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How do they get away with this?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:25 pm
by Set

There are no words for it. Just read it, and you'll see what I mean.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 8:29 pm
by Kzinistzerg
I vomit on this type of thing. Disgusting.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:29 pm
by Terastas
We don't have a wolf icon giving the finger, so this will have to do:

"Yo Dubya!"

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:32 pm
by Figarou
Terastas wrote:We don't have a wolf icon giving the finger, so this will have to do:

"Yo Dubya!"
:punishment: the finger?

I can make one where the wolf is spitting out a finger.

After tearing someone to pieces.


Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:32 pm
by Lukas
i dont know what this idiot is talking about in his long a** story but all i got is he trying to say that the governments are trying to control the religions and is saying that they want USA women to get there a**es kicked, which i think this guys is nuts or on crack.
also are you guys mad at the writer or the government? because personal i dont belive this guy

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:40 pm
by Terastas
LoyalReaperDragon wrote:i dont know what this idiot is talking about in his long a** story but all i got is he trying to say that the governments are trying to control the religions and is saying that they want USA women to get there a**es kicked
Actually, that's what he believes is the intended meaning of a biblical passage they were trying to use to support conformity to the government. He's stressing it because the passage is total crap, and coming from a priest, that's quite a statement.

What he's implying is that their trying to use religion to establish unjust order. That's where the outrage is.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:41 pm
by Lukas
but are you guys pissed at the idiot writing that?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:43 pm
by Terastas
LoyalReaperDragon wrote:but are you guys pissed at the idiot writing that?
No. At what he's writing about.
Figarou the finger?

I can make one where the wolf is spitting out a finger.

After tearing someone to pieces.
Reminded me of this.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:45 pm
by Lukas
i guess what im trying to say is, do you belive him?

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:51 pm
by Figarou
Terastas wrote:
Figarou the finger?

I can make one where the wolf is spitting out a finger.

After tearing someone to pieces.
Reminded me of this.

HA!! I can see why. :lol:

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 9:55 pm
by Anubis
This is why I HATE the government!!!! Dirty and corrupt, they are just saving their own butts when something bad happens!!!

This helps confirm my personal motto "Never trust a suit!!!!"

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:13 pm
by Scott Gardener
My own reply:

You know, maybe the conspiracy theorists have it right. I've never been closer to believing the idea of massive government plots at dominating the people and destroying democracy, but the parallels between the Bush Administration and Chancellor Palpatine are disturbing.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 10:42 pm
by Terastas
Scott Gardener wrote:My own reply:

You know, maybe the conspiracy theorists have it right. I've never been closer to believing the idea of massive government plots at dominating the people and destroying democracy, but the parallels between the Bush Administration and Chancellor Palpatine are disturbing.
As I recall a veteran poster at Furtopia saying: "My biggest fear is when Bush announces that the terrorists have sabotaged the voting machines and therefore revokes elections for our safety."

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 1:06 pm
by Set
I want you all to do me a favor. Tell everyone you can about this. Spread it around like wildfire.

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 2:54 pm
by Lukas
can't do it

Posted: Mon May 29, 2006 8:34 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Like most types of government, it starts out as good idea, and then it turns out to be a obsession for power than for the people. I truly do believe us lower class citizens should raid the governemnt for what their doing.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 12:19 pm
by Renorei
Every president, and every government in every country does this. To all the Bush-Haters, this goes so much deeper than the Bush administration. Do you honestly think this is only a recent thing? Sugarcoating the truth or even subtlely lying to the people is something common to all governments.

Heck, we even do this on my college campus a bit. I'm Vice President of the student body, and you better believe we're never gonna tell the average student some of the stuff that goes on, and some of the problems our school might be going through. It would only upset them.

