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Teeth when shifting...something I noticed...

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:11 pm
by Set
No, this isn't about the teeth themselves. This is about the person's tongue when they shift. Not the color or anything but what would happen to it when those sharp wolf teeth start sliding out from the jaw. If the were kept their mouth closed during a shift the teeth would slice through the tongue as they begin to change. A werewolf would have to keep its mouth open and the tongue out of the way of the teeth. Of course this would lead to it looking like the were was snarling, which might contribute to their bad reputation when really it would be just a misunderstanding on the human's part. Were's don't deserve the bad rap, humans just like jumping to conclusions. I do have a point in there somewhere...


Re: Teeth when shifting...something I noticed...

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 10:25 pm
by Goldenwolf
Reilune wrote:No, this isn't about the teeth themselves. This is about the person's tongue when they shift. Not the color or anything but what would happen to it when those sharp wolf teeth start sliding out from the jaw. If the were kept their mouth closed during a shift the teeth would slice through the tongue as they begin to change. A werewolf would have to keep its mouth open and the tongue out of the way of the teeth. Of course this would lead to it looking like the were was snarling, which might contribute to their bad reputation when really it would be just a misunderstanding on the human's part. Were's don't deserve the bad rap, humans just like jumping to conclusions. I do have a point in there somewhere...

I guess it depends on what KIND of werewolf you are talking about. Are you talking about a werewolf/lycanthrope, a beastial shapeshifter who preys on humans? Or a shiney happy happy wolf shapeshifter who just wants to be accepted/left alone?

Sorry, just needed to clarify, because I'm a HUGE fan of snarly, beastial werewolves ;)

Anyway, as for the teeth thing, I think if they just opened their mouths (it would probably be something instinctual to do while transforming) then it wouldn't be an issue. Even still, if they clenched their mouths tight while shifting it still wouldn't harm the tongue. However, it -would- tear the crap out of their gums. But I think growing new teeth like that would do that anyway.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:08 am
by Kzinistzerg
They would probably naturally open their mouths, OR there would be crevices and such designed to recieve the teeth as they grow.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:21 am
by ABrownrigg
In response to Goldie, there will be BOTH kinds of weres in this movie. There are some that are happy shiny, love freedom, and some that love to tear and rip all over the countryside.. but its their CHOICE to be like that.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:42 pm
by Figarou
ABrownrigg wrote:In response to Goldie, there will be BOTH kinds of weres in this movie. There are some that are happy shiny, love freedom, and some that love to tear and rip all over the countryside.. but its their CHOICE to be like that.
Just keep the ones that love to "tear and rip" away from the sofa. :lol:

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:29 pm
by Kzinistzerg
And the duckies. :duckie

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:32 pm
by Goldenwolf
ABrownrigg wrote:In response to Goldie, there will be BOTH kinds of weres in this movie. There are some that are happy shiny, love freedom, and some that love to tear and rip all over the countryside.. but its their CHOICE to be like that.
<3 I love you A. That is EXACTLY what I was looking for.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:30 pm
by Apokryltaros
ABrownrigg wrote:In response to Goldie, there will be BOTH kinds of weres in this movie. There are some that are happy shiny, love freedom, and some that love to tear and rip all over the countryside.. but its their CHOICE to be like that.
Are you sure it's not because some were able to afford their canine distemper shots?

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:04 pm
by Rodentia
in my opinion alot might have to do with the elongation of the jaw in relation to when the teeth grow..and of course the tongue stretches as well. the order things happen would decide how much damage occurs in the mouth. all this would help to explain why werewolves and such often look like they just ate, as the blood from everything happening drips out.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:04 pm
by Figarou
Rodentia wrote:in my opinion alot might have to do with the elongation of the jaw in relation to when the teeth grow..and of course the tongue stretches as well. the order things happen would decide how much damage occurs in the mouth. all this would help to explain why werewolves and such often look like they just ate, as the blood from everything happening drips out.

Now how much blood are we talking about? Where does the blood come from? The teeth themselves or gums? Does the bleeding stop? Does it bleed everytime they shift? Do the fangs protrude from under the gums or are they extended canine/cuspid teeth? Inquiring minds want to know. :)

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:37 pm
by Rodentia
I'm thinking it comes from the gums and possibly the lips and tongue..and could be a lot, depends on the creature itself I'd would stop when the mouth healed shortly after the change, but I think it would happen every time the shapeshift happened...much like Wolverine said happend everytime he popped his claws in the first X-men movie. as for the teeth, I'd say the ones already in the mouth change/grow, but there would have to be teeth comming from the jaw to have enough to fill out the muzzle.

Posted: Sat Feb 12, 2005 11:43 pm
by Figarou
Rodentia wrote:I'm thinking it comes from the gums and possibly the lips and tongue..and could be a lot, depends on the creature itself I'd would stop when the mouth healed shortly after the change, but I think it would happen every time the shapeshift happened...much like Wolverine said happend everytime he popped his claws in the first X-men movie. as for the teeth, I'd say the ones already in the mouth change/grow, but there would have to be teeth comming from the jaw to have enough to fill out the muzzle.
Allot of blood? Are you sure? Seems kind of odd. I can see a little bit of blood. But not a gusher.

