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How do you like moon-triggered werewolves?

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:00 pm
by Jamie
Sorry, the other one just kept not displaying right and I tried to edit it, and it made it worse, and I had to delete it and start over.

Anyway, how do you like your moon-triggered werewolves? I think I've got all the basic options listed, but if I missed your favorite you can always check "other" and describe what you envision in a reply post.

BTW, I'm thinking of these options as being a totally separate issue from whether the werewolf's transformation can ever be triggered by something other than the moon. Your favorite werewolf might or might not transform for other reasons too. This is just about how the moon-triggered transformations work.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:09 pm
by Kaebora
The only effects the moon can have physically on anything on Earth is its gravity and light. Assuming moonlight would be the reason, the 3 day option seems plausable. If it were the gravity, the transformation would happen every other high tide. That would suck.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:15 pm
by Vuldari
What I prefer?

First off, I have to say that I like to see variety, and therefore "All of the Above", to varying degrees.

However, I answered "Other".

What feels the best to me right now is when they are only Forced to transform durring the 'True' Full Moon, and are compelled to the day before and after, but can resist it with enough self controll. ...with transformation possible at any time, but much harder the further it is from the Full Moon, and in the Daylight vs. Night. ...and only if there is Really Powerful emotional stimulation involved, but nearly impossible otherwise.

Overall though, my favorite scenario is when the person is afraid to change, rather than really eager to, so they would usually only change on the one or three days of the Full Moon. (When using the Moon Cylcle, that is.)

I also like scanarios where the moon phase really doesn't matter, since it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense...but it's really mystical and stuff, which is cool too.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:23 pm
by Jamie
Kaebora wrote:The only effects the moon can have physically on anything on Earth is its gravity and light. Assuming moonlight would be the reason, the 3 day option seems plausable. If it were the gravity, the transformation would happen every other high tide. That would suck.
If it were caused by gravity, even if it only happened at the strongest high tides (full and new moon) there still would be quite a large chance of it happening during the day, disrupting jobs and such.

The 7 or 8 most typical moon-changing patterns you see in novels and movies would actually make more sense if the moon's influence was mystical rather than physical.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 11:26 pm
by Jamie
Vuldari wrote: What feels the best to me right now is when they are only Forced to transform durring the 'True' Full Moon, and are compelled to the day before and after, but can resist it with enough self controll. ...with transformation possible at any time, but much harder the further it is from the Full Moon, and in the Daylight vs. Night. ...and only if there is Really Powerful emotional stimulation involved, but nearly impossible otherwise.
This is the way it was in [spoiler]Dennis Danver's famous novel "Wilderness," although we didn't find out that it wasn't a standard full-moon-only thing until late in the novel.[/spoiler]

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:52 am
by JoshuaMadoc
I hate it. Hatehatehatehate.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:59 am
by Miragh
Speaking personally, I’m quite reserved about this oversimplified concept, in which the change would only occur during a full moon phase, however in my preferred werewolf biorhythm the moon does not just add its pale beautiful light to the atmosphere of an environment but definitely has an impelling affect on the change cycle. Nonetheless every werewolf has its own individual transformation cycle which means that the urge to change is reduced if the werewolf concerned had changed before the moon is fully illuminated.

Therefore a transformation can be resisted for a certain time and - as Vuldari has mentioned — even during a full moon. However avoiding this, quasi strong nature’s call, for too long would result in an involuntary and impulsive transformation. This is even easier triggered by —taking up Vuldaris idea — a really powerful emotional stimulation (like fear for example).

I rushed the selection of the poll questions, count my vote for “other’ as well, and not the last one, although I hate it too universally and simplified


Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:25 pm
by Rhuen
Seeing as the Full moon had nothing to do with werewolves until Universal studios I would say we need to stop rideing the coat tails of the Wolf Man and Dracula and look at other angles.

In folklore the transformation was almost always does by the werewolf on purpose, although usually through some magic or another.

But looking at the modern Werewolf idea, I am more inclined to the werewolf transforming as a biological side effect, and/or psychological one.

Such as everynight as part of their biorythem, like instinct. Or done when ever they become angry "hulk like transformation"

Or transformation triggered by Adrenaline, basically anger, joy, excitement, sexual arrousal could all cause a transformation to start "although deep breaths and keeping your cool may help stop it before it goes too far" But in this way it could also be brought on by sheer will as you force yourself to get mad or get way too happy.

Which could fit even if the werewolf condition is either a curse or inherited, or self inflicted.

However maybe some Werewolves transform due to the moon, but only because they believe that's how it works "like a placebo effect" they were bitten or what not in modern times and not understanding how it works outside of movies convince themselves the moon triggers it and because they believe that they get all exicted when they see the full moon and like a panic attack they transform.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 9:10 pm
by Silverclaw
Transforms three nights in a row, when the moon looks full, always into the same form
This is my favorite one.

