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Werewolf game idea.

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 6:23 pm
by Black Fang
Ive thought of a werewolf game like that Assassins Creed game and Prince of Persia.

Story: You are a commander of a new squad of rookie werewolf fighters, for centuries you have lived in peace with the humans, until word comes in that humans are breaking through the Great Barrier (sort of like the Great Wall, but this has 4 walls seperated by 10 miles each), and the Council has sent your squad to help the army hold them off it has some ancient mystery stuff, and secrets that you find along the way, until one final showdown with a huge Human army

Gameplay: I was thinking of being able to switch between your squad of 7 werewolves, and being able to raise their stats as well as your own, this will be in real-time, and lots of action, Ive had this idea that you are being shot with multiple arrows and you jump on each arrow like a staircase and slice the guy shooting you right in the face.

Weapons: Mostly swords and other melee weapons, definitely some kind of magic, and probably some bows.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:45 pm
by wolfman1991
Sounds interesting. Probably something i would play :) . I myself am working on ideas for a werewolf game trilogy. Trying to explain it there would probably take forever since im very deep into the process and...well there just soooooo much. To make a long story short it will be centered mostly upon a boy named Joshua who is struggling with the chages hes going through...werewolf changes of course :D . The plot is much more complicated than that but thats the MOST basic i can be.
Gameplay will range from shooter/3rd person action adventure in the first game. The other two will mostly be 3rd person action adventure. During the 3rd person gameplay which will be as the werewolf form of Joshua you will be able to take just about anything around you as a weapon. Lamp posts, beer bottles, pipes, whatever. Or you could just use your claws...whatever works for you :P. I myself prefer bashing everything with a lamp post like a manic but hey thats me.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:33 am
by deruty
I might actually be able to make that....might

I'm currently working on an FPS/3rd Person Project. I really don't have much of a storyline, yet. I do want to make it Sci-Fi with a Fantasy twist though. Meaning Guns in a Medieval Era :) . Adding werewolves never occurred to me :o

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:58 am
by Machine-Whisperer
deruty wrote:I might actually be able to make that....might

I'm currently working on an FPS/3rd Person Project. I really don't have much of a storyline, yet. I do want to make it Sci-Fi with a Fantasy twist though. Meaning Guns in a Medieval Era :) . Adding werewolves never occurred to me :o
You mean Steampunk?

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 4:35 pm
by deruty
No...I am a programmer and recently got graphics engine running. my team and I are still wondering what to put in it though XD