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Age of beasts

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 8:10 pm
by Anubis
Humans evolve and they become more civilised. They think they are higher than nature, they no longer consider them selves animals. Humans are restricting their early primal instincts, burying them deeper and deeper in their subconscious. As it forced to be suppressed more it fights back, the inner animal is about break free and take control. Age of men will soon end and from the ashes become the age of beasts.

The year is 3148, the human race has dominated the earth and neighboring terraformed planets. the wilderness is now decimated into a few islands of man made nature.

An illness called Beast-mentality syndrome or BMS has recently surfaced and is becoming more and more common the cause is unknown and there is no cure. BMS is what happens a person exhibits extreme aggressive and dominating behavior. It causes the victim to follow the most basic of instincts feed, sex, and to survive at all costs, and they even acquire instincts from predatory animals. They think it's a mental disorder, but it's far worse.

((Don't worry their will be werewolves in this))


Name: Eric Johnson

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Occupation: Robotics Engineer

Medical: Diagnosed with BMS

Personality: Withdrawn, quiet, a little twitchy, aggressive when provoked mainly from the BMS.

Appearance: Tall skinny, wild black short hair, brown eyes, sunken face, and he has a wolfish feel to him.

Bio: Eric has been fighting BMS for over ten years and he keeps finding him self more animal every day, and recently he found that it started manifesting physically, sharper teeth, more hair, more animal like hair keep growing on his body. Since he has BMS he is having difficulty doing his job and is always under suspicion. because BMS patients have involved with serious crimes like murder, burglary and rape.

((i have only one rule! posts have to be at lest 2 paragraphs long and each paragraph has to contain at lest 4 sentences))

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 10:37 pm
by Yukari

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:06 pm
by Anubis
Cris was having one of his "days" where he was most beast like. He comes in for every time he feels one coming. He can tell when he was about to flip out. His heightened senses smelled a female, a female in heat.

He laughed when herd her on the other side of the wall "Then you must have done something while you turned beasty. I can tell, i can smell the blood on you. it looks like you had a little fun." he laughed again, "Damn you smell good! it's your time of the month isn't it?" he growled sounding pretty convincing. He wasn't normally like this when his animalistic behavior surfaces he becomes a jerk, but his human side is managing the beast more and more but when he does that his beast side manifest physically.

"We should meat when we get out, and trust me if don't like my hungery wolf side, my human side is more gentle if you like that better." he laughed again.

((Sorry about that it's my character's jerky "hungery wolf side" when he "M" shifts. If you feel uncomfortable, i'll change it))

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:23 am
by Yukari

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:38 am
by Anubis
"ooh, feisty i like that. i would have done it already if i could. I'm hungary for food and flesh. i would have satisfied it already. I'm here because I'm having that time of the month as well sort of speak." he paused listening the sound of his rumbling stomach.

"DAMN IT! I'm f*** hungry here! when are you lab coat monkeys are going to feed me!... Damn you guys are stupid!" he snarled.

he turned his attention to the female across the hall. "So does this goddess have a name, or should i give you a pet name?" he said as he took another sniff from the female.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:04 pm
by Yukari

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:27 pm
by Anubis
((You do know that my character is also locked up right?))

"Yukari" he said slowly savoring it like it was chocolate. "That's a beautiful name, my name is Cris."

"so what did you do? killed some body or made some little brat's doggy into a nice meal?" he asked trying to sound sexy for the female from the cross the hall. "Damn you smell good" he said then licked his abnormally sharp teeth.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:21 pm
by Yukari

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:53 pm
by Anubis
"No, but i did beat the snot of the son of a b**** that slashed my tires on my car lst year. My human side manages his BMS well, so i don't get to play as often"

He noticed that she was turning away from him. "Oh, remembering are we? it looks like you did hurt some body, what did you do? please tell me, i like a good story."

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:27 pm
by Yukari

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:53 pm
by Anubis
"ooh, so the wolf goddess finally shows her self to the god of wolves. I'm jealous i wish i can come out and play more often, My human half is trying manage me... HA! good luck to that!"

he took another sniff and a good long look at her. "I must admit you make my mouth water. you are one sexy wolfess, if we weren't locked up...... well you get the idea."

"So you killed your family, I'm jealous of you all i killed was a mother dog and her pups, and i love being cruel as well" he smirked wildly.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:23 pm
by Yukari
Keys jingled in the guards pockets, if she could just extend her arm far enough. He had walked by four times now, each time her talons extended further. Again she missed. She was paying attention him, but only half-heartedly. “Stick your hands through the bars of your window.” Yukari demanded, pulling her hands inside and tearing away the wrapping from her arm. It was one thing wearing human clothing but another wearing bandages when they were scarcely needed.