I figured more teeth would pop up when the muzzle forms. I'm guessing molars.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:15 am
by Rodentia
nope..not sure..that's why I said it depends on the creature..just like some people bleed more than others..might be no visible blood at all.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 5:02 am
by Figarou
Goldenwolf wrote:
ABrownrigg wrote:In response to Goldie, there will be BOTH kinds of weres in this movie. There are some that are happy shiny, love freedom, and some that love to tear and rip all over the countryside.. but its their CHOICE to be like that.
<3 I love you A. That is EXACTLY what I was looking for.
Let me guess. The "tear and rip" kind, right? :wink:

Sure, thats what makes a good werewolf movie. It'll be boring if they all were happy shiny, love freedom, flower picking werewolves. Now who would want to watch that?

I'm not sure what type of "tear and rip" we are going to see. Humans being torn apart or maybe bit in half. Heh, I don't mind seeing it. In fact, thats probably what everyone is expecting if this film is going to be rated R.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 10:16 am
by Kzinistzerg
Yeah, but if there's too much of it people won't like it.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:01 am
by Figarou
Shadowblaze wrote:Yeah, but if there's too much of it people won't like it.

Who knows what type of "tear and rip" we will see. It could be just a sofa getting it at the end. That or you can see one "tear" into some cherry pie. lck

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 12:46 pm
by Kzinistzerg
*fantisizes about pie* you can't chew pie well without molars so I don't think we'll be eatin' pie in wwolf form... :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 4:03 pm
by Figarou
Shadowblaze wrote:*fantisizes about pie* you can't chew pie well without molars so I don't think we'll be eatin' pie in wwolf form... :lol:

I don't think wolves chew their food. They tear off a small piece and swallow. Werewolves can be the same way.

When you eat something quickly as a human its "wolfing it down."

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:27 pm
by ABrownrigg
At the moment, I'm prepping for another night at the screenplay with Silver, and Ed. We're really working out reasons for violence, and violent characters. I don't want anyone to be 'evil' in this thing. No one is evil for the sake of being evil. EVERYONE believes that what they are doing is justified in some way, be it greed, envy, money, the like.

Even Hitler did not believe he was evil.. He thought he was doing the right thing. Now he WAS evil IMHO, but you get my point.

I will have no snidely whiplash characters in this film. No werewolves rubbing their paws together just to F*** with someone for no reason.

It is my sincerest hope that if someone delves enough into the storyline, and they find out the reasons, and the justifications by the charcters for the evil acts they commit, then THAT will frighten them even more.

Especially when the audience begins to see how they themselves could see things from that point of view. Its not just a physical ride, its big emotion... I'm avoiding philosophy however, keeping things to the physical and emotional. I think its just becoming too much for this story.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 7:35 pm
by Set
Where blood is concerned for the average werewolf I would think it'd be the equivalent of someone biting their tongue several times, enough blood to see and taste but not enough to even really drip.

Canines chew with the sides of their mouths. They can't really chew like humans can, but they use their teeth to snip off small chunks of food which they then swallow. My mother complains when I use the side of my mouth to bite off a piece of steak instead of cutting it up into strips and eating it like a "normal" person. She also says I eat too fast. I think I've been hanging around my dogs too long. :P

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:25 pm
by Rodentia
good point about the way they eat..has anyone noticed that you rarely see werewolves eat in films..occasionally they'll tear off a chunk and seem to chew it or flip it up in the air and catch/swallow, but for the most part they take down their prey and move on.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 8:27 pm
by Kzinistzerg
They lack molars, so they don't chew much. if you've noticed, we chew by clamping down with molars and moving our jaw sideways. They don't; the swallow small bits whole.

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 9:16 pm
by Aki
Rodentia wrote:good point about the way they eat..has anyone noticed that you rarely see werewolves eat in films..occasionally they'll tear off a chunk and seem to chew it or flip it up in the air and catch/swallow, but for the most part they take down their prey and move on.
I think thats just because frankly, its a bit on the boring side to watch something eating. :wink:

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:12 pm
by Silverclaw
Heh, It would not be boring to see a human getting eaten. :lol:

I would think that the gums would be bleeding, teeth are growing longer and pointer. Also as the muzzle forms, I would think more fangs would burst out of the gums. Owwie (we need a werewolf emoticon in pain :D )
I'm glad that all the werewolves will not be evil, mindless creatures. I'm also glad that all werewolves wont be peace-loving hippies :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 13, 2005 11:51 pm
by Blade-of-the-Moon
Silverclaw wrote:Heh, It would not be boring to see a human getting eaten. :lol:

I would think that the gums would be bleeding, teeth are growing longer and pointer. Also as the muzzle forms, I would think more fangs would burst out of the gums. Owwie (we need a werewolf emoticon in pain :D )
I'm glad that all the werewolves will not be evil, mindless creatures. I'm also glad that all werewolves wont be peace-loving hippies :lol:
Killing a human is one thing but eating them is disgusting, would you want to eat a monkey ? :wink:

I don't think there would be any bleeding, the teeth are merely changing not being replaced and the gums would alter along with them.

Wolves do nip and slice with their canines, then use their neck muscles to pull and rip a piece loose then swallow it whole. No chewing motion takes place, they do a repetitive biting motion when cracking or breaking bones though.