to live you get your flea-bitten tick-infested a** out of here NOW!" he said.

i'm not sure if he'll let me live. he must know i'm too hurt to defend myself or he wouldn't be threatening me like this when he knows i have the power to kill him. he's gone out of his mind. the white werewolf snarls at my father, and he snaps. the knife stabs through my side, but misses my heart when a tan blur slams into my father. another werewolf. a female. my father tries to stab her, but she's too fast for him. she leaps at him and grabs him throat with her hjaws. blood flies everywhere. my father is dead.

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:18 pm
by Anubis
A female rushed her father and killed him. i turned to the girl shes been touched by silver i gad to react quickly or she will shurely die. i took out some white powder and poaring some into my hand i applyied it to her wound, it should neutrolize the silver.

i turned to the famale the reascued the girl. "Thank you for the assistance, and by the way who are you?" i asked as i tend to her wounds

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:21 pm
by Furya
i flinched as the male tended to my wounds. he asked the female who she was. she said "honestly Tannen, do you ever spend time with the pack? since you obviously can't remember my name, it's Luna." then she turned to me.

"where are your parents kid?" she asked as she helped the male clean my wounds.

i reply, "don't call me "kid"! i'm 17 i can take care of myself! and you just killed my father. my mother has been dead for 12 years."

luna said to tannen, "maybe we better bring her to the pack. she looks terribly weak and- where did she get those cuts? damn! looks like she got mauled by something! and she got three broken ribs by the way. hmm... and it feels like she got some pretty bad bruising. damn girl, what the hell happened to you?"

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 4:51 pm
by Anubis
"You can take her to the pack, i'm not going. you should know that me and my father aren't exactly on speaking terms." i turned back to her wounds,

"Her father did this, he was abusive and tried to kill her when he found out that she's one of us. until when you killed him that is"

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:08 am
by Furya
i hear the female gasp. then she said "Tannen! i think it's time that you and your father get over the fightingh!we have a werewolf here who's been beaten asround by her own father, and seeing you and YOUR father fight will only terrify her! do you want to help her, or scare her? i think you should be the one who carries her to the pack. i'll let them know you're coming WITH the kid!" and to me she said "sorry kid but i don't know your name."

then she left. i whine from the pain in side. that damn b**** left me with this pathetic jerk who fights with his own father! great, now what!

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:20 pm
by Anubis
"Damn her!! i said that i wasn't going! last thing i need is to see my a** of a father again!" he growled.

he puched the ground cursing Luna for being the b**** she is. "I hope she gets sprayed by a skunk" he thought. he turned back to the girl. "Come, get on my back and i'll take you there."

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:51 pm
by Furya
i fliched as he picked me up. he was angry, and i was afriad of pissing him off. when we found the pack they i saw luna there talking to a large grey werewolf who smelled somewhat like tannen. his father. tannen sets me down and the big grey wolf immedeatly rushes over to us.

"how badly is she hurt?" he asks Tannen.

he doesn't seem to be pissed of at tannen.

Posted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 8:39 pm
by Anubis
he paused and looked at his father then said "she has some broken ribs but other wise some rest should do her good" they just stood there in a awkward sighlance

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:33 pm
by Furya
it took three months for my ribs to heal completely. by then my bruises had faded away. but i was still scared of the larger males of thwe pack. i was the omega. i had learned from luna tha my father may not be dead for good. she says that on a very rare occasion a werewolf victim may be killed but later re-awaken as a werewolf. she say's ahe should have torn his head off or ripped his heart oput to make sure he would stay dead. i hope he does stay dead. the news had terrified me.

i usually go wandering off on my own ibstead of staying with the pack. Tannen has a tendency to do the same. i sat by a pond and thought about my mother, and her death. her throat had been slit, but the killer was never caught.

the pack now knows i'm an orphan, and some of the younger werewolves- mostly the other adolesents -torment me for what i've been through. they think it's funny that my father was a drunk. if i had the courage, they would be nothing but rotten bloody shreds of dead werewolf. my rage threatens to overwhelm me. it's only a matter of time till i snap.

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:37 pm
by Anubis
I found Raksha being picked on by her age mates making fun of her because of her less than wholesome home life. three of them were making some rude comments about her father and mother and about her.

"I don't believe this! i didn't think that you three can sink so low." they turned around finding a snarling tannen with rage in his eyes. "she been through alot! and it's not some thing to make fun about. She's alot stronger than you three going through that takes alot. I bet you couldn't live one day in her old life. now get out of here now! leave her alone and don't think for a minute that i wont tell your parents." they ran off with their tail tucked tightly between their legs out of fear of Tannen's Rath. "They may be near adulthood but they still act like pups"

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 9:07 am
by Furya
Tannen snarled at the others for tormenting me. they were afraid of him. if i wasn't so scared of pissing males off they'd be more than terrified of me.

tannen says something to me but i dont catch it. i'm too busy walking away. i think about my mother's death again. somethings not right about it. my father seemed so sad about it, yet he just didn't care. how could this be? unless... no. can't be. i decide to drop it.

"aww, look at that! poor little Raksha, so alone and afraid!"

Varg. the blondish male. he hates me. i don't know why. he isn't as young as my other tormentors, but he';s three times worse. the only one he listens to is tannen's father.

"what now, a**hole?" i snarl. he snarls at me and i instinctively drop to the ground in submission. when will i learn to fight. varg pisses on me before walking away.

i wash the piss of in a stream. i see some fish swimming, so i catch one to eat. i'm barely finishe dwith my meal when something hits me. i suspect varg at first, but when i see the werewolf, i recognize him immedeately.

the ugly scars on his throat are visible through his fur. my father is alive.

"you think i wouldn't hunt you down, think again! you think you hate me now, you're really gonna hate me when you hear what i have to say!"

i whimper.

"I killed your damn mother! and i'm gonna kill you too!"

and that was it. the last straw. i snapped. i leaped at him snarling in fury.

his dying shreik echoed through the trees. tannen came rushing to see what was going on, and saw what was left of my bastard father's shredded dead body. i was still snarling and tearing at him. i wanted him to die and STAY dead. I was foaming at the mouth 'cuz my idiot father tried to suffocate me, but i didn't care. i wanted him dead.