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A new place, a new attitude...

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:18 pm
by Border Walker
....But still same old look.

Good evening... The Name is Border Walker, a name with a very deep meaning that divulges into a post apocaliptic world, one where you either eat, or be eaten.

The name came about when I started to realize all my past mistakes. My heart was shrouded in darkness, and I was not controling my own actions. I soon looked to find my way to the light, and am still looking to today. My heart is now in Twilight..

But, tragedy can strike around any corner, or in my case, any alley. It's varied on how one actually becomes a were-creature. Some are born of a Magician's curse, others are born of a Single bite. perhaps you were just born with a bad gene. My case happened to be the Bite, or more... the tear.... My arm... torn off by a werecreature. I could not tell what it exactly was at the time, but I soon learned later...

I awoke in a different alley than I was in, My clothing completely diffrent... and my arm... completely cybernetic. Looking at it, I happened to open it, and found out how to use the basics of it.

But later that night, I reached home, and looked in a mirror, only to discover my eyes were Bright red, no longer the Beige they once were. I also looked at my other arm, and noticed it was growing hairier... no... furrier... I had become... a were...

Now I am shunned by most because of my look, but I still go on, searching, finding that light that never goes out... and hopefully, finding what I have been missing this whole time...

Well... that I belive is the most detailed I've ever told about my Were side. :cyborg1:


and... it killed my comp too. Oh I will have fun with these Emotes... :evillaugh:

Anyway, time for my real self. I'm a student at an Agricultural High School, looking to beceome either an MSPCA officer or an Etemologist. I'm currently in my Sophmore year. I also have a comic I just Recently started that has a great influence of Shifting and Lycanthropy, as well as many other mythological things.... and I knew I forgot to put something in my sig. :roll:

I'm an avid lover of almost all Music, except for a lot of the new Pop and Rap out there, and some country. Everythign else is AoK for me. :music:

Oh, and I am an :ipod: user.

Can't... get... enough... so... many... emotes...


anyway, hope to become an avid member, and once I get off this Emote kick, I'll probably be back to my normal self. 8)

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:22 pm
by Figarou
Let me be the 1st to welcome you before Set decides to pounce all over you and does her bite thing.


There, your now offically in the Pack. :jester:

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:23 pm
by BlackWolfDS
Well :welcome:
My name's BlackWolf or BW for short.
Hope you have fun here.
...oh and I almost forgot!
Beware of the ducks!
*Shifty Eyes*

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:45 pm
by Set
*flyingtacklepounce from the shadows* :biteme: *trots off*

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:12 pm
by lupine
Welcome and enjoy yourself :D

:howl:  :oo

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:24 pm
Welcome aboard Border Walker.

Hey who has been peeing in the corner again :roll: :P hwlwnk :lol:

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:24 pm
by White Paw
Welcome Abored Border Walker,

the names White Paw... Welcome to the Pack.....

:howl:  :oo :howl:  :oo :howl:  :oo

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 4:47 am
by DayStar
Welcome to the pack Border Walker.

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 2:50 pm
by Kisota
Interesting intro!! :lol:

You seem very well-spoken, too, might I say. Nice to meet you. Enjoy the forums!

Annnnnd now, ladies and gentlewolves, the moment you've been waiting for! It's time...for the patented Kiba nuzzwag! :D


Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:35 am
by Vicious_Sweetheart
Hello Border Walker, welcome! :howl:  :oo :D