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Finally some images! (Beast of Bray Road)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 12:38 pm
by Morkulv

Read the whole story first.

The fur-pictures scared me... :( Especially because the texture of the fur looks very... hybrid. Its not a wolf nor a human hair texture. :? Normally, I can tell really easy if a fur belongs to a animal, or not (because of the texture), but with these pictures... I couldn't.

The paw-print could be anything ofcourse, but if you look closely you can see something that looks like a thumb-print on the right of the print.

Anyhowl, dispite the opinions of either its real or not, I thought it was interesting enough to share with all of you. :wiggle:

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 3:47 pm
by white

It's possible that the homeowner might just be trying to get attention and faking this.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:01 pm
by Morkulv
Ofcourse, everything can be faked, or at least the paw-print.

When I saw the paw-print picture, I thought like "Yeah... right"

When I saw the fur-picture I was like "Hmm, okay, thats interesting...)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 5:58 pm
by shey
ya saw this a few months ago but her next book over the beast is comeing out on March 27 its going to have alot of this stuff in it

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 7:46 pm
by Jamie
shey wrote:ya saw this a few months ago but her next book over the beast is comeing out on March 27 its going to have alot of this stuff in it
It's going to have stuff like this in it, but I don't know whether it will have this exact case. Given that books often need to be finalized more than a year before they are actually available for purchase, this case might be too recent to get into her new book about American werewolves.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:20 pm
by Ink
I think the big-cat idea gets my vote. Then again, I don't believe in werewolves.

The hair looks like a Maine Coon cat's coat but it could just be from a winter pelt off a coyote or coydog as easily.

There are tons of wild cats around and there are reasons why the DEC in local areas won't disclose their existance. I know because we've seen then up in the Adirondacks and people still say we're full of it. But they're there.

It seems like a lot of hype over something people are putting too much thought into.

But that's my opinion.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:04 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Why dont you believe in werewolves? Anything is possible. I believe in extraterestials and the unexplained, Thier more to life than just us and animals. I think its kinda ignorant for a person to not believing in in stuff like this cause your never shure, thiers lots of stuff out thier that no one can explain. Wouldnt it be rather awkwered that we are the only beings on earth, why cant werewolves be real?

I dont mean ignorant, Im just saying that you should keep an open mind at all times.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:14 pm
by Renorei
Well, I guess I'm 'close-minded' too, because I don't believe that werewolves actually exist. I'd LOOOVE to be proven wrong...but I don't see it happening.

And, even if werewolves do exist, I'll probably be disappointed. If werewolfy creatures do exist, they probably are non-shifting. Also, they probably aren't the 8 or 9 foot tall invincible beasts that I want them to be.

Most likely, they're probably just a small group of wolves who walk on two legs because of a mutation in a gene or something.:P

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:30 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Yes, true. Its like religions no person want to have thier religion to be proven wrong cause then they would have felt like they have waisted thier life for nothing. Werewolves not existing would probably be better but still try to keep an open mind, dont be narrow minded.

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:38 pm
by Searif
I would love if werewolves were real, but hate it if I could not become one :lol:

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 9:56 pm
by Silverclaw
It would be pretty cool if it was really from a werewolf :) Could be maybe.
I do belive in aliens, ghosts, and Bigfoot's :D So who knows with werewolves; could be, could be not,

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 10:54 pm
by Scott Gardener
One can be open to possibilities without being too quick to believe. Wanting for something to exist isn't enough to make it exist. And, while exercises like creative visualization can give your career a boost, they can't rewrite cellular biology.

I'm willing to consider the possibility, but I consider it highly improbable, given that there's a simpler and less paranormal explanation for most phenomena. But, I do grant, not all, and therefore the possibility remains open to me. (Besides, sometimes the simplest explanation isn't the correct one.)

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 12:19 am
by Darth Canis
Your right that hair/fur does have a different looking texture to it. I wonder if they ever did DNA testing on it to determine what type of hair it was...

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 1:24 am
by forsaken_wolf
MY GOD!! that was interesting with the story, the pics, and the fur although it looked sickening but the paw prints looked kinda fake but hey still interesting.

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 5:22 am
by Morkulv
Ink wrote:I think the big-cat idea gets my vote. Then again, I don't believe in werewolves.

The hair looks like a Maine Coon cat's coat but it could just be from a winter pelt off a coyote or coydog as easily.

There are tons of wild cats around and there are reasons why the DEC in local areas won't disclose their existance. I know because we've seen then up in the Adirondacks and people still say we're full of it. But they're there.

It seems like a lot of hype over something people are putting too much thought into.

But that's my opinion.
A lot of relatives of me has, or had cats, so I know how a cat's fur somehow looks like... But I don't think that this is a cat, or any type of cat, or cat-like ('cougar').

But then again, I like to be optimistic and say that everything is possible, like Shadow Wulf said. :D

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 6:00 pm
by Jamie
In order to have any chance of evaluating this case, you have to look at each piece of evidence separately, as well as together. We have:

1) Someone who heard something with a bipedal footstep pattern run across the roof.

