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werewolf game concept

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:09 pm
by Cavman
Yes, hello, I'm new here but I've had this idea for a werewolf video game floating around my head for a while. I spend most of my free time thinking up ideas for games and stuff. Now, I had formed up this idea before I had even heard of this place so don't yell at me for any that would be non pack-werewolf like. Anyways, here it is.

name: Dont got one yet

style: FPS/Action-Adventure

Storyline: You are a member of a elite/spec ops team. With the recent rise in religious fanatics causing somuch trouble, you are often sent in to stop "cult" uprisings. There is wordof a particularly violent cult forming in the north-western part of the world (alaska?), so your team is sent in. Seams routine, till you enter the compound. You clear rooms with ease, but suddenly enter a room with only one visble door, and half of the room in darkness (doom 3 style dark).There are three in the room, you the comander and the rookie. Somthing reaches out of the darkness and grabs the rookie by the head. he barly has time to scream before hes dead, and then the thing ponces out. He absorbes bullets as he slashes out at you and attacks the comander. You slowly pass into blackness as the comander is ripped to shreds. You drift bac to the waking world twice, first seeing multiple people standing about the bodies, talking, then again seing a lone person staring you in the face. when you wake the third time, it is to an explosion. the door you came through is blasted shut. and the only other option is the other door, which is now strangly visible to you...

so, yeah, thats basicly the outline of the first level and cinimatic sequences. Youleave and shoot some more Cultists adn get out. Whata know, full moon. At this point you change into gestalt form. The game play changes from an FPS style like Halo or Half life to a more action game like God of War or Prince of Persia. In gestalt form, beside going melee and enhancing regeneration, you get a few extras. You can hide in shadows, becoming almost invisible, you have a stanima bar, and when its full youcan do stuff like jumping uber far, andrunning along the sides of walls prince of persia style. You can also use the stanima to perform killer combos. And scaring people can give you a quick boost to you stanima.

Sub Machine Gun- Starting gun. Can pump out alota lead. Full auto only.
Combat rifle- More powerfull than the SMG. Can be single shot. accurate.
Combat Shotgun- Very powerfull, but poor accuracy. Slugs only, no spread shots. Semi Auto
Sniper Rifle- Long range, highly accurate, very powerfull. Good clip size.
Pistol- A 9mil. semiauto pistol. Standard issue to the team. Duel wieldable
Machine Pistol- A 22mil with a large clip and fullauto-ness. Duel Wieldable
Revolver- A 45 caliber, 8 shot pistol. Duel wieldable
Assault Rifle- Basic rifle that most terrorist/cultist use. Cheap and illegal
Sawed Off Shotgun- Conciable strong weapon. Has good range and spread shot. Pump action
Deer Rifle- A very powerful gun with a tremendouse distance. Bolt action Single shot.
Grenades- What FPS dosn't have grenades?
Tranq Gun- A small air compressed gun that shoots tranqulizers that can take down and man sized mammal for a limited time. Only slows werewolves though.
Lunaar Orb (Multiplayer only)- Forces the wielder to change into gestalt form.

Cultist w/ pistol- first enemy. Pretty easy to take out
Cultist w/ Machine pistol- Can put a few more bullets in the air
Cultist w/ Sawed of Shotgun- Very high damage rate. Slow to shot though
Cultist w/ Assault rifle- Quite a bit tougher than the last three.
Werewolf Omega- The Bottom of the mega pack and sub packs. Easist Were to kill, but still tough
Werewolf Beserker- A bloodrage envelopes the guys. Harder to take down.
Werewolf Beta- Often time spoting guns and body armor. Very hard to kill.
Werewolf sub-Alpha- Even tougher than the Betas, normal pull all the same stuff as you.
Werewolf Alpha- The Boss.

Dark compounds and Ancient Forests

This is where it is determined how long a game will live on. In multiplayer you cannot change between forms at will, but instead need a lunar orb, unless the game setting say other wise.

Blood Bath- every on against every one. Anything is fair
Team BB- Opposing teams fight each other.Again, every thing is fair.
Capture the Flag- Do I need to explain. Flag cannot be carried in gestalt form
Territories- Split into small teams. Defend and capture territories. Can only capture in gestalt form.
Hunt- one starts off as gestalt and infects and changes every one else. only starting plyer can infect. either starter changes everyone, or last person to kill him wins. (work it out better latter)
Attack- One team human while other team gestalt. Humans defend while werewolves attack. Lots of dark areas and crawl spaces. Switch sides between rounds.

Multiplayer bonuses:
Blood rage- Boosts attack speed and Damage absorbation for a short time.
Silver bullets- Ups damage for next set number of shots
Lunar Orb- Changes you into gestalt form

Well, thats what I can dig out of my head for now. I have more written down some where, but I'd have toget up and find it. Please tell me what ya all think of it.

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 8:20 pm
by wolfman1991
Not bad not bad at all. i have to say that i would play it for sure. I've had some werewolf game ideas myself but if i said them...well lets just say that you would probably be here for hours reading and reading...