She was hoping Cris would do what she asked, then ,maybe they could both get out of this stupid place. ((bleh, the windows have bars cause I said so xD))

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:39 pm
by lunarwolf
((hey could i join this looks awsome :panting: ))

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:51 pm
by Yukari
(( I see no problem with it. What about you Anubis? I think it would be fine ^_^))

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:43 pm
by Anubis
He didn't know what she was doing but she might have a plan to excape, he did was he was tolled and extended his arm through the bars. "Hurry up what you are doing!" he growled silently.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:18 pm
by Yukari

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:17 pm
by lunarwolf
NAME:Maxwell Johnson

Age: 21

Gender: male

Occupation: Student in college

Medical:just dignosed with BMS

Personality: very good person, calm, socailable, with BMS he becomes very aggresive won't take ***t , and very evil

location: holding cell in jail (for now)

appearance: medium long blond hair, medium body mass, 6ft, full beard on face, hazel eyes,medium staright nose, medium lips

bio:he just had BMS just a day ago he doesn't know that he has it and how, and just one day ago he was a normal guy with his friend Leo just having a fun time. Until a punk tried to pick a fight with him by saying junk to him,
Max is not the nonfighting type and usually is peaceful but something inside him just attack the guy really unexpectedly and beated the punk to the point were the punk needed to go to the hosptial. The police came and Leo told that Max wasn't kind of person and the punk was starting it, so they took him to the holding cell to dicide what to do with him. It's one day since then

Ok i'm going to excourt you to the questioing room the guard said. Maxwell got up and went with the guard still shocked for what he did "I never did anything like that in my life" Max thought. They reached the door and Max was thinking this tinme how to explain what haapened. A officer was sitting in a plain grey table in a boring grey room with a black mirror behind him Max knew that he was going to be watched thourgh that mirror. Come sit down the officer said while the guard was shutting the door behind him. Max slowly walked towards the chair still thinking what to do then finally he sat down. Ok lets get to the chase their are a dozen witness that saw what you did so if you just play along with us we'll just give you a month in jail the officer said in a impaitently way." I'm not saying anything without my lawyer" Max said clamly. The officer sighed and said to Max in a mean way face to face with Max, "your lucky that we are giving you this deal that man you beated is still screaming and crying because what you did but your friend convinced me that your not that type of person, and you don't look like that type of person I can make this a whole lot worse so just play along." Max let a low growl in the back of his throat the officer look at him no longer with a mean expression but a freaked look," get out of my face and i'm not talking without my lawyer" Max said. The officer called the guard telling him to excourt him to the holding cell. Suddenly Max realized he did something foolish again and was shocked once more. The guard come in the room and excourted him back to the room.

"Am I crazy" , Max thought. So you really beated that guy badly huh?" the guard said out of no where, Max looked at the bars then the guard that was leaning against the bars "I don't know really what happened" Max said looking down while sitting on his bed. "How could you not know you beated a guy to point till he needed to the hostpital and crying", the guard said in a smart alic way." I just don't know ok" Max said impaitenly, "woah don't beat me he said in a joke kind of way". "Do you find this funny pig" Max said, the guard said in a mocking Max Yeah I do....You know you are sick beating that guy like that", "shut up" Max said while the guard was talking in a low voice, "making him cry....", the guard continued, "shut up" Max said louder," .....making him scream" the guard said while smiling, Max got up and punched the bars that made a dent in the bars making the guard jump back in fear "SHUT UP" Max said fircely. The guard looked at the dented bars back off with a werid expression on his face and walked away qiuckly. Max look at his hands saying to himself what is happening to me.

A different guard came and looked at the bars and said, "what happened", Max shugged his shoulders with i don't know expression on his face. Come on you can call your lawyer, the guard said while open the cage. He'd led Max to a phone booth and entered a quater. Max diled the phone number to a lawyer he knows called Jill and talked to her and explaining what happened. Later on Max was talking to Jill explaining that he losing control of will with so much anger. Jill belived what he said and she called a phycologist to check if he has a mental problem. It took about an half an hour the phycolgist arived and do a interview by talking in the questioning room to him the phycologist kept on talking but to Max herd blah blah blah. Max flet a pain in his stomach it felt like he hadn't ate for a while Max look at the phycologist and felt even more hungry. "So do you understand what i'm going to do" ask the phycologist. Max growled and jumped out of his chair and tried to bite the phycologist but the guards and officers pulled him of. Max threw them off and tried to bite the phycologist while he was getting a sleeping dose in a injection the gaurds got him again, HOLD HIM DOWN said the phycologist. The phycologist thrusted the needle in Max's neck and put a dose enough to take down 2 well fit men. Max threw the gaurds and phycologist off and walk slowly and dizzy still trying to rip the phycologist throat out and faints. "Yeah he's nuts" the Phycologist said gasping for air and the officer agreed, "I believe he has BMS" he said, "BM what", the officer said out loud. "He needs to get in the institution right away",said the phycologist he officer agreed. Later Max wakes up in a white room with a robe on, "where am I" Max asked out loud.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 2:53 am
by Machine-Whisperer
gota complement you on the creativity of this concept. Really col by my books.

now if I wasn't stuck up with 5hours of homework everyday (exaggerating slightly) I'd join in too.

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:54 pm
by lunarwolf
"HEY WERE AM I", Max shouted Max looked thourgh his door and Jill was standing there with her hands on her hips, congrats your a physico. "What happened" Max asked, "You mean you don't know?....Heh that sleeping dose got to you huh well you tried to rip out Dr.Clancy's (phycologist) throat out with your teeth", Jill said. "There's no way i'll do something like that", he shouted, "well not from what a saw and other people too and we got it and we got it on video", Jill said while showing the camera in her hand.

"You want to see", she asked Max noded eagerly, she fliped open the camera and showed it on the screen. Max could not believe his eyes Max said in a quiet voice, "this must be a set up..." . "Max you know that I woulden't lie to you", Jill calmly said,Max looked down at the ground and wised that he wasn't here,wised that he didn't beated the punk,and wished hat a lot of things didn't happen he felt that there was no hope and empty like a hollow shell." So I'm really crazy", Max said without hope, yeah......Dr.Clancy said that you have BMS", She told Max. Max ask out loud, "BMS"!?