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Baseball Hero KIRBY PUCKETT dies at 45 of a stroke.

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:14 am
by Vuldari
I know this may not mean as much to many of you (especially those outside of the United States) as it does to me, but as a baseball fan, and a Minnesotan, Kirby's death tonight marks a hard, sad day.

Kirby Puckett was my childhood hero.

He was a good, kind hearted man, and he was one of the best that ever was.

I don't know what I can say. He will be missed...

Link to Story

Image long Kirby... :cry:

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:36 am
by Hamster
I heard this from my mom. She is a BIG baseball fan so she is really sad. :(

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:59 am
by Darkmoon
*bows head* as a fellow Minnesotan I too held Kirby Puckett in high regard. I even have his autograph. He was a hero for me as a child, and I'll always have those lazy days at Twins games in my heart. :(

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:34 pm
by Set
Even if I was a baseball fan, I couldn't feign caring, because really...death doesn't have an effect on me. *shrugs*

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:51 pm
by Hearth
Set wrote:Even if I was a baseball fan, I couldn't feign caring, because really...death doesn't have an effect on me. *shrugs*
Then why post here? Certainly you must know, that response like this would cause some kind of response. (most likely negative one.)

I even considered ignoring it completely, and I am more than ready to delete my own post if notified of it by pm.

I read the story. And searched information from wikipedia. Seemed like a decent fellow to me.

"Kirby Puckett's going to be all right. Don't worry about me. I'll show up, and I'll have a smile on my face. The only thing I won't have is this uniform on. But you guys can have the memories of what I did when I did have it on."

(quote from wikipedia)

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:17 pm
by Set
I just don't see the point in crying over someone you don't know kicking the bucket. You aren't his family, or friend, and the only reason you know he even exists is because he played a game. Sure it sucks that he had to die, but boo hoo, get over it, life goes on.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:02 am
by forsaken_wolf
I found it sad :( when I heard about and he was blind in one eye and he had tumour something inside him.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:40 am
by Darkmoon
Set...I actually did know him, so don't jump to conclusions. His kids went to my neighbor's school, and she sometimes invited him to their parties. He was a great guy.

And I'm not crying over his death, or lingering on it...I just wish to salute the memory of a human being that made an impact on my life, and the lives of many others. Everyone deserves to be remembered when they die.


Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:13 pm
by Hamster
You know Set, if you dont like threads like this then dont post in them. Please dont try to ruin things for people. Im sorry that death means nothing to you but some people do care and if you dont like it, then just go away. :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 12:48 pm
by Set
Darkmoon wrote:Set...I actually did know him, so don't jump to conclusions.
And why not? The majority of people here didn't know him.
Darkmoon wrote:And I'm not crying over his death, or lingering on it...I just wish to salute the memory of a human being that made an impact on my life, and the lives of many others. Everyone deserves to be remembered when they die.
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the dead. It's the living I don't care for.
Hamster wrote:You know Set, if you dont like threads like this then dont post in them. Please dont try to ruin things for people. Im sorry that death means nothing to you but some people do care and if you dont like it, then just go away. :roll:
Okay then. I'll remember that, and if you ever decide to be a hypocrite and fail to practice what you preach I won't be afraid to throw your own words back in your face.

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:22 pm
by Hamster
Set wrote:
Hamster wrote:You know Set, if you dont like threads like this then dont post in them. Please dont try to ruin things for people. Im sorry that death means nothing to you but some people do care and if you dont like it, then just go away. :roll:
Okay then. I'll remember that, and if you ever decide to be a hypocrite and fail to practice what you preach I won't be afraid to throw your own words back in your face.
Of course. I wouldn't hold it against you if you do. :wink:

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:48 am
by Vuldari
What the Hell is your problem Set?! you feel better now? ...did you get some sort of twisted satisfaction out of insulting the rest of us for actually having a heart, and a sense of caring?

Loss is a painful thing. impossible as the concept may be for you to grasp... some people actually care about others who may not be closely related to them, or even have known personally for a long time.
Whether or not you personally bother to.

Who do you think you are? ...comming in here, acting like you know better than we do, telling us that our emotions are wrong and are a waste.

Emotions are the most important part of life. They are never a waste of time or energy. They are the sole reason why we bother to choose life over early death.

He was my friend, and he did matter to me. He was an ispiration and a role model for me for much of my life, and so I see no reason why I should NOT care about his passing as much as I should care about the passing of my immediate blood family.

I am as unipressed by your blackened heart as you seem to be with my bleeding one, but as a word of advice, friend to friend...this attitude of yours is going to bring you alot of exess hardship than you niether want nor need to deal with.
Loose it...
...or at least learn when you should keep your hurtful yap shut and keep your heartless, and pointless insults to yourself.

There are far more constructive ways to draw attention to yourself than that. Use them.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 1:34 pm
by Set
Let me ask you this Vuldari. And answer honestly.

Would you have cared if he hadn't been a baseball player and was just another name in the obituaries? Do you look in the newspaper and cry over every dead person you see?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 2:40 pm
by Vuldari

...of course I don't sit there crying about people I don't know, and did not know had died...

But I DID know Kirby, and he DID have a dirrect Effect on my life, and he DID matter to me. His Baseball carreer was merely how I came to know him.

In all fairness, answer me this, since I answered YOUR question:

If you didn't care about this man, then why did you post a response in this thread? Why bother? What statement were you trying to make?

The fact of the matter is, though he was merely a name on the scoreboard at the ballpark to you, he was a Flesh and Blood Man to his family and friends, and it is out of line for you to say that those people, including myself, should not mourn the passing of our good friend.

He was not a faceless name from the obituaries...he was the man that inspired me to learn to play baseball...and gave me hope that extremely successful people can still be kind, friendly and generous. He was a man that I WANTED to cheer for. He was a name and a face and a voice that brought my family and friends together under the common goal to do nothing more than gather at the Metrodome and cheer on our Hero ... because he tried hard, succeeded and was a great winner and not a sore looser ... and he inspired us to try to do the same.

We all chose our rolemodels in life...Political Leaders, Musicians, Artists, Authors, Community Leaders, Parents, and yes, even Athletes...

We choose them because they are people like you and me who have succeeded in doing something that we perhaps have failed in doing ourselves, or have done something spectacular that we hope to accomplish ourselves some day, or maybe just seem to have aquired a grasp and understanding of some aspect of life that persists to elude us ourselves.

We aspire to them in the hopes of learning from their successes and, in turn, bettering ourselves in the process.

He may not have been a spotless man, but he had a spark of wisdom in him that inspired and brightened the lives of hundreds of thousands of people.

He was a man who once shared the wise words;
(After loosing much of his sight and was forced into early retirement)

Enjoy the life and joy you have today because "Tomorrow is Promised to No One."

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:05 pm
by Set
Vuldari wrote:In all fairness, answer me this, since I answered YOUR question:

If you didn't care about this man, then why did you post a response in this thread? Why bother? What statement were you trying to make?
Do you want me to shut up or are you going to continue to drag this out? Make up your mind.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:17 pm
by Vuldari
Set wrote:
Vuldari wrote:In all fairness, answer me this, since I answered YOUR question:

If you didn't care about this man, then why did you post a response in this thread? Why bother? What statement were you trying to make?
Do you want me to shut up or are you going to continue to drag this out? Make up your mind.
If you are going to post a message like this, you may as well include SOME sort of answer with it.

...since you bothered to take the time to post a response anyway...

If your only reason for chiming into this conversation to begin with was just to be a jerk...please...refrain from repeating that bahavior again.'s as much a waste of your time as it is of ours...

YOU are the one who chose to interupt this topic and change the subject to a question of the neccecity of emotional response to the death of a public celebrity.

If you are unwilling to defend your stance, which you bothered to cause all this fuss for, YOU are the one who needs to back out of this debate, not me.

If you do not respond to this, I will take that as the sign that you have decided to let us mourn the loss of Man Worthy of being remembered in peace.

...unless, of course, you actually have a good reason why a man who has brightened the lives of so many should NOT be remembered and Missed...

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 9:49 pm
by Hamster

Ok, let me ask you both this question, after your little "spat", is any minds changed on the issue? No. So let it drop.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:11 pm
by Vuldari
Hamster wrote:*sigh*

Ok, let me ask you both this question, after your little "spat", is any minds changed on the issue? No. So let it drop.
Someone just publicly interrupted my memoriam to tell me, with all of 'The Pack' listening, that one of the men I most looked up to and admired is just a worthless name on an endless list of obituaries, and does not deserve my, or anyones caring or sympathy for his family.

...and all you have to say is "let it drop"?

Why should I just stand by and let someone insult the people I care about like that? I'm not about to let something like that pass unchallenged...

...I'm going to proove that person wrong. ...and I think I did just that.

People who positively change as many lives as Kirby Puckett did DESERVE to be recognised and mourned in their passing. I allready stated some reasons why, though there are still More.

I may not be able to change the opinion of Set, but I've defended the honor and legacy of a man I still hold great respect for, even in death, and in that, I am proud and satisfied.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:30 pm
by Set
You want me to answer your question? Fine. But I can tell you right now you're not going to like it.

If this man had not been a baseball player you would not have cared about him dying. None of you would have. Hell, you wouldn't even be aware of his existance otherwise.

I see the occasional post about some movie star or other famous person dying but when it comes to everyone else none of you give a damn. It's like you're all saying that unless someone is famous they're not worth the effort. And you know what? I don't think that's fair. It's not fair to gague the worth of a life simply by how many people know their name. That, however, is EXACTLY what you're doing.

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 11:05 pm
by Vuldari
Set wrote: It's not fair to gague the worth of a life simply by how many people know their name. That, however, is EXACTLY what you're doing.
You are missing the point. People don't think highly of people like Kirby because lot's of people know his name...

...lot's of people know his name because he did extrordinary things that he came to be known for. ...things that those people thought made his name worth remembering.

Hell yeah I care about him because of the things he did! say that like it's a bad thing. If people are not supposed to be rememberd for thier accomplishments, what ARE they supposed to be known for?

I don't know what you think someone would have to do to earn memoriam...but I think your requirements must be impossibly high., what?... because it is impossible to mourn the loss of everyone on earth who ever dies, then I should mourn NO ONE?

He did things that effected MY life...

...that Is why I mourn his loss...

Many of the other celebrities whose passing have been announced in here I did not know and did not effect me, so I recognise that it is sad, but move on.

...but Kirby DID effect my life...and he effected many others as well, which is why I felt it appropriate to start this thread to give anyone else whose life was effected by him to share their feelings. there something wrong with that?

So his life meant nothing to YOU...


...but it meant something to ME. Okay?

At not point whatsoever did I ask YOU to care...

...all I've wanted and asked was to allow those of us who DO care to do so in peace, and share thier sadness together, if they so desire.

...only those who care need reply...

No one is asking you to attend his funeral. Get over youself.

No one gives a $%^$ that you don't give a $%^$...

...I only reacted so strongly by your ill-advised inturruption because you insulted a good man.

Why did you take time out of your day to try to stop others from caring anyway? What do you have against caring?

Seriously...if you had walked into the funeral reception and said that to the non-blood related mouners attending, you would not have left the event without a few bruises.

You've REALLY got to work on your social tact.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:41 am
by Miguel
Wow, Kirby Puckett died. That's sad :( . He really was an awesome person.