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posting and you!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:40 pm
by Lukas
i think we should make this a sticky in the intro fourms

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 2:52 pm
by Anubis
Yes! i would think that would help a lot!

I've seen a lot of newbies that don't bother to do any of those three questions and they just feel free to post any thing, any where. I would agree to think it would go great in the intro forum.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:11 pm
by Vuldari

It's so true...

Something like this should almost be required learning before newbies are allowed to post on any forum.

...the internet would be a slightly less frustrating place if it was.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:22 pm
by White Paw
yeah..that would probably help... :)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 3:39 pm
by Anubis
Hey, what about i write up a "Newbie Manual"? for any one that is new to the whole online communites thing.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:58 pm
by Shadow Wulf
We should make it mandatory for newby members to watch this before finishing registering the forum.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:45 pm
by Timber-WoIf
lmao yea

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:57 pm
by Shadow Wulf
LMAO I cant get enough of that video. :roflmao:

I just want to shove this up in all the newbies mouth that had made all these mistakes in the past.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:04 pm
by Anubis
I think we should have some kind of "Newbie Manual". Because when some one who joins a forum they know next to zero on posting new threads, appropriate grammer and spelling, RPG edicut, ECT. I remember when i started out a year ago i had to use my gut and i turned out to be the poster boy of all n00bish behavior. I would kill for a manual so i wouldn't look like a complete dumb a**!

If you would let me, i would love to write out a manual. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:57 pm
by Shadow Wulf
And remember:


Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:00 pm
by Lupin
That reminds me, didn't we have another thread for flash videos?

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 12:26 am
by Short Tail
Anubis wrote:I think we should have some kind of "Newbie Manual". Because when some one who joins a forum they know next to zero on posting new threads, appropriate grammer and spelling, RPG edicut, ECT. I remember when i started out a year ago i had to use my gut and i turned out to be the poster boy of all n00bish behavior. I would kill for a manual so shouldn't look like a complete dumb a**!

If you would let me, i would love to write out a manual. :)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:52 am
by Kirk Hammett
I enjoyed that. We've all been culprits at some stage (Hell, I don't even know half the internet slang, ask Word Wolf!), but maybe we can help some others out too.

I could give some prize tips on opinionated people:

- Express it without attacking. Yes, this -is- possible.
- If someone attacks you, smile and wish them a good day. Newbies don't understand that this often makes you the winner if you refuse to give into baitings.

That was a classic flash...must show it around!


Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 10:28 am
by Fenrir
I say you PM it to the new people emediatly when the join. I think one of the mods should PM this or something like to them.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:09 pm
by MoonKit
Lupin wrote:That reminds me, didn't we have another thread for flash videos?

That was a great video!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:03 am
by FoxOfWar
Seen it before, and I share the opinion that newbs should view this upon coming here :D

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:07 am
by Syzygy
Kirk Hammett wrote:I enjoyed that. We've all been culprits at some stage (Hell, I don't even know half the internet slang, ask Word Wolf!), but maybe we can help some others out too.
I know exactly what you mean, I once couldn't figure out what nvm meant... (But that was a long time ago.)

:dunce: :D

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 3:13 am
by Lupin
MoonKit wrote:
Lupin wrote:That reminds me, didn't we have another thread for flash videos?

I wasn't kidding :grinp: (There are two, but this is different enough for its own thread.)

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:23 am
by Vuldari
Syzygy wrote:
Kirk Hammett wrote:I enjoyed that. We've all been culprits at some stage (Hell, I don't even know half the internet slang, ask Word Wolf!), but maybe we can help some others out too.
I know exactly what you mean, I once couldn't figure out what nvm meant... (But that was a long time ago.)
:dunce: :D
Many Intenetisms took me a LONG time to figure out, and some I still don't quite get.

Does "Woot" stand for anything? ...or is it just another way of saying "YAY"?

...and what the hell is *g* ?

I'm sure there are more that I can't think of now as well. This stuff is just really annoying sometimes...especially when you have no idea what anyone else is talking about.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:17 am
by WordWolf
Vuldari wrote:
Syzygy wrote:
Kirk Hammett wrote:I enjoyed that. We've all been culprits at some stage (Hell, I don't even know half the internet slang, ask Word Wolf!), but maybe we can help some others out too.
I know exactly what you mean, I once couldn't figure out what nvm meant... (But that was a long time ago.)
:dunce: :D
Many Intenetisms took me a LONG time to figure out, and some I still don't quite get.

Does "Woot" stand for anything? ...or is it just another way of saying "YAY"?

...and what the hell is *g* ?

I'm sure there are more that I can't think of now as well. This stuff is just really annoying sometimes...especially when you have no idea what anyone else is talking about.
Anything within a pair of "*"s is an action.
So *sigh* means the poster sighed. *rolls eyes* means the poster rolled their eyes. *grin* or *g* is a smile.

"Woot" , AFAIK (As Far As I Know), is basically a 'yay'.

Here's a few links for internet abbreviations.

http://programming-references.exclamati ... ssary.html

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:22 am
by Kirk Hammett
I've never heard of *g* before? I can see why you are called Word Wolf :D

I don't like many abbreviated internet terms, but I find them nessessary for messaging on a mobile (cell) phone as it saves money. I hate doing it even then. It confuses me.


But anyway, on topic, this is a pretty funny clip.


EDIT: Heh...looking at those sites, I swear I've never heard of G as an abbreviation of grin before, and I'm not a new internet user. Not an old one either, but not a newbie. I used to build a lot of sites and was good at it once, but you can see I've forgotten it all, by looking at the dazzling childish looking Australian site I have yet to fix.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:27 am
by Vuldari
I know the *(action)* thing...

...but how is " g " a smile? I don't get it.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:31 am
by Kirk Hammett
Eh Vuldari I edited my post without realising you'd posted, although you phrased an actual can anyone pick G for 'Grin'?

G could mean Great or Guppy or Green or Gertrude...


Great Grey Galloping Ghouls!

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:36 am
by Vuldari
Kirk Hammett wrote:EDIT: Heh...looking at those sites, I swear I've never heard of G as an abbreviation of grin before, and I'm not a new internet user. Not an old one either, but not a newbie. I used to build a lot of sites and was good at it once, but you can see I've forgotten it all, by looking at the dazzling childish looking Australian site I have yet to fix.
I only see it on certain web forums, and there everybody put's *g* or *g*g*g* at the end of thier posts instead of :) or any other actually recognisable emoticons.

Making up your own language that no one else understands and then trying to communicate with it is just about the dumbest idea I've ever heard of.

...on that thought, I Hate |33t speak. Image

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 4:43 pm
by Anubis
Vuldari wrote:I know the *(action)* thing...

...but how is " g " a smile? I don't get it.
In real life, "G" is slang for guy, it's like an urban "dude"

but in the internet i don't really know what it means :|