Though the other choices sound like they could be made into interesting stories. :)
However maybe some Werewolves transform due to the moon, but only because they believe that's how it works "like a placebo effect" they were bitten or what not in modern times and not understanding how it works outside of movies convince themselves the moon triggers it and because they believe that they get all exicted when they see the full moon and like a panic attack they transform.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:12 pm
by Scott Gardener
I chose "other." I don't absolutely hate moon-driven shifting, but I don't use it in my own primary writing, except in some individuals who feel psychologically compelled due to a neurosis.

When werewolves do shift by moonlight, I prefer the forced shift to happen on three consecutive nights. I would picture shapeshifting to allow both Gestalt and wolf forms, but to exclude human form.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:27 pm
by Rhuen
The main problem I see with the "it happens at such and such a time" version is that this fits primarily only with the curse version, and while you may say, "well during these days I have to be isolated or what not" you still see it coming, if its a curse and you become some out of controll monster its much more intense to either be unpredictable, or happen more frequently.

and conversly if you are in control and powerful in that form its an inconvienence to only have that power 3days or less a month. Its like, sorry other monster or hunter I need to reschedule because I have no powers 90% of the time.

This may be one of the reasons vampires have a bigger alure to people, everynight and day they are monsters no transformation or calenders needed.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:57 pm
by vrikasatma
I'm of the "werewolves can shift anytime they want to, whether there's a moon or not" school of thought, but you didn't offer that option. Yeah, I'm the ONE that chose "shift every night with the degree determined by the moon phase" option because, of the spread, it seems the most interesting.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:59 pm
by Jamie
vrikasatma wrote:I'm of the "werewolves can shift anytime they want to, whether there's a moon or not" school of thought, but you didn't offer that option.
I think there's already a poll like that somewhere around here.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:42 am
by Kirk Hammett
Just to be annoying: "It depends".


Depends what I feel like. Normally they are affected at first, then they learn not to be. And they can shift at any time, either by control, or emotions.

In other stories, they never use the moon at all. I can see reasoning behind the moon, but I like to think of it as a pull for energy use as mine operate using energy. (Well I guess we all operate using energy haha). But that wouldn't explain why they don't use the sun. Perhaps it's the right kind of energy. But mine gather energy from the sun, food, and from electricity, heat, movement, sound even etc.


Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 7:59 am
by White Paw
traditionally moon triggered were's are o.k. and all but i for one wouldnt want to have to rely on the moon cycles just to transform into were form...i personally would consider being a were' a gift not a curse.. and i would want to be able to enjoy that gift when ever and where ever possible... :)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:19 am
by BlackWolfDS
yeah, I agree with White Paw. Having the thought of a full moon looming over your head, and commanding your powers wouldn't be fun. It would make you miserable and fearful of what could possibly happen.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:23 am
by Kirk Hammett
I agree with you guys, if it were in my point of view, completely.

How annoying would it be to have to wait?

I think the moon is used for a torture factor more than anything else. I'm not sure, but it's a possibility...because those were curse movies, and you were trapped every full moon. And lunar...lunatics...the moon and weird behaviour...that too.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:12 am
by Vuldari

I'm not too fond of turning lycanthropy into some convinient Superpower like that. That's what Superheroes like BeastBoy are for.

Werewolves are not superheroes, IMHO. For me, werewolves have allways been Cursed Monsters, to some extent or another. If you ask me, saying "that's no fun" is completely missing the point.

The Moon Looming Overhead part, I thought, was allways the most EXITING element of Werewolf Stories. An entire months worth of fear, anxiety and exitement climaxing in one incrediblly Intense moment as a persons entire world gets turned upside-down, from the inside out.

The month of downtime inbetween allows the affected character to allmost begin to feel like they are normal it was all just some whacked out dream. ...and just when a part of them begins to relax inside and think that it really Was just a nightmare and it's all over now, they feel that little pull and twinge in the back of thier mind that foretells the approach of the next Full Moon, and they begin to panic all over again.
(Unless something Extreme happens in the mid-term which causes them to change 'prematurely' which causes even MORE chaos for them. ...which is exiting too.)

That Moment...that Feeling...that incredibly intense Sensation when the person realizes that they have lost controll and the Beast inside is comming out no matter how hard they may choose to fight it...and the great Pain blends together with a sense of Exitement and a release of primal Desire in a twisted sort of Thrill part of thier Humanity is Ripped away to become...'Something Else'.

That event...that 'Unique' recepie of complex emotions and physical sensations...That is what draws me towards the character that is "WereWolf".

When the transformation is easy...when it is convienient and just mischevious Fun for the person...when there is no FEAR of what lies within...when the Anxiety about the imminent comming of what cannot be avoided just isn't there...75% of the appeal of WereWolves, (vs. different kinds of Wolf, or other animal shapeshifters), is lost to me.

Sure...I appreciate and love other kinds of werewolves too as convinient excuses to include "Shapeshifters" of some kind or another in a story, series or film.

...but the Lunar-Cycle, regardless of whether is makes scientific sense, or existed prior to Universal Studios creative meddling, functions quite well to ensure that my favorite moment occurs, not just ONCE durring thier first transformation, but Every Single Month for the lifespan of the character.

