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order of the change

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 9:54 pm
by Fenrir
I got to thinking and I thought about what happened if certain body parts shifted before others... out of sheer bordem.... and I thought well if the bones shifted first the skin and muscles would tear, and if the muscles shifted first they would crush the bones. Well that ment the skin would have to shift first fallowed by the bones and then the bones followed by the muscles then the misclilanious stuff. But wait you say what about the everypart shifts at the same time, well then there would be such a burst of energy the body would overheat, so out of nesesity the change would have to come in bursts or an order. Well that's what i have to say how bout you guys?

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:17 pm
by Shadow Wulf
I thought about this many times myself. Im not shure about everyone else but Im not into shifting everything at once, it just seems to dangerous. Anyway I dont think the skin is gonna transform first, instead it will go along with all the other transformation, as the muscles and bones expand so will the skin at the same time they are changing.

Order of Shifting 1-2-3-4-OD

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 12:00 am
by RedEye
From what has been observed in varied films, books, etc. one would suspect that the shift would be controlled by some of the Viral elements in the Pituitary gland (which essentially is the master control gland of the body), along with sequencing being done in the Pons Medulla at the base of the Brain. Lacking the Lunar trigger, the next most likely trigger is adrenalin release (Were-ing IS a survival Mutation after all).
The start would likely be the release of precursor elements that tell the cellular "Template" to shift from pattern "H" to pattern "W"...Human to Wulfen. Then, there would be a Phylogenic stepping (the areas where the most change happens start first, while the areas that need the least change change last).
Take the head as an example: The Teeth would change first, since they are almost all going to be shed. Then, the face would start elongating from the top of the nose to the upper lip, while the lower lip and jaw would both lengthen and narrow. Eventually, the nostrils will be pointed forward and be covered with dark, moist skin, while the stretched lips will loosten and form the Hominid-Canine blend that is the Werewolf mouth.
The tongue would move forward in the mouth as well as lengthen and narrow. The eyes and eyelids would be next, while finally, last of all, the Ears would re-locate to the top of the head.

It would be a lot easier if some of these changes might be saved...the teeth would be saved after the first time (Were's would just have to NOT show their teeth...Possible). Who notices?. The Ears could remain cupped and pointed slightly. Same thing. I suspect there would be as much economy and saving as possible...that's nature!

Sequencing might even vary from Were' to Were'. Remember, it's the Virus trying to keep its host healthy that is doing all of this. Perhaps there are even variations in Were's, just as in Nature. Some might even keep their Feet. In Human form, that is. They's just wear Boots to cover things...or High heels.

I suspect, all in all, that there is no set routine...even with the same Werewolf, as to the sequencing of the will follow a general format, but specific things would change shift-to shift.

Re: order of the change

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:26 pm
by wolfboy410
you see what if noticed is that alot of people get too tecnical about these things it all depends on what the maker of whatever is nvolving the werewolf wants