Maybe governments could be more honest with their people if people weren't such morons. I didn't say a person, I said people. A person is smart, but people are idiots. When a large group of humans gets together and gets mad about something, guess what happens? Riots. Killings. Destruction of public and private property. If we average Americans knew even half the stuff our government was hiding, there'd be mass riots on the spot. I would absolutely love to know all the stuff that the government isn't telling us...if it was possible to know it without the majority of the country becoming enraged. Ultimately, there are two choices...peaceful obliviousness or truth, and the inevitable destruction and loss of life that will come with it. By the very nature of what they are, governments must adopt a utilitarian other words, do what is best for the greatest number of peaceful obliviousness it must be. regards to the specific issue at hand, trying to manipulate religious teachers and religious texts to say something they didn't originally intend, yes, that is despicable. Particularly the part that suggests that it's ok to rape women. But, if you had never known about this, you'd have no idea anything was wrong. If you get this angry over something as minor as this, imagine how furious you'd be if you knew the rest of the stuff the government was hiding. Instant riot.

Protesting the government and making a scene are no way to encite change...well, at least not anymore. If you want to make a positive difference, run for office.

If you find it appalling that our government lies to its people, wake up! It's as American as applie pie. Not saying that it's a good thing...but sadly it's true.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:40 pm
by Shadow Wulf
Oh Ive known all about what your saying Renorei, and I think alot of people do to , the problem with Bush is that he lacked the brain power than most presidents weve had and he proves to be slower in reacting to things. And I agree of what you are saying, the only way that people can get on with their happy little lives is if they do not worry about it, they got plenty of thing to owrry, why add a bouldozer over thier shoulders such as the world would end in 48 hours. The less people know the simpler it is. That way you want have this soul call truth spreading through out the internet constantly changing info about it to the point its not consider truth anymore.

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:03 pm
by Timber-WoIf
This kind of reminds me of Men in Black... "the only way people get on with thier happy lives is they do not know about it"

not to say the public should be misinformed at large, but the public must be manipulated at times to maintain order. The issue with routing all relief and counseling to federal agencies; that's not as bad as it sounds, considering the alternitave. By having counseling, relief, etc. done by one agency, it helps relief actually reach victims effectively, rather than having hundreds of smaller organizations working indipendantly, trying to solve problems on their own.

I honestly feel that the writer is overreacting to what is at worst a nessisary evil. As for encourageing tolerance of female abuse and rape, I seriously doubt that any US agency would do such a thing intentionaly. It can't be more than the writer expecting and looking for such things out of the government.

It is the governments job to protect its citizens and maintain order. Sometimes, that means keeping the public in the dark, not revieling the whole truith about situations, and yes, even sometimes lying.

Right now, our nation is still recovering from 9/11, and our hasty reaction to the attacks. Sadly, that handful of terrorists did more damage to us than any attack by any nations or factions did in our entire history.

Not only did they destroy the twin towers, do more damage and kill more of our citizens than Pearl Harbor, but they provoked us into attacking afganistan and iraq, both of which conflicts have drained our country's resources, turned our national debt into a monetary black hole, and, iraq in particular, pissed of most of the world.

I feel sorry for Bush and his administration. In all honesty, nomatter who was president, the post 9/11 chain of events would have been the same. Heck, i wouldn't be surprised if the WOMD evidence was actually misinformation planted by Al Queda or their assosiates. At any rate, the next couple decades will be quite interesting. Our nation is going downhill, and the blame cannot be placed soley on Bush, or the Republicans, or Congress, or Bin Laden, or Iraq, or Katrina...
Our nation has been a superpower for the past 60 years. After the Soviet Union collapsed, we were the world's only superpower. But, the rest of the world is catching up, and our nations rediculus conservitism, and our inability to accept fault for our own problems are going to let nations such as China pass us by.

...Mabye if people start waking up, our nation won't crumble. But we've long fallen from super-power status.

(would finish rant, but i got to go to bed.... may continue this rant tomarrow...)

Posted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:25 pm
by Renorei
Our nation's fall has little to do with's lack of competence in general, going back far further than Bush.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:28 am
by Shadow Wulf
The problems wih our nations in keeping it as the #1 super power is that we are not keeping our money flowing within our country, U.S. money is cosntantly going to china and other countries in Asia aswell as mexico. And we are giving away all our labor jobs to the chinese including agriculture. Right now our treasure is running out of money and eventually theirs probably not gonna be enough money left for retirement. Another thing is that not enough people is enlisting in the army, at that rate the country is going to have to have a draft if we ever want to stay powerful. True we got the most advance weaponry and technology than anyone else, even if Russia has just made a better nuke than ours we still have atleast 10,000 more than them.

