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Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:21 pm
by lupine
Does anybody know where and IF I can get this SERIES and the feature length pilot on DVD?? I'm in UK so it would be better in REGION 2. I've looked on ebay but you don't know what your getting (usually copied from a dodgy VHS)

Any help would be VERY gratefully accepted


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:31 pm
by Anook
What series are you talking about?

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 9:38 pm
by lupine
Well, over here, The Pilot came out as a movie, on rental back in the early 90's It was called 'Werewolf once bitten'

Then it started as a series on satellite tv, so I never got to see it, us being paupers and all. heheh.


Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:20 pm
by Scott Gardener
It was originally aired in the U.S. on the then brand new Fox network, back in 1987, around the time I first got into werewolves myself. Alas, in rural Nacogdoches, the new network was unavailable. Thankfully cable station USA ran it a year and a half later, and I saw it then. It ran a full season and a few episodes of a second season before being cancelled.

Videotapes recorded during the original broadcasts have been copied to DVD, and the series has been bootlegged this way. Copies turn up on eBay; though their legality is questionable, the site hasn't yet stopped their sale.

Sony currently owns the rights to the series, but they're squatting, appearantly not convinced it's worth spending the money to release and distribute it. But, they aren't suing the bootleggers, either. Unfortunately, the bootlegs are from multi-generation copies off VCRs, so their quality is poor. But, it's the only way to see the series.

There's a petition to re-release the show. See the closest thing to an official site for the series to find it, as well as to find excerpts, screen shots, and sound clips from the show:

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 10:31 pm
by lupine
Thanks for thet. I guess i'll just have to sign the petition then. Or risk getting a dodgy copy. If I squint it might look ok!!! :lol: