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Two sad things

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:25 pm
by fredriksam
There is two things i,m very sad about. I think i begin with the most upsetting first

My dog is sick and maybe dying... :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Recently i noticed Keno not being as lively as before. He has mostly been eating good but has not the spirit to walking long walks. Then, in the beginning of this week he has started having seizures.

This is his typical seizure. He throws up bile , then within twenty seconds, he's on the ground flopping around for about 30 seconds and slobbering and losing bowl control. He doesn't seem conscious. He then pulls out of it, and is disoriented a bit and spends the next fifteen mins. refamiliarizing the surroundings. Then, he tries to play but doesnt seems to have the strentch.

I have talked to a vet and the prognoses didnt looked good at all. His blood work is very bad. The vet said it was best he would be put down. But i have a very hard time doing that. I love him so much and i,m feeling i,m not ready to let go of him yet. In the other hand, i dont want him to suffer just because i want to have him longer.

This is the hardest part i ever had been through. I dont know what i should do about this. Letting him go or try just a little longer. I feel its just unfair for him if i keep him and he is suffering. What do you guys think is the best to do?

The second bad thing is that the movie we are working with doesnt seems to be done. The studio that buyed it hates our new screenplay. They say the movie MUST have some musical numbers AND fart jokes.

We decided NOT to have such things in the movie. Plus that some clips we have done has surfaced on Youtube. The person responsible for this are kicked out from the project and will be sued for it. But the damage has been done and the studio is afraid that the movie will flop without fart jokes/musical numbers.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 2:42 pm
by Vicious_Sweetheart
Did the vet say there is any way to medicate him so that he does not have the seizures? Or did they find out why Keno is having them in the first place? I am so sorry, Fredriksam, Its losing a member of your family if you let him go. But if he is suffering.... We had to let go of my parents dog last year, so I sympathize. Whatever you decide, my heart goes out to you and your family.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 3:25 pm
by BlackWolfDS
In June my sister had to put her dog down becuase of lymphnode caner. When we found out about the cancer, she put Jasmine on Kemo therapy. She went in every friday for 6 months to keep this dog alive. My sister gave Jasmine medicines to keep her healthy, but it didn't stay in for a long time. Whenever Jamsine ate, she would throw up. Then one day, (6th months later) Jamsine wouldn't eat and she stoped eating for two days. She wouldn't play and wasn't very active at all. That's when we knew it was time.......

In the end, the final dicision is up to you. It will be a hard choice but you have to keep in mind that you're doing what's best for the animal. If you can save him, do it. If you can't......cherrish the time you have left with him and make the last part of his life the best.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:36 pm
by White Paw
as far as Keno goes...i hope everything turns out o.k love him and im sure what ever choice is made that it was for the best....

on the movie...dont give sure theyre are many out there that will love the film just because they didnt doesnt mean it will never happen....

good luck on the film and my/our hearts are with you and Keno... :mourn:

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:24 am
by Kirk Hammett
Ahh man good luck with both.

Keno is of course your family and pack, and unfortunately if he is suffering, maybe he should be put to sleep. If I were in that position, I'd ask my family to put me to sleep (Which isn't legal), but dogs can't express in the end, you have to try and judge what is best, and that sucks.

Get a few different vet opinions. This can sometimes yield different results. But whatever the choice, I'm sure you will be there for him and with him until the end. Give him a big smoochie hug from me!

As for the movie, this is just a bump in the road, and there's many of those in anything in life. It sucks, but you're gonna have to deal with it, and the idiot who released the clips. I guess you gotta ask yourself if it matters that the clips are out, and if it does, then maybe you can get them deleted from Youtube fast.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:03 pm
by MoonKit
Oh man...I dont think I could put an animal down if I had to. Thats a really tough decision. Im very sorry about Keno. :(

And if you dont want certain things in your movie, try finding someone else who will take it the way it is. I believe one should never settle.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:32 pm
by Anook
What exactly is wrong with Keno? What exactly, is wrong with his blood?
I mean, is it some kind of disease or what? Eh...sorry for asking a lot of questions. It would help if you could tell us though.
Depending on whats wrong with him; medication could help.
Like I said, it all depends on what exactly is wrong with him.

Since he is suffering a great deal(you implied in your post.), then euthanasia maybe the best choice. I know you don't want to leave him and you don't want him to leave you. But, you don't want him to suffer.
Its hard to let go of a pet, I know. I mean, your pet is your best friend, family, baby, and as owners. We constantly want them to be with us and we want whats best for them. I am very sorry for what your going through and I know you don't want to make the horrible decision of putting him down.

