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[The Ages Event] Game thread

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 4:23 pm
by Anubis
You must read ALL of the World and Lore thread, and the Character and Rule thread. It's obvious if you didn't and i'll kick you out of the RP if you don't.


"Damn it!" Eric roared, he's been hit on the head with some debris, and earned a massive headache when he woke up.

The Lunar Mt. Complex was attacked by those demons. He ran into the armory to get a weapon to help defend this base, but an explosion near by nearly destroy the building he was in.

He couldn't see any thing, the power was out and the emergency lights in the room was smashed. He searched the room finding boxes of ammo spilled all over the floor, rifles off their racks. He found an ET-2 magnum pistol with a flash light mounted on it.

He turned it on and saw that the room was ready to collapse at a moments notice. he put on a suit and armed him self with a T-40. He filled his pack with all of the supplies he can carry and walked out building, being careful, he saw that they were gone a couple of hours ago. Most of the buildings where leveled or damages and the whole base was covered in the bodies of his men.

He swallowed a scream and started looking for survivors.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:21 pm
by Leighlia

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:38 pm
by Anubis
He came onto on what's left of the motor pool, He only found bodies of his comrads, none of the enemy. The demons vaporise in a cloud of smoke when killed.

He came onto Saregnt Tomas, flying off in a rage. He gabed his soldier and swung him around. "Hey! cool it! don'y waist your energy. this is no time for you to fly off the handle." He paused for a moment. "Report your situation." he commanded.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:04 am
by Leighlia

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:46 pm
by Anubis
"No i haven't, all i've seen are bodies." he said solemly

He thought for a moment. thinking up a plan of action for this dire situation. The demons often send some scouts back to ckeck for survivors and if they were, a whole battalion of them will come running ti stomp out the remaining bits of life.

He wanted to get to Area 51 in Groom Lake, only five percent is on top most of it is deep under groud safe from the demons. The base is completely defendable, but there is a problem, transportation. He's seen a Dragon wing in the only remaining hanger that was some what intact, but he doubt that any one here knows how to fly it. A mechanic and a medical inturn don't have the skills to safely fly down to Nevada. So the only the choice has was to, load up in a Hell fire tank and drive like mad to get there. He knows he can drive it but what about a gunner and navigator.

"We have to get going, they will send scouts to check for survivors. Unless any one here knows how to fly. We have to load up into tank a drive to Area 51 in the Nevada Desert. It's completely under ground they won't be able to penetrate the hundreds of feet of earth."

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:13 pm
by Leighlia
Srgt. Colm nodded grimly to the Lt. Colonel's decision. "I'll go see if there's one left that ain't damaged and ready to go sir." He said with a semi-casual salute and jogged off.

Randy let go of the man's arms that he'd been dragging and stared defiantly at the Lt. Colonel. "We can't.....there's got to be other survivors. I was buried in the Med building after it collapsed. There could be others trapped inside or in the other buildings. We can't just leave them here for the slaughter!" He motioned to the wounded, unconcious man at his feet. Granted it was unlikely that the man would live anyway without real medical facilities, but leaving him behind was out of the question. "As a Doctor I can't just leave him here. And one of those cramped tanks won't transport us and wounded."

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:33 pm
by Anubis
"We have no choice!" he roared "We don't have much time, they will come for us if they find us here. We simply don't have the supplies, man power and time to save every body! They are already dead! This is a hard fact about war, we can only cut the loses!"

He paused. "We only have enough space in a tank for that one man and food, water, and other supplies to last us the journey. Now, i don't want to hear any more of this, Captain. Now go look for supplies, and ignore any wounded you may come across, that's an order." He hated this, the last thing he wanted to do was to leave his men behind, but he had no choice.

he turned to Tomas, "Find a tank, and repair it. We'll look for supplies."

