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Eye problems?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:14 pm
by vrikasatma
Got this idea when posting to the "most sensitive part" thread...

What happens to your contact lenses when you shift? Do they pop out or stay in? Or does the shift make them unnecessary?

Does becoming a werewolf and/or shifting "cure" any congenital eye problems? It would stand to reason that it would, since the eye is transforming into a different shape.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:57 pm
by PariahPoet
Haha, I've wondered that myself! :P

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:00 pm
by Uniform Two Six
Nah, you'd just need a pair of perscription Doggles.

(Great mental image, BTW).

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 4:18 pm
by Doruk Golcu
Another related question: what would happen to implanted material, dental fillings, dentures, pacemakers, prosthetic limbs? I am sure this was talked about somewhere... but most people don't have major implants, they have fillings... does the enamel rebuild itself? Considering how much the teeth change, probably...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 5:49 pm
by vrikasatma
H'mmm, good question.

I would imagine that when shifting to wolf form, any lost teeth would be replaced by shifting bone matter so dentures, bridges, crowns and fillings would pop out...but upon shifting back, that tooth would be gone, just like before.

In the case of contacts and dentures, that's easy to address, just keep spares on hand. But otherwise...some tricky questions being asked at the dentist...
"Kathy, this is the third day in a row you've come back here saying your crown popped out! Why is this happening? What have you been up to?"

Another possibility...yes, you're no longer nearsighted, but you've lost reds and yellows...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:17 pm
by Scott Gardener
I'd expect them either to pop out or stay in place. Wolf eyes have larger corneas, so the lenses won't fit. But, a soft lens likely would stick anyway.

Wolves are nearsighted, so one might think the lenses would actually benefit the shifting werewolf. However, ill-fitting lenses can cause significant problems, scratching the cornea and causing pain.

Advice to someone about to shift: take the lenses out beforehand.

Another possibility...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:07 pm
by RedEye
Here's another look at the quuestion:
Let's suppose that the Were' loses some Color vision because of the conversion of Cones to Rods in the eye: (improved night vision, which Wolves do have) with the resulting "Pastelization" of more really bright colors, but wow, can you see after dark!. There is no reason to assume that there would not be some correction-of-vision change, as well...perhaps a certain amount of farsightedness (Wolves have excellent distance vision).
Now, just for fun, why couldn't some Were'ing changes be permanent?
Teeth, for example? Sense-of-smell, for another? Where does it say that all Werewolf modifications have to disappear when the Were' shifts back to Human? I know, it's traditional; but would it have to be so? Some Were' changes might persist into the Human form, especially if they aren't visible (don't cue the Villagers with torches, they're not needed). That actually would make for a better story, since now the Were does have something to hide during the day.
Anyway...that's my two bits worth...

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:52 pm
by Aki
Scott Gardener wrote:I'd expect them either to pop out or stay in place. Wolf eyes have larger corneas, so the lenses won't fit. But, a soft lens likely would stick anyway.

Wolves are nearsighted, so one might think the lenses would actually benefit the shifting werewolf. However, ill-fitting lenses can cause significant problems, scratching the cornea and causing pain.

Advice to someone about to shift: take the lenses out beforehand.
I'd have to agree.

And I don't think Lycanthropy would cure eye problems. Its' not a cure all.

Think of it this way:

Before shifting, Lycanthopy makes a note of how the body's set up currently, IE, hair color, length, eye color, the length of your pinky finger, etc. Stuff like that.

This is saved.

Then shifting, woo, werewolfness, etc.

Shift back: Use saved note to return body to previous state. Save things that can't really be taken note of (tattoos, peircings, etc.)
Nah, you'd just need a pair of perscription Doggles.


Edit: Feh! Damn anti-hotlinking image. It was fine when I originally posted this.


Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 2:12 am
by Rhuen
I would say the contacts would fall out.
I wouldn't say it would give you better sight, while you may not see in the dark human vision is actually better than wolf vision as far as color spectrum is concerned. canines rely more on scent,
but its really not a matter of better or worse, but different. A werewolf may see things more "blue" where you would see things as "yellow" tented. and trust their noses more than their eyes to locate things.

As for prosthetics. I wanderd this myself in terms of a cyborg. If the brain of a werewolf was placed in a cybernetic body "nano-based, or Bio-Android" I could see the Werewolf curse "especially if magical" infect those body types, but not a completly mechanical one.
a werewolf brain in a metal body would be weird. guess in the end it would be like clinical lycanthropy. Wolf in mind but not in body.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:21 pm
by White Paw
color blindness....lack of depth perception....possible cataracts in the eyes....???? :)

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 7:11 pm
by Mad_ferret
Well, here is what i think. I believe that when shifting, werewolves can cure wounds and stuff (which may take an undetermined amount of time depending on the type of wound). Think of the shedding skin, or the way lizards can grow tails back.

The alteration of the body may, eventually, cure something. It would then be possible that the alteration would be able to fix the different parts of your eyes, thus removing the need for glasses. It could also possibly grow limbs back, there for the need of prostethics would be gone. And with teeth, like a shark, they could be grow back, and be healed. Also, the cells in their body may be able to heal themselves over time.

If a werewolf has something like a peircing, depending on how they shift, it may be a pain to them, or they may not feel it. With tattoos, it may be hidden under the fur. If their body size increases when they grow, then the tattoo would simply be stretched with the skin.