2) A print found nearby that looks kind of cougar-like or very large canine-like, but with a thumb, impressed in mulch.

3) A pile of crap found nearby that might have come from the print-maker, the roof-runner, both (assuming both are the same being), or neither.

4) Hair (in a large hunk) found near the ear-witness sighting.

5) A history of werewolf sightings in the general region.

6) A history of eastern cougar sightings in the general region.

#1 is interesting but hard to prove since the sound was not recorded. We have to rely on the skill and truthfulness of the person who heard the footsteps. Most of us have heard bipedal (human) running sounds and animal (four-footed) running sounds often enough that it is reasonable to expect an untrained person to be able to distinguish between the two. Also, when I've been inside a house while people or animals were on the roof, it often sounded unusually loud, and loudness should help the interpretation be more accurate. However, in order to really be sure, we'd want to experiment with actual people and animals running across that roof, with the original ear-witness in the exact same location, along with other ear-witnesses and some recording equipment. Even then, we'd still want information about how truthful this witness is reputed to be.

#2 is a pretty bad piece of evidence, because the print was made in a medium that doesn't take much detail (mulch), because some prints were destroyed, and because there was a wait before measurements and photos were taken. However, the size should rule out all but the hugest dogs. The "thumb" narrows it down even more. If this print was made by an animal, it wasn't a normal animal. Even it is was a cougar, it would need to have at least one deformed paw.

#3 is even worse evidence, since any tie to the alleged event is not clear. It would only be useful if testing (especially DNA testing) showed something truly weird. Since it does not resemble cougar turds, it is unlikely that it was left by a cougar.

#4 is interesting, but suspicious. From the photo, it looks like entirely too large of a hair chunk to be left at a scene totally by accident. Also, it looks too consolidated for a mass of hair that large with no skin attached to it. To me, it looks almost like something that was shaved off, not something that would naturally fall from a creature (you know, the way that sheared wool from a sheep kind of hangs together for a bit, even though no skin holds it like that). That it tested as canine is interesting, but doesn't really prove anything, except that it isn't from a cougar. So, if the visitor was a cougar, it wasn't the source of the hair, unless it is a cougar that is weird beyond all reason.

#5 is interesting, but it is hard to conclusively draw links between this case and other werewolf sightings.

#6 is of almost no use at all, because cougars are sighted nearly everywhere in the regions of North America where they are supposed to be extinct.

In order to interpret this as a werewolf, we would need to show that the roof-runner and print-maker are the same creature, that the hair came from that creature, and that evidence pieces #1 #2 and #4 are not hoaxed, planted, misinterpreted or fraudulent. And even then, there would be a long road to go to real proof.

In order to interpret this as a cougar, we would need to ignore or disregard all evidence pieces except #2 and #6, and we would need to find ways to deal with the thumb problem in #2.

In order to interpret this as a prankster, we would only need to show that:
1) some person ran across the roof
2) some person (possibly the same person) left hair shaved from a canine on the scene
3) some person made fake prints in mulch, a medium where faking it would be especially easy.

My verdict: even if you do believe in werewolves, there is not enough information to stick to one hypothesis more than the others. If more information had been collected in a more professional fashion, sooner, then the picture might have been clearer. Bits of physical evidence are nice, especially since they are rarely collected from the sites of werewolf legends, but the lack of any eyewitness report makes it hard to link the various bits of physical evidence together into any meaningful framework. This is the sort of case that works better as entertainment or a spooky tale than as proof of anything.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:03 am
by Morkulv

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:56 am
by Shadow Wulf
I thought the hair was pretty big to just shed out too.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 2:30 pm
by Set
Shadow Wulf wrote:I thought the hair was pretty big to just shed out too.
You would never get that much off of an animal in one clump like that unless you did one of two things: shaved them or brushed them. Yes, brushed them. I can actually get more than that off of my pomeranians with a brush.

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 3:22 pm
by Morkulv
Wat if it ran through the bushes? That can easily leave some lumps of hair like that (I've seen it before).

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:00 am
by Kirk Hammett
At first it looked like a cheetah. But it's probably a cat.

Wish it was a were though. Interesting. I only skimmed it so I can't comment any futher, I should go to bed :(

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:01 am
by Shadow Wulf
That doesnt look like fur that would come from a catlike creature to me.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:43 pm
by Morkulv
I know one thing, and that is that that fur doesn't belong to a cat, or a cougar.

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 1:45 pm
by Set
Shadow Wulf wrote:That doesnt look like fur that would come from a catlike creature to me.
Really? My fist thought was actually That looks like cat hair...

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 4:25 pm
by Jamie
Set wrote:
Shadow Wulf wrote:That doesnt look like fur that would come from a catlike creature to me.
Really? My fist thought was actually That looks like cat hair...
Since it tested as canine, it isn't cat hair unless they really made a big mistake at the lab.