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the Werewolf Tribes of Trinity

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:32 pm
by Nightspirit
***The continents name was Trinity, for the gods of the Trinity, Death=Fenris, Life=Luna. the Lady Luna was also the goddess of the werewovles and the shifter kind,as well as the furry tribes that esided within the thick forests. Her interpretation was a white wolf. Fenris was the god of Death, and was most commonly known as the Reaper of the inhuman beings. His interpretation was a black wolf which lost his skin during the nights of the New Moon and became like that of the Death he was, a walking skeleton.

The Werewolf tribes worshipped either both or one of these two, and would often offer live sacrifices in order to show their loyalty to the god/ goddess. It had became widly told however, that Fenris had been cast down from heaven, and was no longer the Angel of Death, but the Fallen Angel of Death. It was said his anger could wipe out an entire civilazation if he was pushed to the limit. Moreso now than ever people fear and worship him, and it worries the Lady of the Moon.

Now, it seems the tribes are rebellious against one another, thus causing small wars between one or two diffrent tribes. Whichever tribe looses the battle, is decimated completly by the victor. this has caused the numbers of Werewolves to drop dramaticly, and this too, worried the Lady. Small groups of Weres here and there now seek to bring back peace, though this will indeed, be a near impossible task. One Werewolfess in particular will do ANYTHING to both bring peace and redeem herself for past and present sins. She now wishes to find accomplists to help her in a quest thought impossible.And if a Full scale war is needed...then so be it***

Nightspirit was sitting up on a large branch, looking about for her target. the moon shone brightly, giving her the light she needed in order to find this sunofabitch that tried to escape her before to tell one of the major tribe leaders of her plans. the armor on her black trenchcoat gave a few glints, as did the tip of her knight sword as she waited, quietly. patiently. her almost surreal gray/blue eyes darting about between the branches for her prey. Within her, the wolf, Rogue, paced impatiently, waiting for her chance as well at this younger, more stupider werewolf that woudl dare to speak up against one of the most wanted murderers in Trinity, Nightspirit herself.

(anyone wanna be the guy or jus join in, do what you will. but post a profile for your character first)