If they did try to do some body alterations, they would have to make it so that It could easily adjust to the changing bodies, and make it comfortable when changing, and in any form they change to.

Well, that's just my humble opinion on things.

Ferret out.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:56 pm
by Terastas
If I was a werewolf, this is one of those questions I wouldn't want to find out the answer to. Regardless of what happens, I think most werewolves would take them out.

I also have my doubts as to wether a werewolf's vision would restore to 20/20 upon shifting, but I'm pretty confident they would see the world differently in werewolf form than they do in human form. That said, if even a slight change was made to the werewolf's eyes, his prescription lenses would no longer fit his condition.

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:19 pm
by ChaosWolf
Contacts are of minimal concern.

What about surgical implantations, like bone-pins, artificial joints/plates, or silicone/plastic parts like those for post-trauma facial rebuilding or post-mammectomy breast reconstruction?

When the artifical parts are INSIDE the body, what occurs to them when shifting?

Posted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:23 pm
by Figarou
ChaosWolf wrote:
When the artifical parts are INSIDE the body, what occurs to them when shifting?

I feel sorry for the person who has a steel rod in the bone from a fracture.


Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:09 am
by JoshuaMadoc
*Pictures a horror b-movie spoof where a run-in-the-mill frightening werewolf desperately looks for his contact lenses after change*

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:20 am
by Figarou
*pictures Velma along side of werewolf looking for glasses*

Posted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:21 am
by Okamiotoko
This just begs the question "you wouldn't hit a werewolf in glasses, would you?" :nerdwolf: :jester:

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 2:22 pm
by Amarok
Once there is wolf blood running through your vanes, your healing, smell and hearing get's better even when not in wolf form there is still wolf blood running through your vanes. (I am only sure of this when its a person born as werewolf I'm not sure a person who got bitten keeps those ability's when in human form.) :wink:

Re: Eye problems?

Posted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 4:00 pm
by neoritter
vrikasatma wrote:Got this idea when posting to the "most sensitive part" thread...

What happens to your contact lenses when you shift? Do they pop out or stay in? Or does the shift make them unnecessary?

Does becoming a werewolf and/or shifting "cure" any congenital eye problems? It would stand to reason that it would, since the eye is transforming into a different shape.
I would say that eye sight might be limited. I mean wolves and dogs (personal experience, hence the listing) can both have eye problems. Cataracts can form, etc.
Now for simplicity you could just say that the eyes heal when someone transforms. But thats kinda taking an easy way out. I like think of more down to earth werewolf. Since, this creature is somewhat outside of nature, similar to humans, a small eye problem wouldn't be that big of a deal. It may not seem like a pleasant thought but I'd rather see a werewolf with glasses.

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:03 am
by Rhuen
Thought on this. Going with the perfect predator approach.
The werewolf is a hybrid of human and wolf, supposedly takeing the best of both to form a new life form and makeing it better than either alone.

I would say with this approach with the dog eyes being bad, except for seeing in lower light, it should have, in my opinion, human like sight with the pupil and iris able to adjust for canine vision in lower light.
"kind like how a Dolphin's eyes reshape so it can see underwater and in the air"

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:41 am
by vrikasatma
That was my thought, pretty much.

My personal take is that lycanthropy, or at least the physical shapeshift, would "correct" or compensate for any physiological shortcomings or liabilities in the host. This means illness, diseases and parasites are purged, injuries healed, syndromes short-circuited. Hence my maintenance that "if I really was a werewolf, I wouldn't have gotten cancer."

Historicality aside, think about it. A kind of backhanded personal justice? A radically seductive fatal path-taking? The lure of both power, freedom and a life-reset? In a handbasket: "The bad news is, you turn into a bloodthirsty wolf periodically. The good news is, you don't have tuberculosis anymore."

Posted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:49 am
by Amarok
Thats right my friend :) :wink:

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 4:31 pm
by Scott Gardener
I figured that lycanthropy would use the human DNA as the reference of how to go about putting one back into human form. Thus, lycanthropy could fix a lot of problems that are acquired through life, such as lost fingers or holes in your ears (such as from pierced earrings), but it wouldn't be able to fix genetic problems that are there in the original source code. Thus, if I were a werewolf, I'd have incredible healing, but I'd still need glasses. Worse yet, if I underwent Lasik surgery or radial keratotomy, I'd still need glasses a few shapeshifts later.

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:01 pm
by vrikasatma
Argh! I'd be fertile again and lose all my tattoos!! :cryeyesout:
Okay, so I'm missing a finger joint and I'm nearsighted. I'm definitely NOT a werewolf... :|

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 5:26 pm
by Rhuen
Scott Gardener wrote:I figured that lycanthropy would use the human DNA as the reference of how to go about putting one back into human form. Thus, lycanthropy could fix a lot of problems that are acquired through life, such as lost fingers or holes in your ears (such as from pierced earrings), but it wouldn't be able to fix genetic problems that are there in the original source code. Thus, if I were a werewolf, I'd have incredible healing, but I'd still need glasses. Worse yet, if I underwent Lasik surgery or radial keratotomy, I'd still need glasses a few shapeshifts later.
so your view is it would be like the Factory Restore on a computer then? just put everything back the way it was originally, or would have been in a natural growth?