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Gift or Curse? (Closed until Futher notice)

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:47 am
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf

Please note the this Rp is for everyone, the only rules are, is be creative as possible..Type what you want, but be play nice. As always PowerPlay is acceptable :howl:  :oo

For as long as anyone one has known..Werewolves have been talked about in history and in also in many books an movies. There was a young female. Her name is Tonya and she found them to be very intriging and studied all she could about them, but she wanted to know even more about them..

She strongly believe that they extist and would go to many places where real wolves lived and studied their behavior. As she does more research she hears rumors of a stone called" Luna's EyE" A stone that can make any who touch it become a Wolf..

She wants this stone so goes off to find it. Still having her doubts of the stones exsitance she laughs, but goes on to search for it anyways for her amusement..Though alone in this search she, knows if this is real it could make her famous, but it could also be the death of her.. If werewolves do exsit indeed..and she does find the stone and it's real..Who will she meet along the way in this journey and will they be friend or foe?


*sighs* "All this research and I still don't know where to go!!" she throws down the paper work and resumes searching the web for more information. "Grahh!! I am done fer tonight!!" she says leaving her compy.

Suddenly she hears a chime on her compy an the words "You've Got Mail" she wonders what it could be so she clicks the folder..It's titled"I know what you seek.." Her eyes widen and she reads on.."OMG!!" she falls back into the chair an runs her hand through her hair.

"Wow..I..I wonder who this is an how they found out about my research!!" She reads on and sees an a street name and and a time"They want me to meet them here?"she thinks briefly if this is a good idea, then quickly pulls out some paper and jots down the info, suddenly the message dissappears and she just stares at the blank screen, then looks at her paper with the info "Not a min to late!!"

Fer the rest of the day she is restless..waiting fer 8pm to come around..Staring at her watch.."Time does not fly at all!!" she grumbles to herself..Hours later the clock reads 7:30pm, she heads out the door an goes to her car and gets in and drive slowly even though she is so anixous.." I hope this isn't a prank!! I always get those!!"

She pulls up to the area it was a park, a populated place even at night, but she noticed everyone was staring at her..even the younger folks..talking in whispers amoungs themselves..she felt very uncomfortable, but continued walking..

She saw a group lead by a female walking in towards her but ignored them until she caught their gaze..They were staring and coming right at her, with blank expressions..she froze...

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:30 pm
by Ancient
Suddenly from the shadows a hand grabed her urging her into the alley way. The hand belonged to a female who had ebony black hair that hung to her shoulders and eyes so deep blue they could be mistaken for black. She seemed predatory in the way she looked. She motioned for the other woman to be quiet as the group went to pass the alley way.

(I hope it's alright if I join. It seemed interesting.)

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:31 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
((No it's just fine :D Anyone is welcome :lol: ))

Tonya stared at the female terrified. Her eyes mad Tonya feel quite uneasy and she tried to pry away from the woman, but she was much stronger than she was so she simply kept quiet like she was told as she was already thinking this was a very bad idea..

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 2:27 pm
by Ancient
The woman waited till the other group went past and then looked at the woman. "Please do not be afraid. My name is Justine. Trust me I am a friend." She seemed to sniff the air as she peered around the side of the corner. "It is safe to continue. I will follow you to make sure they don't return." Her voice held a very smooth tone yet almost millitary. Her form was sleek and very powerful looking. Her dark blue eyes looked into the eyes of the woman before. "It's alright." She said reassuringly.

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 3:42 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Tonya simply nodded and said ok and waited for a min or more before speaking."Who are you? What is going on here?! I knew..I knew I should have not come out alone like this.."she rambled to herself, cursing and fussing..It wasn't that dark just yet, but it was getting there and she wished she was back home in her cozy little home of her's.."I wonder what else tonight holds fer me..." she said to herself as her eays found the other woman's again and she shivered..just still uneasy..and quite unsure of anything..

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 10:55 pm
by ScarredxXxRose
((Name: Aubrey Rose-Noir
Nickname: Rey

Rey looks up from the rock drawing on the concrete below her and notices a two people walking into an alley. I wonder what they're doing... she thinks and soon decides to watch and see what happens. She stays sitting with the rock in her hand, but almost forgetting about the drawing.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:47 pm
by Ancient
The woman looked at Tonya with that intense look she had. "I don't have long to explain. My name is Rain. There are things going on that you may never understand." She said as she looked towards the sky and then around a bit. She seemed all to aware of a presence here that she had just caught wind of. Something seemed amiss.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 7:54 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Tonya looked around. She could see that Rain was looking for something but she didn't know what an it made her feel even more uncomfortable."What things? Is this about that stone? Are you after it as well?!'Tonya wanted the stone fer herself and she was probably jumping to conclusions about her."Tell me what is going on and let go of me! Your hurting me!!"she struggled in the womans grip not really giving her a chance to let go if she had planned to at all..

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:34 pm
by ScarredxXxRose
Rey is still sits there starring... something about the way one of them is struggling to get away cathes her attention...

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 9:29 pm
by Ancient
She kept her iron grip on the woman's arm. "I do not have any disire nor need for the stone. Trust me when I tell you that. I am only protecting you from those that want to harm you. You have no idea how close you really are." Her eyes were intense almost was it wolf-like? in the dimness.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 7:28 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Protecting me? Ha!! This is what you call protection?! It seems like your the ones hurting me here!!" she struggled then stopped knowing she would never get free and now wondering why they said she needs protection..made her feel very uncomfortable..

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:02 am
by Nightspirit
name: NIghtspirit
age: 25
size: 6'2 1/2
occupation: mercenary (used to be a knight)
gender: female
appearance: mid back lenght black hair (usually tied back), mirror like blue eyes, hard face, black trench with armor lining the arms, two vertical colums on the front and back. a plain black womens-muscle shirt, black pants , two belts, both held up by 4 belt loops at the left side,, then hang lazily on the right side. 3 chains hang from the studded belt, and clip to a loop in the pants, one small chain, one medium chain, one large chain. sword is attatched on left side, top belt. belt one is a black black belt, belt two is a three-colum-studded belt. black knight gloes. almost knee-high black boots, with red leather in the front and back, covered with metal and the toe and heel. when clicked together, blades protrude from the front. on the shin, covering the boots, are shin-guard armor, with blue flames painted on them.

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:03 am
by Nightspirit
(Erm...ifn you dont mind may i be one of the people in that group lead by that woman?)

Posted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 1:27 pm
by Teh_DarkJokerWolf
Nightspirit wrote:(Erm...ifn you dont mind may i be one of the people in that group lead by that woman?)
Umm...actually I have closed this thread due to the others particatipants current situation, and I wasn't able to say due to my compy dying, but I will be starting a new story soon as my compy is back up an running :(