The real fun comes in when we all get to see how different characters and personalities adapt and cope with this status and cycle. ...what they DO about it. Do they let it consume them and REALLY become "Monsters"? they become paranoid, and Insane?...or do they learn to cope and find ways to exploit thier unique qualities to become strong, incredible people In Spite Of being "Cursed"?

The cycle need not follow the moon, really. A more variable cycle based upon the characters own internal body, instead of thier surroundings would make more sense, I admit. However, without the anxiety surrounding the imminent event, it's just not as exiting to me, which is why I remain a Fan of the Lunar Cycle in Werewolf Mythology.

All of this is merely IMHO, naturally...

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 10:37 am
by Set
vrikasatma wrote:Yeah, I'm the ONE that chose "shift every night with the degree determined by the moon phase" option because, of the spread, it seems the most interesting.
Heh. I was leaning towards that option, but when I thought about it that just didn't say "werewolf" to me. The first thing that popped into my head was something else entirely.

It was my favorite out of the bunch, but it's just not "werewolf" to me.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:01 am
by Lupin
I never really liked the lunar thing. It reminds me too much of a woman's perioud or something.

(Random: The moon isn't actually ever full, and the only configuration that would provide for a full moon, actually ends up being a lunar eclipse.)

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:21 pm
by Vuldari
Lupin wrote:I never really liked the lunar thing. It reminds me too much of a woman's perioud or something.
That comparison never crossed my mind untill I saw someone make a topic about it here. Alot of other things happen in cycles besides just that you know.
Lupin wrote:(Random: The moon isn't actually ever full, and the only configuration that would provide for a full moon, actuall ends up being a lunar eclipse.)
The entire visable face of the Moon is illuminated. The fact that the earth is slightly off center of the alignment is not important, or rather, it's cricial since it needs to be for the moon to be illuminated at all, which is really all the phases of the moon are. ...%of visable surface illiminated... It's Full.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:27 pm
by Lupin
Vuldari wrote:
Lupin wrote:I never really liked the lunar thing. It reminds me too much of a woman's perioud or something.
That comparison never crossed my mind untill I saw someone make a topic about it here. Alot of other things happen in cycles besides just that you know.
There are many things that happen in cycles, but there are very few things that happen in 28-day cycles.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:24 pm
by Vuldari
Lupin wrote:There are many things that happen in cycles, but there are very few things that happen in 28-day cycles.
Get Over It... The only thing connecting those two things is people like you who keep bringing it up, even though you know the association is unpleasant for everyone.


Am I the ONLY ONE here who doesn't just model werewolves after what powers they would want the most as werewolves themselves?

"...but...but...then it would SUCK to be a werewolf..."

Uh...yeah...That's the Idea. It's a "CURSE".

The STORY comes in where you fight to make it not suck so much, or die trying. ...and if you succeed, then...and ONLY then...if balance and controll has been earned through great effort is it fair to make the werewolf that flavor of "Cool". (In my Favorite kinds of Werewolf Stories, that is.)

Becoming a werewolf is just not "Scary" anymore if it makes anyone that "Cool" so easily. If there is no reason to be 'afraid' of becoming a werewolf, then there is no reason why most of the world would not be lining up for lycanthropic enhancement which case, in a world full of werewolves, there is nothing special or exiting about them anymore. Being a werewolf becomes mundane and normal.

...that's boring as hell, and it just doesn't make sense.

Where is the Plot? Where is the Motivation? Where is the Exitement?

What is the point of just making up fantasy "SuperWerewolves" without thinking about how interesting a story about such a character would actually be? If the Werewolf is "PERFECT", then there is no emotional conflict, there is no character development (exept deciding whether they want to act like SUPER Heroes or Villains.) and there is No Story.


Once again, I feel like we are not all on the same page here, like when some are talking about their preferences about the genre in general, and others are talking about their reccomendations for "Freeborn" specifically, but no one knows which the other means.

Are we talking about What kinds of Werewolves make the coolest, most interesting stories and films, or are we talking about what kind of werewolves WE would like to be if we could become one?

I'm talking about Werwolves that would make for thrilling and emotionally moving stories to watch and read...but would Hate to be myself.

Which do You mean?

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:27 pm
by Lupin
Vuldari wrote:
Lupin wrote:There are many things that happen in cycles, but there are very few things that happen in 28-day cycles.
Get Over It... The only thing connecting those two things is people like you who keep bringing it up, even though you know the association is unpleasant for everyone.

Well excuse me for having an opinion.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 1:39 pm
by Vuldari
Let me clarify for a second...

I'm not saying this is the ONLY scenario that I find interesting and exiting...merely my Favorite.

I'm just trying to explain to the best of my ability why I like this type of werwolf story so much, and why I like most other kinds of werwolves a little less.

There are plenty of other ways to make werewolf stories thrilling, using self-induced Lycanthropy, and other methods...but I just don't like the "SuperWolves" unless one is actually writing a SUPERHERO story, and the character has a REASON to be so unfairly, unnaturally powerful and in-controll. All that power, any time, any where, under perfect controll, all from just a little bite?

Unless your name is Peter Parker...that just isn't fair. It's absurd. IMHO.