Ask your vet and see if there is any posible treatment for Keno. While your at it, go to another vet and get a second opinion.
If treatment is not possible and he's not getting better(only worse), then euthanasia maybe be the last thing to do.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Oh, when your around Keno; you need to try and be as happy and as positive as you can be. He will since your saddness and it will put him in a state of discomfort. Animals can just sense things like that about us, so you don't need to be sad around him. Well, try not to be, even though I know it will be hard to.

Since Keno is a Sibarian Husky, then you should go online and look up disease that are most common in the breed...that could help you to understand what he may have.

Please give Keno a hug for me and I hope treatement is possible.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:11 pm
by fredriksam
The vet has replied to some questions i had. Where i live we dont have so many vets aviable.

Okay... He said Keno has the seizures because something is wrong with his kidneys so he gets "poisoned" by his own food. He also said i can give him some medication BUT this only delays the invintible. I have talked to my family and sadly we own say the very same thing. Its better to have him euthanasted. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

This is because both i and them care about him and doesnt want him to suffer. Keno is actually 12 years old so i can safely say he has lived a healthy live with me and my parents. My parents have had him when i have been away.

I have made an opponient with the vet on monday. Until then i will give Keno the best toys he likes and letting him sleep in my bed. I also try being happy when i,m with him so he feels secure. Last night i howled with him a while. He seemed to enjoy that.

Sorry no clips because my camera is "weird" right now. Will work it out pretty soon.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:32 pm
by Moon_Lover
I have a question: Did anyone ever feed your dog chocolate, or some similar material?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:15 pm
by fredriksam
No, never. I always make sure he gets the right food. Only bad things he has eaten was poop one time. I told him NO!! and he never did that again. He has also "eaten" parts of a tree we have, but that was about 2,5 years ago and he didnt reacted.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:23 pm
by forsaken_wolf
well if a dog was to eat chocolate FROM WHAT I WAS TOLD that it would get sick and die.... and i was like WHHAAAATT?!

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:25 pm
by Set
It depends on how much chocolate, but yes, it's EXTREMELY bad for them.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:54 pm
by BlackWolfDS
My dog ate 36 chocolate balls, a pound cake, 3 sticks of butter, and chicken bones. Not at once mind you. And she's fine...after throwing up like a mad wolf.
she's so sneaky.

Edit: Oh and we didn't give her all that stuff. She is very crafty and knows how to open a trash compactor, rip a box to shreads and she even figured out how to get up onto the counter.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:45 am
by Okamiotoko
from wikipedia:
A typical 20 kg dog will normally experience intestinal distress after eating less than 240 g of dark chocolate, but won't necessarily experience bradycardia or tachyarrhythmia unless it eats at least a half a kilogram of milk chocolate. According to the Merck Veterinary Manual, approximately 1.3 g of baker's chocolate per kilogram of a dog's body weight (0.02 oz/lb) is sufficient to cause symptoms of toxicity. For example, a typical 25 gram baker's chocolate bar would be enough to bring out symptoms in a 20 kg dog.

So it depends on the size of your dog, and the kind of chocolate he/she eats. I know my dog (a Beagle) has eating about 20 oreo cookies and been ok. But, she felt really sick afterwards. :P

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:43 pm
by Anook
In my opinion, its very stupid for an owner to feed their pet chocolate. I mean, why would they give it to them in the first place, when they know they shouldn't

Anyways, Besides chocolate being high in fat, it contains caffeine and theobromine. These are two different types of stimulants that affect the central nervous system and the heart muscle. These also increasee the frequensy of urination.

No, if your 50 pound dog eats a chocolate bar, it probably won't cause him serious problems, but if he eats a pan of brownies. He may start to vomit or have diarrhea.

Once the toxic levels are reached, the simulants kick in, and then you have a serious problem. Symptoms of the stimulants include: restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination and/or excessive panting. If you pet isn't treated as soon as possible, the he could begin to have seizures and possibly die.

Oh, and it all depends on what kind of chocolate it is too.

So, if chocolate is so bad for them, then why give it to them.
Well, some people accidently leave chocolate out somewhere and they don't think the pet can reach it. Well, they can, unless the chocolate is up too high.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 4:57 pm
by nachoboy
that really is a bummer, fredriksam. hope you can pull through it, man.

one time, my dog was shot in the head (i dunno with what type o' gun)

i and was so sad when my dad told me he was gonna be put to sleep. :cry:

luckily, we were able to save him.

but another time, my gerbil had a strole (a gerbil having a stroke isn't all that pleasant to watch) and he died. that was pretty horrible. :mourn:

anyways, good luck with your movie.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:50 am
by Lukas
you think its bad feeding a dog choclate? my family has to constanly watch are cat mooch, because apparently if a cat eats just a little bit of choclate then there died soon

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:23 pm
by Anook
Well, I meant both cats and dogs. I just used dogs as an example.