But the one thing thats really set this country oncourse downhill is the corruption and greed of our government., we should set up a system so that mostly middle class will go govern the country and they cant stay in power for too long otherwise greed and power will get to them too. I know if any other president were to be in bush shoes then similar events will happen no matter what, but will they do as badly as bush did and taking care of the problems? I dont think so.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:50 am
by Lupin
Shadow Wulf wrote:Right now our treasure is running out of money and eventually theirs probably not gonna be enough money left for retirement.
Er... that's not really how it works. We stopped the practice of backing currency with something of value a long time ago:

Basicaly, money has value because the government says it does.

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:12 am
by Shadow Wulf
oh so it does. Point taken.

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:20 am
by Vilkacis
Renorei wrote:Every president, and every government in every country does this. To all the Bush-Haters, this goes so much deeper than the Bush administration. Do you honestly think this is only a recent thing? Sugarcoating the truth or even subtlely lying to the people is something common to all governments.
I agree completely. The President is just a figurehead. If people don't like him, he goes away before long and the public is satiated. But the more insidious problem lives on. I'm not worried about the part that goes away every term or two. What about the part that stays the same? That is far more important!

Everyone runs around babbling and arguing in their petty little debates about who the next President fad will be, but no one cares to ask:

What kind of person is the government? What does it believe? What are its goals and values?

I don't know about anyone else, but I, at least, am not happy with what I'm seeing. This Government fellow is not the kind of guy I'd like to be associated with.

It's part of the reason I can't stomach voting. It really doesn't make a bit of difference. Others have put it better than I can:

"I don't care who does the electing as long as I get to do the nominating."
-- Boss Tweed


"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."
-- Josef V. Stalin

Bah. There's too little we can do from the outside. Forgive my ignorance, but isn't this the kind of thing we ran from when we founded this country?

Renorei wrote:Heck, we even do this on my college campus a bit. I'm Vice President of the student body, and you better believe we're never gonna tell the average student some of the stuff that goes on, and some of the problems our school might be going through. It would only upset them.

Maybe governments could be more honest with their people if people weren't such morons. I didn't say a person, I said people. A person is smart, but people are idiots. When a large group of humans gets together and gets mad about something, guess what happens? Riots. Killings. Destruction of public and private property. If we average Americans knew even half the stuff our government was hiding, there'd be mass riots on the spot. I would absolutely love to know all the stuff that the government isn't telling us...if it was possible to know it without the majority of the country becoming enraged. Ultimately, there are two choices...peaceful obliviousness or truth, and the inevitable destruction and loss of life that will come with it. By the very nature of what they are, governments must adopt a utilitarian other words, do what is best for the greatest number of peaceful obliviousness it must be.
Here I must diverge a bit.

Any government that has to hide things is rotten. The easiest path may be to keep it hidden, but I don't believe it is the correct one. Nor could it be considered utilitarian in the long run, either.

It's like someone who has developed a terrible (and, perhaps, shameful) disease, but they hide it from their friends, family, and doctor because they're afraid of how they will react. Over time it grows and grows. Soon it can no longer be hidden, but it's too late to fix now. Everything they fear happens anyway, but at a much greater scale.

In software development, there's a saying we hold true: the longer it takes to find a bug, the vastly more costly it is to fix.

If you cover things up instead of dealing with them, you're only making things much, much worse in the long run. Like the guy who hides his disease: if you wait too long, disaster will take you up on your invitation. Never let it get to that point. Be open and honest from the very beginning.

What a revolutionary thought!

"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools."
-- Herbert Spencer (1891)

-- Vilkacis

Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 11:22 am
by Renorei
Hmmmm...I agree with the openness and honesty policy, I truly do. And while it is technically a much better alternative, I think we're in far too deep at this point. :(

From my point of view at least, governments being open with their people is a great idea...but something that may or may not work when actually applied.

But hey, my views are probably influenced too heavily by my own experiences and overall dislike for the U.S. system of government.