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Influence war (pilot game)

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 11:08 pm
by CanisLupus
Okay. The rules are pretty easy.

The game is about a guy who recently became a werewolf. He is very confused and don't know what he must do:

:shift: -> giving up of their human knowledge and act like a WW, that makes him feel physical and psychologically wonderful (the Wolf nature), or

rvt -> keep fighting against the instincts and trying to learn how to live with this new situation, keeping their human side and convivence with the other humans (The Human nature).

During his dilemma, he will be aborded by both sides, who does not really have to be humans for Human and WWs for Wolf (i.e.: other WW who chosed the Human way, or humans who want to be WWs). So after the argumentations, the guy will chose his side and conclude, based on the sides' argumentations.

The game will start when with enough people. The duration will be of 3 day since the date of the first post. In the starting post, I will put some useful info (like time, the place, and stuff like that). If there's an information that I didn't put, feel free to stablish, unless someone already did it. You can attack someone's argument, but please, don't be rude. It's allowed 1 argument per post, and double-posting is not alowed. if you are a werewolf, try to don't kill anyone, unless the killed guy agrees with it (to combine these things, don't use the topic, use PM).

Remember to get a suitable way to enter in the scene (i.e: "I was on my bedroom and started to hear someone moaning on the forest, so I picked my lantern and gone to verify") and also a good argument for your side. After the timeout, I will pick what happened during the time and make the conclusion.

If you see any problem with the rules, please tell me. This is a pilot game and probally will need some repairs. The first match will have me as the conflicting guy, because I didn't made the rules for conflicting guys yet (but I have it all on my mind), and will have 4-6 players, with the same ammount on both sides.

One last thing: if you are planning to enter, chose your side.(i.e.: I'm in! Human nature side!)

EDIT: I'm sorry, firefox sometimes make me confused. :jester2: Someone transfer this to the forum games, please.