He went back to the armory he came out of, to load up on more ammo and weaponry

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:02 am
by Leighlia
Tommy was off at a jog. He knew exactly where the tanks were parked and they hadn’t had enough time to deploy them all when the attack had come. Sure enough there was three of them sitting there on the tarmac, half buried under the debris of others that had been blown up around them. Grunting and cursing he began clearing away the debris and checked the outside for breeches, his shoulder complaining as he moved the heavy stuff away. Once inside he began the startup sequence but was rewarded with a whine and grind instead of a reassuring roar of the engines. Banging his fists against the instrument panel he climbed out and went to the second one. Debris had lodged itself in the wheel gears of this one so he was left with only the third. Clenching both fists to the sky, Sgt. Tomas Colm closed his eyes and whispered a prayer through gritted teeth. “Come on, I need a break on this one.”

Walking around it the wheel gears and wells were clear when he pushed away the twisted metal of what used to be the one parked next to this one. There was a dent in one side, but no breech. Mentally crossing his fingers Tommy crawled up and inside, talking softly to himself as he settled himself in the drivers seat. “Come on baby, purr for daddy.” He said, stroking the control panel as if he were stroking a temperamental pet cat. When he started the sequence he was rewarded with a loud roar of engines eagerly leaping to life. Punching his fist in the air in success, Tom edged the vehicle forward slowly, testing its functions one by one.

Finding a clear path to drive was his next challenge, and it wasn’t just the debris and rubble he wanted to avoid driving over, but he finally made it back to the motorpool garages, or what was left of then. Glancing down the fuel gauges and energy cell readouts caught his eye. Only at half. “Well, that won’t make the Lt. Colonel happy.” Tommy grumbled and turned everything off to conserve what they did have.

Moving quickly he climbed out and crawled to the back to check the toolbox. Couldn’t fix the thing if it didn’t have the correct tools along. Everything was there, but he scrambled to find a few extra’s anyway. A return trip to the two un-destroyed tanks with tools in hand yielded two spare batteries and a spare energy cell. The fuel was the biggest problem, but he knew that most of that had been burned away or contaminated by the enemy.


Randy, ruffled at the order he was given, but knew he couldn’t argue. The Colonel was right, but Randy still had this feeling that they were saving their own skins. Gritting his teeth against further argument he turned and started back through the surrounding disaster. He couldn’t help himself and began pressing fingers to those bodies he came upon, but he only one did he find alive still. A female. Briefly she opened her eyes to him, but when he lifted her jacket he knew there was no hope. A small groan slipped from her and he saw her fighting the pain. Reaching into his pocket he took out one of the several bottles of a Morphine derivative that he’d gathered from his escape from the Med building and filled a syringe. It’s effects were quick and the womans struggles and groans ceased as she slipped into drugged unconsciousness. Randy hadn’t spoken to her or told her it would be ok.

Well, the sergeant was in charge of the transportation. The Colonel had headed back to the armory, so he might as well take charge of finding water and food to get them where they were going. Standing up he moved toward where the AP was located and soon found what he was looking for. A compound jeep was nearby and he loaded it with water and prepackaged dehydrated foods. It wouldn’t be appetizing, but it would serve. It was a twisted and difficult trip back to the motorpool, as Randy had the same problem the Sarge did. It wasn’t just the rubble and debris that he was trying to avoid running over. Still, he pulled up next to the tank that was now parked almost exactly where they’d departed on foot.

Leaving the supplies in the jeep, Randy went to check the man he’d dragged into the area, but he was dead. Sighing heavily Randy shook his head and gathered up the bundle he’d salvaged earlier and carried it over to the jeep. He’d seen the sergeants wounded shoulder and, although not life threatening, he knew that it would need attending to soon.

(That ok?)

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:17 pm
by Leighlia

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 9:52 pm
by Anubis
((OH SORRY!! :o I completely forgot!! about this! i'll post in a little bit))

((PS are you still playing father wolf?))

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:41 pm
by Leighlia
Well, if this has died, then I offically withdraw.